Birthday Bondage [mf] [bd] [Fsub] [Mdom] [anal] [oral]

She had never tried bondage before today. Her boyfriend had often brought it up but Amy was inexperienced and nervous about trying something that strange, even if it did fascinate her a little. Eventually John wore her down and for his birthday, Amy agreed to try anything he wanted for the day.

John arrived at Amy’s apartment at 9:00 in the morning like he did every Saturday for breakfast. He didn’t get much sleep the night before because he was too excited thinking about today. His birthday had finally arrived and more than cake or gifts, he was excited to hold Amy to her promise. John waited for Amy to come to the door. The backpack slung over his shoulder was weighed down with as much of his bondage gear as it could hold. It pulled on his shoulder but John didn’t care. He was lighter than air; bouncing from excitement. He quickly regained his composure as Amy opened the door.

“Good morning sweety,” she greeted as she kissed him on the cheek. “Happy Birthday!” Amy immediately noticed the bulging backpack as John walked in. She too had a restless night thinking about what he had planned. While the idea of John taking control in the bedroom definitely got her excited, Amy feared that being tied up and at his mercy would be far too intense for her.

Amy had visited a few bondage websites the previous night, hoping to get an idea of what she was in for. She dreamed about what she had seen online and the images ran through her head all morning as she made breakfast. When she saw John walk through the door with the backpack butterflies began fluttering in her stomach. After a nice breakfast of veggie omelets, French toast, and orange juice, John was ready to get started on his birthday plans. He quickly cleared the table and left the dishes in the sink. Grabbing Amy by the wrist, he pulled her to her feet leading her into the living room.

John wrapped his arms around Amy’s waist and looked into her eyes. “You remember what you promised me last week for my birthday?” Amy nodded. “And you still want to go through with it?” Again Amy nodded nervously. “There’s no need to be nervous baby. It may be a little intense but I promise you that you will love it.”

Amy kissed John on the lips and smiled, “I’m ready”.

“First thing I need you to do is remove all your clothes,” John instructed, “We don’t want them getting in the way and It will be impossible to remove them later on”.

Amy grabbed the bottom of her t-shirt and slowly began to lift it up above her head. John’s eyes followed it on its way up. His eyes traveled up her tight toned stomach to her breasts as her shirt rose. It rose past her lacy dark blue bra holding in her firm perky breasts. Amy tossed her top on a nearby chair and turned her back to John. Hooking her thumbs in the waistline of her shorts, Amy bent over as she slid her shorts down her firm ass exposing a matching blue lace thong. She stepped out of her shorts, tossed them on the chair and turned to face John.

His cock twitched in his pants, “I love it but I did say remove ALL your clothes.” With a playful pout of her lips Amy reached behind her back and unclasped her bra, tossing it at John. With a shimmy her thong fell to the floor at her feet.

John smiled. He took Amy’s wrist and led her to the back of the couch. With the front of her thighs pressed against the couch, John leaned Amy forward until her hands rested on the cushion in front of her. “Don’t move,” instructed John as he rummaged through his backpack searching for his first length of rope. Rope in hand, John knelt down in front of the couch and positioned Amy’s hands. He coiled one end of the rope around Amy’s wrists and tied a knot. He took the other end of the rope and tied it to the leg of the large oak coffee table in the center of the room stretching Amy’s arms out in front of her. Amy was now unable to move from her bent over position without climbing over the back of the couch.

Knowing that Amy still had a method of escape John returned to his backpack and removed two more lengths of rope. He walked up behind Amy and kissed the small of her back while he spread her legs apart with his foot. This lowered Amy’s hips and allowed her to rest her weight on the back of the couch. John quickly tied each ankle to a separate leg of the couch trapping Amy in a wide open, bent over position.

John took a step back to admire his work. Bent over in front of him was his hot young girlfriend tied to the couch in her first bondage experience. He watched as Amy squirmed in her bonds, testing their security. Her head turned as she looked around the room trying to see John to get an idea of his next move. The sensation of being trapped and exposed was a little intense but exciting just as John had promised. The experience was beginning to arouse Amy as she felt her vulnerable pussy moisten.

From his position behind her, John could see Amy’s excitement. Silently, he dropped to his knees behind her and brushed his tongue against her wet folds. Amy let out a gasp, surprised by Johns tongue. It slid from her clit down between her lips, delicately tracing her every fold. Each pass of his tongue caused Amy’s arousal to rise. Skillfully, John coaxed more and more wetness from Amy’s slit.

