Puddles Adventures: Chapter 3 – Trick Or Treat [MF]

Puddles Adventures: Chapter 3 – Trick Or Treat

Puddles got back in from a stressful day at work, it was the 31st October, Halloween. She was not looking forward to the never ending procession of kids knocking on her door in their various outfits that night so decided she would go trick or treating herself. After raking through her wardrobe to see what clothes she could convert into an outfit, various ideas came to mind, although considering given Puddles normal attire, going out as a hooker would seem quite apt. Dismissing that suggestion as a bit too risqué Puddles decided that she would have enough items to dress as a naughty schoolgirl. She laid out her outfit on the bed; it consisted of a white blouse, black micro skirt, suspender belt and stockings. She was already getting excited at the thought of going out dressed up so decided a shower to cool her down was needed. The shower didn't last long as Puddles was eager to get her outfit on; after towelling herself dry she put on a black bra and thong before moving to the items on the bed. She put on the suspender belt, quickly adding the stockings. Next she pulled up her micro skirt, leaving the top of her stockings just visible. Putting the white blouse on she did up only enough of the buttons to hold her 36D tits in place. To finish off her outfit she found a tie that had been left behind by a previous boyfriend before completing the ensemble with a pair of black high heels. As she stood up she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, she liked what he saw.

Puddles left her apartment and proceeded to knock on the doors on the way down to the main entrance. One of the doors was answered by an elderly man who clearly didn't realise how old Puddles was as he handed her some candy sticks and some fruit. Although fortunately enough for Puddles the item of fruit was a long banana. That could come in useful later on, Puddles thought to herself, as a wicked smile appeared on he face.

Having reaching the ground floor Puddles ventured outside into the night; the cold was just starting to make its presence felt as she made her way towards one of her local drinking dens. Before she reached it there were a couple of houses she passed that were decked out with Halloween decorations. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, Puddles thought as she made her way to the front door of the first brightly lit house. Just as she was about to ring the doorbell the heavens opened as lashing rain fell from the sky; by the time the door was answered Puddles was soaked to the skin. There was a shock in store for Puddles as the door was opened by a man dressed as the devil. It turned out he was about to leave for a Halloween party at the local nightclub. The devil, noticing the weather, invited Puddles in, an offer she readily took up. Only after entering the house did Puddles realized how wet her body was as she caught a glimpse of herself in a full length mirror. Her blouse had become see through with her nipples pushing at the black bra.

Puddles was shown into the living room; it contained a vast array of the latest technology, the devil was obviously a man of means. Just as Puddles’ eyes wandered to the pictures adorning the walls the devil appeared with a towel and two glasses containing what looked like whisky. Handing the towel to Puddles he introduced himself as Louis Sifa. Puddles immediately identified the connection between his name and the outfit he was wearing on his tanned, athletic body. Puddles gratefully accepted the towel and proceeded to dry her hair, an action that provided much titillation to anyone watching her as her body movement caused her tits to bounce wildly under her black bra, testing the strength of the retaining straps. Feeling at ease in Louis’s company Puddles had no problem in accepting the drink being offered to her. Her first thoughts were right- it was whisky; she felt it burn her throat as she drank from the glass that Louis had given her. As she drank the alcohol Puddles began to examine in greater detail the body under the devil outfit. Louis appeared to be around 6 foot tall and had an impressive muscular physique, the bottom half of the devil outfit consisted of red lycra trousers and matching boots. The lycra was tight in all the right places. Puddles’ eyes lit up as she realised Louis was well very endowed as the bulge in his crotch area indicated. Puddles, realising she was taking up Louis's time when he was meant to be going to the party, stood up from the couch and made her way to the door thanking him for his hospitality saying she would get on her way. Louis replied by saying he wasn't really looking forward to attending the party, he was one of the few men in his office and had suffered a regular ribbing from the females that frequently involved sexual innuendo, and given his choice of outfit for tonight he might be lucky to escape with his clothes intact. Puddles laughed at his last comment as she made her way back to the couch, motioning that her glass was getting empty as she sat down. Louis quickly set about filling their glasses and they both relaxed on the couch together.

