Lechomancer 3: The Sacrifice (M/F)(Oral)

Velvet was a club a few blocks from the university. As a student, Lisa had never come here. It was too loud, and the line of beautiful people not good enough to make it past the rope made her certain she wouldn’t be welcomed. But there she was, in one of the booths facing the dance floor, sipping gin and tonic through a bright pink straw.

Erin, her sister, had insisted they go out to celebrate her new job. After they had both finished work, they had met at Erin’s apartment to get ready. Erin had always treated Lisa like a doll, and loved dressing up her younger sister. On this evening, Lisa found herself in a tiny black dress that clung to her, and enormous cork wedges. Normally, she would have felt too self-consciences to let Erin push her out the door with that much leg or cleavage on display. However, when she looked at herself in the mirror, Lisa couldn’t help but think she wanted the Master to see her in this outfit. Erin had been ecstatic when Lisa agreed.

They sat in their booth, sipping away, and Lisa was already beginning to feel a little tipsy. Erin was wearing a white sweater with three broad green stripes she swore was a dress, but Lisa wasn’t convinced. Erin’s friend Vivian had joined them as well. Lisa always found Vivian intimidating. Vivian had been on Erin’s volley ball team in college, and the tall Asian girl was always perfectly put together. Tonight she wore skin tight jeans and a shirt that draped low on her shoulders, and left the glowing skin of her back exposed.

“You look great tonight,” Vivian half-yelled over the pounding base pouring through the room.

“It’s like she’s not afraid of her own body!” Erin laughed. Lisa felt herself blush. Her older sister had always been the athlete of the family. While she wasn’t fat, Lisa’s stomach, arms and legs didn’t have the definition of Erin’s.

“What happened? Did you finally lose your virginity?”

“I wasn’t a virgin!” Lisa found herself shouting back.

“You weren’t?” Vivian pursed her lips in surprise.

“Leo!” Erin answered without looking at her sister or friend. She was watching the dance floor. “In her third year of uni, she would get drunk once a month with a student proctor from one of the computer labs and they’d fail to satisfy each other.”

“Erin!” Lisa blushed.

“Don’t worry about it, babe.” Vivian shouted and reached across the table to grab Lisa’s forearm. Vivian’s eyes were glazed over by her third Manhattan, but through the alcohol, she was being as serious as possible. “You can take home any boy you want tonight.”

“Viv! Let’s dance!” Erin ordered. She pushed her friend out of the booth and grabbed her wrist. Erin dragged Vivian onto the dance floor, and lost herself in the music.

Lisa turned in the booth, and found the Master sitting there. He was human now, a young, dark haired man with blue eyes in a dark suit. “She’s right, pet,” he said, his smooth voice cutting through the noise of the club without straining. “You can have any boy you want here.”

“I don’t want a boy,” Lisa said softly, drinking in the sight of him, the sharp line of his jaw, the cocky half grin that formed when she spoke to him.

“But I need something from you,” he said. He leaned back in the booth, and she instantly found herself curled up against him, one leg thrown over him, her lips on his neck.

“Tell me,” she begged into his ear. She began to run her hand down his chest, teasing the buttons of his grey dress shirt.

His hand ran up her leg, and his fingers tickled under the hem of her dress, beginning to push it up, threatening to expose her to the whole club. “I want to take you right her, pet,” he said, and she moaned at the thought, him throwing her over the table and fucking her right here, in front of everyone. “But I need something from you. A sacrifice.”

“A sacrifice?” she whispered.

“Yes,” he nodded, and turned to look her in the eye. He watched the worried look in her eye for a moment and then pulled her in and kissed her savagely. “Don’t worry. I’m an Incubi. I don’t require violence. I am not asking you to physically harm anyone.”

“Will … will I enjoy it?”

“You will. I’ll ensure it, pet.”

Lisa nodded and kissed him. “Tell me what I need to do.”

“For now, just go dance with your sister,” Erostopholes commanded. “I’ll tell you what you need to do next. Know that it will make me stronger, and let me do more for you.”

