What the Webcam Saw [MF, exh, huml, voy]

I untied the thin belt around my waist. My robe slipped off my shoulders, falling to the floor of our hotel room. “How do I look?” I asked, but his wide-eyed expression and hanging jaw told me everything I needed to hear.

“Y-you look amazing,” he stammered. But it was nice to hear it, too, I had to admit…

“Really? You don’t think these pasties are too small?” I wondered, gesturing to the small, black hearts adorned with turquoise bows, the only things covering my sumptuous, sun-kissed breasts. “I mean, they barely cover anything.” I walked closer to him, step by step, smiling inwardly as he squirmed on the bed, trying and failing to hide his growing desire. His pants bulged deliciously. “You can see almost everything. I might as well be naked…”

“It’s a good look on you… Why don’t you come closer so I can see how lovely you look, kitten?”

I mewed and bit my lip. “Well, if you insist…” I softly dropped into his lap, wrapped my arms around his neck, and stared deeply into his eyes. “Like this?” A familiar and insistent hardness pressed urgently against my bottom. I gently wiggled against it.

“Mhm… You look absolutely perfect,” he told me, in between delicate pecks on my neck and earlobe. “How do you want to spend our day together then, Milly?”

“I had an idea or two,” I confessed, as I undid the buttons on his shirt.

“I’m so sorry, kitten . You definitely deserve a reward after these last few days.”

“I’m already sitting on my reward… When do I get to unwrap it?”

He smiled and brushed a strand of hair out of my face, kissing me on my forehead. “Right now. I’m all yours, today. I promise.”

I ripped open his shirt and moaned, running my fingers through his chest hair and over his hard abs. I left a trail of kisses from his collarbone, down to his chest, to his stomach, down past his happy trail… As I started to fumble with his pants, his phone rang. “Ignore it,” I hissed, unzipping him.

“I’ll be quick!” he said, grabbing his phone, grimacing as he looked at the number. I sighed, feeling a touch of clairvoyance. “Hey Bill.” It was his boss. Again. “No, I’m not busy.” Liar. You’re busy with me. Or you should be…

“You’re on vacation,” I mouthed, but he looked away. Such a good employee, aren’t you? Let’s see how good you are at multitasking… I slid my hand up his pants, slowly, feeling his muscled legs through the fabric. My fingers reached his tumescent cock, curling around his shaft as I began to stroke him up and down through the fabric. He glowered at me, but he was trapped, unable to say “no.” A deep warmth spread between my legs. I clenched them tightly, trying to ignore the sensation, but it was inevitable. The sensation of his manhood in my grip, at my command, throbbing, hard, aroused, all because of me… I shuddered.

I kept my eyes locked onto his and smirked. He was at my mercy. I walked my fingertips up his cock, until I reached his zipper, slowly sliding it down. He tried to bat me away, but I dodged with a smirk. His boxers bulged through his open fly. I licked my lips as I reached in and extracted his manhood: thick, hard, strong, trembling gently with each pulse, and best of all, mine. I engulfed it at once.

He gasped loudly as my lips tightened around the base of his cock. “S-sorry, I just stubbed my toe,” he lied. “I’m sorry, what were you saying? … Right, right, the layoffs.” His fingers gripped the couch tightly. He filled my mouth completely, perfectly, as though we had been made for each other, for this. I moaned softly, unable to keep my desire contained. I hungered. I reached into my thong. It was already moist. I bobbed my head, taking him as deeply inside of me as I could while I swirled the tip of my finger around my clit.

I cradled his warm, heavy balls with my free hand, gently massaging them as I sucked and licked his cock. It throbbed between my lips, a burning hot spear inside of me. I slipped a finger between my wet lips, forcefully rubbing, slowly, rhythmically. I wished it were his cock inside of my pussy, pumping furiously, his bare manhood inside my most intimate of strongholds, until he couldn’t last any longer, until he surrendered and released his delicious warmth inside of me. The sounds of my slurping seemed to resonate through the room. Could his boss hear it? Did he know what I was doing?

My heart buzzed. My chest burned, the fire spreading through my limbs, down my abdomen, before igniting my loins. I wrapped my lips around his swollen head, the tip of my tongue exploring its contours as I softly lipped his crown. But I couldn’t be satisfied this way. I took a deep breath and engulfed him, slowly working my way down his shaft until I was against him, his cock stuffing me, almost choking me, reaching all the way to the back of my throat as I moaned in appreciation, in thanks, for being able to experience him. His hand reached down and tussled my hair. I was a good girl, I knew.

