A walk in the woods [MF]

The weather reflected Katherine’s mood. She had never felt so alone and the black skies and bitter winds helped to numb her mind from the deep sense of sorrow that her loss had caused. At the still tender age of 18, Katherine had watched both of her parents and her sister succumb to the ravages of the Black Death. Over the course of those terrible two months, death had come gradually but with resolution and inevitability casting a shadow over a once happy home. The whole country was affected by the plague and society had begun to break down. Religious fanatics roamed streets filled with doctors and the body collectors, claiming that the pandemic was the result of man’s sins. Almost every family had lost someone and the comings and goings of normal life had been largely suspended.

Katherine’s small family had only come to the city of Oxford a year prior. They had moved in hope of raising themselves out the abject poverty that had been their only birthright. Her father had toiled long into the night painting and firing pottery after already spending fourteen hours working in the fields. This income had allowed them to buy their freedom from their lord and move to the city where his skills would be more valuable. Katherine missed the country for its peace and beauty, and also for her extended family and friends from the village. Her best friend had been Peter, the son of a wealthy merchant. She had been quite a tomboy as a child and nobody objected to the pair spending so much time together. They would sneak into the golden fields around the village and lay next to each other talking for hours. As they developed into young adults, their friendship began to cause friction due to their different classes. This tension was part of the reason her father wanted to move to the city and, for this, Katherine felt a weight of guilt on her shoulders.

As she walked back to her lodgings, young Katherine knew that she had to make the long journey to her Aunts and Uncles in her old village. She packed up her meager belongings, making sure to hide the small bag of silver coins that was all that remained of her family’s life savings. Travelling was always a dangerous prospect, especially for a young girl on her own. She walked away from her house and never looked back. That place had no happy memories and represented only loss. She made her way to the city gate and was lucky to find a group of fellow travelers about to depart in the same direction. Katherine hung back, staying just far away enough that nobody bothered her but close enough to call for help if needed. The route meandered through small villages, and Katherine was able to rest and buy a little food before the travelers continued their trek. The sun was getting lower on the horizon and the trees cast a deep gloom over the cart track. People were separating from the group at almost every village they passed now as they arrived at their destination. Katherine began to feel nervous that she would not make it home before dark.

At last her surroundings became familiar and she realized she was at the last village before home, only a few miles away. Unfortunately this was the end of the road for her travelling companions. They let her catch up and offered to allow her to stay the night in their home. Katherine was emotionally exhausted but she retained her stubborn, independent streak and declined their kind offer of shelter. She was determined to push on home to be with her family. The track wound its way into a thickening wood as the last light of day faded away. Even though she was close to home, Katherine had never been in these woods at night and the thought of the dangers made her tremble a little. In the deepest part of the woods the hairs on the back of her neck began to stand up. Small rustling sounds made her heart thump in her chest. She jumped a little when a dirty looking man leapt into her path. His hair was matted with filth, and his clothes looked as if they had never been washed. He was holding an axe at his side and when he saw her looking at it he smiled with a mouth full of black and yellow teeth. “You weren’t going to pass through our forest without paying the toll were you little girl?” He said in a low growl.

His eyes drifted from Katherine’s frightened face and he took in her entire body. Jet black hair cascaded down over her shoulders, her mass of loose curls contrasted with her pale skin and bright green eyes. A thin white shawl covered her shoulders and a simple pale blue dress clung to her curvy chest and tight waist, flowing down from her hips into a bundle of cotton skirts. The man’s eyes narrowed and Katherine recognized the look of lust. She began to wonder if she would get away with simply giving the man her money or if he would take everything that he wanted. Katherine recovered from her fright and turned to run, but as she came around she ran right into a larger man who was equally dirty. He grabbed her by her wrists and chuckled menacingly. The other man walked towards her and began running his filthy hands over Katherine’s quivering young body. She was so terrified that she screamed at the top of her lungs before the man roughly covered her mouth. The two men turned in surprise to a sound that Katherine did not hear. Seemingly from nowhere she saw a blur and heard a thumping sound of an object hitting the larger man on his head. He collapsed to the ground and the other man dived to the floor and began running into the trees. Katherine looked up and saw a well-dressed man holding a club, astride a tall, powerful looking horse. The second man struggled to his feet and stumbled away into the woods.

