Wish Cums True Part 1 [M,f] (Long)

Hey Everyone, sorry this is so long. I'm trying to set up a series of stories here, so I guess bear with me on this first one. Also, this is my first submission, so let me know if you have any tips. Here we go:

I have this little trick that I do, to help me fall asleep. I had a lot of problems being able to quiet my brain when I was in high school and college and it would take me hours and hours to fall asleep. Over time, I developed a little brain trick to quiet my mind and help me sleep: I think about what I would do with 3 wishes. It clears my mind and lets me be creative and focus on something good. Last night, I did used my trick and had a great night sleep. My first wish was to be able to control or change the knowledge/abilities of the brain and body of myself and others. For example, think of the movie ‘The Matrix’, when Neo is in training and the guy shoots all the fighting knowledge into his brain and he blinks a couple times and says “I know Kung Fu.” That’s kind of what this is like. Except if I also want to be able to bench press a car, well, that can happen too. It’s also limited by what’s reasonably possible, so I can’t fly or shoot lasers out of my eyes or have adamantium claws or something. I drifted off to sleep dreaming about being the first player to play in the NBA, NFL and MLB in the same season.

When I woke up in the morning, I felt really great. I had an excellent night’s sleep and went through my morning routine, kissed the wife goodbye and got myself to work with a little zip in my step. Then I realized what a boring day I was going to have. Non-stop meetings and conference calls. My first meeting of the day was our staff meeting and I began to zone out and daydream almost immediately. I looked around the room and spotted the hot girl in our department sitting at the front next to our boss droning on about TPS reports or whatever. Her name was Rachel and she always dressed in what her and I joked was called subdued-office sexy attire. Today she was wearing red heels and patterned stockings with a knee length black skirt and a tight, form-fitting short-sleeved button up shirt. She was about 5’7 and athletic with maybe B-cup breasts and sexy legs. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a quick pony tail and look sexy as hell, like she threw her hair in a ponytail to hide her bed-head after a quick fuck on the way to work. She and I were fairly close as office colleagues go and we talked about a lot of things on IM during these meetings. She was also married, and liked to joke about me being her work husband and had me help her pick out outfits to wear at home with her real husband.

I started to daydream about hooking up with her, since we’re always so close. We had a weird relationship, where there was no sexual tension or even what seemed like desire on the surface towards each other, but we talked all the time about our sex lives past and present. I often thought about what hooking up with her would be like, and I guess my mind just started to drift there. I began to think about how hot she would look naked and remembered that she said she always wanted a boob job because she thought her breasts were too small. In my daydream, I imagined her breasts slowly increasing from a B cup, to a DD cup while being completely perky and full, when suddenly, I heard a snapping sound followed by a rushed “excuse me!” as she got up and excused herself from the conference room. Wondering what was wrong, I excused myself and caught up to her right as she was closing the door to her office.

I knocked on the door and heard her say “Who is it?”

“Steve” I said.

“Just a minute. . .” I heard through the door.

After a minute, the door opened and she was wearing a sweater in her office that I know she keeps in her office for when she gets cold. She looked at me with a really weird look as I sat down across her desk from her.

“What happened?” I asked.

“I’m not quite sure. Johnson was giving his rundown of our sales numbers and I felt really short of breath all of a sudden. I looked down, and it was like my shirt was tightening around me. I was about to get up and leave to get some air and the top 2 buttons that were buttoned on my shirt popped off!”

With that she stood up and pulled her sweater up so I could see the damage. She didn’t notice it, but I definitely did. Her tits were HUUUUGGGEEE. They were spilling over her bra, which looked like a playboy model trying on a training bra, and appeared to be straining under the weight. At that moment, I remembered my daydream and how they looked exactly as I had daydreamed about. Not sure how this could have happened, I tried a test and imagined them slowly getting smaller until they were big A cups.

I watched as reality bent to my mind’s eye and her breasts slowly dropped down several sizes and her bra, which I could see through her nearly halfway unbuttoned shirt, almost started falling off. Her breathing returned to normal and she seemed to be relieved, so I slowly imagined them going back to their normal B size, though in the interest of making her feel better, I gave them what appeared to be a lot more perkiness.

“I think I’m going to go home. . . “ she said. “I just feel really weird. I wonder if maybe I should go see a doctor to make sure I’m not having a heart issue or something.” “I’m sure that couldn’t hurt,” I said. “What do you have if you don’t have your health?” After she left, I went back to the meeting, but I couldn’t get my mind to stop wandering. I wanted to test out if this power was real or if I was still dreaming. Finally, I knew I wouldn’t be able to concentrate and headed home to take the rest of the day off and maybe have a little fun.