John grabbed her ass with both hands and continued to probe her sweet hole as Amy attempted to move her hips to meet his mouth. Amy moaned as the pleasure built in her groin. John’s face was smeared with her juices and even more dripped down her smooth thigh. Her mind raced as John continued to build her excitement. He brought her close to orgasm yet refused to take her all the way there. Amy moaned and tugged on the rope securing her hands, wanting to reach between her legs and relieve some of her building frustration.

“Oh God,” Amy cried, “Quit teasing me and let me cum!”

“This just won’t do,” said John, removing his mouth from her denied slit. “We can’t have you moaning and shouting, the neighbors are going to call the cops.” Amy didn’t even hear the rustling of the backpack as John dug through it. She was too focused on her own juices tracing their way down her thigh and forming a puddle on the floor. She wasn’t paying attention when John knelt down by her face. By the time she realized what he had in his hands, it was too late. The red rubber ball gag had already been forced into her mouth and was being strapped behind her head.

The taste of rubber was a shock to Amy. She shook her head trying to throw off the gag but John had strapped it on too tight. The gag filled her mouth and the rubber ball press against her tongue. Her jaw barely stretched far enough to accommodate the giant intruder. Amy tried to force the gag out and close her mouth but was unable to do so without first loosening the buckle behind her head. Until John decided to release her, she was stuck and unable to protest.

John returned to his position behind his captive and began teasing her dripping wet slit. Soon Amy noticed another sensation on her pussy. It was more firm than John’s tongue. Amy could not tell what John was using on her, it didn’t really matter. All Amy wanted was to relieve her aching pussy. She tried to move her hips to entice John to fill her with the object in hopes of finally reaching orgasm but with ankles and wrists bound, she couldn’t do much. John rubbed the object up and down her slit, coating it in her slick juices. Amy moaned through her gag although the sound was substantially muffled. Just as Amy began to give up hope of the toy ever being inside her, John dragged it up to her tight virgin asshole.

Panic rushed through Amy as she realized the toy must be a butt plug. She tried to yell at John to stop but with the gag, even Amy couldn’t understand what she was saying. She had never had so much as a finger in her ass before and now John was rubbing it with a plug, lubricated with her own juices.

John pressed the end of the plug against Amy’s hole and watched her squirm. He knew she had never had anything insider her before. John had tried to initiate anal play previously but Amy always waved him off saying “Not tonight, we’ll do it some other time.” With Amy tied up and unable to protest, this was that time. “Relax baby,” he said as he continued to press the plug against her hole. Through Amy’s muffled protests her hole began to widen and accept the intruder that stretched her further than ever before. Finally, with a POP the toy secured itself inside her.

It was an uncomfortable yet interesting feeling for Amy to have her ass filled. It wasn’t painful and not nearly as horrible as she expected. With this toy plugging her ass, Amy hoped that John would return to her needy pussy, still dripping wet. Her hope was fulfilled as she heard John remove his clothes. Naked, John’s cock stood firm pointing, like a compass, to Amy’s warm cunt. He walked forward and pressed the tip of his cock against her pussy. Amy moaned in the pleasure of knowing what was about to come. John continued moving forward easily sliding his hard cock into her velvety hole.

Never in her life had Amy felt so full. The plug in her ass was stretching her open while John’s cock reached deep inside her. The feeling was different for John as well. He could tell the plug was filling her well because everything was a little tighter. He slid out as easily as he had entered until only the tip of his cock was still inside his girlfriend. John pressed into Amy again but with more force this time. When he buried himself as deep as he could, his pelvis pressed against the butt plug sending jolts of pleasure through Amy. He pulled almost completely out again and then slammed into his captive. John continued sawing into Amy, each time purposely going far enough to contact the plug. The sensations kept building up inside Amy. While it wasn't impossible for her to reach orgasm through penetration alone, it did take a long time.

For nearly a half hour John slammed into his captive. Every time he did, Amy’s thighs pressed against the back of the couch and the plug wiggled in her ass. Her breasts swayed back and forth with each animalistic thrust. Saliva dripped from around the ball gag stuffed in Amy’s mouth. Eventually John felt Amy’s pussy begin to twitch as her impending orgasm closed in. Amy did all she could, in her limited power, to work her way towards her orgasm. The pressure was building inside her as John continued to pound into her. Amy’s moaning gave her away. Just as she was about to reach climax John pulled out.