My finger slid against my pussy furiously. All I could think about was us. I wanted him to explode inside me. I wanted to taste him. I wanted to swallow every last drop of him. I wanted to suck him off again and again until he was dried up like an abandoned house plant. He must be close to cumming. He just must be. But how long would I last?

My muscles tensed. I shuddered, my knees weak. My thighs clenched against my hand, but I struggled to continue. I was so close.

I gasped.

My body quivered, still impaled by his hard, thick shaft.

I fell onto my hands and knees, unable to keep my balance, but unwilling to release his cock just yet. All my thoughts evaporated before the intensity of the orgasm flowing out of me. My nostrils flared as I fought to catch my breath. I clenched my eyes shut. White supernovas flashed in the darkness. Oh god… Oh god… A muffled scream escaped my throat as my body went limp.

I looked up at him, only to see him grinning back at me, phoneless. I released his cock with a wet gasp, a thin strand of saliva still linking him to my lips. “Where…where’s the phone?” I asked, gasping for air.

“I hung up already. You were…distracted. Lovely performance, by the way.”

“And you didn’t stop me? What a pervert…”

“I didn’t dare stop you when you were having so much fun, Kitten. I know how much you enjoy earning your breakfast…”

I punched his thigh. “Jerk! You owe me now! And I’m ready to accept my payment… You didn’t even give me anything… So how about you let me drink my breakfast now?”

“I have to work, Millicent. It’s important.”

“Work?! I’m offering to suck your dick and you have to work?! You can’t! You’re on vacation! With me! You’ve been working every day! When do I get time with you?”

“It won’t be long! And there’s lots of stuff you can do while I’m gone. You can go to the beach.”

“Did it,” I replied, standing up and climbing into his lap. His hard cock, still moist with my saliva, pressed urgently against me.

“I think I saw a sign for self-guided wine tasting downstairs in that fancy restaurant.”

“Isn’t that just ‘drinking?'”

“You can go snorkeling by yourself. You love the ocean.”

“I don’t want to do anything by myself! I can be by myself anytime. It doesn’t really require a lot: just me. We came here to be alone, just you and me, but your stupid boss keeps calling every single goddamned day and ruining it.

“Just tell him you’re busy getting blown by your beautiful girlfriend and can’t work! You won’t even be lying! We can just spend the whole day with you in my mouth…” I said, tracing slow circles into his chest.

“I can’t.” He gently pushed me away. “I have to go. Bill needs me.”

“I need you, too! Don’t I deserve some attention, too? Who cooks for you? Who plans great vacations for you? Who rides you like a stallion? Me or Bill? And if you say ‘Bill’ for that last one, you and me? We’re having a long talk.”

“You know you’re the most important thing in my life, Millicent. But you’re not the only important thing. Sometimes I need to focus on other stuff. Even when we’re on vacation. Look, I promise I’ll be back soon,” he explained as he got dressed.

“You said that yesterday and the day before and you took a long time both times! You need to start standing up for yourself! Do what you want to do and don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise! Be more dominant, damnit! Are you listening to me? Sit back down!”

“I will be back as soon as I can,” he swore with a kiss. Before I could object, he walked out the door, letting it glide back into place with a click as it locked.

I sat still on the bed as the clock ticked away. Fine, screw him. What did I need him for, anyway? I can have fun by myself. I stood up and tromped across the room, opened the mini bar, and sacrificed a small bottle of wine. And another. Maybe self-guided wine tasting wasn’t such a dumb idea, after all.

I tossed the bottle into the trashcan. Guess I might as well put on something more practical if no one were going to appreciate my outfit… I walked over to the dresser, but paused as I passed by the mirror, admiring myself.

Damn, I looked hot. I can’t believe he walked away from this. I leaned in and brought my arms in against my breasts, deepening my cleavage. My pasties left almost nothing to the imagination: every curve of my breasts was on full display for anyone willing to enjoy the view. The thong didn’t hide much, either. I had been exercising twice as much lately just to make sure I had the perfect ass for this trip, and John didn’t even appreciate it… What a shame. Someone should get to see me, at least. It was like hiding a Picasso in your closet: a crime against humanity.

My thoughts rewound. You know, someone should get to see me. You don’t throw away filet mignon just because some tasteless buffoon orders Taco Bell. You let someone else order it, instead. I looked over to the laptop. Before we started dating, I had been a bit of an online exhibitionist. I hadn’t shown anything important—I always kept my nipples and pussy covered—but the men watching didn’t know that, and I had been pretty talented at making them think they were just about to get a peek. There’s nothing sexier than the thought that you’re just about to see something good.

When John found out about it, though, he was pretty jealous. I had promised him I’d stop. And then when he caught me on cam again a few months ago, he was furious. My jaw ached just thinking about how much and how thoroughly I had had to apologize before he’d forgiven me.

