In the morning [mf]



“Good morning.”

“Good morning…”

She smiled so brightly in the dim sunlight, almost stifling a sort of giggle in her blissful state, until all at once Jonathan pulled her into her arms and she did laugh and giggling, settling to close her eyes and feel the warm roughness of his cheek against hers, bringing her fingers up to brush against his face just as well as to feel the scent of him fill her lungs as he remained to nestle his nose in the crack of her neck to do the same to her. They remained there for a moment, eyes closed and breathing, feeling each other, the sheer warmth of his body a great comfort against her skin, her arms and bare breasts as they had been left the night before. He held her tightly and pushed up against her again, and again Meira burst out into giggles, taking her hands to massage into his head and hair, pressing a kiss against his cheek, against his lips. His eyes opened to hers for a moment, just a pause, to see those brown eyes staring back at him with just the same brightness, the same slight hesitation… So very slowly, so cautiously they met their lips again, softly at first, briefly and affectionately, until the passion escaped along with her moan.

He rolled on top of her, kissing her harder, starting at her neck, sucking, licking, biting at her skin while his right hand moved down her body, feeling her breasts, her hips, her ass. She gasped and moaned again, grabbing at his back to pull him closer to her, to run her fingers through his hair, to press kisses into his shoulder until her body lifted in a shudder as his hand squeezed her inner thigh. Her eyes stared into his again as his thumb just lightly grazed the slickness that had formed between her legs, his boyish smirk growing larger the more he felt her. She breathed heavily to his touch, closing her eyes and arching her back as his thumb moved in light circles around her.

He bent over again, kissing her shoulder, sucking at her breast, casually bringing a finger inside her as well as she gasped loudly enough for him to clasp his other hand to her mouth and chuckle into her ear. “God, shush,” he laughed. “Shush. Be quiet.” Her moan against his hand in response made it clear she had little intention of the thought as his finger did work alongside his thumb, and quickly her heavy breathing was met with her hips grinding up to meet him. Eventually he did remove his hand from her mouth, petting her hair back and pecking her cheek as he entered a second finger into her and she groaned: “Oh please, just fuck me.”

His eyes raised playfully at her as the fingers changed angle. “What?” She wriggled and whimpered in response. “You want me to fuck you?” “God Jon, shut up.” “What?” he asked plainly again. “Do you want me to shut up and fuck you?” “Yes!” she almost screamed at him, grinding her teeth together and pressing her back deeper into the mattress as her hips almost struggled to avoid his fingers. He had been sufficiently hard since he woke up but it took a moment to position himself but as his fingers exited they parted her lips for his cock to slowly slide in, her mouth opened wide in a heavy gasp and with her wetness it took little effort to fit comfortably inside her. In not three strokes sliding in and out of her, she grasped the sheets tightly as the orgasm took her, hardening her face, paralyzing her body, lifting her from the bed, nearly unbearable as he continued to slowly move in and out of her. And she emitted such a high-pitched cry that again his hand needed to cover her mouth again, though to see her in such a state he continued a little longer, faster, harder until his own orgasm hit him, making him lean forward into his guttural groan as he came into her and continued to come as she twisted slightly away from him to contain herself.

He finally slumped forward to fall back onto the bed, breathing heavily and enjoying the welcoming of his pillow. She remained in the same position, limbs limp, head turned away from him, trying to catch her breath. They both remained quiet in recovery for just a few minutes, not even considering anything else at the moment. Not another look, not another touch. The pillows were soft, the sheets were smooth, the morning was brighter than before, filling the room with a common warmth of late summer.

She finally turned to him to see him already staring silently back, heart rate returning to a normal pace, breaths now settling to even. “Hey,” she said to him.

The smile spread instantly on his face. “Hey.”



  1. <3 I loved it. The whole story just fits. I don’t even want to change the sex scene. The plain vanilla was perfect for the story. The writing style really complimented the story as well. It was so damn intimate, so damn passionate, and I really felt the love between the two characters. It was so good that I got worried about a plot twist. Like, why was he so worried about how loud they were? For a second I was worried it was gonna get bat shit crazy. I am so glad at how it ended. Speaking of endings, that ending is so cute. Made me gush.

  2. Thanks a lot for your comment! You made me blush! And you’re right. Reading it over I do get worried about a plot twist… but haha no, it’s just sweet and simple. There’s enough bat shit crazy erotica on the internet. >.> Time to get back to basics.

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