Amy screamed into her gag and attempted to buck her hips as her orgasm slowly faded out of reach. Hopelessness filled Amy and brought tears to her eyes as the thing she wanted most slipped from her grasp.

SMACK! Amy howled as pain spread across her right ass cheek. SMACK! Now on her left cheek to match the right. “Did I say you could cum?” John scolded. SMACK! Amy shook her head in response to his question. “And what were you about to do?” SMACK! “You were about to cum! Weren’t you!” SMACK! “Hopefully this will teach you think twice before trying to cum without my permission.” SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Over and over John assaulted her pink ass until it turned a bright shade of red. While the spanking taught her lesson, it also added to her arousal. John’s control over her body caused her pussy to drip even more onto the floor. Her ass burned more with each subsequent strike.


“It’s obvious you can’t be trusted not to cum without permission so we are going to let your pussy take a break,” explained John as he grabbed the plug in Amy’s ass and slowly began to pull it out. Realizing John had not orgasmed and still intended to fuck her, Amy clenched her ass to try and hold onto the plug, that only moments before she had wished was gone. A few quick smacks to Amy’s ass quickly got her to release the plug.

“Please don’t. Your cock is too big,” pleaded Amy through the gag. But her muffled begging went unnoticed. Still slick from Amy’s pussy, John pressed his cock against Amy’s now looser hole. While the plug had helped to prepare her for penetration, John’s dick was much longer and wider than it was. Amy bit down into the red ball in her mouth as John continued to slowly force his cock into her ass. Amy’s ass gripped tight around his cock requiring John to grip her waist for more leverage. Amy felt as the head of his cock made it inside her. She felt as inch after inch jammed its way into her no longer virgin hole. Eventually, after much effort, John had sunk his entire length into Amy.

The feeling was amazing for him. He could feel Amy clenching around his cock tighter than her pussy ever could. Slowly, John pulled back until only the head remained inside Amy and then slowly pressed it back into her. Confidently, he repeated the process. Gradually adding more speed each time. By the time he had reached his full speed, Amy had relaxed to the point where there wasn’t much resistance. Eventually the pain for Amy faded into discomfort; then from discomfort into pleasure. Her jaw relaxed around the gag as she tried to buck her hips back to meet Johns cock. While she hated the method John used to take her ass, she had to admit she was glad he did. She would have never willingly let John fuck her ass but now that he was, it was exhilarating. The pleasure Amy received was like nothing she had ever experienced.

John continued to pound Amy’s asshole, assuming correctly that she would be unable to orgasm from anal sex alone. All it did for Amy was succeed in making her more desperate for orgasm and attention to her pussy. Her thighs pressed hard into the back of the couch as she attempted to brace herself with her bound hand.

It didn’t take long for John to reach the edge. Even without him telling her, Amy knew when John started to orgasm. She felt his warm cum spurt deep inside her. Jet after jet of hot cum filled Amy’s asshole as John finished his final thrusts. John slumped over Amy exhausted as his cock gradually softened inside her.

After a few minutes, John stood and removed his limp cock from where it rested inside Amy. As he did, a thin stream of white semen began to trickle out of Amy’s asshole. John reacted quickly. Grabbing the butt plug, he slid it back into Amy, filling the gap that his cock had just left. After such a thorough fucking, the plug was barely able to stay in place and stop the flow of cum.

“Now you be a good girl while I go shower,” instructed John. “When I come back I expect to see that plug right where I left it, otherwise you are in store for another spanking.” Amy nodded in understanding. She absolutely did not want to be spanked again. With one last kiss on the center of her back, John walked to the bathroom and left Amy alone with her thoughts and an ass full of his cum.

From where she was tied, it was impossible for Amy to see the clock. She couldn’t be certain but she was pretty sure she had been tied in this position for at least an hour. Now without John fucking her, she was able to get a feel for her situation. Her legs were tired from being spread open for so long and her back was beginning to stiffen. Hopefully John would let her free soon, she thought as she heard him turn on the shower. The air was cool and offered some soothing relief to her pink burning cheeks. Her pussy was still leaking and her mouth was still dripping; both leaving small puddles on the floor. Her clit yearned for attention as she had been deprived of an orgasm this entire ordeal. Her jaw ached from being forced open by the gag.