When I got home, I stripped naked and stood in front of my wife’s floor length mirror. I’m 6’6 and maybe 260lbs. I have short brown hair that kind of spikes up a bit in the front and I have dark blue eyes. In high school and college, I was super-duper skinny and played basketball, volleyball and soccer. Now that I’m 34, things had caught up to me a little bit. My belly was a little big, like a spare tire and I lost most of my definition in my arm/legs/chest muscles. Basically, I was your average 34 year old dude with a wife and kids.

Now I looked at myself in the mirror and with a quick thought in my head, watched my little spare tire disappear, replaced by a hard six-pack. I watched my chest muscles gain definition and size, my arms and legs get jacked up while I thought about what I really wanted to look like. I got up to maybe Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson from the Fast and Furious movies before I realized that seemed way way too jacked up. I toned it back down, kept my body lean and hard, with a broad chest and huge shoulders (I always had a large frame, just never could build the muscle to fill it up) with a V shaped waist and six pack. My ass looked like solid muscle and my thighs and calves were taut with lean muscle. I didn’t even need to wear my glasses anymore. It seemed like I could see things clearly no matter how far away they were.

The last thing left to change was my cock. Now, I’m a tall white guy with about a 7” dick. I’ve never had any complaints about my size, and I’ve always been happy with it, but now that I can change it? Let’s see what this thing can do. I imagined it growing, nearly doubling in size. As I watched, my cock got hard in my hands thinking about Rachel’s breasts nearly falling out of her bra at work. I looked down and my cock was massive. At least 11” long, maybe 12” and a proportional girth. My balls also increased in size, like I had a pair of tennis balls hanging down there instead of a pair of grapes. I thought to myself, this is going to be FUN.

I decided to take this new me for a spin and threw on my old stretchy board shorts from college, which I hadn’t been able to fit into in years. It was hot out in late August so I didn’t bother with a shirt and took a run down to the neighborhood pool a mile or two away from the house. I couldn’t believe how effortless it was to make that run and I was practically sprinting the last half a mile with almost no effort. I stopped at the pool, kicked my shoes off and jumped in before even looking around. When I came up for air, I was surprised to see my neighbor’s daughter Haley laying out by the pool with her eyes closed and headphones in getting some sun in a cute bikini. She was maybe 22 or 23 and had just started grad school on the other side of the state. She must have felt eyes on her because she quickly sat up in her chair, opened her eyes and took out her headphones.

“Hi Mr. Matthews, I didn’t see you come in. What are you doing here on a weekday? I’m surprised you’re not at work. . .” she said.

“I could say the same about you,” I replied. “I thought you left for grad school 2 weeks ago?” I asked her as I swam over to the edge of the pool nearest where she was sitting.

“I did go back to school a couple weeks ago, but my pharmacy grad school program has me working at all kinds of different locations around the state and yesterday and tomorrow I have to work not too far from here and it was easier to stay at my parent’s house than to drive an hour each way. So here I am, taking a long weekend of freeloading w/ the ‘rents!” she explained.

“Okay, well, good to see you as always, I’m going to swim some laps. Can you remind your mom to stop by tonight or tomorrow? My family’s going to the beach this weekend for a week and she was going to take care of our pets. I need to give her the keys and show her where the food and stuff is.”

“Okay, will do Mr. Matthews, I’m sure it’s the least she can do since you guys watched our dog and took him for walks for 2 weeks this summer.”

I started to swim some laps and then thought it would be a good idea to get some sun as well. I climbed out of the pool not far from where Haley was sunning and as soon as I got up onto the pool deck I heard a quick intake of breath from her direction. I looked over at her and saw her staring at me, and looked down and saw a huge bulge in my board shorts along with a very distinct outline of a moderately hard cock going most of the way down my thigh.

“Have you been working out? You look a lot different than the last time I saw you a few months ago?” Haley said, distractedly.

“Actually, I have magic powers. If I think about something, it happens. . . “ I said mysteriously. “Haha, just kidding. Yeah, I’ve been working out pretty hard. Everyone wants to look good when you go to the beach, even at my age.”

“Oh, okay, well, whatever you’re doing, it’s working. . .” she mumbled distractedly as she seemed to adjust her position so her legs were spread just slightly more than before and her hips were thrust out.

“Okay, well, have a good rest of your day. I’m gonna head home and take a nap and enjoy the rest of my day off,” I said. “Remember, tell your mom to come by when she can tonight or tomorrow. And tell her thanks from me.” I continued as I headed out of the pool and began to run back home.

