Hot Dino Girls Excerpt (Fantasy Erotica Ebook) (MF, oral, titfuck, size difference, scifi)

Saurian herd matron Niska and her young assistant Lorika run a bed and breakfast on an alternate Earth dominated by human-dinosaur genetic hybrids. A restless young man named Mike from the human world visits, trying to figure what to do with his life. A hurricane throws the three of them into close quarters for days on end, leading to unexpected sensual delights between Mike and the much larger Saurian women.

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After they blockaded the broken window, the three of them swept through the entirety of the tower twice to make sure nothing else had gotten in. Mike spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon fixing and reinforcing the window shutters the velociraptor had broken.

Niska appeared at the doorway a few hours after lunch. “How are things going?” she asked.

“Just finishing up,” he said. He thumped the new shutters and the array of thick boards covering the window. “You’d need at least ten of those raptors to break through this now.”

“That is good to hear.” A wisp of honest relief worked into her voice. She smiled. “I have found another place where your skills would be useful. If you don’t mind?”

“Sure,” he said. “Where is it?”

“Follow me.”

The human guest did so, staying just behind Niska’s long swaying tail. He had to admit the view was nice, watching the interplay of her enormous buns under the thin fabric of her tunic as she walked. That was especially so as they began ascending the spiraling stone stairs to the third floor. “Where’s Lorika?” he asked idly.

“Napping,” Niska said. “She needed to calm down. We were quite agitated after that animal broke in. Knowing you were working on securing the villa was comforting though. It is was good to see her calm down enough to sleep.”

“I’m glad.” He bit his lip, well aware of the unspoken subject hanging over them both. “Ah, Ms. Niska, a-about last night…”

“We’re here,” Niska announced, pushing open the door. Mike wasn’t sure she had heard him, so he decided not to pursue it.

He stepped in, looking around. His brows crinkled as he took in the somewhat spacious storeroom, with crates and sacks and linens stacked on the floor and shelves. “Um, are you sure you have the right room? I don’t see any windows here. There’s a vent, but it looks kind of small, even for a velociraptor…”

Niska loosed the most curious soft mewling sound as she closed the door. Just as Mike turned back toward her, she stepped up to him and slid to her knees. The hem of his shirt was lifted as she licked across his bare tummy with her long tongue.

“What are you…” Mike began.

“Let me service you,” Niska said, dipping her head slightly, playfully licking his bare skin once more. “Forgive me if I do not know many of the human customs for this, but I very much want my body to please you.”

Mike just stared at her, jaw hanging open. “I… uh… I don’t know what to say.”

Her thick fingers began fumbling with his belt and zipper. He made no move to stop her, not sure if he should even try. Her eyes flicked up to meet his, twinkling with mischief and desire. “Last night, when you took my rear and marked me with your seed, it was all I could do not to just hop on you and let you breed me there and then.”

“Ms. Niska, I… ahhhhh!” His words instantly stumbled to a halt when she impatiently yanked his pants down and engulfed his rapidly growing cock with her hot and slippery maw.

With her larger size, it was very easy for her to suck in his entire penis to the root. She swirled her agile tongue around it first in one direction, then another.

Mike could do little more than grunt in pleasure. He glanced down and couldn’t believe how incredibly erotic it all looked. The big curvy saurian female, on her knees and sucking him so greedily. Her big eyes flashed up occasionally to drink in his reactions as she worked him. Her big butt waved around in the air behind her, tail raised high in the air. She shrugged off first one loose sleeve of her tunic, then the other, leaving her gigantic pendulous tits swaying freely under her.

It was a bit surreal to the inexperienced male, but the effects of receiving his first blow job on him were quick and profound. “Gonna… gonna blow,” he gasped out.

She popped him out of her mouth, her hand taking over pumping him, She squeezed him just enough on his base to hold him back from the edge momentarily. “Where do you want to cum?” she asked.

Looking down at her at that moment, his response was immediate. “Your tits.”

She moved quickly, straightening somewhat and taking each of her enormous globes in each hand. She enclosed Mike’s raging hard on on her sternum, drooled on it to keep it nice and slick, then enclosed her big pillowy breasts on it. She began moving them back and forth, up and down on his aching rod. “You feel so warm there,” she breathed excitedly.

Mike caressed over her smooth scalp, unsure of where else to put his hands. He was working on pure instinct at this point, his mind overwhelmed by the incredible feelings.

After just a few pumps, a powerful wave of ecstasy crashed through his body. His balls drew up, and Niska gasped as she felt his cock thicken even more before the first jet of cum firehosed out between her tits. She caught some on her gaping lips, with the rest painting a jagged white line on her face and long neck. His other loads soaked over her the interior of her cleavage, five heavy spurts in all. “So much!” she gasped in wonder. “I would not have thought you would be able to give so much, with your size. It feels so hot.” She rubbed her mounds together to spread the heated bounty around as much as she could.

Mike recovered, just nodding at her words. His knees felt wobbly. He reluctantly disengaged to shuffle backward a foot to sit heavily down on a solid wooden crate. Niska crawled happily after him on her hands and knees, and when he settled down she busily began working on cleaning his cum-covered cock with her tongue.
