Tinkerbell and The Pirate. Long story, rule34, bondage, femdom, orgasm denial, forced orgasm, cum play

Tinkerbell and The Pirate.

Long story, rule34, bondage, femdom, orgasm denial, forced orgasm, cum play

The faeries and nymphs of Neverland were notoriously clever creatures. They were slaves to whims that would flip and change at a moments notice but when they were in a state of obsession their creative resourcefulness was a marvel to behold. Their obsessions were unpredictable but some common themes included racing, jokes/pranks, eating, playing, telling stories, singing, and (more often than not) experiences of a more sensual ilk. A faery's sexual appetite was ravenous and limitless; there was no inhibition in their escapades. All experiences were to be taken to their limits and fully explored but no other topic reflected this vigor like sexual exploration so you can imagine what they would occasionally do with the violent pirates that they would find in their realms.

The Neverland Faeries were largely independent beings belonging primarily to the land and the fauna but they liked to play, and eat, and sing with Peter and The Lost Boys so they tended to help the boys in their various endeavors. They were protective of the boys and distrusting of pirates who sought to do them harm and one day, Tinkerbell encountered two pirates discussing plans to do just that. They were sitting on the shoreline somewhere between The Lost Boys' camp and Captain Hook's (frankly marvelous) ship and they stunk of rum and sweat. They were completely pissed and boasting loudly about The Captain's plan for a midnight raid. Well Tink and her kind could not let that pass and set upon them like a net springs over waiting prey. They caught and overpowered the slower of the two but the other was lightning fast which was odd considering how inebriated he was. No matter, they could extract the plan from the slow one.

And they would enjoy it.

It was hard to open his eyes, like trying to lift tiny lead curtains. When he did manage to part them his vision was blurry and his head throbbed hard enough for him to regret the tremendous amount of rum he had consumed that afternoon. It was early evening and he was surrounded in a soft glow, the source of which he could not pin point at the moment because he was struck by the realization that he was completely naked … and restrained! Vines lashed to his limbs then lashed to trees. Big, mighty, immovable trees and rubbery vines tied with intricate knots. He recognized the knots immediately.


That's when he realized that the light, the flickering ambient light, was the shimmer of dozens of the little bugs and he was at the mercy of their whims. One of the bugs zoomed out of the swarm and stood over his face with her legs wide and her hands on her hips and in a loud voice she said "What is Hook planning to do to the Boys?" He had never gotten a good look at Tinkerbell before, she doesn't stay still for long enough but now he could see that her tiny leafy dress barely covered her tiny curves. She looked fit and taught and he suddenly wanted nothing more than to see what those leaves concealed.

"This is your last chance" she said "then we'll have resort to more drastic measures." He guffawed and blurted out "And what measures would those be, eh!? You plan to fuck me to death? I think I can survive a few faeries."

"Your choice" she said gently and in a moment they were all naked and he could see the hairless treasure that Tink hid from the world between her strong, softly curvy legs; her little pussy was flushed with fresh arousal and already slick. Her breasts were round and pert with tiny brown nipples that pointed straight forward and her counterparts were equally stunning. He could smell a thick sweetness that he could only assume was the scent of their arousal as they descended on his hardening cock with frightening speed and flew in tight circles around his excited shaft casting light in all directions. Their tiny hands and beating wings created such a unique sensation that he threw his head back on the soft forest floor thinking to himself I can get used to this as he felt himself already approaching a spectacular orgasm. They were so fast, so deft, so intensely focused on his throbbing organ that he wondered what the deal was. Why were they doing this? Why were they so intent to send him into pure euphoria in such short order? No matter, he would cum soon. He could feel it rising in his shaft, his balls lifted tight against his shaft and he got ready to spill his seed when it all stopped dead.

He bucked and protested as the wicked little faeries broke formation just before he reached his climax and laughed at his cries for mercy.

"Hey, don't stop! Please, oh blazes, please don't stop! Come on, I'm so close, so close to cumming PLEASE!" but they just laughed and pleasured themselves as they watched him squirm and fight, his cock bobbing helplessly close to ecstasy. They ravenously pleasured each other, reveling in their orgasms that they had so freely. The sweet musk hung heavily in the air and played on his mind. He wanted to taste it. He wanted to lick clean every single source of the sweetness and as they descended on his cock for another round of intense pleasure he realized that he was not meant to cum. He was meant to suffer and beg and yearn for their sweetness.

And he did. Oh, he did.

They continued their fluttering game for what seemed like hours as their numbers steadily grew until the forest was as bright as mid day from their collective glow. Over and over again they set upon his tortured manhood with renewed vigor in their spinning formation until he thought he would go mad with desire. His mouth was wet and just wanted to taste their dripping, sweet pussies and cover their firm bodies with his thick load … but they had other plans. Tink hovered over his face once more and allowed a single drop from her slick treasure to fall through her fingers and into his mouth. His tongue was overcome with unimaginable sweetness, the likes of which he had never tasted before. That small drop seemed to explode in his mouth and he was acutely aware of it's effect on his cock. They need not touch him at all, only drip into his mouth and drive him to the edge of ecstasy with their magical wetness. They took turns; positioned over his mouth they played and rubbed themselves until one drop fell from their fleet fingers and his yearning was renewed again and again.