I got home and took a shower to get all the sweat off of me and decided to see what my new cock could do, now that I had the picture of the hot girl next door fresh in my mind. I got in bed to take a nap and went back to daydreaming. I couldn’t believe how hard my cock was at the mere thought of her being aroused by me. She’s a hot college girl who hangs out with SEC football players! I slowly began to rub up and down and swirling around the tip of my cock and could feel my giant balls aching for a release.

Right as I was about to start jacking in earnest, I heard the doorbell ring. Not sure what to do about the giant cock that was not rock hard, I grabbed a pair of basketball shorts and tucked my cock upwards into the waistband, which was silly looking, since it went past my navel and stuck out from my shorts by 4 or 5 inches. What else could I do? I threw on a baggy workout shirt and went to answer the door.

To my delight, was Haley, with her bikini covered up by a sundress and some sexy mirrored sunglasses on. When I opened the door, she didn’t immediately respond until I said “Hi Haley, what can I do for you?”

“Oh, I forgot,” she said as she snapped back to reality. “My mom’s working late the next couple days, so I don’t know if she’ll be able to come over. I texted her and she said you could show me what you need to show her and then I’ll show her and help take care of the pets while I’m home. And since we’re both free right now, I thought I’d try to catch you before you got busy again.”

“Okay, I guess that will work. Then by all means, come on in,” I said. I held the door as she walked in and set her bag and sunglasses down in the foyer.

“Right this way,” I motioned as I started walking towards the kitchen. “We have 2 cats, one of whom you probably won’t see, he’s really scared of new people, so unless you spend a lot of time here, he probably will hide from you. The other cat will probably not let you leave. He loves new people and will follow you around the house wherever you go,” I explained.

I showed her where the food and water bowls were and about the litter box. Then I took her back to the laundry room.

“If for some reason you need more food than what’s in the food container, there’s more back here in the laundry room in the cabinet above the washer and dryer,” I said as I reached up to open the cabinet doors. “I hope it’s not too heavy for you to lift from up here,” I asked as I pointed to the 30lb bag of cat food.

“. . . . No, I should be fine. . . .” I heard her say and turned my head to look back at her. She was staring with her mouth agape. I looked down and realized that when I reached up to open the high cabinet, my shirt raised up and the top 5” of my still-hard cock was sticking out of my shorts. I quickly dropped my arms to my sides and gave her a sheepish look.

The look of awe on her face was priceless. She slowly looked up at me, now that my cock wasn’t in view and realized that her mouth was open and snapped it shut. Finally, she seemed to pop back to reality and just said “Was that what I think it was?”

“Yeah, sorry about that. I was about to take care of some business when you rang the doorbell and it would appear that my business is still not resolved.”

“. . . Can I see it. . .? “ she stammered. She seemed aroused and embarrassed at the same time.

“I’m not sure that’s such a good idea,” I said. “I mean, my wife is due to come home in a couple of hours and I’m not sure your parents would be happy about this.”

“I’m 23, I don’t really care what my parents are happy about,” she said, as she slowly put a hand against her crotch. “I’ve been with more than a few guys, and I’ve never seen one anywhere near as big as that.”

Realizing, what the hell, I might as well enjoy this for all it’s worth, I pulled my shirt off so she could see the top of my cock. It looked like it had grown another inch just from me seeing her put her hand to her crotch.

“Can I touch it?” she asked.

“Sure,” I replied, as I dropped my shorts down from my waist to my hips so my cock would fall away from my body a bit.

With one hand still on her crotch, she reached out her other hand tentatively and gave my cock a little tug as I dropped my head back a little and let out a low moan.

“Ohmygod, it’s so hard. . . “

She dropped to her knees and pulled my shorts all the way to the floor. “How big is it?” she asked in awe.

“I don’t know, to tell you the truth. It’s all pretty new. I wasn’t lying when I told you I had powers at the pool. I don’t quite understand it myself, but my cock was 7” this morning at its best, and now, I’ve got this horse-cock and I was in the middle of seeing what it can do when you showed up.”

“Wait, what do you mean you have powers?”

“Here, let’s go to the bedroom where there’s a mirror,” I said as she followed me into the master suite.

I stood her in front of the mirror and took off her sundress revealing her body in her bikini. She was definitely sexy. She had the smooth, clean-cut body of the typical girl next door. She was 5’6 or so, with an hourglass figure and maybe C cup breasts. She had a little bit of a big ass and hips for a white girl, but definitely still sexy. She also had a relatively flat stomach. She looked sexy as hell, with maybe just a little bit of that young girl baby-fat left on her. Basically, she would only get sexier assuming she didn’t let herself go and gain 100lbs.

“Watch. . .” I said. She turned to face the mirror as I imagined her hips slimming and her butt going from just a little big and plump to sexy and toned. Then I imagined her breasts going from her C cup up to a DD and watched as her string bikini strained against the added weight.

