The babysitter KNEW i wanted to fuck her [Mf]

Jennifer and I had not had a date night in nearly 4 months. Jared, our two-year-old son, had the tendency to scream throughout the night never giving us any alone time. We finally got in touch with an experienced babysitter referred to us by one of Jennifer’s friends of this 19-year-old named, Monica.

Our date night had finally arrived, in reality; we didn’t want dinner, just a place to fuck in peace. I had not touched my wife in months and my body was aching to be on top of and behind hers. Her excuse was always the same, ‘you try taking care of Jared and see how tired you get!’ This usually ends up leaving me frustrated and horny.

“You ready, Mark?” I heard her call out of the bathroom.

I was going through some of the naked pictures she used to send me to get myself excited. I definitely was ready to pounce on her and spend the whole night doing my sexual duties as her husband.

“Yeah Jen, I think the sitter should be here soon too,” I called back.

A few minutes later I heard the doorbell, finally, she was here and we could leave to our hotel room. We just had to make sure to grab the bottle of wine first to get things started.

I heard Jennifer run down the stairs to open the door, I slowly followed after checking up on Jared who was, thankfully, quietly asleep.

Jennifer opened the door and there she stood, like an angel. She was standing at around 5’5” looked athletic with a busty-petite frame at 110 lb. and long black hair. Her hair was curly and tied to one side; it flowed down right above her left breast so lusciously.

“Mr. and Mrs. Bohlander, I’m Monica,” she sweetly said sticking her hand out. Her nails were painted perfectly pink; I just wanted to lick them.

“Come inside, sweetheart, we’ll show you Jared room,” Jennifer said pulling her inside.

It was a cold night, she took off her bag and her jacket and stood there. She was wearing a tight, red sweater and blue jeans. Her breasts were magnificent; I could only imagine how they would look bare. I could not help but stare at her and she sweetly smiled. Jennifer led her up to Jared’s room, while I got an amazing look at her beautiful ass. It fit so well in those jeans, perfectly round and the perfect size.

They came back downstairs and Jennifer was explaining all the numbers and details to Monica, she sweetly looked on.

“Mr. and Mrs. Donnersons, please don’t worry about Jared. I will contact you if anything happens but what I want you to do is have a good night,” she replied touching Jennifer’s arm softly.

I could see the look of relief on Jennifer’s face as she grabbed our coats. I helped her put it on and we walked towards the car. Monica was by the doorstep, it was frigid cold and even through the sweater, I could see her nipples poking through, instantaneously, I felt my cock getting hard.

We drove in silence, not saying a single word, not even turning on the radio. All I could think about was undressing the babysitter and bending her over the coffee table and thrusting myself in and out. I nearly missed the exit because I was so distracted and swerved to it.

“Mark! What the fuck! It’s icy as hell and your not even paying attention, what’s the matter with you?” Jennifer screamed gripping on to the dashboard.

“Sorry baby, just kind of tired after work,” I lied rubbing my eyes.

“Baby,” she said smiling and stroking my arm, “You better not be tired when we get to the room, I want, no need, you inside of me.”

I smiled back, although I did want to fuck my wife, I kind of wanted to fuck Monica even more.

“Let’s play some music, shall we?” Jennifer said reaching for the radio.

She loved slow rock and romantic song, like RnB, she could not get enough of it. She sang softly to this song about infidelity and how the wife kicked the husband out. I could not listen to the song and tried to drown it out without looking too suspicious.

We finally got to the liquor store and I was about to get out of the car until I realized how hard my cock was from thinking about Monica. Jennifer looking out the window looked towards me, curious as to why I was not leaving and then saw my cock throbbing under my pants.

“Baby! You’re excited already, wow you must really need this,” she said gently rubbing it.

“Stop, stop, I need to go in,” I replied feeling her hand on my crotch.

She didn’t listen and was about to unzip my pants. I grabbed her hands, “Mon-Jennifer, stop!” Fuck, wrong name.

“Mon-Jennifer? What is that supposed to mean?” she asked glaring at me.

“I meant, man, Jennifer, stop, I need to go in,” I replied slowly loosening my grip.

She looked away and sighed. I got out of the car and covered my boner with my coat. I finally picked up a bottle of white wine, Jennifer’s favorite. I realized I was crazy to think cheating my wife was a good idea. I kissed her on the cheek after getting back in the car, “I love you Jennifer Bohlader, forever and ever.” She smiled and looked out the window.

We finally checked into our hotel and I grabbed her arm, dragging her to the room so I could quickly rip her clothes off. I was kissing her on the mouth, the neck and had my hand sliding up her thigh hoping no panties were on. She pushed off my hand and pushed me off not saying a word. She went straight to the bottle of wine and began chugging it.

“Jennifer, what are you doing, I thought we were finally going to have sex,” I asked all confused.

“Mon-Jennifer? Do you think I’m stupid? I saw you look at her the way you did, staring at her tits, are you insane? Were you thinking about doing anything with her?”

