I've experienced, and done things that most people twice my age in my area havn't, or even thought of. New and exciting adventures in the bedroom (or out) and discovering the bodys and sexual tastes and differences of new partners has long been my drug of favor. With my exterior, public self not reflecting my sexual prowess and getting the feeling of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel… It leaves me wondering… should I have held back on the new and strange to expeirence more later? Should I leave the place of my roots and vanilla tastes for a more sexually liberal location? Should I chase this part of my personality that seems to overwhelm the rest of me?
Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2wpurg/27_m_vent_and_thoughts
Yes! Move while you’re still young enough to enjoy it!
There might be some people much older than you that haven’t done some of the stuff you have…. But there are also a lot that have been in your position and who have twice as much knowledge and exposure to particular things you haven’t discovered yet! Do you really think you’ll get a lot older and stop enjoying sex but won’t have any new "non-vanilla" things to do to get the fire back in your sex life? Nah dude, I definitely don’t think you should worry about this. Even if what your fear is true, there’s absolutely no point on missing out on these adventures that YOU and your BODY are allowing you to have at this age.
I guess alot of my concern is that its not so much the act that gets me going as just the new and exciting. I’m getting to the point where Im running out of things Im comfortable doing besides living in a rural area where kinksters arent all that common. I would love to be part of a much bigger kink scene but I have kids here who need me and I also enjoy the rural lifestyle very much.
Go it while you’re young.