While her body was uncomfortable, Amy was beginning to love the situation she was in. Tied up under John’s control she didn’t have a care in the world. Any worries she had were gone because at the moment, there was nothing she could do but sit and wait. Amy was so lost in thought she hadn’t noticed that John was out of the shower. She hadn’t heard his footstep on the floor and didn’t see him until he was standing naked in front of her. Amy craned her neck to try to meet his eyes with hers. “Time for round two,” said John with an evil grin on his face.

John reached behind Amy’s head and unbuckled the clasp holding the ball gag in place. With a POP! John removed the gag from Amy’s mouth. It glistened with saliva. Amy barely had time to stretch her jaw before he had replaced the gag with his stiff cock. Amy’s eyes widened, she had not expected to have her mouth invaded so quickly. She wrapped her lips around John’s cock and bobbed her head up and down. He was standing so close that Amy was unable to pull her head back far enough to free her mouth.

Amy was very skilled at sucking cock. According to her previous boyfriends, her tongue could do magical things. Amy swirled it around the tip of John’s dick, lightly flicking the underside. She slid his hard shaft deep into her mouth using all the techniques she had to give John the most pleasure she could. She wanted to please him in hopes he would return the kindness by granting her an orgasm. Amy continued to bob on his cock keeping her eyes locked on his the entire time.

John loved when Amy gave him blowjobs. She had no problem making him cum quickly but John didn’t want that today. He grabbed Amy by the hair on the back of her head and began to thrust his hips. Amy’s eyes widened as John’s cock slid into her throat. Amy had deep throated John before but never this forcefully. Her eyes watered as she gagged on his cock. John continued to fuck her throat, occasionally pausing with Amy’s nose pressed against his pelvis, cock down her throat.

Amy barely had time to breathe, much less swallow as saliva coated her face. She gagged each time his cock buried itself deep in her throat. Relentlessly, John fucked her. Her face was a mess; coated in a mixture of saliva and tears from the constant gagging. Finally John removed his cock and released her hair. Amy’s head slumped down and tried to catch her breath. John quickly reinserted the gag and tightly buckled it around her head. He briskly walked around the couch until he stood behind Amy. “Do you remember what happens if you try to cum without permission? I hope so because you don’t have permission yet.” With that, John inserted his slick cock into Amy’s dripping cunt.

Amy moaned in delight. Her pussy hadn’t had any contact since John pulled out and denied her an orgasm more than an hour ago yet she was still wet. She welcomed him inside her. Slick from Amy’s mouth and her aroused juices, John had no issue sliding deep into his girlfriend, yet again pressing on the butt plug with his pelvis. While not nearly as tight as Amy’s asshole, John enjoyed the warm sooth sensations surrounding his cock. Forward and backward he thrust into her, quickly gaining speed. He slammed into her roughly and aggressively like a wild animal sending ripples through Amy’s tight ass and thighs every time his body hit hers.

Amy squeezed around his cock as she fought off her approaching orgasm. She badly wanted to orgasm but she wanted to avoid another spanking even more. “May I cum?” Amy unintelligibly begged through her gag. John did not respond and continued hammering into her. “Please! I need to cum!” she moaned but again her pleas were ignored.

Amy clenched every muscle in her body and bit hard into the gag to avoid orgasm as John erupted inside her. He filled her with his warm creamy load, mixing with her own juices. Amy could only moan as, for the second time today, John experienced what she had been so heartlessly denied. One load of cum trapped in her ass and another spurting into her pussy, Amy felt less like John’s girlfriend and more like an object for him to use. Her only purpose to please him any way he wished. She again felt free. All the worries of her life drifting away to be replaced with her desire to please the man she loved.

After a final spurt, John pulled out. With nothing to replace his cock, a mixture of semen and Amy’s own juices began to leak from her well fucked pussy. Some dripped onto the floor while more traced its way down the inside of Amy’s thigh. She could hear John in the kitchen, likely making lunch after an exhausting fuck. Amy smiled around the gag. John had been completely right. This had been one of the most intense experiences of her entire life and she loved it. She knew this wouldn’t be the last time she would be tied up and fucked and next time she would be the one asking John for it.

John looked over at his bound girlfriend and smiled as he made lunch. Maybe I should let her rest for a bit, he thought. After all, it was only noon and he had many more ideas of what to do with the rest of his birthday.