But if he were just going to ignore me and leave me alone in the hotel room in my lingerie like some mail-order mistress, who was he to tell me who could see me? You can’t lay a claim in absentia. Besides, I wasn’t showing anything more than some of the other tourists did at the beach. Less, even, since I didn’t show my face. I knew that my viewers would appreciate me, at least. They always did. They’d just adore this outfit, probably blow their loads on the spot…

I bit my lip. John wouldn’t be happy if he found out, though.

If he found out…

I locked the door from the inside. I had waited for him yesterday, and he hadn’t come back for hours. I certainly had enough time for a quick show. I opened my computer and set up the webcam, framing it perfectly so that it cut off everything above my lips, while keeping my breasts front and center. I double-checked that I wasn’t showing more than I intended, and logged on.

The preview showed my chest. I gave a quick shimmy, grinning as I watched it repeated on the computer screen. Quickly, names began filling the chat as my guests were greeted with the sight of my beautifully tanned and barely-covered breasts. Comments flooded in.

“You’re so beautiful.” “My jeans are getting tight.” “Oh my god, such a tease.” A stream of adoration, of admiration, of worship flowed forth from the chat.

“Nipples, please.” “I love you.” “We need to get your clothes off ASAP.” My fingers fiddled with my pasties. It was so hard to deny them… I could almost feel the dozens of eyes burning through the stoic eye of my webcam, staring at my body, nothing more than flesh to them. Wouldn’t they be overjoyed as such a simple gift as my nudity? Wouldn’t they realize the bounty they were receiving? Jonathan just took it for granted after all this time, but they wouldn’t…

“You have great breasts and a nice smile!” “I just had to tell you that you’re absolutely and incredibly beautiful.” All of it, prayers for a starving goddess. I grabbed my breasts firmly, pushing them together for my audience, giving them a taste of my cleavage, wondering what they were all thinking, all doing, as they watched me. My hand left the keyboard. What I wouldn’t give to be able to read minds… I slipped my fingers into my panties…

Suddenly, a rebel battalion opened fire, shooting a salvo of bullets at my door. Or so it sounded. I jerked wildly, almost falling out of my chair. Just when things were getting good, I mourned. “Who is it?” I called out.

“Is room service, señorita! Your boyfriend sent a bottle of champagne and a box of chocolates for you,” a thickly-accented voice replied. I reached to turn off the webcam so I could answer the door, but my finger stopped, hovering an inch over the mouse. Why bother? They had already seen the front. Surely they’d enjoy a look at the rear, too.

“One moment!” I looked around for something I could use. Aha! I stripped the price tag off of a souvenir magnet and placed it over the webcam’s indicator light. “Get ready for a special show, boys,” I typed. I adjusted the webcam so that my derriere would be perfectly visible as I walked past the bed to the door, minimized the website, and turned off the screen. No one would know that the laptop was still running, its camera sending video across the internet to my eager admirers.

I stood up and strutted to the door, proudly imagining the comments to which I would return. I knew my ass looked fantastic. John couldn’t get enough of it. I idly tried to remember whether we had packed that riding crop. I wondered how the employee at the door would react when he got a view of this outfit… I was about to make some lucky guy’s day. I opened the door.


His eyes went wide at the sight of me, still in my lingerie. He dropped the box of chocolates onto the floor, and nearly lost the champagne, as well, catching it by the neck just in time. “M-Milly!”


“I knew you couldn’t stay away,” I bluffed. “By the way, your accent? Needs work. I’m pretty sure that impersonation counts as a hate crime.” I grabbed his collar and pulled him inside before anyone else could see us.

“You knew it was me? I wanted to surprise you…”

“Of course I did. You think I can’t recognize my lover’s voice? I thought you had to work. Why are you back so soon?”

He put down his gifts on the table and took me into his arms, kissing my forehead. His broad chest pressed against me. My heart fluttered. “I decided to take your advice and be more dominant. I called Bill back, told him I was on vacation, and that I had a beautiful, half-naked Filipina waiting for me in my room.”

“You didn’t!”

“Well, I didn’t mention the half-naked part, but I did tell him I needed to be with you.” His hand began to roam my chest, cupping my goose-bumped breasts. “Now, what was it you told me to do? I believe it was…’Do what I want to do?’ I think I’ll take that advice,” he hissed as he leaned in and took my earlobe between his teeth, nibbling gently as he grabbed my ass and pulled me against his frustrated cock.

I dug my face into his shoulder, biting his shirt, trying to stifle my moan. “Jonathan…” I whispered.

