[First story] from my Sex Therapy Series, Chance Encounters [MF]

When the stranger slumped out of his seat and onto the floor, Albert froze. He was petrified. Crap, he thought as the awkward panic began to grow. Albert had always feared that something like this would happen. Why is this happening to me? Of all the people, on all the buses, it's the one person sitting right next to me. To make things worse, the attractive girl who sprang into action to assist the stricken man, noticed Albert's inability to move. Their eyes met and he quickly turned away counting the seconds before the bus would let him off. What's taking so long? Finally the bus driver found a safe place to pull over and came to a stop. Albert quickly got up and walked to the next stop. He felt like a coward.

A few days later, while riding the same bus route home from work, Albert saw the attractive girl, get on and head his direction. Damn what is she doing here? "Mind if I sit here?" She said, stopping at his row. Fuck, "Sure, no problem.", half smile, squirming. "What's your name?" she asked. "Albert." "I'm Clara," she said offering a hand. "You were on the bus the other day when the guy collapsed out of his seat." "Yeah, I was there." he answered cautiously. "Why didn't you do anything?" "What?" She knew. "You just sat there as a fellow human being fell to the floor even though you were sitting right next to him." "Oh, I didn't want to get involved." He stated in his defense. "What? A man was in trouble and you didn't want to get involved?" "That's just the way I am. Why do you care anyway?" "I don't know. It just seemed sad to me that someone would be like that. " "Well we can't all be so well adjusted. This is my stop" "I'll come with" Albert's look of annoyance did not deter her. As they made their way down the street, she continued her investigation. How old are you? Where are you from? What was your home life like. The questions kept coming. What did I do to deserve this?, he thought. But after a few more steps, her persistence got him talking. He revealed that he was a latch key kid raised by a too young single mother. Poor. It started to feel ok to confide in her. He had no idea why she was so interested, but his mouth kept moving. He continued talking through his social anxieties and their obvious yet difficult to manage causes. And how his own negative inner thoughts affected his daily life. She listened intently and gave good advice on why people can feel the way they do and suggested techniques for dealing with these difficult emotions. Where did she learn so much about these things?

"You want to grab a drink? I know this bar." she said gesturing. This was not in today's plans but he was driven by this unstoppable force that would not allow him to decline. "Sure, why not?" They entered the bar and took a seat amongst the happy hour crowd. The conversation continued as they shared the stories of their lives. Albert was opening up like he never had to anyone before. And he'd never listened to someone open up about themselves so much before. This new intimacy was causing a spike in his anxiety, a raw vulnerability exposing his core. Another drink. That will calm me down a bit. She matched his drinking glass for glass. At a point during their sit, he started to notice her touches. Subtle at first but then her fingers started to linger. Slightly uncomfortable, Albert shifted in his chair trying to stay cool. Not listening during her turn to talk, he decided just to let it happen and enjoy the sensation of a pretty girl's touch.

"Are you listening to me?" Her hand resting on his arm. "You left me there for a moment" She said smiling. "Sorry, I'm back. You were saying …about your dad right?"

The talking and drinking continued as Albert settled into his buzz and finally settling into his own skin. He was just getting comfortable when she asked if he lived close by and if they could see his place.

"Why?" he asked. "I feel like we’re making a connection here and I'd like to see where you live"

Still skeptical of her intentions, he offered to grab the bill and take her to his apartment nearby.

"This is nice" she said as she surveyed the bright yet boring apartment.

