Temptation of a Social Worker Ch 02

Matthew was making his way back home from Walmart with a truck full of college dorm room furniture for his daughter. Tomorrow will be Stacy's first night in the dorms and Matthew wanted to be sure his only child had the necessities she needed and more. Being a single-parent and raising a daughter was tough but since the passing of his wife 13 years ago Matthew has done nothing but dedicate himself towards being the best father he can be. Stacy was still packing her things at the house when he decided to leave to go shopping and surprise her with some furniture.

As Matthew drove up to his garage he was surprised to see that still only Ted's car was parked their driveway and Elizabeth's Volvo was again nowhere to be seen. The two of them are normally home at this hour especially on a weekday. Just as Matthew pulled into this garage he spotted the Volvo in his rearview mirror. She was parked across the street from her house and sitting in the driver's seat reapplying her makeup. You are so cute that you don't even need makeup to give me a boner Baby. Matthew shut off the ignition and began walking up to Elizabeth's car just to make some small talk. He actually wanted to check out his hot neighbor again so he can pleasure himself to images of her later at night like he always does.

Elizabeth saw Matthew begin to stroll down his driveway towards her car and she closed her compact in a flash of panic. Shit! She quickly opened her purse and threw her compact inside which landed on top of her ripped black thong. This pervert's going to notice something, I just know it. From the first day Ted and Elizabeth moved into their house she already knew that Matthew was attracted to her. His stares were always too long and he was always outside watering his lawn when she left for work. She could feel his eyes undressing her as she walked to her car every morning. And of course he was outside walking his stupid dog every evening she goes out for a run. She always thought that Matthew looked like a grown-up version of the character Ham from the movie The Sandlot -a redheaded 40 year-old fat man with freckled skin. Elizabeth was sure he's a total chronic masturbator who jerks off to Asian porn.

As Matthew approached the Volvo he could already see that something was clearly wrong with Elizabeth -first of all her hair was not perfect like it always was and had more than a few loose strands astray; -secondly she buttoned up her blouse incorrectly and was one button off subsequently making her left collar higher than the right; and to top it off she looked scared as all hell as he was getting closer to her car.

Elizabeth quickly shut her purse and got out of her car. After she took her first step she realized her left heel was stuck in an electrical grate on the road. Oh my God! Of course this has to happen now! Elizabeth looked up in horror as Matthew approached her.

"Here let me give you a hand with that." Matthew said as he knelt down and relished the fact that he will be able to touch her ankle.

"It's okay, Matthew. I got it." Elizabeth said but he already had one hand on her ankle and another on her stuck heel.

"I think it would be easier if you took the shoe off." Matthew started to lift Elizabeth's left foot out of the high heel before she could protest.

Holy Shit! Matthew had jerked off enough times to know cum when he saw it. Just as her foot was out of the shoe the street lights illuminated the shiny goop drip from her toes and down through the thin metal grates. Matthew was still flabbergasted to notice that Elizabeth had bent down sideways so he wouldn't be able to see down her blouse as she pulled her heel out from the grate herself and quickly put the shoe back on. Darren's cum felt cold between her toes after being exposed to the brisk night air.

Matthew stood up and Elizabeth was avoiding all eye contact.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Matthew. Thank you. I'm going to go inside now."

"No, Elizabeth. Stop." Matthew put both his hands on her shoulders to stop her from leaving. "Look at you, you're all disheveled, your hair is a mess, look at your shirt for Christ's sake you didn't even button it up correctly! And not to mention your shoe… Elizabeth what happened?"

"Nothing! Matthew, I'm fine."

Matthew continued holding onto her shoulders. "Look, if something bad happened to you tonight we're going to have to call the police."

Elizabeth raised her voice, "Matthew, nothing happened!"

Matthew let go of Elizabeth and said, "Okay. I'm going to call the police myself then if you won't." He reached into his pocket for his cell phone.

"Okay! Okay! Stop!" Elizabeth looked down and couldn't believe she was forced to tell Matthew this. "Nothing criminal happened. I slept with someone tonight."

Matthew's eyes widened. He never saw this one coming. "Well it can't be Ted since his car has been parked here since I left!"

Elizabeth pleaded, "Listen Matthew, it's the one and only time and I'm never ever going to do it again. Please don't tell Ted, I feel so bad about the whole thing already. I already know I did the wrong thing, please don't let him know. My marriage will end and my life will be ruined."

Matthew took a step back and leaned on the Volvo. " I don't know, you guys have been my neighbors for a while and I've gotten to know Ted pretty well over the years."

"-I know, I know! Please!" Elizabeth continued to plead.

"I just don't think I can keep something like this from him. Ted's such a good guy."

Elizabeth innately being sharp as a tack immediately switched on her business mode. "Okay, Matthew. I understand. What do you want?"

Matthew decided to play it cool. "I don't know, what do you mean?"

