The Ski Trip Surprise [MM][oral][first]

I got a little carried away with a writing prompt…

"You must be Frank," John said as he extended his hand. The weekend ski trip was a spur of the moment thing, but the only downside was travel agent who set it up required double occupancy in the hotel. John had planned to spend the weekend with his buddy, Stephen, but he backed out at the last minute. Now John was stuck rooming with a stranger.

"I am. You John?" Frank asked as he gave John's hand a firm shake. They were about the same height and Frank had the fit look of someone who worked out.

"Yup. Good to meet you." John stepped back and held the door to let Frank wrangle his luggage into the room.

"Same here," Frank said as he tossed the larger suitcase on first bed. John had already arranged himself on the bed closest to the window with his laptop on the night stand streaming a Pandora jazz station. "You a jazz fan?"

"Yeah, I used to play guitar in a quartet back in college and never lost the taste despite losing my chops." John returned to his bed to lean back against the headboard where he'd been before Frank had arrived.

Frank grinned as he opened his suitcase to unpack. "I play keys on the weekends back home. I'm not a pro or anything, but I love Bob James."

"Man, I love Fourplay with him and Ritenour. Those dudes can really play. So where's home?"

"Austin," Frank said as he found the empty drawers in the dresser and began to put away his clothes. "I work for a little technology startup there. What about you?"

"San Diego," John replied. "I do contract work in the tech sector. Project management mostly. What's your company do?"

"Middleware for cloud crap. I'd love to chat, but I hate my job." Frank said with a weary smile. "Tell me about your passions."

"Skiing and scuba. I'd rather be frozen or baking than anything in between."

"I'm more into cold sports. Skiing obviously, but I like to snowboard as well."

"Wife? Kids?" John asked. He estimated Frank was in his thirties, but it was sometimes hard to tell.

"Nope. Nobody right now. You?"

"The last time I got dumped I decided to swear off dating for a while. My buddy Stephen was supposed to come up here with me to cut loose a little, but something came up."

"Nothing bad, I hope?"

"Naw, just a work trip."

Silence fell as John watched Frank finish unpacking and put his suitcases away in the bottom of the closet. While he browsed through the list of hotel amenities to see where to go for rental equipment, he kept hoping Frank would pick up the conversation again.

The idea of making a new friend to spend the weekend with was foremost in his mind. If he did manage to get lucky and score with a snow bunny, he wondered if Frank would be cool about things like Stephen would have been or would it get awkward. He and Stephen had even done threesomes together with fun loving girls in the past, but that probably wasn't going to happen with a virtual stranger.

"Well, I'm unpacked. Are you planning on going out on the slopes today?"

"Yeah," John replied with a nodding smile. "You wanna hang out or are you with friends?"

"Nope, just me this trip. Let's go!"

As they worked out the logistics of rentals and lift tickets, John found Frank to be generous and funny. They split some of the costs without either one appearing overly concerned about exact figures. Their tastes in movies and humor were as compatible as their shared love of jazz. John found himself wandering into deeper topics than he intended, sharing details of his breakup and how deeply it shook him. Frank talked about his difficulty finding women he could connect with for more than a month.

By the time they wore themselves out on the slopes and returned their gear, they decided to head to the hotel dining room for a hot meal. Both men dug into a thick steak and loaded potatoes, polishing the meal off with a locally brewed pale ale.

As they sat at the bar to watch television and talk, Frank was approached by a gorgeous blonde. It wasn't direct, she simply ordered her drink standing next to him and brushed against his back to get his attention. John spotted her subtle move and grinned as Frank turned to chat her up.

She was part of the same tour and was apparently stuck in a room with an inconsiderate bitch, according to her anyway. When Frank introduced John to Lily, she got a funny look on her face.

"Oh, are you two… together?" she asked. The idea that she immediately assumed he and Frank were more than roommates threw him off and made his face hot. She must have noticed his blush, because she grinned and shrugged.

Frank seemed even more thrown off by her question and turned to give John a hard look. "Uh, no, we're just rooming together. Like you and your roommate. I only met him today."

John got his game face back on and leaned closer to her, rolling the dice on whether Frank would remain as cool as he had been all day. "That's not to say we might not be interested in making some room for you if you really needed a place to stay tonight."

"My roommate's been screwing the ski instructor for the last hour with the Do Not Disturb sign on the door." She looked between the two men with a glint in her eyes. "I've never… uh…" Her blush finished her statement.

"Want to give it a try?" Frank asked with a glance toward John, raising his eyebrows to ask the obvious question. John's slow grin answered before he nodded and chuckled.

"We gotta be safe though," she said. "That's a deal breaker."

"I've got us covered," John said as the butterflies in his stomach lit up their afterburners.