“Yes, Kitten?” he whispered, his breath hot in my ear.

“You’re so mean to me…”

“I know. But I’ll make it up to you, I promise. Right now.” I squealed as he picked me up. I wrapped my legs around him. He pressed urgently against me as we kissed wildly, passionately, our hands running across each other’s flesh and through each other’s hair. He carried me over to the bed and threw me down onto the mattress. This is finally, really happening.

He started to unbutton his shirt, but I sat up and took over for him, kissing him deeply as my fingers slowly undid one button at a time, gradually baring his broad, hairy, masculine chest. I ran my hands up his abdomen and pecs, savoring his virility, his manliness. “Glad I came back?” he asked.

“Very…” I gasped as he cupped my breasts, tenderly massaging them. I could feel my nipples hardening against my pasties. He must have sensed it, too. His fingers slipped underneath them, peeling them off of me, revealing my cocoa-brown nipples. His eyes lit up as though he beheld a winning lottery ticket. He continued to caress one while he wrapped his lips around the other, suckling gently.

“I love being alone with you,” he mumbled.

A drop of cold realization splashed against my mind. Alone. We weren’t alone. I looked over. My webcam was aimed directly at us, at me, at my bare breasts, at my bare face. My hands flew to my chest as I looked away. “Wait!”

He paused, an expectant grin on his face. My mind raced. What could I say? I couldn’t tell him I had been on cam again, he would be furious. Excuses, excuses, come on, good excuses… “I’m…shy…”

“You? Since when? I can’t even remember the last time you wore a top to bed. No, you’re just playing hard to get, kitten.” He grasped my wrists, threatening to pull them away.

“Let’s fuck in the shower! We’ve never tried that before!”

“There’s a reason for that,” he said, kissing my collarbone, slowly melting my resolve. It was getting harder to ignore the desire in my loins… This wasn’t good… “It’s not very comfortable. I much prefer a mattress. Although if you want to try the beach tonight after everyone’s asleep, I’d be up for that…” He pushed me down gently and climbed on top of me, his rigid cock brushing against my inner thigh.

I had an idea.

I pushed him over, getting on top of him, hoping my hair hid my face. I kissed his lips, his neck, his chest, leaving a trail of kisses all the way down to his stomach as I hurriedly struggled to undo his fly and get his pants off of him. I could at least finish things up quickly. A few minutes of sucking and he’d be in the shower to clean up long enough for me to turn off the webcam. It wasn’t ideal, but at least I’d be able to keep myself more or less covered, and hopefully preserve some dignity.

I tugged off his pants and boxers. His cock sprung up, pointing straight up. My smile opened. It was always a thrill to see that magnificent manhood in front of me, ready for me to take it inside of me and swallow his essence. His thick head, gleaming red, his delicate balls, the bulging veins running along his shaft. My hand was wrapped around it before I was fully conscious of what I was doing. Damn muscle memory…

“You deserve a treat. How about I finish what I started this morning?” I asked. His deep, primal moan as I laid down between his thighs and engulfed his cock were all the answer I needed. I bobbed my head, taking him deeper and deeper into my mouth, no longer teasing, just furiously trying to bring him to orgasm, to make him empty himself inside of me. I craved the taste of his hot, sticky cum. I yearned to feel his cock pulsate as it released jet after jet of his semen into me. And I knew he wanted the same thing. His hips bucked, forcing his dick deeper into me. I ran my fingertips up and down his thighs, relishing his gasp. His masculine musk filled my nostrils.

I pulled his cock out of my mouth and began to lick with urgent, wanton abandon. I slathered my tongue along every inch of his smooth, virile shaft. I looked up, into his dark brown eyes, and smiled. From the base of his cock to its tip, I flicked the tip of my tongue up and down. His hands gripped the sheets. He must be close. I looked over at the laptop.

I wondered how I looked right now. Were people watching me right now? Were they enjoying the sight of me fellating my boyfriend? Were they…would they be masturbating to me right now? I pondered how many men were jerking off to me right now, how many thick, hard cocks were being stroked, how many guys were cumming to me, to the thought of their cock in my mouth… I bit my lip.

I lapped at his cock just beneath his head, that small patch of skin where he was most sensitive, coaxing out his orgasm. “Cum for me… ” I pleaded. I wanted to feel his hot cum on my face, on my lips, inside my mouth. I wanted to suck every last drop from his cock, I wanted to empty his balls, I wanted all of him inside of me. My juices dripped down my thigh. My panties were drenched.

“Not yet,” he groaned, sitting up. “You deserve a treat, too.”

“What? No, no, it’s fine, really. I want to make you cum.”