Elizabeth's eyes narrowed as she replied, "Do you really think I'm not aware that you use every excuse to be outside whenever I leave the house? Okay, let's work something out."

"Like what? What do you have in mind?"

"I don't know, but my bottom line is you can't touch me, I won't touch you, and you can't see me naked."

Matthew's true self comes out, "So what's the point of that?"

"You figure something out and if I agree to it you can never tell Ted about anything that happened tonight."

"So no touching and I can't see you naked. That's worse than a strip club! Well then what the hell, I might as well go tell Ted right now!" Matthew started to walk towards his neighbor's house.


I've got you now Baby! Matthew stopped and turned around to see Elizabeth standing there with her arms crossed.

"Okay, I won't touch you, you can't touch me, but you do get to see me naked."

Matthew decided to take a gamble, "You've gotta do better than that Liz!" He started to turn around again.

"What do you want?"

He walked up to Elizabeth and stood there looking at her as if he were staring deep into her soul. "I want to know everything."

Elizabeth had a puzzled look on her face. "What do you mean?"

Matthew knew this was his one and only chance of a lifetime. He gathered up his nerves and replied, "I want to know every sexual thing about you. I will ask the questions, you answer them. Naked. I'll be stroking myself off during it all and I get to tell you how to pose as I'm doing it. When I'm ready to shoot my load, I will shoot it on your face. How's that? No touching at all."

Elizabeth shook her head, "No."

"Okay." Matthew shrugged his shoulders as though it were nothing and turned towards his neighbor's house again and started to walk. Shit, did I ruin it by asking for too much?

"Stop. Fine. But you only get 10 minutes and we do it tonight. Let's just get it over with."


"Okay then. Stacy's home so let me send her out first. Go wait in your car and when you see her leave come on in. The door will be unlocked."

Matthew walked into his own garage and shut the garage door without even looking back at Elizabeth once.

He entered the living room and found Stacy typing up her resume. She was persistent on working part-time even though Matthew said he will take care of all finances for her.

"Hey hun, so I got a bunch of new furniture for your dorm room so you'll be all set up when you drive up there tomorrow."

"Aww Dad you didn't have to do that! I told you I could take care of it all myself."

"I know but you know how I like to keep you happy. Look there's one thing I forgot to buy you and it's a new TV."

"But you don't have to-" Stacy began to protest.

"I know but again you know how I like to keep you happy. How about this, consider the TV my birthday gift for you this year. How about that? It's going to be pretty boring up there without a TV and all you're doing is working and studying." Matthew putted out his debit card and placed it into her hands. "You know the PIN. Walmart will be closing soon but I'm sure you can get up there before they do."

"Okay, you're the best!" Stacy got up and hugged her dad before leaving.

Matthew had already calculated the timeframe. It would take Stacy 15 minutes to drive to the store, at least 15 minutes to purchase the TV, and another 15 minutes to return home. Even if the store was closed when she got there, he would still have time to clean up. Matthew's pulse quickened as he heard Stacy's car start up and drive off.

Outside Elizabeth saw Stacy drive away and soon the street was silent again. She grabbed her purse and got out of her car and was careful to avoid the electrical grate as she walked towards Matthew's house. The only sound heard was her heels clicking on the pavement and she was immediately brought back to the image of Darren fucking her as her heels clicked on his hardwood floor.

She reached out and held onto the cold door knob. I can't believe I'm going through with this. Elizabeth hesitated for a minute at the front door. Fuck it, I can't back out now. I can't lose Ted. She turned the doorknob, walked inside, and shut the door.

Matthew was seated in the bright living room. He was sure to move aside the coffee table in the center and also turned on all the lights so he can see every part of her body. Elizabeth had been in Matthew's house many times over the years, but tonight was going to be the one and only time she would be naked in it. She walked over to the couch opposite of Matthew and put her purse down. She turned around to face him and raised both her arms and dropped them quickly as if to say Now What?

"Okay, take off your shirt." Matthew had seen Elizabeth in a bikini before at a neighbor's pool party two years ago and every guy was staring at her as she got out of the pool. Great mental pictures for his spank bank but tonight he'll have even better ones burned into his memory.

Elizabeth started to take off her blouse and for the first time noticed her clumsy buttoning. She dropped the blouse onto the couch and was standing in front of Matthew with her bra and skirt on. Matthew loved that Elizabeth kept herself in shape as he saw her toned four-pack, defined enough to let you know it's there but not with too much sharp definition. Matthew stood up and took off all his clothes. He was already hard. "Take off your bra and skirt."

Elizabeth could barely see Matthew's uncircumsized penis underneath his belly fat. She estimated him to be about 4-inches as she took off her bra and miniskirt. God this will be the second time tonight someone has seen me naked.

Elizabeth's nipples grew hard as soon as they were exposed. Matthew admired their fine points and was excited to finally see his hot Asian neighbor of 5 years naked in his own living room. He noticed Elizabeth didn't have any underwear on and was completely shaved and had to take in a deep breath. "Are your nipples at their hardest?"


