Travel companions [MF] [fiction][strangers][oral]

I hate these early morning starts. Sitting in the airport at 5am in the morning, for a flight at 8am, these damn check-in rules are a nightmare. I'm standing zombie-like in the line. These check-in desks are so slow. I could do with a couple more hours sleep.

Wow, I wonder if that girl is on my flight. That is always the thought that springs into my mind when I spot someone cute in an airport, why is that? Get real, what difference would it make anyway, spending 6 hours on the same plane isn't exactly going to give me the opportunity to do a hell of a lot about it. She's looking at me. Oh, was I staring, that reflex turn in the other direction to avoid embarrassment. How long was I staring at her? How long was she watching me staring at her? That is embarrassing.

"Can I see your passport and check-in reference please sir?" Silence. "Excuse me, sir, can I see your details please?" "Oh, oh, sorry, my mind was drifting there, I'm still asleep", I stutter. "That's ok sir, just show me your passport and check-in reference", she says again. Red-faced I comply, dropping my check-in luggage on the conveyer belt. While she's doing the necessary, I glance over to the that girl again. At almost the same time her head turns away, quickly. Was she just looking at me or just trying to avoid my gaze because I've freaked her out? "Thank you sir, enjoy your flight". "Thanks", I smile and turn towards the security gates.

Given that I've got a couple of hours to kill now, I head towards the breakfast bar to fill my already rumbling stomach. While sitting there, I spot her again. She makes her way over to an adjacent table, talking on the phone. Boyfriend or husband I presume, at this time of the morning, or perhaps she's flying east, into a later timezone. We lock eyes for a moment but it's easily avoidable because her eyes wander as she continues to talk. She's a beautiful woman, long black almost wavy hair, tall frame, but not too tall, stunningly beautiful face, strikingly eastern european in her visage, blue or green eyes, it's hard to tell from this distance and what a body; to die for! I lose track of here while I peruse the different personalities around the place. When I turn back again she is gone.

Later, while paying for some items in the duty free shop, I catch sight of her again. Hey, if she's in this terminal, she's flying the same direction as I am. Again, I stop myself, What difference does that make!. Once more we briefly catch each others gaze, this time like an awkward recognition, with that awkward half-smile. I turn to look at the cashier and when I look back, once again she's gone from sight. I go about my business, forgetting about her actually. Waited my time out in the departure lounge, paying very little attention to what's going on around me. Still tired, could do with some shut-eye, at least I can relax here.

Once I finally got settled on my flight, I fell asleep pretty much immediately, before the plane even got in the air. That didn't last for long though, the air stewardess jarring my arm as she passed with the food cart. Dammit, that's pretty much me for the rest of the flight now!

I spot her as I make my way to the toilet… she smiles, we're old friends now! The way that a mutual understanding grows when people meet each other a couple of times over a relatively short period. That was the highlight of the flight however. Upon arrival in the airspace the plane had to circle for almost an hour. Then, once we land there's a further delay getting from the apron to the terminal. Of course with these delays the luggage also took a long time to show up. I spotted her at the far side of the luggage carousel. Her eyes met mine, she made some gesture to indicate her frustration, I raised my eyes to heaven. I decided to take my chance and approach her.

"Enjoy the flight?" I queried sarcastically. "Up there with my all time favourites", was her response. We made small talk as we waited for our bags. When we got into the arrivals hall she surprised me by asking if I wanted to go for a coffee. We spent about 30 minutes, talking. Both of us were over for business, she was only staying for a week, I had to stay longer as I was to hire a team to staff a project. We flirted a lot as we sat there, talking and laughing. I just wanted to spend more time with her. She glanced at her watch and I decided that was a hint. "Maybe we should get going." "Sure", she responded, she looked a little awkward. As I stood up she leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. This took me by surprise and I hesitated. Gladly she took this as a sign from me and kissed me square on the lips, a lingering kiss. I was bowled over. I wanted more.

"I have a car hired, can I give you a ride somewhere?" I asked. "I have a limo waiting", was her reply, but she hesitated, "He doesn't know me, for all he knows I could have just missed my flight or gotten another car because I was late! Where are you staying?" "I have a corporate apartment", I told her, "You?" "I'm staying in a city center hotel". Thinking quickly, I asked if she'd like to take a chance on my cooking as I knew the apartment had been stocked up with groceries for my visit. She smiled, "I was hoping you'd ask".