“That’s amazing. . . “ she said.

“Is there anything about yourself you wanted to change or improve?” I asked.

“I’ve always wanted to be more toned and have sexy legs. And I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have bigger breasts. Thanks for these, I think I’d like to keep them.” I imagined her body getting more and more toned, and suddenly I had an idea. “Let’s try something out,” I said, as gave her a little smirk and imagined her having an earth-shattering orgasm.

She looked at me, unsure of what I meant when suddenly her eyes rolled back in her head and she began to moan and her hand went right to her clit and she collapsed onto the bed in the throes of passion.

After a minute or two to come back down, she looked up at me and said “Holy fuck, that was amazing. I need you, right now.”

She got up from the bed and pull me over and sat me down on the edge of the bed and knelt between my legs. Her mouth found my cock and I immediately felt my balls twitch and a huge jolt of pleasure shot through my whole body, like someone touched the tip of my cock to a live wire. My head rolled back and a low moan escaped my lips and I leaned back on the bed onto my elbows.

“. . . fuuuuuuuuuuccccckkkkkk. . . “ I moaned. “That feels incredible. . .”

The POV view of her practically gagging herself on my, now giant, cock was almost too much to bear. I pulled her up off of me and on top of me on the bed. Her mouth found mine as she maneuvered into position on top of me.

“I have to say, I really thought you were sexy before, in an experience older guy kind of way. Now, I can’t even believe it. When I saw you get out of the pool, it was all I could do to keep from putting my hand down my bikini bottom and rubbing on out.”

Slowly she worked herself down on my cock. It took her a few tries to stretch out enough to accept it, and each time she pushed down just a little more, she moaned “ffffuuuuuuccccckkkkkkk. . .” lower and lower. Finally, with one final thrust, she buried my cock into her as far as it would go. The feeling of bottoming out on my cock with 3” to go was so much, she immediately came again moaning and throwing her head back with pleasure. After it subsided, she started bouncing up and down in earnest.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck that feels good,” I said as she bounced on my pole.

She grabbed her, also now giant, tits and squeezed them together and licked and played with her nipples. After a few minutes of her on top, I couldn’t take it anymore, I had to finish. I grabbed her by her waist and picked her up off of my cock and flipped her over onto her back. Before she could even say anything or catch her breath, I shoved my cock into her and began to really fuck her hard.

The combination of size, speed, and strength of my thrusts was too much and she arched her back into another orgasm. Halfway through hers, I couldn’t take it anymore and started to growl, “fuuuuckkk, I’m going to cum. . .”

“Yeah, Mr. Matthews, please cum on my new big tits!”

She didn’t have time to say anything else. I immediately pulled out and started stroking my cock from just above her pussy. My balls were so swollen, I couldn’t imagine what was about to happen. Slowly, as if from far away, I feel a fullness come through the base of my cock and after a few more strokes, the pressure mounts at the head of my shaft. With one last stroke, I can’t hold it back anymore and the largest rope of cum shoots out in one long stream, covering probably 8 feet. This one rope is thick and sticky and goes from her navel, up across her stomach and over her right breast and across her face at the nose and into her hair and over her head 4 feet up the bed. Before I can even survey the damage of the first shot, I realize that I keep cumming. 5 ropes. 10. 15. 30 seconds, maybe 45 pass and by the time I’m done,

I’ve literally covered her. She looks like she’s been in a 100 man bukkake. Nearly every single part of her body is glazed with a thick layer of cum. Finally, as my orgasm subsides, I see her tongue slip out of her mouth and lick her lips, and one hand rubs her breast while the other rubs her clit and I slowly realize she’s having an orgasm so powerful she isn’t even making noise.

After another minute or two of aimlessly rubbing my massive cumshot onto her body, she finally comes to and sits up on her elbows and wipes some of the cum out of her eyes.

“Jesus Mr. Matthews, you weren’t lying when you said it was a horse cock. That’s about as much cum as about 10 racehorses. It was also THE hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Call me Steve. . . and I’m glad you liked it. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen, that’s the first time I’ve used the new equipment. Seems like it went well for both of us.”

With that, we both looked down and to my surprise, I was still completely hard. I took one look at her and said “Ever fucked in the shower before?”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2g4uar/wish_cums_true_part_1_mf_long


  1. Found this from the recent story you posted on /r/gonewildstories. This is a great concept and fantastic writing – time to catch up on the series.

  2. Yeah, I have like 3 or 4 more parts planned for the series, but it’s just hard to find time to write it now. I moved and switched jobs so I’m no longer working from home 100% and I’m not underworked like I was at my last job. I’ll get on finishing them when I can here. I have so many ideas still kicking around…

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