Lisa nodded. She rose to leave, and the Master swatted her ass playfully. A shiver of pleasure rose through her, and she headed into the crowd of people in the flashing lights in the dance floor. Vivian was just shy of six feet tall, and was easy to spot. Lisa headed towards them. Erin was dancing furiously, with the passion she threw into everything, bordering on violent. Vivian’s movement was more controlled, perfect, complementing and matching Erin’s. When she noticed Lisa heading towards her, she danced a “Come here motion.”

Though Lisa rarely danced, she knew it would be different tonight, like everything had been different since she found the book. She found her hips swinging, her balance perfect, as she slinked up to Vivian. Vivian’s eyes locked on her, drank her in, and began to smolder. When she got close, Vivian threw her arms around Lisa’s necks, crossing her wrists to pull the shorter woman in. She began to slide up and down Lisa’s gyrating form, never breaking their close eye contact. Lisa smelt the liquor on Vivian’s breath, and tilted her head slightly. Vivian’s lips parted slightly, and she tried to lean in to kiss Lisa. Lisa smiled and turned her head to the side. It wasn’t time, yet. She needed to be teased more.

Lisa wrapped a hand around Vivian, placing her palm against the smooth skin of Vivian’s exposed back, and pulling her closer. Vivian found herself straddling one of Lisa’s legs, and the hand on her back guided her in grinding against it. Vivian lost herself in the motion, sighing loudly as she ran her crotch up and down Lisa’s leg. With her free hand, Lisa wove her fingers into Vivian’s inky black hair, grabbed a handful, and pulled firmly, forcing Vivian to look at the ceiling. Then Lisa slipped the hand on Vivian’s back down into her jeans, and grabbed her ass, guiding the taller girl to continue grinding on her. Starting at Vivian’s collarbone, Lisa licked in a slow, steady motion, up to Vivian’s jaw. Vivian quivered in Lisa’s grasp. Vivian tried to bring her head down to meet Lisa’s gaze, but Lisa tugged on her hair, and forced her to look up again.

After a moment, Lisa relaxed her grip, and placed her hand on the back of Vivian’s head. She guided the taller girl to look down at her, pressing their foreheads together, keeping their lips apart. “Do you want to kiss me?” Lisa whispered. Staying forehead to forehead, Vivian nodded. “Do you want to fucking kiss me?” Lisa whispered again. She dug her hand deeper into Vivian’s jeans, and forced the girl harder against her leg. Vivian nodded again. “Will you do anything to kiss me, you fucking slut?” Vivian gasped in pleasure and nodded again.

Slowly, Lisa tilted her head. Vivian watched her, followed her lead. She forgot to keep dancing. Lisa brushed her lips against Vivian’s and pulled back. Vivian had closed her eyes, and remained motionless, holding her breath and waiting. “Good girl,” Lisa found herself saying. Then she pulled Vivian in and kissed her fiercely. One of Vivian’s hands found Lisa’s breast, and Lisa squeezed Vivian’s ass. For a long moment they kissed, and when Lisa pulled away, Vivian’s breath was ragged.

“Did you see that?” a voice filtered through the music.

“Fuck, I would sell my soul for an alley blowjob from the short one,” another voice answered.

“Done,” came the Master’s voice. Lisa smiled playful at Vivian, but disengaged, letting go of the taller girl. Vivian watched her longingly, and Erin was staring at both of them, shocked. Lisa found her self smiling and winking, and heading towards the Master’s voice.

She found him near the edge of the dance floor. He was standing behind a college boy in a tight t-shirt, stretched across his muscular chest. His thick arms were knotted with muscle. Erostopholes nodded at the boy, and Lisa bit her lip playfully. She headed towards him, swinging her hips to the music as she walked. He watched her approach, bobbing to the thundering beat. Lisa reached him and ran her hands down his powerful arms. She danced downwards, running her chin across his abdomen, she her head was directly in front of his crotch. She blow on the zipper of his blue jeans like it was a birthday candle, and then swayed back up.