As Puddles rested back into the couch her skirt moved up her thighs exposing further the top of her stockings and her suspender belt. She made a futile attempt to move the skirt back down but given the size of the skirt it wouldn't move far. As Puddles stood up from the couch her bag fell to the floor, the candy sticks and banana she had been given earlier fell to the floor. A puzzled look appeared on Louis's face when he saw these items; his facial expression changed to a laugh when Puddles told him how she got the items. Louis's eyes lit up when Puddles said that the banana might come in useful later on.

More alcohol flowed in what seemed like a neverending glass; before long the conversation between Louis and Puddles became raunchier. Puddles started it off when she enquired of Louis's relationship status. He admitted that there had been no one serious in a while, admitting that when things got sexual the prospective partners were frightened off. Puddles was intrigued and delved further, determined to find out the reason why. It was only a matter of time before the answer was revealed, probably aided by the amount of alcohol drank so far. It was just as well Puddles was sitting when he revealed all, (the answer that is!). He blurted out that his cock was over 10 inches long when erect. Puddles nearly choked on her drink but was now anxious to find out more, maybe even see it in all its glory.

Louis felt suddenly embarrassed by what he had said regarding his cock and suddenly became quiet. Puddles went over to comfort him; just as she leant towards him the clasp on her bra broke and her boobs tumbled out. Puddles then tried to cover up but knew that it was a losing cause. After having a few drinks Puddles felt very relaxed and just let them free. Louis, sensing the moment, moved his mouth to one of the engorged nipples; using his free hand to squeeze it as he licked across it, the cold from the ice in his drink made Puddles’ nipples erect and inviting.

Puddles suddenly felt her nipples being sucked with Louis's tongue flicking across the surface. She could clearly see that Louis was enjoying himself as the bulge in the devil costume trousers he was wearing was becoming more obvious. As Puddles’ eyes and hands moved towards his crotch she felt Louis suck harder on her nipples; feeling that he wanted to take control she lay back on the couch as Louis cupped her boobs whilst moving on top of her. As his face was directly above her she felt his cock push at her pussy, which was rapidly getting wetter.

As Louis pushed his body against Puddles’ tits, her skirt rode further up her legs causing her black thong to be visible. Louis buried his head in Puddles’ tits pawing at her nipples with his fingers. He then raised her legs in the air and moved his tongue towards the top of her thong.

Louis quickly pulled off Puddles’ skirt, skillfully undoing the button and pulling it off her legs whilst moving his tongue deeper under her thong towards her pussy. His hands moved to her thong peeling it down whilst exploring with his fingers, running the tops of them across Puddles’ clit driving her ecstasy level into overdrive. As his hand movements made their way towards her pussy he suddenly stopped and pulled off the top half of his devil costume revealing a muscular physique and a cheeky devil tattoo above his right nipple. Stretching his arms, he put the arms of the costume around Puddles’ head covering her eyes. Puddles’ excitement grew as she considered what was going to happen next; being blindfolded was increasing her pleasure level. Louis’s tongue reached Puddles’ pussy; her thong was lying at the top of her thighs. He pushed the edge of his tongue into Puddles’ pussy running along the edge slowly and meticulously. Louis’s sexual energy was being boosted by this as his cock pushed at his trousers. Still blindfolded Puddles was oblivious to anything happening around her that she could not feel. As Louis's tongue probed deeper into her pussy, his fingers pulling at her clit, Puddles was suddenly was unable to speak, her thoughts were stopped in their tracks!! A cock was in her mouth; she could taste the liquid seeping from the tip. Her mind started doing somersaults. It was not Louis’s cock; he was still sucking at her wet pussy.

Puddles had experienced many sexual situations in her insatiable appetite for raw and dangerous sex. Only two nights previous she had two cocks vying for her attention inside her juicy pussy. This time however was different.

Using her tongue she skillfully moved over and around the mystery cock, examining its texture and shape with her expert tongue. Swallowing hard she pulled the cock in deeper, almost suffocating herself in the process; her mind went into overdrive as she discovered the cock and balls she was examined were hair free. Raw skin moved about her mouth as she bit gently at the unknown cock and balls. This action was clearly exciting the owner as contented moans were heard from above her head. Further sucking at the cock caused it to thrash wildly inside Puddles’ mouth; quickly thereafter cum shot from the swollen cock. As the cum continued to flow the cock was removed from Puddles’ mouth and left to bob up and down above her head.