He was delirious. He begged and pleaded with his every breath but they just laughed and mockingly enjoyed their climaxes; their cries of pleasure sounded throughout the forest. "Please, I'll tell you anything. ANYTHING, just please let me cum! There's going to be a raid, three nights from tonight at midnight. Please, that's all I know. I NEED to CUM, I NEED THIS!" But they paid him no mind. They simply carried on savoring his suffering. They had decided to wrap a stretchy vine around the base of his cock and the base of his balls. The thin, smooth vine was pulled taught and lashed to a tree directly between his legs which firmly pulled his balls away from his body and pointed his penis straight up. His face was red, his body was tired, his balls were swollen, and thin rivulets of precum were periodically trickling from his throbbing head, rendering his nethers slick and sticky. The faeries began to gather around his hips and gently lick him clean. Their beating wings and probing tongues were just enough to keep him on the edge. How did they know? How could they keep him at a steady 9.9 without accidentally tipping him over to a much needed 10? They just knew,

or maybe they could sense it.

Tinkerbell looked on with extreme satisfaction as her sisters took full advantage of the tied cock in their midst. She had had no doubt that he would eventually let spill the details of his plan but that wasn't really the point of tonight's activities. Tink had wanted to have an orgy and the pirate was simply a convenient excuse to enhance their reverie with the cries produced by hours of teasing and orgasm denial. The acts of edging and orgasm denial were easier for faeries than for humans. They had a keen awareness of the emotions of other creatures and it was very easy for them to pull away from a cock just as their subject approached orgasm. They could feel it every single time and today, their obsession was focused on this poor pirate's sexual frustration. His muscles would tense, his breath would falter, and an almost imperceptible tremble would signal imminent release and was their cue to stop short. They could feel every muscle and were in total control but it was time to take their final reward.

Their exploits had begun around sundown and it was presently sometime between midnight and dawn. Tink oversaw the reverie from the tree that anchored the vine attached to his tortured manhood and from her perch there ran a line of thick wetness that ran down from a spot just beneath her flushed pussy. Two of her fingers worked deep within her and she tickled her swollen clit with the brightly colored feather of hummingbird. She writhed in pure ecstasy for hours and painted the tree with her wetness but it was time to give this poor, slow, drunken wretch his long awaited orgasm …

but it will not be merciful.

She bolted from her perch and took a position lying on her back directly beneath his cock on top of his bound testicles with her pussy less than a quarter of an inch from his cum filled erection. Her sisters followed suit and literally stacked themselves around his cock from base to tip with their pussies painfully near his throbbing member. So close that he could feel their heat. He was a decently endowed fellow so they were able to fit twenty or so layers of themselves wrapped around his cock with a total of one hundred little faeries ready to finish the night's adventure in a spectacular mess. They do love a good mess.

Tink whistled and they pressed. One hundred tiny pussies made contact with his penis and writhed in uniform rhythm. They groped and pleasured one another as best they could in such tight formation and their wetness ran down in thick ribbons which had a profound effect on the poor man! It was too intense, the pulsing would have been enough (anything over a breeze would have been enough at this point) but the addition of their magical wetness intensified every sensation and the feeling was too much for him to cum comfortably. After several seconds of agonizing over-stimulation his cum poured forth and covered an entire row of tiny faeries in thick warmth. His organ and testicles were still tightly bound so his cum did not explode; rather it arduously dribbled in long, contiguous streams. He would have preferred a more merciful release but at least he was cumming and it would be over soon.

Or would it?

Tink and her sisters writhed as a single mass of gorgeous little bodies and used their pussies to push rope after rope from his turgid member but the intense pleasure did not stop there. His initial release was over with and they continued their game. They climaxed as they rubbed their smooth, tiny pussies against his throbbing cock and their wetness now coated said cock from tip to base. As a result of their magical wetness, he remained fully erect and his post orgasm sensitivity was amplified ten fold. He bucked and objected as much as he dared, for his vulnerable manhood was anchored to an immense oak tree. The initial pouring forth had drenched a dozen faeries or more in his cum and they would not stop until they were each completely soaked. Completely immersed.

They forced him to cum for hours or at least what seemed like hours to the poor subject of their lust. He had long since given up any hope of mercy. More than one hundred perfect little pussies relentlessly massaged every square centimeter of his cock. He shuddered and bucked with every ejaculated rope until every single faery was feasting on and bathing in a mixture of his semen and their own wetness. It all flowed thickly toward his balls where there lustfully laid lovely little Tinkerbell; her favorite spot to savor the thick liquid lust that they had spent hours building and milking.

And milking, and milking, and milking.

The taste and feel of all that thick cum was the essence of a man's sex and the faeries of Neverland feasted on it obsessively. They knew nothing of restraint in their orgies. It was nearing morning and the inky blackness of night was giving way to a deep purple that heralded the oncoming dawn. The ground was covered in his cum and the faeries had fallen drunkenly from his still throbbing (and still tightly bound) cock to lie asleep in the forest. He had lost consciousness a short time earlier from sheer exhaustion as the little ladies were growing full of his ejaculate. Tink was awake and savoring the smell of this place. The air was thick with the smell of cum and sweet faery wetness. They had gorged themselves on lust and bathed in the forcefully extracted seed of their well hung toy. She deftly cut his bonds as her sisters drifted lazily away from the scene. His erection would persist until mid-day (she knew from experience) and the sailor would be mighty sore for the next week or so but he would be fine thereafter. She left him in the shade of morning but not before bathing once more in the mess that coated to forest floor; filling herself completely above and below. She adjourned to rest with her sisters for the faeries of Neverland rested that morning in the canopy, gently nestled together near The Lost Boy's camp.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2kf71j/tinkerbell_and_the_pirate_long_story_rule34