This is a Part One of a story I wrote for my wife titled, ‘My Professor Rocks!’… Enjoy. [Mf]

Author's Note: This is the first time I've ever shared any of my writing with the public. If you enjoy this, please let me know and it will continue to post the remaining parts, thanks.

You are a young, intelligent Archeology graduate student. You have a very manageable two years of tutelage remaining before realizing the fruition of all your efforts in the form of legitimately endorsed eligibility for the Doctorate Individual Subject Assessment and Individual Thesis Layout, which is a graded and timed assessment requiring successful introduction of a newly developed hypothesis/theorem the correlates with your chosen field of study. Needless to say, the majority of time spent is consumed by a amorous devotion to the quest for a well deserved prefix of Dr. More often than not in an anxious state of mind, mentally shifting between an unavoidable fear so intense that your natural view of the world may become twisted into stress induced hallucinations and irrational phobias.

Next your ill fated to reach a level of stress inducing thoughts relatable to spontaneously boarding the next form of transportation leaving town and never returning because it seemed like a viable option in comparison with your continually decreasing mental stability. So, naturally each individual who decides to trek the intimidating path towards earning their doctorate is intimately familiar with the gnawing, pit in your stomach feeling, combined with a terrible anxiety, saddled by a crippling terror of encountering career destroying incidents around every corner…

Of course when an opportunity to win the chance to receive your doctorate by participating in the experience of a life time presents itself, you are intrigued. Bestowal of complete exemption from the two dreads of earning your doctorate and would instead earn the prestigious title by completing the remaining two semesters of your academic course in a newly proclaimed excavation site located in southeastern Egypt.

During this time you will be expected to foreshadow the duo of archeologists heading the project. In addition, you would gain knowledge in real world applications and career oriented job experience. Also you would be afforded the opportunity of being granted unlimited access to the most recently discovered excavation site in the world.

This event is being referred to as The First Look at Our Unknown Past, due to the accepted notion that this was an untouched historical site. According to numerous soil samples, the average period dating has proven older than any previously annotated site discovery in human history.

The most recognized hypothesis supports that this site could potentially yield valuable contributions to the validity of recorded human history. Meaning the possible discovery of variations that could, for the first time in our history, provide viable comparisons to previously accepted historical findings.

The most important thing you need to know is that Sam was privy to details concerning the entire site situation that no one else had discerned thus far. The bestowal of this knowledge was the result of her unintentionally eavesdropping on a private exchange.

This conversation cast doubt on the validity of the duos claim to primary site discovery. In actuality, the site location had been unexplainable donated by the true claimant to initial discovery. It still shocked and humbled her that, with a brief glance across the lecture hall, she could freely observe the only man who truly deserved the global renown and respect, instead selecting to selflessly passed it on to another party.

She was referring to the man who boasted unequivocal prowess in the instruction of all Archeology and World History courses afforded by the University. He was also the only professor with whom she harbored an admiration that, at times, veered dangerously close to romantic interest. Sam had always revered him with the utmost regard. He was the teacher who asked his students to refer to him by his first name.

This request had been a manifestation of his attempt to rid his life of unneeded stress, which included several steps towards a more relaxed lifestyle. His self healing quickly resulted in his transformation to the, cool teacher.

The extreme lifestyle change came to fruition following an epiphany in which he decided to step back and reanalyze his life, realizing he was of an age where the facade of respect warranted by meaningless titles no longer interested him. That disinterest in conforming to the monotony of social etiquette had initially lit the spark of adoration that Sam had nourished and coaxed to flame.

His most disarming feature in her opinion was the aura of self confidence he exuded that declared, "I'm well aware of my strengths and I've come to terms with my weaknesses. I'm content with my lifestyle as well as the untold pride I receive in preparing my students to confidently stride in the same footsteps I once defiantly followed in my youth."

Regrettably, she seemed to encounter a level of guilt and shame when the thought of him emerged. She wasn't ashamed by the thoughts themselves, but at the consequences that flashed through her mind if she even slightly swayed from thought to tangible desire. She always overanalyzed this, allowing her mind to retreat right back to more pleasurable thoughts of doing things to him, of him doing things to her.

She had never let herself seriously consider acting on the urges he brought forth in her, she prided herself in self control. Although she knew her control would be of no help in an actual encounter. She had no choice but to fully accepted that he did certain things to the hormone-driven region of her brain to which she had no defense. This had been proven on several occasions where the two had inadvertently met. The memory of their encounter at the public pool had been permanently etched in her mind.

Her thoughts shifted, she had been in shock at the sight of him, nothing could've prepared her for when he removed his shirt. She visibly shivered at the thought of his enticingly toned body, but her breath had literally been stolen when she realized he possessed several artfully placed tattoos….