Frank settled their bar tabs while Lily got her purse and slung the thin chain over her shoulder. She took John's arm and let him lead her back to their room while Frank caught up and offered his arm as well.

As they went through the door, Lily kicked her heels into the middle of the room and turned to step backwards. Eyeing the men she began to slide her dress off her shoulders, leaving her standing in a black bra and matching panties.

"I hope you didn't wear yourselves out on the slopes?" she teased.

John began to take off his clothes without appearing awkward. Stepping out of his shoes, then pulling off his sweater, he finally dropping his jeans to stand in his boxer-briefs. He glanced at Frank and saw him already naked and slowly stroking his cut cock. John grinned as he dropped his underwear, happy the two men were matched in more than just height and build.

Lily was practically salivating as she closed the distance to take each shaft in her hands. "Oh boy, this is looking like the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

She kissed Frank, then John, allowing them to remove her bra and panties. Her mons had a thin strip of hair just above her slit that was darker than the blonde hair on her head.

John stepped away to get the condoms out of his night stand while Frank kissed her into his bed. As he began to kiss his way down to her breasts, she gave him encouraging sounds and pushed him to go lower. When John climbed into bed with them. Lily guided him over to lick his shaft from the bottom up with her pink tongue.

"Do you want me to put a condom on first," he asked as she inspected him with her fingers and tongue.

"Not yet," she moaned, then slid her lips down his shaft while Frank pushed her legs up and lowered himself down to taste her.

The sound of a cell phone broke the mood with a happy tune. "Fuck," Lily said as she crawled back towards her purse on the floor next to the bed. "What?" she asked with a frustrated growl. "What do you… How the hell did… Oh for fuck's sake, I'm coming."

Both Frank and John were still laying on his bed looking up as she began to dress with a scowl on her face. "Raincheck, please. My roommate managed to set off the fucking sprinklers in the room somehow and all my shit is getting soaked. The hotel is coming to try and turn off the water, but I've got to move rooms and spend the evening in the fucking laundry room drying my clothes." She finished pulling up her dress and looked down with a sad frown. "Sorry."

"It's cool," Frank said, still absently stroking his erection. "Come back if you want. I doubt we'll be going anywhere at this point."

John shrugged and said, "Yeah, I'm done for the night. Hope everything works out okay. Wanna hook up for breakfast to vent?" he offered with a sad grin.

"Yes!" she said and bent to kiss them both quickly before heading out the door. "Damn it, you guys were perfect," she muttered as she left.

After she was gone, Frank looked over and said, "I'm guess I'm gonna take a shower."

It was a little weird hanging out with a naked dude he barely knew, but he didn't make a big deal about it. He sighed and said, "I gotta pee."

Frank glanced at John's erection and chuckled. "Good luck with that. It won't bother me if you come in while I'm showering. We ain't gonna get any more naked."

By the time Frank got the water hot and stepped in the shower, John was still sitting on the toilet fighting to get his dick to point down. The absurdity of the whole situation finally made him laugh. "You may be right. I'm too horny to pee."

"So rub it out," Frank suggested from inside the shower.

"What? You're right there!"

"So?" Frank said. "I'm rubbing mine out right now or I'll never get to sleep."

"Bullshit," John said as he laughed again.

Frank pulled the curtain back halfway at the back of the shower and stood there slowly fucking his soapy fist. John was stunned and immediately uncomfortable. For some reason pulling out to cum on a girls back while Stephen was getting head didn't feel weird. Frank giving himself a sudsy right there made his heart race.

John's mind swam as he tried to catch up with what was happening. Lily had thought they were gay. Maybe Frank went both ways. He looked down at his erection, then back at Frank's face. A crazy compulsion drove him to whisper, "Need any help?"

Frank's hand stopped as he gave John a hard look like he had at the bar. "I've never done anything like that."

"Me neither." John felt his face heat and his heart raced even faster.

He thought about it for a long moment, then backed up into the water mist and spray. "Come on in," he said with a quaver in his voice.

Walking into the shower, John felt like his head was a balloon tied to a string. It seemed like someone else's fingers drawing the curtain. He had never thought of being involved with a guy outside of a threeway. If anything, he'd always been slightly repulsed by the idea.

But no one would know. No one on the trip knew him, so he was free to do anything he wanted. Do I want this?

Watching the water drops flow along Frank's body highlighted the muscles on his back and ass. Frank turned back around with the soap in a washcloth, rubbing it into a frothy lather.

"You wanna get wet first?" he asked, stepping close to the wall to let John get closer to the spray. When he brushed past, John felt Frank's cock brush against his hip. He closed his eyes and turned around in the hot spray and mist. Frank was quiet as he scrubbed John's back and chest, pushing his arms up to clean under his arms as well.

