Office Fantasy [M][F][oral]

this is my first time writing anything like this, hope you like it

Just another day at the office, another day I get to see her. Melanie, my receptionist. Just the thought of her begins to stir my cock. Average height, perky breast, sexy legs, and her long brown hair always in a neat bun or high pony tail. Before I know it my mind begins to wonder, day dreaming of us together, and what she would look like naked, what she would look like straddling my hard cock. My thoughts dissipate when I hear a knock knock at my door. “Come in”, “Good Morning Adrian. I have those reports for you” Melanie walks toward me, and I cannot help but appreciate her perfect form, and the way she walks, giving a bounce to her perky breasts, wearing the traditional office attire, white blouse, black tight pencil skirt, lace stocking and to be different from the other girls bright red high heels. Nothing overly sexy, but most definitely appealing. “Thanks Melanie, just leave them on my desk”, “How many times do I have to tell you to please call me Mel” she says with a laugh as she leans down to put the documents on my desk, I look up just in time to catch a peak down her shirt to see her perfectly shaped breasts cupped by her lace bra. “Is there anything else I can help you with this morning?” “No thanks Melanie. Ah. Sorry. Mel.” She turns around with a smile and leaves my office, I take a moment to admire her perfectly rounded arse and the way the tight skirt outlines the shape of her panties, as well as the way her arse sways back and forth when she moves. I have to shuffle in closer to my desk, hoping to hide my growing erection.

By mid-morning, my thoughts can no longer stay on track, all I can keep thinking of is having her hands down my pants rubbing my hard cock while her body’s pressed against me kissing me with all the passion in the world, or even fucking her over my desk while she screams in pleasure at the feel of me filling her up, that would just to make my day so much more interesting. Instead I have afternoon meetings of impending court cases, and meetings with clients. Luckily as my receptionist she has to come with me to all of these meeting as she carries all my supportive documents to make my cases more substantial. knock knock she opens the door without warning “Adrian, you’re 11.30 meeting is in 10 minutes, are you ready to go? I have all the paperwork ready for you”. Does she even know how sexy she is? “I just have to make a quick phone call, start making your way there, I’ll catch up”. I have to find an excuse to be alone with her.

As the meeting finally come to an end Melanie and I walk out together, both exhausted after listening to the constant battling of the senior law partners discussing who should be assigned to a particular case and who shouldn’t. “Would you like me to go get the files for the York case from the archive, so we can get started on them?” she says as we make our way back to my office. “Sure, I’ll take those files and ill meet you down there, there’s a few of them to get” this is the perfect time, hopefully we’ll be alone.

As I make my way down to the archives, my mind is racing, my heart is in my throat, butterflies in my stomach. All these months of fantasying, dreaming, visualising could come true. Just thinking about running my hands over her soft skin, over her breasts, down her legs, threatens to overwhelm me. Using my security code to get into the room, so they can monitor who comes and goes so no confidential files go missing. I don’t see her straight away, but I do hear noises towards the back of the room. I yell out in question “Melanie?” “Over here” I hear in response. As I make my way to the sound of her voice I come across a spectacular view. Melanie, bent over with her arse in the air trying to find the right files, her skirt stretched tightly over it, clearly outlining her lace panties, with the skirt stretched so tight it started rising up, so I’m able to catch sight of her inner thigh, she’s wearing lacy hold-up stocking rather than panty hoes, just enough skin being revealed to make my wind wonder. The view is amazing, I can feel my cock reacting to the sight, growing in size, swelling, wanting to be sheathed between her legs.

Ahem I clear my throat so as to not startle her. She doesn’t even flinch “Can you grab the York case files from the top shelf, I can’t reach” as she stands up and walks over to me standing only inches away. So close, I can smell her delicate perfume, and even see the little hairs running down her neck, so close, all I have to do is reach out and touch her. She points to the box she wants down, sitting on the top shelf, as I’m reaching up to grab the box I feel a hand run from my the top of my chest down into my pants pockets. It’s Melanie. I’m transfixed watching her, even through the material, it feel sensational, a gasp escapes my lips. She steps closer to me, presses her chest up to me, I can feel everything, the way her breast move to my body, and how she practically wraps herself around me. As I turn to look at her she removes her hands from my pockets and steps in front of me, reaches for my hands and places them on her arse and puts her arms to the back of my head pulling me in for a kiss.