She'd always had a schoolgirl weakness for tattoos and the delight she experienced when his body art was brought to her attention didn't compare to the surge of heat that had radiated from between her thighs. She vividly recalled the alluring view of her professor standing half naked in front of her, had stirred a longing within her that was so intense she was forced to retreat towards the sanctuary of the pool in an attempt to avoid discovery of the increasingly evident dampness that was rapidly conquering the fabric of her bikini..

She could honestly admit she had never been turned on that fast and to that degree by anyone before and he wasn't even focusing his attention on her. She couldn't begin to discern an effective defense if he showed serious interest. She could admit one thing though, she knew she'd never stand a snowballs chance in hell if she were faced a genuine offer by him to meet any one of her numerous fantasies.

With the whirling emotions stoked by that prospect, Sam shook her head furiously, she had to get her mind back on track, as she vainly fought a losing battle against the tempting visuals dominating her mind. They always seemed to star an entangled duo of sweating skin and primal lust, which, more often than not, left her breathless and moist.

Suddenly, she is snapped back into reality by the bell signaling the end of class. As she rose from her seat she leered despairingly at the throngs of excited students rushing to the front of the lecture hall where the ballot box associated with the miracle contest sat. Sam couldn't stop thinking that winning that opportunity would effectively cement her future stability.

It was her turn to sign a ballot, she scrawled her signature as large and legible as possible, squelching the possibility of confusion if her slip was chosen. Placing her ballot in the box, she looked up at the corner of the lecture hall.

Her gaze landed on Jamie as he casually leaned against his desk studying a slip of paper. Even the naturally masculine stance he assumed caused tingles to surf throughout her body. Her interest eventually emerged the victor against her ethical reasoning as she meandered Jamie's way, even attempting to add a little more sway to her hips, avidly trying to coax a measure of sensual energy to her approach.

The professor lowered the paper he had been studying as she arrived. "Oh, hey there Sam, what can I help you with?" Even the earthy soprano tone of his normal speaking voice reverberated through her body.

"Shit, even his voice turns me on, I'm seriously doomed." The foreboding realization skirted across her mind as she commanded a warm, welcoming smile to her face.

"Yes, huh, *Professor*….. I mean Jamie? You prefer to be called Jamie right sir?"

A throaty chuckle welled up from his chest as his crooked smile stole Sam's already tentative breath. "You may definitely call me by my first name Sam, and don't worry about that awkward sir at the end either." Raising his arm to slide large fingers connected to an enticingly larger hand through his shaggy brown hair.

"Are you feeling lucky today young lady?" He inquired with a barely distinguishable layer of playful curiosity.

"Lucky? I…I'm not sure what you mean sir… I mean Jamie?" She muttered, evidently shaken by the subtle undertones of his question.

"I'm referring to the contest naturally haha, do you think your luck with come through and net you the win? I can tell you want it badly, it's written all over your face. I'd say its either that or you're tragically failing to quell some rising sexual urges?"

Sam sputtered uncomfortably at the question, releasing a flurry of sporadic coughs….

"I'm only joking dear, I didn't mean anything by that. It wasn't my attention to make you uncomfortable!" The apology replaced by a nervous laugh.

Sam finally composed herself and managed an awkward smile,"Don't worry Jamie, I caught your intent."

With a surge of courage foreign to her, she added,"Although I'm not entirely certain how I would've reacted if your meaning had been genuine…"

It was Jamie's turn to embrace a shocked expression, which exited his face quickly.

"On another note, the contest results will be revealed tomorrow during class, maybe if you want it really badly, the results may decide to show you their favor.." He stated, cooling avoiding the earlier situation.

Sam heard his words, but they failed to really reach her. She was in the throes of being assaulted by images of him that threatened to veer dangerously towards the things wet dreams consisted of.

"In that case, I'll definitely be sure to want it really badly for the rest of today and tomorrow leading to the announcement. Do you expect that would bolster my chance of winning?" She asked demurely, slowly becoming more accustom to the fragile game of sexual undertones layering their exchange.

Her recent realization was apparent to him, resulting in the next question. "I can say with confidence that any activity you decide to engage in tonight could be vastly improved if you would consider extending an invitation to me." His finality left no chance for her to misinterpret.

She envied his ability to know what he wanted and his refusal in denying himself those things. The ball was fully in Sam's court now, he had clearly stated his intentions, holding no fear of repercussions. Now he had played his hand and awaited the possible outcome.

Her mind raced,"What should I do, should I invite him over? He's my professor! But he's so fucking sexy! If he comes over could I really go through with what whatever his intentions are?" Erratic thoughts filled her mind as her stomach did flips.

As she mentally weighed all viable options, he decidedly stepped in and answered in her stead."Look dear, I have your home address in my planner, I'll come by around 8, if you've decided you don't want company just don't answer your door, no harm done. Now, I've got a date with the gym so, if you'll allow me to escort you to the hallway?"

