[26, M4A] – This is just for fun and will be in parts [Pet play]

Through the daily working grind of driving into stop and go traffic, the lectures from the boss, and the stack of ever growing bills there is always one smiling face that is waiting to great me at the door. She’s always been there for me and always will be there. When things get me down she brings out that last bit of energy from me. Some people may find it odd that I’m a 26 year old male living with a cat but that’s not really any of their business and I will share as many stories as I want of tails knocking over cups as long as they keep telling their boring stories about their children. It’s the life that I enjoy living and I wouldn’t change a thing about it.

There is so much anger in the world right now that it can be so unavoidable. The drive home was plagued with it. The car that slams its brakes giving the car behind them no choice but to slam into their bumper. The Boss who can’t seem to decide if he wants to be aa good guy or the nemesis of all weekends. This feeling is something that I hate to carry with me for any longer than it takes to get through the door to home. Sometimes it does manage to linger just long enough to make my stress levels evident. So I stay in my car and clear my head from everything that happened that day.

Sitting there I can that my girlfriend has arrived through the backdoor as the lights start to kick on from the kitchen to the living room. It is definitely time to head inside. Grab the bags, grab the papers and take that last deep breathe of stress then push it out. This is always the best part of the day when the door swings open and her body embraces mine and I feel her long sigh of relief from her day of pretending to be a person. She takes my hand and leads me to the couch. I sit down to find an opened beer waiting for me to drink and the tv already showing some reality network show. The sounds of these people putting on a show for the cameras seems so overly done. I wonder if that’s how she feels like its all just a show put on for the people around her. Their eyes the cameras and their thoughts the audience judging them for simply giving them something that they choose to ignore. Yeah, this must be something like that, ignoring who you really are just to please someone else.

My hands reaching up behind the coach I feel the familiar touch of her collar and the ting of a bell. She most have taken it off here the other night. I call out to my kitty. “ILLA, are you ready to come out from your hiding place?”

Theres no response to the sound of my voice. “Sweetie its time for you to come out from your hiding place and play with me.” She can be so stubborn sometimes, it S a little ridiculous but what else can you expect from a cat. “Illa, come out here and I promise to put your collar on.”

This makes her happy and she come shyly out from the bedroom with her little ears perked up in excitement. She snuggles up next to me, knees bent into the couch. Her nose softly brushing against my neck. I play with her behind her the way that she likes it. My fingers rolling over across each other like the pistons of an engine. She loves this and rests her head on my shoulder and begins to purr. She can be so sweet to me.

“Do you want your collar on?” She perks up suddenly and gives me her intense look of “don’t’. Shes not in the mood to be controlled tonight so I leave her to her whims. Jumping down from the couch she gives me a great view of her hips as she stretches her legs and walks out of the room. She’ll be ready to play more when she is ready until then I get to enjoy seeing her pale skin only covered y thin layers of lace that forms the structure of her panties.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2jy7n2/26_m4a_this_is_just_for_fun_and_will_be_in_parts