[MF] Confusing Relationship

Maybe we both were just fucked up people. I really think that's the only explanation.

Sam was gorgeous. Slim and red haired and smart too. I liked her. Honestly, she was hotter than me. You were lucky to have her as a girlfriend. But somehow we decided it was fun for you to fuck me on the side. And not just cheating, but cheating stupidly. Places where people might here us. Places where she or her friends or family might be around.

That's how we ended up here, in the upstairs bathroom at her parent's house, isn't it? We're just fucked up.

"God, we have to hurry," I muttered, pulling my jeans down. I stopped with them just above my knees. That left my pussy exposed, when I bent over the sink, but I could still pull them up quickly if I needed to. I wished the bathroom had been ridiculous enough to have a second mirror on the other wall. I'm sure I looked even more ridiculous from the back, shaved and dripping, than I did from the front.

These stupid fucks always turned me on so much.

"I have to hurry," you whispered into my ear. "You have to do what I tell you to. Now strip."

"Really, Matt?" We'd talked about it. How you liked me being exposed. Unable to cover myself. Unable to hide that I'm a stupid slut. But with her family downstairs, it was a hell of a time to make me act on it.

"Strip, Val." At least I'd worn shoes that were easy to take on and off. I pulled off my ballet flats quickly, and shimmied the rest of the way out of my jeans. Before I had even finished stepping out of them, you'd crouched down to snatch them away from me. You took my blouse too, and of course I didn't have a bra or panties on. You like me to go without.

"Wait here," you ordered, taking my clothes and walking out of the bathroom. You left the door open, and I just stood there, one hand covering between my legs, the other arm across my breasts, trying to keep myself from frantically whispering after you to come back.

You even took my fucking shoes.

I was livid when you came back. It was only a few seconds, but I was still terrified and worried.

Wet too, damn it.

"Where the fuck did you go?" I asked, as soon as you appeared back in the door. "Where are my clothes?"

"They're in Sam's room. Put these on." And you held out a pair of shoes I didn't even know Sam had. Six inch black stiletto heels. How does she even walk in those things?

I slipped them on, but it was a struggle.

"They're too small." She was taller than me, bustier than me, and somehow, she had smaller feet than me. You pushed me over the sink.

"Ow, Matt, let me take these off." You don't care. You probably wanted. "They hurt."

I felt your fingers shove into my pussy. "It's amazing how wet this gets you, Val."

"I know, Matt. I'm a fucking slut, now fuck me please!" I pleaded quietly. Everything was in reverse in the mirror, as I watched you take off your pants. Completely off, of course, so I didn't get them all mess when you thrust into me.

This all turned you on too. You're hard. It must have been uncomfortable. You stepped behind me, running your hand up my back to my hair. I feel the tip of your cock against my pussy, and whimper slightly.

"Matt, get a condom." I need you in me, I need you to hurry the fuck up.

"Sam's started birth control. I don't carry them around anymore."

"Matt, then-" And I gasp as you shove into me, grabbing my hair. You press my face down into the sink.

"Matt please," it feels so good. It's better without, god damn it. "We can't, it's too risky."

But you keep going, in and out and I'm such a fucked up whore I don't stop you. I stop pleading after a few thrusts, biting my lip instead.

You start to get faster, to press down on my head harder with the other hand, and I whimper slightly. I know what's about to happen. I know that you're getting close to cumming. Teasing me all night, making me act like such a slut has kept both of us close to cumming all night.

"Please, don't cum in me, Matt," I manage to gasp out. "Please!"

I guess that's what you wanted to hear, because you thrust into me hard, lifting me off the floor a little, and stay in me, entirely, you're cock twitching as you cum.

After that you collapse on my back, gasping for a moment. I can't believe you did it.


"I'm going to take Sam up to her room in a few minutes. I expect you to be back downstairs by then." You won't even let me talk about it, you dick.

"Will you get my clothes?"

"Clean me off," you respond. It was a silly question, I think as I kneel. We both know you're not going to get them. I'll be lucky if you even tell me which room is hers.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2mjbnq/mf_confusing_relationship


  1. Wow I had to make a throw away to tell you how sexy that was- one of the better stories I’ve seen on here! Would really love to read more

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