“Baby, baby, slow down, nothing like that, I promise,” I replied going down on my knees grabbing her hand. “It’s just been so long since we-“

“Whatever, I’ll forgive it,” she sighed and took another swig. “It has been a while, I can see that you would check out other women. I don’t blame you. Honestly, I’m not in the mood anymore, let’s just cuddle and drink.”

I was pissed; clearly she just wanted to find an excuse not to have sex with me. I couldn’t force her, but who knows when we would get another chance. She lay down next to me and could see my cock was hard. She put her hand down my pants and started rubbing me off. It felt good, so good, it had been long since my wife gave me any attention. I felt this long, sexually frustrated sensation build up inside of me, I felt as if I was nearly about to explode. I moaned as she stroked harder and faster, her hands felt so milky and smooth, she didn’t need any lotion it was more than enough, I was getting ready to cum until a phone call interrupted us.

It was Monica.

“Hello Monica, everything alright?” Jennifer asked.

They talked about whether Jared should get the pie he was promised if he behaved.

“Yes, I’ve put the slice on a plate, that is all you can give him, nothing more,” she said before hanging up.

I was about to get ready for her to continue until she passed out on my chest. It was a mix of tipsy and exhaustion. I kissed her on the head, completely unsatisfied and watched TV.

We left about an hour later, she stumbled into the car and passed out and I drove my aching cock home. When we finally arrived, I opened the door to see Monica in a sports bra and shorts doing yoga. I nearly dropped Jennifer; I finally got a good look at her body.

She was toned, extremely toned. Clearly, she treated her body like a temple and it was obvious she had worshippers. She stood there with perky breasts and a sweaty body panting. The heat was turned up quite high and I could smell the sweat of her body in the air. Her tight yoga shorts defined her ass so perfectly. I could see the sweat roll down her chest to under her sports bra, I just wanted to rip it off her and lick her body clean.

“Hey Mr. Bohlander, is the Misses alright?” she asked in a concerned tone.

“She’s fine, Monica, do you need a ride home, it’s pretty late,” I asked walking Jennifer.

“Yes, I would love one, let me just change and we can leave,” she said rolling up her yoga mat.

I tucked Jennifer in and head downstairs to drop off Monica. I sat down and saw the carpet was a little wet, it was from her sweat but I begged my imagination to think otherwise.

She finally came out of the bathroom and had a tank top on that was damp because of her sweat; I wanted to drop to my knees and beg her to fuck me. Her bag was slung over her shoulders sperating her breasts and pushed on so tight I could see her nipples.

“Don’t you want to put your coat on?” I quietly asked.

“No, we’re going straight to the car so no need,” she replied walking towards the door.

We got into the car and she sat down and sighed, I could smell the fruity perfume off her. I wish her sweat soaked body was on top of mine so I could get some of it. She put the seatbelt on and it perfectly divided her breasts up, I could not but help and stare at them. We drove a little bit in silence until she started talking.

“So, how was your date night?” she asked sweetly.

“Not too well, Monica. Both of us were too tired to do anything so we just kind of chilled,” I replied.

“I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you two have another chance soon,” she smiled flashing her pretty white teeth.

We got to her house and I parked right outside it. “Since you are an adult I guess I can tell you. Me and Jennifer were in the middle of something intimate until you called,” I said disappointed.

“I’m so sorry, Mr. Bohlander, I honestly did not know,” she apologized touching my arm.

I looked down at her soft hand and tender, sweaty breasts. “Why is a girl like you babysitting when she can be modeling?” I asked flirtatiously.

She laughed and replied, “I don’t like showing off my body.”

“Oh but you can tease guys with that tank top?”

“So you have been looking. I could tell by your eyes you wanted me,” she replied licking her lips.

“I did and still do,” I replied placing her hands on her legs and slowly caressing her her thigh.

“Mr. Bohlander, you’re married,” she said shyly.

“My wife has not fucked me in 4 months, I really do not care,” I said moving in for a kiss.

She opened her mouth and started kissing me, our tongues were clashing against each other and I started to get hard. She bit my lips with her teeth and moved her hand on my crotch. Slowly rubbing it helping me get harder and harder. I reached for her breasts, her sweaty perky breasts.

She unbuckled her seatbelt and slowly unzipped my pants. She pulled out my hard cock and slowly stroked it while making out with me. Her hands were softly going up and down from the base to the head. I felt every nerve being aroused as her pink coated fingernails moved up and down. She finally bent her self over and started kissing my dick.

Her lips were incredibly wet, like she had got them ready just for them to be on my cock. She slowly inserted it into her mouth and I felt this sensation that was absolutely indescribable. Her mouth was tiny and my cock filled her mouth up just perfectly. She provided this suction that made my cock act as a straw and the semen in my balls as her beverage. She was heavily breathing trying to get enough oxygen as she went up and down. Slurping noises were being made and my hand was at the back of her soft hair, guiding her for the most efficient, cum-filled blowjob. I tilt my head back and moaned, for a while I was not Mr. Bohlander, but I was a guy getting head from the beautiful Monica.

