[MF] I got into an erotica writing battle on twitter. 1000 word sexy story involving a movie. My entry is called “Guardians of the Phalluxy”

Hey, just having battle with @SDavisBooks. We are using Reddit to judge what we did. You can follow me on twitter @kafkarotica and read more at www.kafkarotica.com

Guardians of the Phalluxy

They played an odd game of hopscotch to avoid the numerous soda stains on the floor. Coral had worn a shortish skirt with heels for date night, making her mini-leaps risky. She followed the rope lights on the floor until she arrived halfway up the near-empty amphitheatre. Then, changing her mind, kept walking to the top row, her boyfriend following.

"This floor is a garbage heap," she said.

"There is no garbage on the floor," Mylo responded, confused. English was not his first language, so he often took her too literally.

"So what is this movie about again?" Coral asked as they nuzzled into the bucket seats, lifting the armrest between them for extra intimacy.

"It is a comic book movie," Mylo said. “It is—how do you say?—images are not real."

Coral latched onto Mylo’s rippling bicep and smiled. "Fantasy. It’s a fantasy.”

"Thank you," Mylo said.

Coral positioned the popcorn between Mylo’s legs so she would have to reach for it. The theater went black. The movie had a quirky, retro vibe. The hero, a thief-come-savior sort, had what, as any classy lady would say, was a lady-wanna-be-fuckin’-you-so-bad body. But ultimately, the movie didn’t hold her attention, and after twenty minutes or so she began rubbing on the inside of Mylo’s hand with her buttery fingers.

Mylo, though, was focused intently on the movie.

“Maybe we could play a game instead of watching the movie?” Coral whispered close to Mylo’s cheek, giving it a little peck.

“I do not play games. Games are for children,” Mylo said and kept watching.

Coral retreated back into her chair and tried to enjoy the movie. It all seemed ridiculous. Humans. Human-like non-humans. A raccoon that was a bit of an asshole. The purple, strong guy reminded her of someone, but she couldn’t think of whom. A nagging voice inside her pussy was screaming the word boring! She decided to be less subtle, first checking to make sure that people in the theatre weren’t snooping. A couple blue-hairs five rows in front of them posed the only real concern. But a loud explosion from the surround sound didn’t faze them, so she decided it was safe.

Mylo was wearing a Russian-style track suit. It was easy access for Coral to slip her hand under the waistband. Mylo squirmed, torn between the movie and Coral. Coral’s thumb began to rub the underside of his head in small, slow circles. The popcorn grease gave them extra lubricant.

Mylo grabbed Coral's wrist and guided her hand to the fullness of his shaft.

"I'm going to lick this long stick of butter," Coral said.

"I am not made of butter," Mylo said.

"No, no. I'm going to literally lick the butter off of your dick that came from my hand," Coral clarified.

"Of course," Mylo said, shimmying the tracksuit to his knees.

He attempted to keep watching the movie as Coral's head plunged into his crotch. The misdeeds of the over-enunciating blue villain were far less stimulating than Coral's agile tongue. True to her word, she tried to lick off every salty, oily morsel from Mylo's thick penis.

As Mylo filled her mouth, she was imagining that glorious penis in her pussy. At intervals, she was also imagining blowing a raccoon, but that was just the movie interrupting her thoughts. She needed his hips to press against her clit. She wanted his firm hands to grasp her ass and pull so that her ass mimicked the tearing apart she felt inside.

Pulling her head up, she whispered, "Fuck me."

"That's rude."

"It's okay, baby. Sometimes I don't mind a little disrespect."

She threw her legs around, lifting up the other armrest, and straddled his glorious Toblerone.

"Feel how wet I am," she said.

"How are you wet? We are inside and it is not raining."

"Put your hand on my pussy."

He smirked. "Now your pussy is also butter."

"That's right baby. You're learning!"

The movie continued offering distractions, like some interspace car chase, but better sense, and titillating senses, helped Mylo focus. Coral reached down and held him steady as she took him, all of him, in escalating inches. Her slurpee of satisfaction pooled and cascaded down his cylinder like thick droplets of rain on a banister. She looked around again to see if anyone was watching them. Nope, all clear.

Coral pushed her breasts into his face with her chest heave, and took them away with her exhalation. Mylo, to Coral’s liking, grabbed her ass cheeks with a loud slap. But no one heard it, or they must have thought it was another feckless minion getting slapped away—dead in one stroke, as it were; but not Coral, she needed many near-lethal blows to reach her end. Mylo lifted Coral up and slammed her ass down into his thighs. Coral moaned. He repeated the motion, and she moaned again. Now, for speed, Coral pushed her clit until it ground against Mylo’s pubic hair. The tickling along the helmet of her guardian made her galaxy explode. Yes, was all she could think. I’m almost there… I’m going to… oh, God, more, more, more… just a little more and…

“I… AM… GRRROOOOOTTTT!” Mylo yelled, deep and terrifically as he came.

The punches of Mylo’s roping cum deep in her pussy triggered her own orgasm. Her left leg twitched as she exhausted herself cumming.

The rest of the theater turned to identify the commotion, and Mylo and Coral could feel eyes on them. A disgusted mother, probably in attendance with her children, rushed out, kiddies in tow. Coral dismounted. Mylo pulled his pants back up, not even attempting to wipe himself.

Coral had lost the plot of the movie completely. Purple light was filling the heroes and consuming the blue dude. God, what was this? Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat—red and yellow and blue and…? Coral wanted to go home and have more of Mylo, but he needed to recover from the apoplexy inspired by the last orgasm.

The blue-hairs were the only ones that weren’t sneaking peaks at them, which is when Coral noticed that they were fooling around too. Then, out of nowhere, the old man let out his own authoritative, “I am Groot!”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2ger2h/mf_i_got_into_an_erotica_writing_battle_on

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