The rider roared after the fleeing men, “Away, if I ever see you two again in these woods, you will be left for the wolves.” “I am John de Vere, Earl of Oxford, and I am sorry that you were accosted by those two scoundrels in my woods. You really shouldn’t be walking here alone at night” he said in a deep low tone. “You are lucky I decided to hunt until dusk or you may never have been seen again” “Thank you sire” was al Katherine could manage to say. “Come. My party and I will escort you to my lodge”

As they walked back to the Earl’s men, the couple talked and she explained what had brought her to the woods. Katherine noticed that although he looked to be in his early forties, his hair only showed a little grey around the temples. She liked his kind face and broad shoulders. The combination of the weariness from the walk, her brush with criminals, and an attraction to this handsome stranger left Katherine with a warm, safe, contented feeling as well as a small tingle from between her legs.

De Vere too pity on the girl and when they arrived at his lodge he invited her to sit next to him at a feast that he was hosting that night. She was shown to a small chamber with a simple bed and richly decorated fabrics. By the light of a fire and few candles a maid helped Katherine bathe. She was given a dark blue heavy silk dress that the maid told her belonged to John’s wife, but that it would be alright for her to borrow it as she was away in the main castle at Oxford. The dress felt tight but it fit well and made her feel more beautiful than she had ever felt in her life. Through dinner the Earl was charming and funny, making her laugh and blush in equal measure. Katherine felt out of place but after a few glasses of sweet wine she could not stop smiling. The drinks had an effect on her host as well, and as the night went on, de Vere’s glances lingered longer and longer and began to drift down towards the hint of cleavage that peeked out of Katherine’s neckline.

John seemed interested in Katherine’s family and expressed genuine remorse at her situation. He clasped her hand in his and leaned in closely to whisper in her ear.

“You are a beautiful girl and will not want for anything in this world. I shall take you tonight and if you please me I will gladly make you my mistress”

Katherine was silent. Her head span as she tried to grasp her situation. She was not naïve to the world but was a virgin and had little idea of what John would expect of her. Her future had never been certain but she assumed that she would marry. Compared to the prospect of living with her Aunt in poverty, would being this man’s concubine be so bad?

At the end of the night the people began to drift off to bed. Katherine was sent away with a maid and the Earl and his close friends had one last drink. She was given a beautiful black silk nightgown edged in lace. It was the darkest black she had ever seen and shone in the dim candlelight, contrasting sharply with her soft milky shin. It felt like nothing she had ever touched before and she could not stop moving and running her hands over its lines as she lay in bed. Eventually tiredness won out and she drifted off into a heavy sleep.

A noise awoke her shortly after and her heart began to pound as she heard her door begin to open. She saw the Earl’s head peek in. In terror and confusion she laid still and pretended to be asleep. She had never been with a man and was deeply attracted to John despite herself. She knew that he was wealthy and powerful while she was on the lowest ladder of society. She knew he was married but she had often heard tales of the mistresses and conquests of the nobility. Katherine opened an eye slightly and saw the tall figure of the Earl walking slowly towards the bed. No words were spoken, they both knew what was going to happen that night. His face was hidden in shadow but his eyes shone from the wine. She felt the heavy covers being pulled gently towards the bottom of her bed. The movement felt pleasant against the silk covering her body and the tingling between her legs reached a new intensity, warmth and wetness spread down her thighs. The room seemed to disappear as her world become de Vere and the physical interactions between them. Her heart was beating so hard that she could hear it. John’s rough hand reached for her breast and he kneaded her tender flesh, finding her nipple and rolling it between his fingers. He quickly began to pinch more assertively sending tiny lightning bolts mixing with the waves of pleasure flowing up and down Katherine’s spine, her body felt as if it were on fire. She was not given any time to enjoy the sensation before John kissed her on the mouth. He tasted of the sweet wine and his stubble provided a new sensation on her face. His lips moved hungrily while his tongue slid into her mouth.

