The Merman’s Embrace

He placed my hand on a rock jutting out of the water, and in leaning my weight on the rock, I located another smooth and flat, under the surface. I made myself comfortable using the two as a recliner, the water coming up to my chest, and gestured for him to join me. Coming toward me he placed his hands on my thighs instantly causing a spark of excitement and a rush to my head. I gasped as he leaned in and placed his lips to my neck, sucking hard enough as to be almost painful, and then began nibbling at the edge of my ear, his breath soft and warm. I wanted to stop him. To talk. To get to know him. But I had lost control of all of my senses the moment he touched me. I floated in a cloud of passion, losing all sense of where I was, eyes closed feeling only his lips, his hands moving over my body. His mouth traveled down to my chest and somehow my top came loose at the neck freeing my breasts to bob at the water’s surface. Hands cupping each, his lips gently took in one erect nipple. Opening my eyes I peered down at him. His eyes were closed as he savored my soft bosom. My hands ran through his thick mane. Abruptly his eyes opened catching mine hypnotically. They seemed to glow, bright green in the dim evening light. One hand brushed down my midsection, past belly button, tickling my skin as it moved lower. The button between my legs grew to meet his touch as he delicately moved over it causing a soft moan to escape my throat.

Lush lips releasing my breast with a soft smacking sound, he sank down into the smooth water. I could feel the hip strings of my swim suit bottom being pulled, the newly released strands floating around me, the panty pinned to the rock under me. His tongue pushed between my lower lips and encircled the sensitive bundle of nerves within. Gripping his thick hair in my fists I pressed his head closer. His rock solid hands holding my hips, he pressed his face to me, sucking, tongue rocking up and down over my sweet spot. My hips tilted upward involuntarily, and rocked subtly in conjunction with his movements. Just as my body began to prepare for release he slowed, almost to a stop, then began again softly, taking me to the edge again. Repeating this several times I speculated fleetingly just how long he had been holding his breath, yet unable to focus on anything but the ever growing balloon of pleasure, the thought passed almost instantly.

As if struck by lightning, an explosion of acute pleasure erupted from below, shooting straight into my brain. An eternity passed, my body frozen in the grips of the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced. I became aware of a deafening moan, almost scream, which I promptly realized was coming out of me. As if waking from a beautiful dream I came to, the sights and sounds around me ever more dazzling. My lover took me into his arms and carried me toward shore. My body limp and completely relaxed, he laid me down in the sand at the water’s edge placing his head in the crook of my shoulder and hand across my middle.

I ran my fingers through his wet hair and down to his face, tilting it up to kiss his lips. After parting again I glanced down at our entangled bodies. Bolting upright suddenly I stared unbelievingly at what I saw. Where his legs should have been instead was what seemed to be a large fin. Eyes wide in confusion I looked back to his face to catch his ever friendly smile beaming back at me. “What…” I stammered, “who, what… what are you?” Panic set in and I stood to run. Run where? I backed slowly away.

Hey there. First time posting, I hope this is okay. This is an excerpt from my first amazon published short story. I am very interested in getting opinions and feedback. My book is available on Amazon now and will be free this Sunday through Thursday if anyone is interested in downloading it. I would love it if anyone here would download a free copy and write a review. I will post a link to it when it becomes free. If you want it before then, just search Cora Croft on Amazon.

Thanks for looking!