Puddles tried to reach the unknown cock, a difficult feat given the fact that she was still blindfolded. Her body moved suddenly downwards as she was lifted by Louis and the unknown man to the floor. Before she had time to react, Puddles felt her back make contact with the floor with Louis positioning between her legs, which were now lying apart. As Louis sat on the floor his cock pushed so hard at his devil costume that the tip of it was visible at the top. Louis moved Puddles’ legs further apart; her pussy was clearly visible, looking in a far more distressed state than when she arrived. With one movement Puddles’ legs were hoisted in the air where Louis's tongue took advantage as he licked from her ass over the lips, finally stopping at her clit where his tongue and mouth now moved at a ferocious rate. Using his fingers to move the lips further apart, Louis's tongue made darting movement in and out; Puddles moaned as the movements became faster and more intense. Just as Puddles’ pussy could take no more she felt cum land on her mouth. The owner of the unknown cock was now straddling Puddles, his ass was pushing at her boobs with the semi-erect cock resting over her face. The cock was pushed back into Puddles’ mouth as the male owner rocked back and forth above Puddles’ body. At the same time Louis removed his fingers from Puddles’ wet pussy and, skillfully pulling off the remainder of his costume with one hand, he pushed his 10 inch rock hard against her clit. Almost inviting the massive member in, Puddles’ pelvic muscles pulled at the cock. Louis obliged by sliding his cock deeper into her pussy. As the full length was pushed in, Puddles eyes widened as she realised that not only was Louis's cock long it also had a wide girth.

The mystery male moved away from Puddles’ body; this allowed Louis to lie on top of Puddles, giving him the ability to bury his head in her swaying boobs while pushing his cock home. As Louis pulled at her nipples he used his extra weight to give Puddles’ pussy the penetration he felt it deserved. Louis's mouth made contact with Puddles’ boobs as he bit at the engorged nipples. Puddles squealed with delight as sensations ran through her exhausted body. Louis's cock pushed harder inside Puddles’ pussy; suddenly all movement stopped as his cock spouted cum in all directions. Louis's body rested on top of Puddles as his cock continued to jerk wildly inside her pussy. Pulling his cock out resulted in cum landing on Puddles’ boobs before landing on the floor.

Sensing that the fun was over, Puddles moved her hands to her eyes to remove the blindfold; before she had a chance to reach it, Louis pulled her hands away saying they were only getting started. As he finished his sentence Puddles’ body was moved again; this time she was on all fours. A little disorientated by the way she was manhandled, Puddles didn't realise that both Louis and the mystery male were standing behind her. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard Louis saying, "John, what are we going to do to her now? You think she wants some rear door action?"

John laughed, pulling apart Puddles’ cheeks. He commented, "Yep, looks like this ass has taken a good pounding recently."

Puddles, who could now identify the mystery cock owner, agreed with the last comment saying, "Taking it up the ass always got her juices flowing."

Louis and John didn't need any further enticement as they leant behind Puddles and pulled at her ass. Fingers were pushed at her hole bringing contented moans to Louis and John's ears. Pulling further apart Puddles’ cheeks there was still a trickle of cum present from Louis earlier penetration. Angling his body, Louis pushed the tip of his cock at the opening of Puddles’ ass; pushing forward he watched his cock start to disappear into the widening hole.

"More, give me more," shouted Puddles as she felt the cock move in her ass.

Louis responded, pushing his cock deeper; at the same time he reached forward with his hands and pulled at Puddles’ nipples. As he forcefully twisted her nipples he pulled his body closer; whimpering type noises were heard as his cock was fully slid home. With a slow movement Louis's cock was pushed in and out of Puddles’ ass. His hands grabbed at Puddles’ boobs, holding then towards her chest. As he moved her boobs he started to increase the speed and force with which Puddles’ ass was being pounded. Each movement caused an increase in the noise level as Puddles struggled to manage the sensations her body was generating. Louis’s cock was rising to the occasion, as it became rock hard and pushed deep into Puddles’ gaping hole. Louis grabbed at Puddles’ hair as he increased the speed and ferocity of his cock movement.