After a quick tour, she made her move, proving his theory as to why she was here. As he turned around in the tight hallway, she moved toward him and pressed him against the wall. Their lips were dangerously close to touching. "What are you doing?" he whispered. She pressed her hips against his pelvis, “I like you Albert." He could feel himself stiffening. Too early! "This is happening pretty fast don't you think?" She pressed her lips against his, ignoring his concern. Her tongue darted out hoping to find a willing partner. Finally their tongues met and danced between mouths. He was hard as rock and embarrassed. He pulled away breathing heavily, looking into her eyes. Sensing his panic, she reached down to press her hand against his bulging pants. "It's ok, I want to feel it." He leaned in and kissed her passionately. His hands shyly explored her body. Starting with her ample hips, he ran his hands up her waist to her breasts. Just cup them for now. God they feel so nice. Keep it together Albert. She continued to rub his cock through his pants as he felt her curves. He’s beginning to lose it. It had been such a long time and the nervousness crept in. She motioned for the bedroom, a five step break for him to collect himself. She pushed him back onto the bed as she started to take her shirt off. He decided to do the same, revealing his solid torso. She removed her bra and kneeled on the bed before him, unzipping his pants. The straining mass looked as if it was about to bust through his boxers. She pulled them down and smiled as she first gazed upon his well endowment. She decided to go light on the oral as he looked like he was about to explode. Met with pre-cum, she slid her tongue from the tip down the shaft before taking him in. In reaction to the intense groans and increased tension, she stopped. Albert threw his mind in every direction trying to distract himself from the present. She flipped up her skirt, and lay back next to him and pulling him on top of her. "Fuck me!" She said strongly He quickly grabbed a condom from the nightstand, put it on, and as he guided himself inside, a wave passed over him. He felt as if this was the best place his penis had ever been. It was a soft wet velvet slipper that pocketed his dick so perfectly. He slowly started to move, forward and back until she started making sounds of pleasure. He stopped, eyes closed with a tortured look on his face. He's so close but it's too early and he can’t let her think he’s bad at sex. "Fuck me!" she said forcefully. "I'm trying not to cum" he finally admitted. "Fuck me until you cum. I want you to cum. I want you to cum right now. Fuck me!" Invigorated, Albert started to pound away with gusto. Pelvis to pelvis, living in the sensation of the resistance of her body. In a flash, the rush of endorphins, the tunnel vision, the muscles pulsed as he felt his release into her depths. . "FUUUCKKKK!" he said as the moment swept by. He collapsed on top of her. "I'm sorry" "Don't be. I'm giving you 10 minutes and we're doing this again" she said with an evil grin. "Fucking hell, why?" "Because we're going to fix you" "What?!" He belted quickly rolling out of bed disposing of the used condom. "Am I broken?" "You can be better. A better man”, she plead. He moved his head back and forth, embarrassed, searching for the right words to say. "Because I didn't help the man on the bus? That means I'm not man enough, not fit for society? And this has caused you to spring to action again, this time to help me? What is this, fuck therapy?" "Well yes, it started with the man on the bus but as we talked, I could see your sadness and I wanted to help" "This is bullshit" He said no longer making eye contact. "Well I think that first session says something about you. And that hand shake, wow." "Fuck you!" "Are you mad?" He got back on the bed and put his face right next to hers and through his teeth he spoke, "I'm infuriated." "Show me." Taken aback, he paused for a second. Despite his anger, he wanted her badly. Suddenly realizing he's rock hard again, he pushed her back on the bed, threw her legs open, slipped on a new condom, and easily slid his cock into her wet waiting pussy. Her back arched with pleasure as his strokes gained speed. He found his rhythm. He started to feel as if he was outside of himself looking in. Reaching his cruising speed, she came. She came hard. The emotions of the conversation had already put the tensions in the right place for her shaking orgasm. He started to laugh. "What are you laughing at?" "I don't know. That was just…awesome." "Well?" He sat up and flipped her over revealing her ass split by her well trimmed asshole and vagina. So beautiful, he thought. He'd never taken any time to admire this sight. He was always too nervous. Not this time. She was showing him the way. He came up behind her for the mount. He slid into the pink folds, feeling the joy of being wrapped in the wet fleshiness of her pussy. He moved in and out while he marveled at the site of this shapely curved ass and his cock shining with her juices. Instantly he came again. “Damn." She laughed. "It's alright, baby steps." After washing up, they returned to the bed. He stared at the ceiling watching the fan go round, thinking of absolutely nothing. He was only feeling the energy of what just happened course through his body. She crawled up next to him. "You ok?" "Yeah, I'm good. Sorry I got mad at you earlier. It's just a bit strange." "I know."

Months passed as they continued their "lessons". He's good at this now. He knew what buttons commanded her release. And he knew how to contain his until the timing was right. Everything was going well. He was living with more confidence and turning his negative dialog into positive reinforcement. Albert was walking tall with his chin up. He even moved on to a new job. He was for the first time in a long time, happy. Until one day, she wasn't there. She had stopped replying to texts or calls. He had no idea where she lived or worked. They had always met at his place and all he knew about her job was that she worked at a clinic. He was lost. Confidence shaken, he slipped into old negative thought patterns. He didn't want to go back there. Back to the avoidance and the constantly uncomfortable feelings. But as the lonely days and nights passed, the negativity dug its teeth in and locked its jaw. He was back to his regularly scheduled condition. The familiar numbness of hiding himself from the world. He knew his only way out was to get help. He started seeing a therapist weekly for support. These visits plus the techniques Clara suggested so many months were helping. But he missed her. He hated not knowing what had happened or where she’d gone and it was stifling his progress.

On a cold winter's day, Albert stood still on the platform waiting for the train to his new job. Hearing a commotion, he turned and noticed kids harassing an old man on a bench. He immediately walked over to intervene. "Hey! What are you doing? Get the fuck out of here!" They didn't move. "This is none of your business you fucking nerd. Get out of here." His hesitance to move was enough. A fist from one of the adolescents struck him on the cheek. Dizzy and faltering, Albert sunk to the ground. He thankfully heard the voices of several adults arriving at the scene and the kids running off into the distance. The strangers sat him down on the bench next to the old man and waited for the cops to arrive. "That was brave thing you did there." The old man said. "Most people wouldn't have gotten involved." Albert smiled, realizing, it didn't matter where she was. He was a new man and he was going to be ok on his own. Life awaits.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2ghg8h/first_story_from_my_sex_therapy_series_chance

1 comment

  1. I liked it! I thought it was very good; wish I could write like that… former tech writer post stroke. richard

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