She stood there immobilized by the implications of what had just occurred… With a shake of her head in an attempt to organize her thoughts, she summoned a smile and nodded, linking her left arm around Jamie outstretched elbow.

Without hesitation, he swiftly led her to the hallway, retracting his arm to lock the classroom behind him.

"I believe I'm headed in this direction my dear, but in parting I will inform you… there's a big part of me that really hopes you're there to greet me tonight. Just remember… I have no expectations of anything and you shouldn't feel pressured to actions you're not okay with. See you later beautiful."

With that, he reversed his direction and sauntered away from her.

She stood there, watching his cocky posture as he walked out of sight. "How is it that even the way he walks makes my legs tingle!? What have you gotten yourself into Sam?" The irony of her internal questions trailed behind as she turned and departed the hallway.

A single ray of sunlight lingered across the back of Sam's couch, casting an ungainly shadow the length of her carpeted living area. That shadow was lost in a whirl that was Sam, obsessing over one area and onto another, grasping stray clothes in one hand and wielding a worn dust cloth in the other in her rapid attempt to regain a level of neatness warranting company.

She compulsively spent several moments arranging and rearranging the centerpiece of magazines that resided atop her dark oak coffee table. Eventually settling on a months old copy of Game Informer as the face of her alternative centerpiece.

Darting eyes shot rapidly at the clock on a sparsely adorned wall, 7:39 shown menacingly back at her.

A piercing yelp rose up from her, "Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! He's almost here and I haven't even changed yet!" A growing terror found its temporary home within as she raced to the bedroom.

Keeping with her residential pattern, the bedroom housed a large feather top bed positioned centrally, adjacent to an antique era entertainment center that supported a modestly sized television. At an angle from the tv stood an ungainly dark oak dresser sporting the only source of decorative enhancement the small apartment possessed. It was depicted in the form of an elaborately adorned wood framed mirror that shone in stark contrast to the conventional fashion sense that settled on the remainder of her charming abode.

Drawers were yanked with wild abandon, gusts of wind ruffled a few garments, direct results of closet doors swinging outward threatening the serenity often worn due to her sharp scrutiny and infallible attention to detail concerning her wardrobe. That serenity had been roughly discarded in a mad rush to assume an outfit she deemed fitting for her impending encounter with the man that frequently appeared in her more private dreams.

She had decided shortly after arriving home that she would indeed greet Jamie at her door, invite him in, offer refreshment and conversation, playing the role of gracious host and refraining at all costs from physical contact.

The most challenging dilemma she faced was combatting her guest's expected sexual advances. As long as she kept her decision in the forefront of her mind, she was confident in her self control.

In the midst of reviewing the rhetoric of rules she placed on herself, the importance of sticking to her boundaries sputtered out like a dying flame as the doorbell signified her guest's arrival.

She greeted Jamie at the door before his second rings chiming had fully sounded. He was veritably overjoyed as the door was swung wide before him. An uneasy feeling had blossomed at the possibility of rejection, especially from her, malevolently creeping its way into him, deeply seating itself the entire way over and had finally abated its assault on his tender nerves only after the flood of relief washed into his mind at seeing the inward swing of her door and Sam inviting him inside.

He admittedly overlooked every detail of her apartment, he couldn't even force a feigned glance of its hygienic state, for his attention was dominated by what he now bore witness to.

She was his ideal picture of desire personified, pleasingly clad in a tight fitting thin blue tank top who's transparency immediately accentuated the delicious visual feast she had gifted him with by forgoing the conservative safety of a bra.

The lack of that single article, usually warranting no more than a cleverly disguised double take. But here, in this intimate setting, he desperately struggled to reign in an awakening erection before it reached noticeable girth.

Every part of him surged with a growing suspicion that she had meticulously considered each garment's potential for erotic appeal culminating in a pair of jean shorts more accurately described as a jean belt.

After a few agonizing moments, Jamie realized he had been standing there transfixed, mouth agape, drinking in her appearance and offering no comment.

"You'll have to forgive me Sam, I seem to have forgotten my manners. In my defense, I was struck speechless at the sight of you. This is an intriguing change of pace from your usual class attire."

She stood there with the faint makings of a smile fighting for dominion of her face and the unavoidable blush of crimson staining her cheeks.

"I do believe, I've succeeded in making you blush my beautiful enchantress." He cooed at her exceedingly scarlet visage.

She responded with a playfully exaggerated sigh, "Please have a seat wherever you like, would you care for something to drink?"

Jamie refrained from sitting until she had chosen her place on the couch, then he brazenly chose the area immediately within the confines of her personal space.

She stiffened tentatively at his intimate presence, but refrained from ostracizing the act.

A sly smile appeared on his face at realizing he'd successfully navigated her first physical barrier.

