A Succubus’ Discretion [1]

He was sitting on the end of his bed unable to move. His hands felt like lead weights lying against the mattress, his back stiff and legs numb resting on the floor. He couldn’t turn his head but could hear the soft breathing of his girlfriend behind him. This wasn’t uncommon, Mark would get sleep paralysis a couple times a year though it was always frightening he’d learned that it would soon pass but what was different this time was that he was sitting up and looking out over the bedroom.

His eyes caught a movement off to the side. ‘Someone is here.’ Unable to see far enough into his peripheral vision, there was definitely something moving, getting closer. It stopped. He could feel a chill. The chill of something watching him – eyeing him up. He tried to look away, take his mind off what was surely a nightmare, he could see his bare flesh, the hairs on his arm and chest standing up he felt exposed.

Darting his eyes back he saw how close it was now, inches, it was white and cold, like ice, closing in closer and closer to his neck, he could feel his own hairs trembling away from it, his heart was violently thumping, the adrenaline and blood surging through his body, his mind was racing, he could feel his muscles clenching but could do nothing with them, then he felt it. A kiss, it was cold and dry but definitely a kiss from lips, though they were chapped and course they had that feeling of soft lips. A cool breath grazed his ear and a strand of silvery white hair came into view. It was… a woman?

As suddenly as he thought he was certain what it was Heather had stirred to his side, pulling the blanket close and squeezing it between her legs. “What are you doing?” He was draped in a cold sweat, his hair was soaking and he could feel his skin sticking to the mattress. He could feel his arms, his legs, everything but his heart was still thumping. “…A nightmare.” “Oh Puppy!” Heather had taken him by the arms and pulled him back into the blankets, draping them and herself around him with a soft nuzzle into the back of his neck. “You be the little spoon for now, I’ll keep you safe.” She spoke in that playful carefree way she always did. Finally feeling relieved enough to take a deep breath he could only mutter “Thanks.”

He didn’t sleep much that night, or the next night. He hadn’t stopped thinking about his ‘Night Terror’ when he got them or any strange nightmare or dream for that matter he often thought of himself as an amateur psychologist deducting what his subconscious was trying to tell him. Even going so far as to feel guilty for feeling his subconscious was craving for some female interaction, even as his girlfriend lay in bed beside him. Eventually the thoughts withered away as the weeks passed and it became an amusing memory.


She tucked her arms over his head, resting her forearms on his shoulders. “Don’t be ordering too many pizzas while I’m gone.” Smiling he took her by the hips and pulled her in for a kiss. “I’m making no promises.” “Love you.” “Love you too, be careful.” “I’m sure I’ll be careful enough with this lot.” She turned and opened the door, her bag packed to the brim and swinging close enough to his stomach that he held his breath for a brief second. The car itself looked absurd. The back seat window was taken up entirely by a giant inflatable penis. The roof of the car had cat ears and a Rudolph nose someone had stuck on last minute from Christmas. A voice rose from the driver side window. “Mark can come too if he wants to be one of the girls!” “He can tuck it in!” Then came the girly laughter that seems to emphasis itself when alcohol has been involved. Heather shot them back a glance that shut them up apart from quiet snickering and face pulling.

Shortly after that they were off, waving and blowing kisses to Mark. A slight tug in his stomach of apprehension came over him, he trusted Heather completely but there was always that feeling when she went out without him, especially on a hen party like this one. However he had no reason and no real want to stop her going out and having a great time with her friends. A weekend in, grab some beers, invite a friend or two round and do sweet nothing for two whole days. Closing the door brought about the stillness in his house. There were no children, no pets, nothing that would make a sound.

“Bzzzt.” Except for a phone. “Sorry man cant make it tonight melissas got a stomach bug wont stop being sick.”

He looking around the empty room and spoke aloud. “Pizza for one.” With his phone already in hand he made a call to have it ready and delivered for 6pm. The rest of the day and night was spent watching movies, eating pizza and going through enough beer for two people, as well as the occasional text to Heather. The movies and shows had began giving way to those casino shows, 24/7 news channels and shopping programmes which as for so many people were a sign that it was time for bed.

The stairs proved to be a challenge, bouncing between the bannister and the wall and making the last few steps with the help of going on all fours. His wobbly head was making navigation a pain. The rest of the journey from the hall to the bed was a quick stagger to the end of the bed and then collapsing into it face first. The blankets managed to swallow him up whole and within a couple deep breaths he was out cold.

A rocking motion was slowly waking him from his daze, there was a mindful dullness that told him he was still asleep but was aware of his dreams. He thought it could be sleep paralysis again and struggled but eventual managed to heave his eyes open, it was blurry and dark, impossible to make anything out at first but he could feel something… Again, he was sitting up, on the end of the bed, exactly as before, he couldn’t move anything his pulse picked up again as he remembered what surely must have been a woman in their room from before. He felt another tug, something was pulling at his legs, he tried to kick, someone was here and trying to pull him out of bed. His legs lay still, his heart was pounding, fight or flight reflexes were kicking in but he could do neither. Another tug and his trousers pulled out from beneath him, the waistline around his thigh.

His eyes adjusted to the darkness, slowly at first, he could make out something light, dark grey in front of him, his boxers were pulled out from beneath him just as his trousers were. ‘Someone’s broke in and is going to rape me?!’ It was the only thought that rushed through his mind, he was powerless to do anything, then he felt it. Something soft, light, delicate, it was hair. A long hair. A woman’s hair. It was silvery white. Just like last time, it was the same dream as before! This felt too real, even lucid dreams didn’t feel like this. A gasp escaped from his mouth suddenly, he felt warm moisture encircle his bare cock.

His heart was racing, all the adrenaline had given him a raging hard on and some woman has broken into his house. Her head sank only an inch or two and rose up again. The silky warmth spread down his penis and he could even feel her breathing out her nose, it was warm and soft on his skin. The woman’s face was completely hidden, her hair was all he could see and he couldn’t push her off or get away, he was completely at her mercy.

A small pale hand rested on his knee, it ran up and along his thigh, her nails rustling through the hair until it took a dive near towards his inner leg. His breath was as if he was shivering, he wanted her to stop, to leave him alone but the shock and panic was giving way to something else, pleasure. Her hand came to sit near his shaft, the thumb hugging the side of his balls and the fingers slowly coiling themselves over the shaft. Her head sunk deep, it near engulfed his entire cock. He let out a gasp and she a gag. It was the first sound the two of them made. She stopped. Her mouth was still holding his entire member prisoner as she bent it down and applied a little pressure with her teeth. She was looking up at him, smiling. Her skin was as pale as her hair, features were small and delicate, lips near as white as her skin but her eyes, her eyes were yellow. Not the hazel some people have but as yellow as the sun. Those weren’t human eyes…Her smile faded as quickly as it came, her eyes drew away from him slowly, lustfully running down his body until she was once again looking down at his cock, he winced at her expression and prepared for the worst.

Tell me what you think, I'm still new to this whole thing and haven't read every many so my style might be a bit off and probably hitting a lot of the ' DON'TS ' instead of ' DO'S '

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2tujcf/a_succubus_discretion_1


  1. This is great stuff! The best part was the last two paragraphs.. and if I had to make a suggestion it might be maybe putting the dialogue on separate lines. Very good submission though.

  2. Heh cheers. Ill see if I get time to write a second part. Hoping to use any crticism people here use to make each part better :)

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