The boy seemed entranced. After a moment, he swung an arm around her waist, and bodily lifted her off the ground. She squealed excitedly, and wrapped her legs around him. She started to bounce against him, and could feel his bulge growing.

The Master spoke in her mind. “Tell him what he wants to hear.”

Still wrapped around him, she put her lips to his ear. “Take me outside,” she said huskily. “I want to suck your cock.” She felt him harden. “Take me into the alley and fuck my face.”

He wrapped his hands around her hips and placed her back on the floor. He wrapped his strong fingers around his wrist and started heading to the back door of Velvet. She found herself laughing happily, excited by what was happening.

It was an exceptionally warm night for September, and the door thundered open, disturbing the silence of the alley. The college boy turned as the metal door slammed behind them and passionately kissed Lisa. She had to rise on her tip toes, and in the wedges, but she fell against his strong chest. She ran her hands over his muscular back, and then rolled back on her heels, away from him. He stood there, entranced, his eyes still closed, his hand on the small of her back, trying to entice her forward again.

Lisa felt suddenly powerful, in a way that was unfamiliar and electric. She grabbed him by the hips, and pivoted, spinning him around, so that his back was now towards the club. Then she shoved him with both hands on his chest, and he stumbled back against the wall, and looked at Lisa shocked.

“You’re not afraid of me, are you?” she asked as she stepped forward. She stepped forward, deliberately placing one of her legs between his, like she was going to knee him in the balls. Instead, she began messaging his erection with the bare skin of her thigh. She reached up, and pulled his head down and kissed him again, tasting the whiskey on his breath. She playfully nipped at his lip.

“Hey,” he said hoarsely.

“Oh,” she said, running a hand down him. “Was that bad?” She began to undue the buckle on his belt. “Don’t you want me to be bad?” She undid his jeans, and reached inside, wrapping her fingers around his shaft, teasing him out of his underwear. He looked skyward and sighed happily. Lisa held him, and pressed herself against him, gently stroking. “You’re going to let me bite your lip if I want, aren’t you? Because you want me to be gentle with this thick dick of yours.”

He nodded.

“So if I want to, I don’t know,” she purred as she ran her hand up under his shirt, over the strong muscles of his abdomen, across his broad chest, “Pinch your nipples,” and he gasped as she did, “You’ll let me, because if you do, I’m going to be very nice to your cock.” He nodded, and she smiled. She kept stroking his length as her free hand ran across him, and she pulled his jeans down, fully exposing his firm ass. He squirmed a little as his bare skin touched the cold brick building. Lisa felt a jolt of excitement as he did. There was something about controlling this boy, the type that never would have noticed her a week ago, which was giving her a new, fiercer pleasure than she had ever known.

She kissed his neck, his collar bone, the fabric of the shirt half covering his chest, his bare navel, and the defined strong line of his hip, until she reached the base of his penis. She moistened her full bottom lip with her tongue, and then teased her way op the length of him, up and down, with the faintest touch of her lips, two, three times. Finally, she kissed the tip, and then gently took it between her lips, and teased it with her tongue. She swirled around it, and the boy grunted happily.

Then she placed her hands on both of his hips, and pushed him right back against the building. He yelled a little as the flesh of his sculpted ass collided with the cold brick, but then Lisa thrust her head forward, taking his whole length in her mouth, pushing her lips forward to touch the base. He was neither as long, nor quite as thick, as the Master, but he also wasn’t a small man. Lisa began to bob up and down, quickly. She was a little surprised at herself, as in her limited experience, she had never done anything like this, but somehow she knew how to make him happy, how to make him shudder. The first salty drops of salty pre-cum trickled out of him as she pulled back. Purposefully, she pulled back, and looked up at him. He glanced down, and smiled at the tendril clinging to her lip. She pulled back further, and the string snapped and dripped down Lisa’s chin.


Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2l1ix2/lechomancer_3_the_sacrifice_mforal


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