"I think I would like something to drink after all, if you don't mind." He offhandedly remarked, his intentions far from refreshment.

Sam smiled one of her patented smiles he had inadvertently fallen for at first glance. She lifted herself from the couch and walked past the tv, turning it on, en route to the kitchen.

"Well, I have water or vodka, I highly recommend the vodka." She playfully sang.

"It depends on if you're joining me?" Jamie shot the question her way as his tongue rolled across his bottom lip suggestively.

"Hell, why not. Don't really have a reason to refuse I guess." Clearly informing him that she had taken notice of his brash antics.

She carefully poured two average sized glasses of vodka, during which Jamie was internally reviewing the finer points of his small experiment.

"I invaded her personal space and she didn't move away, the real test will be if she returns to the same spot after getting up.." He thought, settling on building his actions based on her acceptance or refusal of resuming their proximity.

As if on cue, Sam started back to the couch, vodka in hand, as she arrived Jamie chivalrously offered his hands to take possession of the glasses. What came next caught him completely unprepared.

Instead of returning to her previous position, she moved a bit closer to him, seating herself sideways on the couch, allowing her smooth silky legs to stretch across his lap.

"You don't mind if I make myself comfortable do you?" She pelleted him with her unblinking gaze, partitioning her eyebrows to raise inquisitively.

He smiled a large wide smile, leaning forward to marry the duo of glasses with the surface of her table. Leaning back into place, his expression radiated a commanding sense of confidence that sent expected and welcomed warmth up the length of Sam's legs.

Jamie mustered what courage he could and boldly placed his hand directly atop her legs. "As long as you will afford me the same comfort?"

Which was immediately met with,"As long as we're feigning etiquette, I don't have an issue with you getting comfy as well.."

The energy in the room had traveled from platonic neutrality on a trajectory fated to end with a union of unbridled passion and innocent exploration. Jamie welcomed the sublime sexual tension that unceasingly assaulted every part of him now.

In a fit of longing, throwing his regard aside, he commenced to slowly run his fingertips up and down Sam's warm, enticing legs. So engrossed in his task that he failed to even feign at gauging her reaction. Nonetheless he continued unabated, running his fingertips down the length of her legs to the tip of her toes and reversing his caressing motion to journey back up her calf, triumphantly arriving at the silky smooth thighs that had haunted his dreams on countless occasions. He continued his fragile, calculated assault by laying his entire hand on her exposed thigh, at which point he took careful stock of her reaction.

The image that greeted his scrutiny was that of a veritable goddess, an indescribable denizen of the purest form of sexual desire, who graciously allowed him to explore her endless array of desirable locations. Her only reaction, to lay her head back and close her eyes.

Jamie pushed his unfailing good fortune once more by rubbing her thighs with his entire hand, adding his adjacent hand and moving further north in a strategically covert attempt to infiltrate her remaining physical barrier.

Finally sliding both hands all the way to the point where both of her thighs met, in what he considered, the climactic treasure countless men had savagely fought and died for, in their attempt to bask in its divinity.

He had patiently traveled his sensual journey to the wavering edifice that placed her promise of sweet victory within his selfish grasp. Jamie battled with his internal struggle of having both hands resting above the jean shorts that had become the only thing barring his delving of Sam's most intimate parts. In an attempt to break that barrier, he ran his hand over her shorts, receiving no complaint, he proceeded. His breath quickened in his chest as he began to slowly rub harder and harder, stimulating that intimate region contained within Sam's inner thighs. To his delight and adding to the raging inferno that fought for release, he was met with a desire fueled wetness so intense it emanating right through those damnable shorts.

It was in that moment of clarity that he welcomed the validity of him actually turning her on as effectively as she was him, if not more.

With that epiphany in hand, Jamie boldly grasped the button of her shorts and upon meeting no complaints, continued to unbutton those skin tight shorts and lowered the zipper hastily to avoid resistance that he had not yet encountered.

Now the real challenge reared its arduous face, "will she let me take her shorts off, she hasn't tried to stop me yet. Hell, I'll never know if I don't try!" As the remnants of worried thoughts drifted from his consciousness, he abandoned his remaining inhibitions and spurred to action.

First repositioning himself for better access, he continued to rub her thighs and trace his fingertips over her sensitive skin. With a final now or never thought, he slid his hands up to her hips and gripped tightly to the shorts, lifting her lower body up with his legs, and began to slide them down the glorious length of her legs.

His heart stopped as she relented her slight moaning in sudden realization of what was taking place. He locked eyes with her, both seeing in the other a primal need pleading to be met.

Reluctantly he spoke,"I'm sorry if I overstepped my bounds, it's okay if you don't want to continue?"

Sam felt like she was drowning in a sea of conflicted thoughts and emotions, but after a moment of deep contemplation, she looked back at her potential lover and lifted herself, proceeding in the removal of her shorts…
