The mind of a single [M] pervy, swinger, kinky, adhd, sex addict.

"My mind is in a tunnel state. Ever so slightly nausious, my body feels like Im hovering. Focused but unable to redirect my thoughts… Im enthraled in all things pervy, kinky, and sexy."

So Im staying with a friend for a couple days and get a 5am wake up text. "Wtf, girl?" "I was horny" so I stroll back to the bedroom… "you could have just sat on my face, pretty sure I was dreaming along those lines anyway"… and I go to town. We get ready for the day and go off to live life. My mind keeps wandering. Every time Im anxious or frustrated I suck a lip or finger. The sweet lingering taste of her pussy. Then my mind jumps to how half ass the morning was. I knew she wanted choked, pounded, treated like a whore.

Almost anything takes my mind to the wondful kink Ive gotten a taste for… a drug, a fog. When you get so freaky, single becomes a bigger predicament. Feeling like a hormonal virgin teen… sure, I could get laid, It no longer cuts it… I need excitement. I need something new, I have to keep moving forward. Vanilla dosn't cut it. Once in a while dosnt cut it. Monogamy dosnt cut it. This is my drug… I need it and I may need help.
