Seeking readers

Hi there, I am looking for some good betas who would be interested in helping me by reading my work, and provide constructive criticism. I need someone who is positive in the way they phrase their critique. Looking for character thoughts, how believable it seems, feelings expressed, grammar, etc… I appreciate anyone willing to addition to helping me to perfect my erotica. I used open office to write, but also saved in doc. format. Please message me if interested.

Plot Callie has never had a boyfriend or even been kissed. She often feels like a third wheel with her friends due to her shyness, especially around boys. That is until she meets an older man with whom she takes an immediate interest in. As she begins to explore her sexuality, life doesn't seem so bad after all. (All characters are 18 or older)



  1. I had originally replied to your request for an email and format preference in what I thought was a PM (I did it on my tablet) but actually was a comment reply. So, I PM’d you that information instead and removed my email address from public view.

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