Hotel Hook-up with a Stranger [MF] Intro chapter

'I must have been crazy, agreeing to this,' I told myself as I paced between the window and the nightstand. I was four glasses in, with another bottle standing nearby just in case after having come up to a room from the bar downstairs. My friends had coerced me into this, dressing me up to their specifications and scanning the bar’s occupants for a suitable hook-up. Their justification was that I seriously needed to get over my six month-long dry spell which had been affecting my mood as of late. With a snarl I drained the considerable amount of what was left in my glass and tried to convince myself they were wrong.

This was stupid, not to mention risky. They were going to send some man, some stranger up here to have sex with me. And for what? So I would stop getting that crinkle between my eyebrows and have the endless Snickers jokes finally stop? As I poured another glass full of rich red wine I could have spat on the floor remembering those jokes. “Hey __________, do you want a Snickers? You turn into kind of a bitch when you’re ‘hungry’.”

I was rather close to simply locking the door and defying my friends when I heard it open behind me. Startled, I whirled around, ready to engage my fight or flight instincts, when the sight of the man standing in the doorway froze me right where I was.

When I had first caught the trio of women eying me from afar I never would have guessed that it would turn into this. The fourth woman who had been with them – before disappearing – had truly been a sight to behold, however brief that sight had been. Shortly after she had departed, her friends approached me, and explained the particular situation to me and if I was interested in… participating. At first I thought they were joking, but when they handed me a key to the room and said that the luscious lady from before was upstairs waiting, my curiosity got the better of me.

Even as I ascended the stairs I wondered if I was crazy for even considering this, but my alcohol-inhibited steps did not waver. I hesitated one last time in front of that door, room number 269 (what a coincidence), when I got a whiff of her scent. It wasn’t very strong, just the slightest hint of her perfume combined with the spicy musk of healthy woman. In a heartbeat, it was gone, and so was my hesitation; this mystery woman was far too alluring for me to turn away from now. I had to uncover her mysteries, inch by inch, else I knew I would regret it forever.

And so I opened the door.

I was greeted by a mostly dark room, with just a single bedside lamp providing weak light, but it was enough to catch sight of her, and – my oh my – how just seeing her set fire to my loins. The black dress she wore was long, though cut up high on the left to reveal a tantalizing amount of leg and just a hint of a thigh-high stocking. The fabric clung to her, hugging every luscious curve and leaving little to the imagination and even showing off the perfect valleys of her well-proportioned chest, lifted up like an offering for my eyes to feast upon. Her expression was one of surprise, leaving her lips slightly parted, almost begging to be filled. Her chestnut hair fell in waves around her face, and I could easily imagine my hands tangled in it.

We both stood there for a moment, one as speechless as the other. I recovered first and managed to redirect enough blood from my groin to my brain to close the door behind me. When I turned back I caught her eying my ass, though her gaze quickly snapped back up to my face and remained there. When she spoke, her voice was husky, betraying her own arousal, which didn’t help to keep my own growing erection from making my pants uncomfortable.

“I want to let you know that I’ve never done this before…” The fact that she was nervous and a bit shy despite looking good enough to lick from head to toe only made her that much more interesting.

“You don’t have to, you know.” I replied. “But if you’re going to back out, I suggest you hurry because looking at you for much longer without touching you is going to drive me crazy.”

He must have been a businessman of some sort, because the suit he wore was of extremely good quality, but I hardly had the know-how to tell if it was tailored or not. He was taller than me, even in my heels, with broad shoulders that would make any woman drool and a jawline that could cut diamonds. He was well-groomed, with short dark hair and a neatly trimmed beard that gave him a rugged look suggesting that my businessman theory was less likely than I originally thought, not entirely out of the range of possibilities though.

I was quickly brought out of my wonderings when the click of the closing door reached my ears. Despite myself I felt relieved that he hadn’t locked the door. That relief provided me with enough courage to open my mouth. In a voice far shakier than I would have preferred, I made sure this mouthwatering hunk of man knew that I wasn’t some slut who had sex with random men in fancy hotels. The look he gave me in response was filled with so much heat I felt it right to my core, and my lace panties quickly became damp. His verbal reply didn’t help much in that department either, sending a blush straight to my cheeks.

Flustered, I searched for something to do with my hands and found my wine glass. Taking a nervous sip as I turned away, I struggled to find some measure of my resolve by removing temptation at the very least from my sight. That turned out to be a mistake. Deprived of visual information, my other senses just became that much sharper, as if desperate to take in as much of this man as possible. That imagery sent another rush of arousal to my nether regions as I took in the smell of his cologne – not too strong – and the sound of his breathing which had become a bit rougher. My self-diversion tactic having failed, I tried to speak again, my confidence quickly fizzling into nothing.

“Then how does this work; do we just start tearing clothes off and get right to it or what?”

Being turned away from him ended up being an even bigger mistake than I thought which I quickly discovered when I felt his presence behind me. I could feel the heat radiating off of him even before I felt his warm touch upon my skin as he brushed his fingers feather-light over the sensitive spot where neck meets shoulder.

“We can do this any way you prefer,” He murmured, his voice low and right next to my ear. “Though my personal preference is to take my time.”

I shivered, though I wasn’t cold – I was hot everywhere except where he had touched me, there I was on fire. His responding chuckle made me look over my shoulder at him, where the corner of his mouth was turned upward in an amused smirk. There was something there, in his eyes so filled with lust and passion, that I could see so clearly, something that made me firmly decide that there was no going back from here. When he leaned down and covered my mouth with his he solidified that decision, and damn anyone who tried to stop me.