When we got to the apartment all we managed was a glass of wine before we were drawn together on the leather couch. She quickly grew flushed as I kissed her long, slender neck and high cheekbones. She took my hand and laid it on her chest. Her nipples pressing through the fabric of her bra and blouse. I pressed heavily on her soft mounds as she stroked my chest with her nails through my thin business shirt. I laid my hand on her stocking-clad legs, feeling the smooth, satiny tights streched across her shapely legs. She bit lightly on my lower lip, increasing my desire for her even more. I opened the buttons on her blouse as she opened my shirt. I pushed it off her shoulders and squeezed her breasts in her white lacey bra. She ran her nails down along my bare chest, her fingers playing with the light hair sparsely covering my chest. She played with the ring piercing my left nipple. First with her fingers, then sucking it into her mouth. As she sucked on my nipple, I unhooked her bra and let if fall to the couch where we still sat.

She pushed my shoulders back and stood in front of me, undid the zip on her skirt and wiggled it down seductively over her hips. Her stockings and garters framed her small lacy panties. I could feel my member harden even more in its tight constraints. She unhooked her stockings and rolled them seductively down her legs, only now stepping out of her shoes.

She put her finder under my chin and urged me to stand up. Once I was face to face with her she kissed my lips urgently, then wetly ran her warm mouth down along my chest. Licking and sucking on my bare skin until she reached the waistband of my trousers. She deftly unzipped them and carefully pulled them down over the stiff organ pressing through the dark fabric of my tight-fitting boxer briefs. She let my trousers fall to my feet as I kicked my shoes off. She teased her fingers into the waistband of my boxers and pushed them down along my legs, her lips lingering to kiss the throbbing head as she moved down along my body. She helped me remove the last vestiges of my clothing and then sucked my wetly into her mouth. I gasped with the sensation and she smiled broadly. Her head bobbed slowly at first and then faster. "I'm gonna cum", I warned her, trying to stop her but she pushed me back onto the couch and continued her frenzied sucking on me. The feeling came from deep inside and very soon I was gushing heavily into her mouth. She smiled and slurped the excess from her lips.

I raised myself up and turned her back to the couch, pushing her back lengthways across it, her legs splayed wide for me to kneel between them. I placed my face against her now damp panties and blew coldly. She arched her back in surprise and moaned loudly. I could smell the sweet aroma of her arousal. I started to lick her through the light material. She groaned and pressed her hips to my face. With my right hand I pushed the cloth aside and pressed two fingers of my left hand into her. She moaned loudly once more. I trailed my fingers, slick with her juices, up to her breast, encircling the nipple and squeezing it tightly. Meanwhile, with the help of my probing fingers, my tongue had found it’s way underneath her panties and I found her soaked with desired. I licked from her delicious hole, up inside her puffy labia and she moaned and bucked frantically as my tongue reached her already sensitive clit. I swirled my tongue in circles on her little swollen button and to my surprise heard her crying out already, as if in convulsion. “Fuck, that was intense”, she said as she grabbed my head in her hands and drew it away from her pubis and towards her.

"I want you inside me", she urged. She teased her underwear down her legs and spread her legs invitingly to me. I placed myself against her tightly trimmed entrance and slowly pushed into her. She groaned as I slid in, raising her hips to meet mine. After a few long slow strokes she grabbed me, her fingers pressing into the cheeks of my ass, pulling me into her with greater pace. I quickly built up my momentum as she threw her head back, long gutteral whimpers emanating from her lips. Our hips met each other in waves of pleasure. She dug the nails of one hand into my shoulder as the other tightly gripped the couch where she lay. I changed the angle and lifted her legs to my shoulders, partly to get deeper into her and partly to get her nails out of my now reddened shoulder. She started to scream as her body bucked against me. Gradually, as my pace grew quicker I could feel her tightening around me, her hips pressed upwards as her back arched. Her mouth was open in a silent scream until finally her inner muscles, pulsing on my throbbing organ, finally coaxed a mind-blowing orgasm from me. Her body went limp as I also relaxed.

Edit: Made some formatting changes for readability
