It took a while to get to the beach..[Part 1][MF][oral][voy]

Those who've been married for more than ten years, I don't need to describe it to you, but for those who haven't it's simple; there is no sex. There may be intercourse, sure, but not unbridled, sweaty, hot, no holes bared, what else can we try fucking. It just doesn't happen any more. And for us it had been more than 10 years. We were clocking up 20 of being together. Happy, but happy in that we've got other things in our life that have replaced those kind of things.

From when we started dating we'd head down the coast to her family holiday home on weekends. On an early trip a friend had pointed out that one of the signed turn offs along the main road was to a quite famous nude beach. The running gag from then on was to indicate to turn off to the beach, threatening to "nude up". Of course it was normally me who tried it and always me who received the eye roll when I did.

This trip back was a special one; we'd not been back for a few years as we'd been living overseas. The kids were embedded in the surf at the beach with the grandparents and we were off shopping for the morning. I was half listening to her as she was rattling off what we needed to buy and what order we'd do that in and half trying to remember the ass on the mother at the beach who's shorts had been bought in earlier and slimmer days but who had no shame in still wearing them even though her vagina was now almost longer than the leg of the shorts. I missed that we'd turned, instead triggered by the fact that she was no longer talking. As my brain tried to establish how I was at fault, I quickly realised where we had turned. We were on the way to the nude beach. "Noooo", I said as she kept here eyes locked on the road ahead. The five or so minutes drive it took for us to get there was simply me in shock and her trying to keep a straight face.

Wow, I thought, a bit of voyeurism. Check out some old nudies on the beach, might even get a pash in the car and a feel of her boobs. We pulled up and I expected we'd be eyeing off people form the safety of the car but instead she was straight out of the car with a beach bag and off down the stairs to the sand. I was oblivious to what was planned and just stumbled on behind. The beach was speckled with about a dozen sets of towels and gear. Everyone scattered around, some lying on their towels, some standing in the water. A mixed bag of young and old, traditional couples, a few guy/guy pairings. She found a spot equidistant form anyone else and dropped the bag, immediately starting to take off her top.

I see them every day; in the bathroom in the morning, when she's dressing, when she's wearing a loose top and bends down to pick something up. But there's something magical about your wife's tits in the sunshine and in public that is amazing. Sure, 40+ years and three kids doesn't leave you with boobs like Kate Upton, but they still had shape and bounce, they weren't around her knees and her nipples were harder than I'd ever seen them before. The hands went to the hips as I got a "Well?", indicating I wasn't undressing (or I'd forgotten to clean up something, you never know what that look means). It's very difficult to undress and keep an eye on your wife as she drops her knickers, and that's without keeping an eye on the rest of the beach also watching as she drops them. I got boobs swaying at me while the rest of the beach got a quick flash of pussy. And that was when I knew this was planned. Days beforehand she's made a huge fuss about fitting in a waxing before we left home and I'd been a little taken back when it was a full Brazilian when normally it's just a short back and sides. She'd been planning this display with the intention that someone else would be seeing those plump lips.
