Hot Dragon Girls 2 excerpt (Fantasy Erotica Ebook) (MFF, oral, lapdance, hotdogging, size difference, sci-fi)

Shy, nerdy Jericho is still trying to work through his new sexual relationship with Surun and Aura, two female exchange students from the world of dragons. Complications arrive with Karun, Surun's disapproving older sister, who harbors a sexual secret of her own.

Dealing with two horny females twice his size was trying enough. Will a third prove too much for Jericho?

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Surun and Aura hugged the smaller human male between them, trapping his head between their four gigantic pillowy breasts. Surun hadn’t realized just how much she had missed the feel of his lithe, warm frame against hers. Her nostrils flared, deeply inhaling his comforting male scent.

“How have you been?” she asked when the two dragonesses finally pulled back enough for Jericho to breathe.

The human smiled from ear to ear as he looked over the two dragon roommates. Surun was the taller of the two, at eight feet six inches tall. She bore scales of a dusky orange hue, with contrasting white spiral patterns on her hips, shoulders and cheeks. Her angular head was highlighted by two intelligent dark eyes and a pair of segmented, back-sweeping horns that curled up tightly at their very ends.

Aura was rose-colored, with a magenta horse-like mane of long hair running from her head to the small of her back. Aura had two smooth horns on her head, just above two very animated ears that shifted back and forth depending on her mood. She too had amazing dark eyes that Jericho could easily get lost for hours in.

Both dragonesses possessed large stretched-skin wings on their backs and long, almost prehensile tails springing from the base of their spines, the most prominent remnants of their original forms. On their homeworld they had been semi-quadrupeds and much more akin in appearance to the dinosaur-like dragons of Earth legend.

However, their species were shapeshifters, though limited in a number of ways. It could take them weeks or months to slowly work into a new form, and they more or less had to retain the same mass as they had before. Like all the dragons who had been accepted into the Crossworlds Student Exchange Program, Surun and Aura had adopted very human-like forms to better use human tools and accommodations while on Earth.

The girls' new figures were modeled after attractive but otherwise unremarkable human females. But their much more massive size made them seem incredibly curvy to human males like himself. Their breasts and rears were gigantic compared to most human girls. As amazing as they could be to watch sometimes, it had taken him weeks to get fully used to handling such huge assets effectively. Sex with them could sometimes be like working out with the world’s most awesome free weights.

Even now he had a hard time taking his eyes off of their bosoms. And that’s when he realized: “Hey! You’re wearing clothes!”

“That’s right,” Aura said, spinning around to show off her yellow sun dress. The motion made her skirt twirl up, emphasizing her lacy white stockings. He couldn’t be sure from the quick motion, but he could swear that she wore no panties.

Surun beside her bore a simple outfit of tight blue jean shorts and a white belly shirt with the word “SIZZLING” scrawled across it in fiery letters. Her top strained to barely contain her enormous breasts. Surun explained, "The exchange program officials suggested we wear more clothes, since Aura and I are the only two so far who have really pushed our scales to having more human-skin-like sensitivity. Besides, we know how much you like seeing us remov… AURA!”

The magenta-hued dragoness had slipped to her knees while her friend had been talking. She yanked Jericho’s pants down and swirled her tongue over Jericho’s balls before either human or fellow dragon realized what she was doing.

Jericho shuddered and moaned in surprised delight, his newly-freed cock quickly hardening. “What?” Aura asked Surun innocently as her long pink tongue swiped its way slowly along the human's veiny member. “I couldn’t wait any more.”

“He just walked in the door three minutes ago!”

Aura shrugged and played her lips along the turgid, reddening head. “Still too long.”

Surun was about to protest more when Jericho grabbed her hand and pulled her down close to him for a kiss. After a moment’s hesitation, she returned it eagerly. Their tongues danced together hotly, Jericho grunting lightly as Aura began sucking his dick’s full length into her hot elongated maw.

Surun broke the kiss, licking her lips. For a few heartbeats she just enjoyed watching Jericho’s half-lidded expression of rapture as he experienced his first blow job in six weeks. “Aura,” she said sweetly. “I know you’re having fun, but don’t forget what we planned.”

The pink dragoness popped Jericho’s member out of her mouth. “Oh, right!” she said, giving the head one last loving kiss before she stood. Jericho raised an eyebrow as he held up his loosened pants. “What this?”

“Sit on the couch and we’ll show you,” Surun said. “And you might as well just go ahead and take off your clothes too.”

Jericho did as she asked. Soon he was sitting expectantly on the edge of the couch, his pants and shirt puddled on top of his kicked-off shoes. The couch was built over-sized and reinforced with dragons in mind. He almost felt like a young kid again, nearly lost in its vast expanse of decorative tan fabric.

Surun toggled a remote and energetic, beat-heavy music filled the room. She sashayed up to him, swirling her hips around in time to the music. His eyes lit up. “A strip-tease?” he asked.