“I insist.” He rolled me onto my back and kissed my moistened panties. I crossed my arms, trying to cover my breasts. “Wet already?” he teased. I nodded meekly. He smirked that damned, cocky smirk of his. I shuddered. He slowly pulled my underwear off of me, peppering my crotch with kisses, each kiss getting deeper, hungrier, his tongue darting between my lips…

He parted my thighs and settled himself between them, quickly focusing on the task at hand. His hand rubbed my thighs. His lips brushed against me, fleetingly. I could feel his hot breath against me. I was panting. “Just do it,” I begged.

He did.

I moaned, my breath escaping me as his tongue penetrated me. He began eagerly lapping at my womanhood, his broad tongue painting pleasure across my canvas. My superego was yelling at me. Tell him to stop. You’re on camera right now. Everyone can see you. But all these arguments were in vain against my pussy’s compelling argument of “Let him finish!” Damn him, damn him, damn him! Why was he so good? My hard nipples poked against my palms as I began to caress them.

He licked eagerly, his head deep between my thighs. His lips alternated with his tongue, electrifying my body. I felt as though I would melt into the bed, slowly, lick by lick. I mewled. My pussy grew hot. I feared he would burn his tongue on me, but he continued, undeterred.

He flicked his tongue across my clit. My toes curled. I writhed atop the sheets, my limbs tensed. I raised my hips, trying to force his tongue against it, but it just wasn’t enough. I yearned for more.

“Fuck me,” I moaned.

He came up from air. “What was that, kitten?”

“Fuck me. Hard. Please. I want you inside me. I need you.”

He growled and climbed on top of me, his hard cock pressing urgently against my moist lips. He pinned my arms to the bed and kissed me deeply as he grinded himself against me. “Don’t tease me,” I pleaded. “Just stick it in.” I could only imagine how I looked on webcam. What sort of cock-hungry slut was I?

But I didn’t care. I’d still be begging for his cock even if the pope himself were watching.

He raised his hips and entered me. I moaned. Finally! His thick head pushed past my entrance, his hard shaft filling me up perfectly: we were designed for each other, I just knew it. He slid in, deeper, deeper. I wanted all of him inside of me. I wrapped my legs around his hips, pulling him into me. He began thrusting, his cock pumping into me, hard.

“Don’t stop,” I begged. I pulled his chest against mine, my nails clawing at his back. A familiar creeping sensation grew in my thighs. My body warmed, heated by my desire. His breathing grew heavier. He went faster and faster. He groaned, a deep, primal sound. I was close, so close to relief.

My body tensed. I wrapped myself around him. With a final, powerful thrust and a wild moan, he came inside of me. His cock spasmed. His hot seed emptied into my pussy. I sighed, the sensation pushing me over the edge, his cum bringing me to orgasm. More, more! I mentally prayed. Was there anything more intimate than this most natural of acts, our goal as animals, when a man releases his semen inside of his beloved?

My heart fluttered. My muscles shook, quivering, as I screamed his name: “Jonathan! Jonathan!” My pussy clenched around him, refusing to let him go just yet. My back arched. I dug my nails into his flesh. His name vanished into a wordless, endless moan. A supernova of energy exploded through my body.

I collapsed, as though my body had finally been relieved of an enormous tension. He kissed me. “That was wonderful, kitten. Want to join me in the shower, and then we can do some sightseeing?” he asked.

I nodded weakly, breathing heavily, spread-eagled on the bed. He smiled and slowly withdrew himself from me. His cock glistened from a mixture of our juices. He stood up and walked into the bathroom.

I lay in bed, panting. My body ached happily. I could still feel his cock inside of me. I just wanted to lay there and wallow in this sublime bliss. The shower turned on. Through the walls I could hear Jonathan enter the water. I sighed and eased myself out of bed and hobbled to the computer, Jonathan’s semen dripping down my thigh. I covered up the webcam with one hand while I turned the screen back on with the other. They had seen enough for one day.

I moved the mouse up to the bright red “X” in the upper right corner, before a comment caught my eye. “Holy shit, that was amazing!” “Dear God, I wish my girlfriend enjoyed giving me blowjobs half as much as she does!” “I wish I could fuck her like that.” I wish I could fuck her like that… My cheeks burned. The sentence repeated in my mind. I exhaled sharply through my nose and turned the screen back off, moving my hand off of the webcam.

“Oh, darling,” I called out as I scampered into the bathroom to join Jonathan. “When will you be ready for Round Two?”

Hope you enjoyed it! If you liked it, my blog is matthewvettblog. wordpress .com/

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2sxwg5/what_the_webcam_saw_mf_exh_huml_voy