"Give it to me, I want it deep inside," Puddles shouted as Louis slammed his throbbing cock in and out. He moved his hands to her hips. Puddles shrieked with delight as her ass became a sea of hot flowing cum. "Let me taste it, I want your cock NOW." Puddles was almost hysterical as she ordered Louis to stick his cock in her mouth. She didn't have long to wait as the erect cock was forced in her mouth. Puddles loved to taste cum and this occasion was no different; like a woman possessed she sucked at the swollen cock. Louis's body shook as he was drained of cum from his erect cock. Puddles having had her fill said, "Right John, let’s see what you can do." As she finished speaking, small drips of cum were visible around her mouth. Licking her lips contentedly, Puddles remained on all fours like the proverbial cat that got the cream.

As she moved forward on the floor Puddles suddenly felt a searing pain in her ass; feeling like she had been branded she let out a scream. Shortly after the pain had subsided Puddles felt something push at her ass. At the same time she felt one of the men move between her legs and position themselves directly under her body.

"Oh my god," she whispered to herself. "I'm going to get DP."

Puddles didn't have long to wait to see if her thoughts were right; she felt a cock start to push at her pussy. First she felt the tip then gradually more and more entered her wet and juicy pussy.

"Right John, get it up her ass now," shouted Louis as if he was directing a movie.

John pushed his cock into Puddles’ ass, her eyes widened as the full length was slid in. Lubrication wasn't an issue here as Puddles’ holes were dripping with hot creamy cum. In almost military fashion both Louis and John set about pounding Puddles’ holes for all they were worth. As Puddles’ body moved back and forth her nipples brushed across Louis’s face. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, Louis made sure the nipples were sucked hard each time it made contact. Puddles body was aching from all the action she was getting but she was loving every second.

"Don't waste your cum in my hole," Puddles shouted. "I want it in my mouth, both of you at once."

John and Louis continued banging away at Puddles’ ass and pussy until they reached the point of no return. Suddenly without warning John pushed his body under Puddles’ arm, his cock ready to explode now above her boobs. At the same time John pulled his cock from Puddles’ ass, racing round to her face holding his cock. Louis with his free hand pulled the blindfold from Puddles’ eyes; her eyes lit up as she stared at the two primed cocks in front of her face. Trying to time it to perfection Louis and John pulled at their cocks until liquid start to seep from the tip. Puddles sensing that they were ready to explode opened her mouth invitingly. Both cocks were rammed in her mouth, a sea of cum flowed freely. Struggling to take it all in Puddles gulped air in as she licked at the two cocks fighting for her attention. John and Louis angled their bodies as Puddles made valiant efforts to suck them. Cum was now falling from Puddles’ mouth and making it way down her sweat-laden neck and body. With a final nibble at each cock her body could take no more; ungracefully Puddles collapsed forward in a heap, tired but happy.

Once they had regained their energy, Louis laughed out loud, adding, "That was the best Halloween party I missed in my life."

Drink continued to flow until all three of them were barely able to stand. Puddles indicated she would have to be leaving and made an attempt to get up. At first she was wobbly on her feet but gradually she managed to stagger towards the door.

"Don't forget these," Louis said, dangling a soaking black thong in front of her.

Puddles replied, "Have them to remember me, if there's a next time I won't bother wearing them in the first place."

To that remark John said, "You are one dirty bitch."

Puddles agreed wholeheartedly before disappearing from the front door and making her way home. It was early in the morning now and there was no one encountered during her journey.

As Puddles reached her apartment she felt pain in her right ass cheek. As soon as she opened her door, without a hesitation she pulled off her clothes and walked to a full-length mirror in the bedroom. The source of the pain became evident as Puddles noticed a trident shaped outline that was now an angry red colour on her right cheek. Puddles laughed to herself while thinking, "Well he certainly was a horny devil and I did leave him something to remember me by!!"

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2kt2ad/puddles_adventures_chapter_3_trick_or_treat_mf