Why do I Allow This? [MF] [cuck] [Mdom][Fsub] [bond]

"It's been a long day" I think to myself as I ease off my grease stained shirt and reach in the fridge or a beer. "Wasn't there More there last night" I think absent-mindedly to myself. In my mind I know I'm prone to paranoia, not that its unfounded considering our history, or rather hers As I take a large gulp of and swallow what little pride remains me I hear a sound from our bedroom, it sounds like the scramble of boys caught with a joint in the school bathroom. "Oh God! She had him here, again" I think as I feel my heart sink into the pit of my stomach, I grab my beer and a large knife from the kitchen counter and walk reluctantly to the last place on earth I want to be, the room where she regularly makes a joke of our wedding vows and my manly pride. "Hey Honey" She says coyingly while sprawled out on our king size bed like some trashy version of a 1950s pin-up. "How was work, I've been laying around here trying to keep myself busy, just so I could see you" Aside from the smeared makeup, Missed hair, hastily thrown on lingerie and destruction of the sheets and pillows on the bed, the whole room smelled of fresh sex and semen. "It was work" is all I can muster as I kick off my shoes and slide my pants off. I am ashamed of myself for how erect I am. "Look at this smiling little slut" I think to myself. "Oh look what we have here!" She says as she reaches toward my now throbbing cock. "Someone is excited to see me!" She says as she begins stroking it through my boxer-briefs. I allow her to do as she wishes, as I always do. "Why does she have this control over me" I think as I glance ashamedly around the room. I see something poking from the corners of the bed. "It's straps" I lament to myself, "she lets him use her as a fucktoy, and doesn't even attempt to hide it" I continue to stand there like some desperate boy making his first visit to a massage parlor, letting them do their work and hoping it gets the job done. She drags me over to the bed and removes my under wear, my cock is rock hard in her soft hands and almost painfully throbbing, wanting that sweet tight pussy. I look at the floor beside the bed and see a freshly used roll of duct tape. "Dammit, what was that for?" She has begun kissing my cock and groping my balls. I take another swig of beer and like the flash of lightning on a quiet desert night I bring the bottle across her face, knocking her backward onto the bed. She clutches her jaw in shock as I grab the closest strap on the bed post and wrap it tightly around her wrist. "Please" she screams "I'm sorry" I wrap the other wrist up and pin her down with my knees in her shoulders. I reach down and grab the duct tape. "This should shut your lying ass up" I say as I place a strip across her mouth. I then find the straps at the base of the bed and bind her ankles. I then pick up the knife I grabbed from the kitchen and rub it across her face. "I'm going to have to cut you a new mouth, because all I hear are lies and bullshit from this one!" She looks up with tears in her eyes and makes a sorrowful nod. I squeeze her breasts hard, making her face twist with pain. "Holy Hell my cock feels so hard" I think to myself. I rub my hands down her soft body and allow my fingers to massage her clit and labia. I then shove one in, her pussy is surprisingly so wet and wanting, like some bitch in heat. I shove in another finger and then another, pumping my hand so hard her whole body moves with the force of each thrust, I can feel her clenching up for a climax, "she's actually enjoying this" I think to myself. I wrap my other hand around her throat as orgasms, her muffled moans sound like echoes of laughter on my eardrums. Her face is almost purple red as I let go of her neck, her eyes glisten somewhere between death and ecstasy. "What am I doing?" I think to myself. But, it's too late, it feels too good to stop. I pull my fingers out of her twat and rub them around her asshole. I can feel her pussy still quivering with anticipation as I slide a pinkie in her ass and work two fingers in her pussy. I grab the knife with my other hand and run the tip around her nipples. "Don't you cum, until I tell you too bitch!" I say as I slide the dull side of the knife across her neck. Her eyes are full of fear as I feel her pussy clenching up for a climax. I drop the knife and slap her with the back of my hand across the face. "Not yet slut!" I shout with eyes full of anger-fueled passion. I can see the look of pain in her eyes, the look of shame a flash of the mirror into my own soul the past few years. "Cum Now!" I shout in her face. I feel her pussy explode in my hand as she lets out a long muffled moan. My cock is so stiff now, I can barely contain it, I shove it deep inside her worn out cunt. I make sure she can feel every inch of it. I hear her muffled screams yelling "PLEASE!" "DADDY!" I grab the knife and cut a slit across the duct tape covering her mouth. As she goes to let out a moaning sigh of relief, I rub the fingers that were just in her pussy and her ass all around her lips and mouth, she tries to move her head to the side in shame. I use my other hand to grab the back of her neck, holding her head steady as I force my fingers covered with her fluids in and out of her mouth. I could feel my cock swell to the point of explosion and pulled it out of her pussy, I then mount her face and rip the duct tape off her mouth. I force my cock down her throat, the sounds of her gagging and the look of tears welling up in her eyes makes me cum so hard, I make her clean up every drop from my cock and balls. As I release the straps on her arms and legs, she stares at me ashamed, humiliated violated. "Get your dirty ass in the shower" I say as I push her out of bed and onto the floor. Like some abused pet, she gets up and limps into the bathroom. I lay there in bed and finish my now lukewarm beer. She comes out of the bathroom and climbs into bed. "Thank You!" She says with a kiss on my chest and a smile across her lips. "What have I started?" I think, but I go to sleep with a smile on my face.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2jbuww/why_do_i_allow_this_mf_cuck_mdomfsub_bond