New clothes

I checked my phone to make sure it was around 8:30 before I started to get ready. He got off work at 9, and I had exactly 45 minutes to make tonight amazing for him. I went to his closet and took out one of his shirt and laid it on the couch and then went to my other bag to get out the black lace lingerie that I had bought that day just for the occasion. Checking my Wal-Mart bag again for my socks I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower before he got home. After about ten minutes I got out and put on the lingerie and went back to the living room and put on his shirt over it. Luckily, the shirt was big enough to cover everything. I took the socks out of my other bag and put them on, double checking that they were the right kind of socks, and then I went to the bathroom to fix my hair into pigtails. They weren’t extremely long, but they were long enough. I looked over myself in the mirror and smiled, I knew he’d love it. I text him around 9 to make sure that he was on schedule that I had a surprise for him.

Sitting on the couch, cross legged, I waited for him to come home. He walked in the door right when I expected him to, and he didn’t notice me sitting there. “Baby, I’m back.” He called, not realizing I was sitting right in front of him. I stood up and walked over to him and bit my lip as he slowly looked me up and down and tried not to drool.

“Welcome home, daddy.” I said in an innocent tone as I kissed him softly and stepped back. His jaw dropped and it took him a second before he could say anything.

“What’s this for?” He stammered out after a few seconds. I just smiled and took his hand and led him to the couch and lightly pushed him onto it. I straddled him and left a trail of kisses from his lips to his ear.

“You’ve been working so hard, you need to relax, daddy.” I whispered as I traced my tongue along his ear and kissed him on the lip again. I could feel him getting hard underneath me and I smiled against his lips as he placed his hands on my thighs and he kissed me back. I pulled away and wrapped my arms around his neck and started to grind against him over his pants. He moaned a little and his hands slid from my thighs to my ass, but stopped when he felt that lacy fabric covering it.

He slowly lifted my shirt from over my head and I watched his eyes trace every curve of my body in my lingerie. “That’s new.” He said quietly. I nodded my head and took his hands and put them on my boobs as I went back to grinding on him. He reached up and pushed my hair behind my ear and smiled and kissed me as he used his other hand to massage my boob. I felt him get harder and I stopped grinding and stood up and took off my bra, which I guess really wasn’t a bra, more like a piece of lace held together with thread.

I walked to the kitchen, looking over my shoulder at him watching him watch my ass as I moved, and went into the fridge and pulled out some whipped cream. I put it behind my back and took a deep breath as I walked back over to him and stood in front of him. He watched as I pulled the can from behind my back and smirked when he realized what was about to happen. I straddled him again and handed him the can.

He removed the cap from the can and smiled at me as he pointed the can towards my chest and sprayed a little on my boobs. I shivered at the coolness, but smiled as he leaned in and licked the whipped cream off my chest. I arched my back and moaned as he slowly traced his tongue around my chest. He licked his way up my neck to my ear and gently sucked on my earlobe. I moaned again and got off of his lap and unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out and took the whipped cream from him.

I sprayed some on the tip of his dick and looked up at him as I licked the whipped cream off of his tip, wrapping my hand around his cock in the process and started pumping it for him. Once all the whipped cream was gone, I placed my mouth over the tip and slowly started bobbing my head as I pumped him faster. I took more of him into my mouth and moved my hands to his thighs and started to massage his thighs. He leaned his head back against the couch. I started to deepthroat him and I heard his breathing became shallow and he moaned a little as I pulled my head back off his dick, flicked my tongue over the tip, blew a little, and went back to deepthroating.

He watched me as I repeated this a few times before I felt him tense up in my mouth. I quickly popped my head off his dick and teased his tip. I raised myself up a little and made sure that when he came, he came on my chest. I bit my lip and used my finger to collect his cum off my chest and I slowly licked it off my finger and looked at him innocently.

"You made a mess, daddy." I said, pushing my boobs together with my arms. He nodded as he tried to steady his breathing. I got up and went to the bathroom and cleaned myself up before I went back to the living room and moved to the armchair across from the couch. I bent myself over the arm of the chair and slowly pulled my panties down from over my ass and swayed my hips a little before I looked over at him. He was watching me intently, and sat up a bit more when he saw me move my hand between my legs. I spread my legs and slowly slipped a finger inside of me and started to pleasure myself with him watching.

I moaned and he bit his lip as he watched. "Does that feel good, baby?" He asked as I started to move my hips in the same motion that my finger was doing. I nodded and he stood up and came up behind me. "Tell me what you want, baby." He said as he moved my hand and rubbed his cock against my throbbing opening. I moaned and arched my back and looked over my shoulder at him. He ran his hand up my thigh to my ass and spanked me hard.

"Fuck me, daddy." I moaned. He smiled as he pushed his way inside of me. I could feel him throbbing inside of me while caused me to moan his name. He pulled himself back and pushed himself back inside of me slowly causing me to arch my back more and lay my head against the cushion of the chair. He fucked me hard and slow, each thrust deeper than the last. I could feel my body tensing up and he pulled out of me and sat down in the arm chair. I stood up and straddled him, bottoming out on his cock. He kissed me softly as he put his hands on my hips as I started to ride him. I slid my tongue into his mouth and he moaned as I started to ride him harder. He pulled back and watched me bounce up and down on his dick and watched my body vibrate on top of him.

His hands went around to my ass and he squeezed both of my cheeks causing me to ride him faster. He leaned his head back against the chair and moaned my name as I continued to bottom out on his dick. I felt him tense up underneath me as I slowly moved myself off of his dick and then slowly lowered myself back down onto him. I did this again and again and again as my back arched and I started tensing up too. I thrust him inside of me and we both came as the same time. We sat in the chair catching our breath for a good ten minutes before anything was said.

He kissed me softly and looked me in the eye. "Damn, baby."

I laughed a little and smiled. "I'm glad you liked it, baby." I kissed him again and he out his hand on my neck and pulled me closer to deepen the kiss. We stayed in that position for about an hour, just talking and sharing kisses when needed. Then he picked me up and carried me to the bedroom where he laid me down and went to go get my shirt from the living room. He came back and dressed me and crawled In bed behind me and I fell asleep with my head against his chest, listening to his heart beat.
