Two Hearts Beating (Chp 2) [MFF][bdsm][Fdom][Msub][Fsub] <800 words.

Author's Note: This is the second chapter in a small series (link to the first in the comments). The original was meant as a short flash fiction, but I sort of liked the characters, and couldn't help but wonder what would happen next. If you feel the same, please let me know. Feedback is always nice.

  • the Dashing Sea Captain

Chapter 2

The pain washed over him as he slipped out of his dream. Time had lost meaning in his world of silent darkness; but the pain was real, and it became a constant in his life – like an unwanted roommate that you can't seem to live without. He made a survey of his body, trying to detect the exact location of the pain – his arms, his jaw, his backside…To each he said, Good morning. and then promptly behaved as though they weren't there.

Through the darkness he felt a weight on his legs followed by the sensation of a thousand needles pushing through his skin. Hands were fumbling at the buckles of his mask, followed by fingers pulling at the rubber. Black turned to blinding light that burned his eyes as he felt her fingers again, pulling at the wax in his ears. Sound again filled his head.

"Keep your eyes closed, Silly." Jessie's voice was light and easy. "You'll need to adjust slowly."

One by one in stages, he opened his eyes to see the image of Jessie before him. She was sitting on his lap facing him while she pulled and jerked at the buckle of the gag. She was naked, and his eyes passed over bruised and pierced skin – covered by cascading hair in places – until finally arriving at her pink lips, which were set in a smirk. The gag loosened and fell to the floor with a soft thud. A string of spittle followed that stuck to his chin.

With her thumb, she wiped away spittle and then carefully pushed against his jaw to close it. "Don't talk if you don't want to. I would imagine that you're probably pretty sore right now."

His voice scratched its way up through his throat. "It's not too bad." He lied, as he looked into her eyes.

She laughed and leaned her body against his, her arms wrapping around his neck. Her face cradled between his neck and shoulder. He could feel the firmness of flesh and steel against his chest and thigh. "Liar." She said softly.

A few quick breathy laughs popped out. "Maybe. To be honest, I'm more numb at this point."

He felt her body inhale deeply. Her breath was warm as she exhaled. "I don't have the keys for your arms and legs. Sorry."

Of course. He thought, his mouth bending into a smile.

Her hands moved from the back of his neck up into his hair. She kissed him lightly on the neck. "You'll have to wait until Kim wakes up; although I'm not sure if she knows where the keys are either." She sat up and looked around on the floor. "They might be here on the floor somewhere, but I'm too lazy to look right now." She laid her head back down against him. "She hurt me last night."

"Badly?" He had seen her skin, but he wanted to hear it from her.

"Yes. I loved it." Her hand fell from his hair and clasped his neck once again as she snuggled in.

"Tell me about it." He said.

She breathed again, deeply. "She bound me to the bed frame and whipped me fiercely. I could tell she was enjoying it – probably more than I was."

He could feel himself growing hard against the cage. "What else?"

She sat up, and held his face. "I can feel you getting hard." She smiled.

He laughed. "So? I'm allowed to get hard. If you weren't aware, this is America."

She laughed too. "I supposed." Her hand reached down, and gently cradled his balls. "Poor, Liam."

"Poor, me" He echoed, smiling.

She moved her mouth closer to his ear whispered: "She fucked me in the ass with the big cock too; I made such a mess down my legs. It's a good thing we put the wax in your ears: we might have kept you up."

His body stretched and pulled against the restraints. "I like that."

"I know you do."

Her hand massaged the purpling flesh between his legs. He felt her body push against his as her hand took a hold of the lock. "I melted the key to this, you know."

Last week she had buried it at the beach. He thought. I wonder what it will be next time. "Poor, me." He said, playing along.

Her eyes closed and her head fell back: he noticed that she was now pleasing herself with her fingers. She licked her lips as her skin began to flush. Her hair slipped over her breasts. With a deep breath, she looked into his eyes. "Yes: Poor, Liam. But we like it."

"I do too."

She forced her fingers into his mouth and all was made whole again.


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