She finally picked her head up and looked me smiling.

“Mr. Bohlander, I didn’t know the Mrs. was not providing satisfaction to this big of a cock,” she said in a sexy tone.

I do not have the biggest cock but felt like a king when she loved it so much.

“Let’s go inside and continue this, shall we?” she winked.

“Please, I just need to cum, please finish this off,” I begged.

She got out of the car and made me follow her. I didn’t even bother zipping my pants, I ran behind her with my cock dangling and smacking my thighs.

We quietly entered her room and tip toed into the bedroom. She held my cock like a leash and was stroking it while guiding me inside the dark house. We finally got to her room and she immediate pushed me on the bed and started taking my clothes off. First went my blazer then my shirt. She then proceeded to pull of my shoes and socks and pulling down my pants. I was naked in her room lying on her bed.

I picked her up and slowly placed her on the bed kissing her passionately throughout. I slipped off her tight tank top revealing two firm and perky breasts. I put my mouth over her right nipples nearly devouring it all like it was my missed dinner. She slowly stroked my cock; I could hear her moan in pleasure, slowly breathing in and out.

My hands slowly went below her abdomen and under her pants, they were too restricting, so I unbuttoned them and slipped my hands underneath and started finger her. My middle finger was completely sucked inside her, it felt tight and wet and even slowly fingering her made her juices drip down my hands.

I pulled off her jeans and she was wearing dark green panties with a pink line over them. I couldn’t wait, I pulled them off, and they were completely soaked.

“Were these the panties you worked out with, they’re soaked,” I said taking a big sniff.

“No,” she said laughing, “I wore them right before we left. Fresh panties.”

“Then why are they so wet?” I asked fingering her and kissing her soft, fruity neck.

“They’re soaked with my cum, Mr. Bohlander,” she moaned.

I nearly busted a nut right there; I started kissing her all the way down her body towards her pussy. Her body was quivering, begging for me to eat her. I stuck my tongue inside and she squirmed, moaning and holding on to my hair. Her fingers ran through them every time I swirled my tongue along. Her eyes were wide shut and her legs rested on my shoulder, my only objective was to eat what was in front of me. She moaned and softly repeated my name, she picked up my face and started making out with me.

My cock was aching to be inside her, it had been too long and she had been too much of a tease. I slowly inserted the head of my cock inside her, the feeling was sensational. Immediately, I felt the wetness and tightness around the head of my cock. I slowly pushed the rest of it in; I felt nothing but warmth as I thrusted myself in and out. It felt like my cock was being wrapped with a warm moist cloth and sensation slowly built after every thrust.

Her legs were in the air and her mouth was wide open, she felt my hard cock deeply penetrating her and wanted to swallow me inside of her. I closed her legs together and put them over my shoulder and continued thrusting, the tightness had intensified and the feeling was too intense.

I felt a tingle build inside of me and my body began to freeze, my mind had completely emptied and the only thing my brain focused on was shooting loads. I came inside her, every hard thrust I felt a new load entering her. I saw her toes curl and her body seize in ecstasy, both of us were literally speechless, not making a sound after dropping loads into her. After my final shot, I moaned very loudly, so loudly, I thought it would wake up the neighbor’s.

I pulled my cock from her and saw a sea of cum dribble on to her bed sheets. My cock was still throbbing after the excitement and I collapsed next to her, both of us panting trying to catch our breaths. We were on the edge of the bed, panting together. She rest her soft hair on my sweaty chest.

“That. Was. Amazing.” She said kissing my chest.

I got up and started getting dressed, when I sat down to put my shoes on, she pounced on my shoulders, “Please call me to babysit more often,” while kissing me.

I didn’t say a word and put on my shirt and blazer, I pulled out some money and put it on her dresser.

“Here’s for watching Jared and a little for draining me,” I said as I left.



  1. Hahah thank you!! I’ve been so busy with everything else that i have not had much time. i will still continue but not at the same frequency :)

  2. Hell of a story! Thank you! One note–you used a different last name for the couple–from Bohlander to Donnersons when Monica first gets there.

  3. Whoops :$ i had a change of heart on names halfway through and messed up on editing. Thank you!

  4. Am I the one remembering incorrectly, or is it really improbable that the two-year-old insisted on his promised slice of cake? 0.o Oh, and your protagonist now has AIDS, and a second child. Your writing was really enjoyable. I particularly liked > "[I] saw the carpet was a little wet, it was from her sweat but I *begged my imagination to think* otherwise."

  5. AIDS nope. Second child, yes. Monica should not have been wearing a tank top and yoga shorts unless she was ready to be impregnated by Mr. Bohlander’s huge load.

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