De Vere paused abruptly and began. He threw his richly embroidered doublet on the floor and began fumbling with his undershirt. Katherine reached out and tenderly undid the last two buttons for him. Katherine stared at John taking in his in his muscular frame and musky masculine smell. He stood and slid his trousers down revealing the first cock she had ever seen. It was larger than she imagined, and the thought crossed her mind that it would not fit inside her. She gingerly reached out and grasped his member, holding it in her hand. It was rock hard yet also soft. The head was an angry red color and it twitched and throbbed under her touch. De Vere thrust his hips forward to extract pleasure from her hands. He sighed deeply and Katherine began stroking her hands up and down his shaft. A clear drop of sticky liquid appeared on the end of his cock. It grew until it oozed out all over her hands.

John pushed Katherine back onto the bed and began exploring her body. She felt his large strong hands gliding from her knee to the center of the heat that engulfed her body. When he touched her quim the sensation was electric. John was experienced and knew how to give pleasure when he felt like it. He kept moving to the spot that had been tingling and throbbing for hours before sliding his fingers down to the center of her wetness. Katherine had never felt stretched like this and the thought crossed her mind that she hoped his cock would not hurt her like she had heard others day it could. The powerful Earl opened Katherine’s legs and slid over on top of her. She liked the feel of his body close to her and could feel this muscles ripple as he moved. Reaching down he placed the head of his cock at her entrance and began thrusting gently to work it inside. Katherine was enjoying the feeling until she felt a resistance to his thrusts. One powerful thrust and a twinge of pain and she was a woman. The feelings of pleasure and pain brought tears to her eyes. The Earl seemed oblivious or he did not care. He continued to work his member into her until it was buried to the hilt on each thrust. Katherine did not know what she was supposed to do so she let her body go and did what felt right. She felt their bodies become one and move in unison. The phrase ‘beast with two backs’ finally made sense to Katherine as the pair writhed and rolled together across the bed. John mounted her from behind and took her deeply. He became wild and animalistic, pulling on her long dark tresses, biting her shoulder and gripping her waist tightly. The thrusts became more urgent and John began to make low guttural grunts to join the quiet whimpers that Katherine found herself making every time he plunged inside her.

Suddenly de Vere flipped Katherine on her back. His arms reached down and lifted her legs up. This opened her up to him more deeply. She felt full and stretched, her juices made his cock slick and were coating them both creating just the right amount of friction. The full body sensations that Katherine was experiencing were so intense that she gripped him tightly with her limbs. She dug her nails into his back and felt like she was hanging on for dear life. John slowed slightly and penetrated her with his full length. His hips bucked and shook. Katherine’s mind swam as waves of pleasure swept up and down her body. Unsure of exactly what was happening, she was shaken from her orgasm by de Vere releasing a loud roar. His cock twitched inside her and she felt a heat deep inside herself. John pulled out slowly and rolled over to the other side of the bed. He almost immediately began snoring and Katherine was able to catch her breath and process what had happened. Somewhat nervously, she reached down between her legs. Her sex was soaked and swollen, it was tingling and sent little shivers of electricity up her spine. She had never felt it this way, and reaching down, she became aware of what she knew to be his juice, leaking slowly onto the sheets. Exhausted, Katherine’s head span with a mix of trepidation and excitement over her future. She drifted off to a peaceful sleep.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2g9b64/a_walk_in_the_woods_mf

1 comment

  1. Great story! You really got into the characters mind set and committed to the setting. It felt so real, I thought I was come down with a bad case of the bubonic plague.

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