The big orange dragoness spun around, nudging herself backward between his splayed knees. She undid the rear button fly that held the hem line of her jeans over the base of her tail. She slowly pulled the shorts down even as her thick tail flagged up, revealing her gigantic round rusty-orange ass split neatly in two by a black lace silk thong. She immediately pushed her buns back onto his naked cock, grinding against it softly. “More of a lap dance. We’ve been watching videos. Do you like it?”

Jericho nodded enthusiastically and lay back, watching. Aura joined in, also grinding her hips to the beat, making sure Jericho had a full view as her dress fluttered up to fully reveal her legs even as she shimmied the wispy straps of her dress down her scaly shoulders. As soon as her big light-colored tits were exposed she jiggled them for him. “Is this the way to do it? In the videos the humans males got very excited when the females teased them this way.”

“Its beautiful. You both are,” he said.

That made Surun moan and bend even lower, bringing her panty-clad pussy mound up to rub along the underside of Jericho’s tool. The strokes were long and grinding, the small bump of Surun’s clitoris dragging along his fleshy pole each time. The already-slippery silk panties were becoming more so as Surun’s juices seeped through it. She pulled up her half-shirt, pinching at her own thickening nipples. Aura stepped to Surun’s front, kissing her as she took over fondling Surun’s dangling boobs. The human male groaned out his approval when the two dragon girls swirled their long tongues around each other, Surun’s pussy only gushing out more lubricant onto her sopping wet panties.

Aura shifted over to Jericho’s side, kneeling up on the couch and then bending low over his crotch. While Surun’s big, soft, scaly ass worked the underside of his raging member, Aura snaked out her long pink tongue to work over the top side of it.

“Th-that’s not how you do a lap dance,” Jericho teased.

“Special super-secret dragon lap dance,” Aura said with a wink.

Jericho began thrusting up into the very slick make-shift tunnel formed by one dragon’s sumptuous rear and the other’s hot tongue. He could feel Surun’s pussy dilate open more and more through the lacy fabric, the underside of his member repeatedly pressing into the widening groove formed by her slit.

The overwhelmed human male chuffed and gasped loudly, not able to hold out any longer. He pumped up hard three times before great globs of whitish cum jetted high into the air, splashing down onto the orange curves of Surun’s magnificent ass.

Surun herself climaxed almost immediately as Jericho’s first few spurts became a steady gush and soaked over her panty-covered pussy with hot sperm. She pressed her engorged clit into the base of his cock, feeling every load of jizz rushing up the stem. Her wings snapped wide as she screamed out her pleasure, clawing at the floor, tremors of rapture seizing her entire body.

Aura licked up the semen from Jericho’s softening dick, and then more from Surun’s exposed ass cheeks. “Yummy,” she said playfully as her two friends recovered from their orgasmic highs.

Surun, her knees wobbly, shifted over to flop back onto one side of the couch to recover. Aura immediately straddled Jericho’s hips as soon as Surun was clear. She made sure to flounce her skirt over him, hiding her bottom half from sight even as she leaned forward to dangle her bulbous breasts enticingly just inches from Jericho’s face. He gripped them, working the nipples with his thumbs. His hands seemed unusually small lost in the vast expanse of her yielding flesh.

The male student felt Aura’s raw pussy slide up against his half-rigid member. He rewarded her a knowing grin. “So you weren’t wearing panties after all.”

She giggled as she felt his penis inflating back to its former full hardness. “Nope. I wanted it to be a surprise. Human guys like skirts with no panties, right?”

He swiveled his hips back, and Aura, anticipating his next move, stopped her movements. He poked around under her tail until the tip of his cock found that certain sweet spot on her pussy that all males knew by instinct, that subtle indent in her lips that told of hot ecstasy within. He pushed up into her, his long rod drilling fully into her dewy tunnel in a single thrust. "Does that answer your question?" he asked around long breathless groan, squeezing her big scaly knockers aggressively. Aura gasped loudly herself as his cock speared into her, bumping every sweet spot along her snug inner sleeve. Her thick nipples were afire as his groping hands tweaked and twisted them much more roughly than before.

The female dragon had been sexually primed for hours now in anticipation, and her sensitivity was at its highest. She orgasmed powerfully on his second thrust up into her, his furry public mound grinding against her naked clit. Her agile cunt squeezed his cock tight with every pleasure-filled spasm.

That was too much for Jericho as well, despite having cum just a few minutes before. He, too, had been anticipating reuniting with Aura and Surun for a long time. He slammed into the big dragoness faster and faster as she quivered through her climax, fingers pressing even deeper into her pillowy breasts. Thrusting a dozen times in as many seconds, he geysered his thick human cum into her hungry dragon pussy, flooding it over.

“Gods, yes, mate me!” Aura cried, just coming down from her orgasm. She could really feel every quivering spasm as Jericho unleashed his liquid warmth into her. She clamped her pussy down on his cock and held it tight, greedily hoarding every last drop of his seed into her body.

Eventually, Jericho’s softening prick slipped out the pink dragoness’s soaked sex. Surun, having recovered from her own orgasm, knelt next to him and kissed him deeply as he caught his breath.
