A Mild intro, but does it set a good tone? [Str8] [Mdom]

Feel free to leave any thoughts you have, but I want critique. Did it turn anyone on? Is it well written? Does it have a good tone? I will continue it if there's enough interest…

I am so fucking frustrated. It's quickly approaching the one year mark since my last sexual foray. I've heard of worse, but a hardship is a hardship none the less. Why so long? It is definitely unusual for me, having had a steady stream of relationships since turning 18. I'd have to blame it on the change of scenery. Now that I have a job and I'm not going to school, I can't effortlessly surround myself in young, available women. Data shows that was apparently my only strategy, since I've seemingly been dropped into this sexual wasteland.

So what now? I wish I knew. What I do know is that I am brimming with sexual energy. I think about sex constantly, and find myself getting aroused in places that I probably shouldn't be. The girls I see around me instantly become a part of my fantasies, doing things for me that my ex-girlfriends weren't kinky enough to even imagine trying.

It always starts about the same, I'm bringing them into my bedroom and we both know what's about to happen. I'm not sure how we met or got to this point, but it wouldn't really matter anyways. Images flash through my mind of passionate kissing and clothes being ripped off, our tongues shamelessly in each others' mouths. What I miss more than anything is that moment before sex really starts. That moment when I have my hands gripping her waist, my fingers teasing at the small of her back. My nose caressing the outside of her ear, the heat of my breath on her neck. I pull her against my body, touching my lips to her skin wherever I can or whispering things to her that seem too dirty to say out loud. It all comes to this, the anticipation of what's next. It's knowing that soon all of the coy flirting and courting and pretense will be dropped. The question is no longer “can I touch her” and instead I'm trembling at the thought of her cute little pussy being wrapped around my fucking cock. But not yet. Even though she’s edging her mouth closer, rubbing the precum off of me with her lips, she’ll have to wait. She wants it so badly; a quiet moan, closing her eyes, biting her lip. I love it when I see the emotion and desperation on her face.

Too bad. She’ll have to beg for it.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2l4ttr/a_mild_intro_but_does_it_set_a_good_tone_str8_mdom