It’s like nothing I’ve ever felt. Her tongue swirling with mine, her hands through my hair, nails scratching my scalp as my hands roam over her body, exploring her, the feel of her skin against my hands, pulling her closer to me, pushing my hips into hers. She begins grinding her hips against the now large bulge of my pants, she begins to groan with desire and we stand there locked in our embrace. She pulls away breathless. “I got tired of waiting for you to make a move, don’t you think I haven’t notice the way you tend to drift off whenever I’m around?” I’m speechless, she wants me. She looks around to check if anyone else is in the archive, and kneels between my legs, undoes my belt buckle and zipper, pulling down my pants and briefs, my cock springs free, she grabs it with both hands and begins stroking it, her soft hands moving up and down my shaft slowly, the feeling is extraordinary. I begin to moan, “That feels amazing”. She continues to stroke it as she peaks up through her eyelashes, her eyes full of lust, desire and passion, “Oh really, just you wait” she opens her mouth and begins licking and sucking the tip of my cock, before taking it fully in her mouth. With each suck going deeper and deeper until she takes my entire cock in her mouth, her tongue swirling and flicking the tip sending delicate shivers throughout my body. With every movement bringing me closer to climax, she’s so confidant with her moves, knowing exactly when to pick up speed, and when to slow down. As she begins picking up speed I can’t help but moan, making her smile. She starts unbuttoning her shirt but gets too distracted with sucking my cock.

Right when it was getting too much and I’m ready to explode, she releases my cock and stands up and begins passionate making out with me, our tongues swirling together, pressing her body up against me. I pick her up, her legs wrap around me, her skirt now bunched up around her waist, I pin her against the shelving so as to take some of the weight. I reach around and start teasing her clit through her panties, feeling already how wet she is. I slide my finger around the thin material and finally touch flesh, and begin slowly rubbing her clit, around and around, moving my finger all around her pussy. She lets out a gasp and hangs her head back, her eyes roll back at the feel of my touch, I take this moment to trail kisses from her jaw line down to her breasts taking one nipple in my mouth, sucking and swirling to increase her pleasure. Letting my fingers do the work, I start by sliding one into her wet pussy slowly stroking her from the inside and still rubbing her clit with my thumb, then sliding in another finger to really start filling her up. “This feeling so fucking amazing” she says in a groan, meeting my eyes, I can tell she wants more. I start moving my finger in and out faster and faster, until I can feel her body’s response, she begins to quiver and tense. She arches her back, gripping my shoulder with one hand and the shelving with another squeezing her legs tighter as she says through clenched teeth “im coming” as wave after wave of pleasure rolls through her body while I finger her.

Still holding her up, I walk over to the desk. I lay her on top, as she releases her legs still wrapped around me. She continues to undoing her blouse buttons. Both panting with lust and desire now. I start by kissing her with all the passion and lust I’ve ever felt from the moment I met her, I move down to her neck, her breast pausing a moment to pay close attention to both, then her stomach, I kneel down and kiss her thighs starting from her starting and making my way towards her pussy. I move her panties to one side and begin licking her pussy, teasing her clit with my tongue, slowly at first, mimicking the way she sucked me then picking up speed sucking and licking like my life depended on it, she begins grinding her wet pussy against my mouth. “More, I want more” she says in a groan as she continuously grinds her hips against me. As I’m alternating between licking and sucking her clit, I slide one finger into her now exceptionally wet pussy then two “aaaaahhhhhhh” Melanie groans in reply.

I begin moving faster and faster as her body begins to shake with her impending orgasm I tear myself away from her pussy and stand up and align my cock just before her entrance and slide it up and around her clit, coating my shaft in her juices and ever so slowly I slide into her dripping wet pussy “fuuuuccckkk” she says as she arches her back and grips on to the table. Sliding into her pussy for the first time was unbelievable, so tight and wet. I begin moving in and out torturously slow. “Faster Adrian, fuck me harder” she says breathless. I Begin picking up speed, my balls slapping against her arse. She reaches down and starts rapidly rubbing her clit, bringing her climax closer to reality as I fuck her tight pussy. I reach forward and start teasing her breast, rolling her nipple between my thumb and finger, she groans in response, her eyes rolling to the back of her head.

I start thrusting into her harder and faster, each thrust brining her closer to her climax and bringing me to mine. After what seemed like only minuted I feel the very familiar sensation of my climax surfacing “Fuuuck I’m gonna cum” I say through clenched teeth. Just as Melanie reaches the peak of her climax, tensing her entire body, arching her back, no longer able to hold it in, I release my juices, shooting wave after wave of cum into her tight little pussy. I slump against her, no longer able to stand straight, after our rapid coupling. Catching our breath Melanie says “I’ve wanted that for some time now” we both just laugh.

I slide out of her, watching my cum drizzling out her pussy. I pull my pants and boxes up and tuck in my shirt as she pulls up straightens up her skirt and buttons up her blouse and fixes her hair. Both grinning like teenagers having their first sexual experience, we gather the York files and walk out the archive. As we get into my office, Melanie says “We’re definitely going to have to do that one again”, she walks around to my desk and straightens up my tie. “Your 1.30 meeting is in ten minutes, what files would you like me to get” she says with a grin, and she walk out to her desk. Alone. That was better than I ever imagine, yes, we definitely have to do that again.