"Pinch them so they are."

Elizabeth pinched with both index fingers and thumbs until her nipples were aching. She rolled her eyes as though she were a teenager who was just told to take out the garbage.

"Nice." Matthew reached down and began to rub his balls, careful to not get overly excited.

"Turn around and bend over on the couch."

Elizabeth followed Matthew's directions. I remember doing this. Too bad it's not in front of Darren again right now.

"Do you always go out without underwear?"

"No, it was ripped off earlier by the guy I slept with."

"Describe him. I'm curious what would make a straight-laced girl like you cheat on your husband."

"Tall, black, handsome, well-built."

Matthew was surprised. "Really? How big was he?"

Why does every guy want to know how big the next guy is? "9 and a half inches according to him."

"Wow, that's impressive that a tiny little Asian girl like you can take all that in. How many guys have you been with? And slap your ass."

Slap "2 including Ted."

"No way! How big is Ted?"

Elizabeth turned and looked at Matthew as he was grabbing at his balls. "That's none of your business! The deal was I answer questions about me."

"Fair enough, but my guess is significantly smaller!" Matthew bellowed out a laugh. "Spread your asscheeks. Have you ever done anal?"


Matthew began to stroke lightly as he saw her tight puckered ass. "How did it feel being fucked by a black guy for your supposed first time?"


"Sit down and spread your legs. You're gonna have to describe it better than that sweetheart."

Elizabeth sat down on the couch and opened up both her legs. She looked everywhere around the living room except at Matthew in defiance. "He filled me up really well and he got me to cum 4 times."

"With your legs spread put both your heels on the couch and spread your pussy. Do you like black men?"


"What do you like about them?" Matthew started stroking harder as he saw Elizabeth spread your pussy lips. Her insides were glistening.

"They're hot, they're hung, they know how to fuck." Elizabeth felt herself getting wet again.

"Do you know you're hot, Elizabeth?"

"I'm okay."

"When I saw you for the first time Elizabeth, I practically creamed my pants. That's how hot you are. You're telling me you don't know you're that good-looking? Finger yourself"

"Yes, I know I'm attractive and that's not a part of the deal. Are you done yet?"

"Okay fine. I do appreciate that you're answering my questions truthfully. What happened to your heels? Why are they full of cum?"

"He wanted to cum in them as a reminder that had tonight happened every time I wear these heels in the future."

"Did you purposely dress up so sexily to meet with him?" He could feel the tension build up between his balls and knows he can't hold on for much longer.


"Do you like turning men on? You enjoy being a cock tease don't you?"

Elizabeth paused for a second before answering, as though she had just come to realization about this herself. "Yes, I do."

"Is it turning you on right now knowing I'm hard because of you? I see that you're getting wet." Matthew begins stroking with full force.

"… Yes, but it's not going any further than this."

"Do you masturbate and how often? What do you think about?"

"Yes. Everyday in the shower. I think about black men… sometimes I think about all the men that I have turned on during the day and I get excited knowing that they probably jack off to me at night."

"Get on your knees and crawl to me. What do you use to masturbate?"

"My fingers and the showerhead. I use two fingers while I concentrate one stream on my clit."

"Take off one your heels and hand it to me. Your husband doesn't know what a freaky wife he has. Just kneel in front of me and close your eyes sweetheart, I'm close."

Elizabeth takes off her left heels and passes it to Matthew as she kneels in front of him between his legs.

Matthew shoots his load all over Elizabeth's face as she squints her eyes and lips shut upon impact. "Ohhh fuck you are so goddamn hot Elizabeth Nishimura!" He drains the rest of his cum into her left heel and hands it back to her. "Put it back on. And remember tonight everytime you wear these, you fuckin cock-tease."

Elizabeth does as she was told. She opens her eyes slightly struggling to see through a strand of cum on her eyelids. As she stands up to walk back to the couch she feels his warm cum on her left foot. She reaches into her purse and retrieves her torn thong. Elizabeth turns back around to face Matthew so he can see what she does next.

"This is it, you are never to tell Ted about anything that happened tonight." Elizabeth uses the thong to wipe off all of Matthew's cum from her face and holds her new evidence in front of her. "And if you do, I will say that you forced yourself on me."

Matthew's jaw dropped when he heard Elizabeth's fail-safe plan. And with that Elizabeth put back on her bra, miniskirt, and blouse. Using her reflection against a glass cupboard in the living room she took her time tidying herself up as best as possible back to her perfect self.

She dropped the thong back into her purse and headed for the front door. Elizabeth turned the door knob, paused, and looked at Matthew. "Oh, and one more thing. I suggest you act as though nothing has happened tonight. After all, nothing has happened tonight." She winked as she opened the door and left Matthew alone in his house in his shocked state and flaccid dick.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticstories/comments/2n7yc0/temptation_of_a_social_worker_ch_02