MM first (and only) blowjob I ever gave

It was summer break and I was a freshman 15 or 16 years old. My best friend and I would constantly hang out that summer either spending the night at the others houses. He had recently got the internet (dial-up lolz) and was showing me some of the porn sites, mostly images.

We were both getting worked up and rubbing ourselves inside our pants and he eventually pulled his out. He asked me to go down on him and promised a return favor. I agreed and he scooted his computer chair back from the desk to make room for me.

I remember getting on my knees and staring up at his hard cock. It was 6 inches pale white with a soft pink head. His balls were big and soft and hairless, pubes were short and curly but well groomed. There was precum on the tip of his dick glistening. It was right in my face so I gently took it in my mouth and slowly sucked on the head. I could instantly taste the salty pre cum and I swirled my tongue around the head. I felt so nasty sucking my friends cock but also was never so aroused.

I took him to the back of my throat my nose in his pubes. He had that manly musty smell and I could feel his dick head in the back of my throat. I drooled and slobbered all over his dick making it messy as I worked up and down. I sucked on his big balls as I stroked his shaft or kneeded them with my hand as I sucked his beautiful pale dick with my mouth.

After 5 or 6 minutes he warned me and i pulled back letting him cum…it was quite alot and it dribbled down his shaft and pooled at the base of his dick…..

I havent done anything similar since but I fantasize about it….I wish we had done more as there were plenty nights I spent the night sharing his bed and we never spoke or did it again. How much fun we could have had me sucking him off several times a night or letting him try out my tight virgin asshole……opportunities missed (sigh)


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