It wasn't gentle or seductive, but it felt good. When Frank ran the cloth down his back to his ass, John paused. The cloth went between his cheeks and John had to put his hands against the wall to keep from falling. His knees grew weak as Frank rubbed the cloth down and under, forcing his legs apart to suds his balls.

John felt a rough cheek against his shoulder blade as Frank brought the soapy cloth to scrub down from his stomach. Frank's erection tapped his cheeks as he slowly rubbed the soapy cloth down to reach the spot John had been waiting for him to touch.

Frank circled the wet cloth around his shaft, then he began to slowly move his soapy hand up to the head of his cock. No wash cloth now. No way to pretend it was anything else. Frank worked the soap under his head and shaft, stroking him slowly until John shivered and a moan slipped past his sealed lips.

"You wanna try… something else," Frank suggested.

"What?" John could feel Frank's hard shaft pressing against his ass.

"I dunno. I just don't wanna waste it in here." Frank's erection was no longer just tapping, it was sliding between his wet cheeks in a very distracting way.

"No ass stuff, though," John said.

"No." He pulled away a little. "I don't think I'm ready for that."

After they rinsed off the soap, they got out to dry off without looking at each other.

"Come on. The heat's getting to me." Frank said, but let John out first while he hung the towels over the shower rod.

Despite still being damp, John climbed into Frank's bed and shivered like he was sick. The surreal nature of what was happening continued to play in his mind, forcing him to decide how this changed things. There was no question he'd enjoyed it and wanted to do more, but it was just so different.

Frank climbed into bed with his erection still looking uncomfortably stiff. He touched John, but not like a woman would. He massaged his shoulder for a second with a blank expression on his face, like he was considering the same things.

His cock drew John's eyes like a magnet. He was unable to look away. The temptation was as plain as the need in Frank's expression. Without really deciding, John crawled down the sheets, drawn by a need he couldn't explain.

He touched it lightly with his trembling fingers, feeling how soft the skin was. It appeared different from his own. The head was more pronounced and the shaft had a little less girth. Closing his eyes, he leaned over and took the tip into his mouth, careful not to use his teeth.

Frank hissed and stretched out to give him room. Girls had given him head often enough that he felt like he should know what to do. No teeth, lots of spit, keep the hands moving. Trying to recall what he preferred gave him the motivation to continue.

When his mouth filled with the slick taste of precum, John suddenly had second thoughts. He had to convince himself to finish the job because he knew how much he hated it when girls had finished him off with their hands.

Frank's precum had a bitter flavor, but it was interesting if nothing else. Keeping his mouth open, he let Frank thrust more as he got closer to finishing. It startled him with Frank rolled slightly to touch his hip. He realized his own cock was only a foot or so away from Frank's lips.

Rolling closer, he kept his mouth open as Frank took his pleasure from John's mouth and cock at the same time. It didn't take long for them both to begin thrusting into each other's mouths, groaning and holding on like they were desperate for that final connection.

There was a single throbbing pulse before Frank exploded into John's mouth. Swallowing quickly, John kept Frank's sensitive head in his mouth as he continued to thrust for his own ending. Moments later he felt the quickening and release as Frank took all he had to give, continuing to suck gently like he wanted more.

The moment was over and reality returned like a snapping rubber band. John didn't want to hurt Frank by reacting badly, so as much as he wanted to get out of the bed he simply returned to put his wet hair on the pillows.

Frank wouldn't look at him at first, staring at his hands and pursing his lips. The silence became a little awkward, but John had to talk about what had just happened.

"You okay?" John asked, bending down a little to try to make eye contact.

"Yeah, just…" Frank paused and took a deep breath. "I mean, it's just not something I've ever done before. Are you okay?" he asked, giving John a weird look.

"I've never done this before either," he said with a shrug. "So what did you think?"

"Seriously?" Frank asked with wide eyes. "Dude, you totally… I mean… fuck that was actually fun."

"Yeah," John chuckled. "I'm still trying to figure shit out, but that was one of the hottest things I've ever done."

"Heh." Frank shook his head. "So what happens now? I mean, I'd know what to do if you were a chick. I'd kick you out and play XBox."

Laughing out loud, John got up and opened the room's mini-bar and got out two beers. Then he opened the cabinet under the television and stepped back.

"Call of Duty?" he asked as he tossed Frank the bottle of beer and then followed it with a controller.

"You brought a fucking Xbox on vacation?" Frank laughed and twisted open the bottle.

"I figured if the weather went to shit at least I could play a little."

He walked back to the bed and touched his beer to Frank's. "Here's to trying something new."

They both drank, then John bent down and kissed Frank firmly, stubble rubbing hard enough to make sparks. It wasn't a romantic kiss, their tongues battled for dominion and their teeth bit almost hard enough to draw blood. When they stopped they were breathless and panting.

Frank grinned and nodded. "And to new friends."



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