[nc][blkmail][Mf] License and Registration, Please

Officer Reynolds, yeah, he's hot, but he's got a fucking stick up his ass like no one else. It might have something to do with the fact that his entire life evolves around law enforcement. His dad is the chief of police and his mother is a lawyer, so perhaps he feels a bit entitled, especially around new recruits. Either way, when he does talk, it's absurdly snobbish. I think he'd be good to eye up if he just kept that trap shut. If you subtract his less attractive features like his arrogance and the way he turns his nose up at everything he deems unworthy, and focus on the more physical features: his chiseled cheekbones, strong jawline, piercing blue eyes, sun-kissed skin, that sexy disheveled brownish hair, and the most perfect body, he's a god. And the way he growls when he is angry. I'm sure a lot of girls would be okay with that for a good fuck.

He doesn't generally do his watches with a partner. I think it's because no one can stand being alone with him for more than thirty seconds. Anyway, he had a watch on one of those dark evenings, where the moon was awake but only just, and the crickets were humming from the brush, and cars breezed by. I guess he was feeling a little horny that night, because, well.. don't tell anyone I told you, but he had a fist full of his gleaming cockmeat and was jacking it so furiously from his seat in the parked cop car, when a red car sped by faster than it should have. Angry and sexually frustrated, officer jack-off turned his lights up and pulled the car over, stuffed his junk away and greeted his victim.

As far as I've heard, the bulge in his pants was unmistakable, so when he came up crotch high to this tiny car and leaned in to see a young woman dressed in a small dress, I think she had an inkling of what was about to happen. "You been doing some drinking tonight, miss?" he had asked, not even looking at her face, but obviously at the milky mounds hidden immodestly by black lace.

"No sir!" she squeaked, her delicious pink pout parting to utter the words. She handed him her license and registration, which he took and stared at. "So.. Beth," he read from the license, "you were going pretty fast there, weren't you?"

She said nothing. His impatience got the best of him. "I'm going to need you to step out of the car." She did as he said, opening the door and placing one beautiful porcelain, long leg outside the car, quickly followed by her tight body wriggling loose from the seatbelt. She closed the door behind her, feeling scared and on the verge of tears. "Sir?"

His eyes were roaming her body, the creamy smoothness of her exposed skin, the short skirt of the black lace dress she wore, with black peep-toe pumps on her beautiful feet. She had big breasts, a tiny waist, and a sexy round ass. Reynolds grabbed her shoulders and turned her around, pressing her front against her car. His hands ran down her body after he forced her arms out in front of her on the car, in the universal search position. She obviously wasn't hiding anything, especially when he ran his hands down her thighs and hiked her skirt up over her ass to reveal a silky pair of panties. She gasped and whined, he clamped one of his hands over her mouth and brought his mouth close to her ear. A gruff, harsh whisper, "you're going to enjoy every second of this. Because I could have you arrested for any number of things and no one would bat an eye. Understood?" The girl nodded, terrified at this situation.. a man of power taking advantage of her.

"Good," he groaned into her neck as he pressed his hard erection against her ass. Tears welled up in her eyes when his hands snaked down and one cupped her silken panty-covered cunt. It was moderately wet and hot down there. He growled in satisfaction. She heard the undoing of a belt behind her and the sound of heavy trousers hitting the ground. At once, her panties were slid down her legs, she was hoisted up with her breasts pressed hard into the roof of her car and her legs in the air, wrapped around his hips while he positioned his hunky cock at her glistening slit.

The head broke past the lips and teased the entrance of her dripping pussy. He then pushed his entire length inside of her in one deep thrust. She cried out and all her muscles tensed, feeling pain and pleasure at once due to his huge size. She felt him right at her cervix, threatening to break that barrier as he continuously rammed his massive member into her cunt, harder and deeper each time, using her like a sex toy.

He started going really hard, really deep, really fucking fast.. and then he had a sharp intake of breath, his grip on her tightened, and he groaned while a load of hot semen exploded inside of her, overflowing and dripping out her snatch and down her thighs. He gave a few more pumps and then reached down and put pressure on her clitorous, his cock being milked for what was left while her muscles constricted his dick as she came to her own orgasm. They both panted. He let her down and turned her around quickly before pawing at the flesh on her chest, roughly forcing her dress down and grabbing one breast in each hand. He sucked a nipple into his mouth, nibbled it and kissed it, then did the same with the other, and soon he was hard again and stared at her face, her big lips..

"Get down on your knees," he demanded. She complied, staring up at him. Just as she took his cock in her hand and was mere inches from touching her tongue to it, his radio crackled. "Officer Reynolds, need you down at corner of Bailey and South Street." He grumbled and hoisted the girl up by her messy hair before smacking her hard on her ass. "You get off with a warning this time." He pulled up his trousers and walked to his cop car, muttering a "10-4" into his radio before driving away.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2qmj70/ncblkmailmf_license_and_registration_please