Shy Friend Shows Your Wife his Cock [cuckold, wifesharing]

Your wife invited another couple you are friendly with, Dan and Susan to have dinner and drinks one Friday night. Susan had to watch her sister's children, but she insisted that Dan come alone. He's a bit of an introvert and his wife is always trying to get him to socialize more, so you weren't too surprised and your wife graciously agreed to have him over on his own.

After dinner you are all sitting in the living room having drinks when your wife exclaims, "Ugh, I have to change out of these work clothes. You two don't mind if I 'slip into something more comfortable' do you?" she asks, laughing self-consciously and making scare quotes with her fingers.

"Oh, no, uh, not at all, I mean, if your husband doesn't mind." stammers Dan blushing.

"Ha, don't worry Dan, she's just teasing you. She'll probably come out in her typical baggy sweatshirt." you say smiling at his discomfort.

Your wife sticks her tongue out at you petulantly and flounces out of the room.

You and Dan talk about his work as a scientist and your eyes are starting to glaze over when your wife returns.

You realize that your teasing effected her somewhat and she chose a much more revealing outfit than she normally wears to lounge around in the evening, with a thin tank top and snug flannel shorts. She is clearly not wearing a bra and your cock stiffens at the site of her large bouncing breasts and her shapely, milk white legs.

"I hope this isn't too dumpy looking, dear?" she says archly, presenting herself for inspection and spreading her arms.

You just laugh weakly and shift uncomfortably in your seat, trying to hide your erection.

"Do I look alright, Dan?" she asks, turning to him and gesturing to her body.

Dan gulps dramatically and stares unconsciously at her erect nipples protruding against the thin fabric of her top. As you wife turns, you examine her nice round ass, clearly outlined in her tight shorts and you realize that she had no panty lines, thus she must not be wearing panties either. Your pulse quickens slightly at how audacious she is being.

"Oh no, whatever you want to wear is fine, I mean, you look very nice." he says and then quickly takes a drink as his face flushes a deep red.

You wife casts you a glance with pursed lips as though to say "Poor Dan, I might have overdone it." Then she joins him on the couch and conversation continues.

At first Dan tries to avoid looking at your wife altogether, but as the night goes on, you notice him stealing glances at her ass when she goes to get more drinks, or looking down the front of her top when she bends over to hand him a bowl of chips. You realize to your surprise that you actually find it arousing for another man to be looking at your wife's body and so you say nothing and pretend not to notice. Your wife gives you a look with raised eyebrows now and then when Dan has trouble lifting his eyes from her tits while talking to her and you just smile condescendingly. It dawns on you that by not objecting, you are giving her tacit approval to show off her body to Dan and that is even more exciting.

At one point your wife decides to kid him about it. "So Dan, you seem to really like this top." she says as he is gazing in fascination at the way her breasts are jiggling as she shifts position on the couch.

"Ugh, oh, sorry." he says blushing. "I mean, it's uh, very flattering."

You and your wife laugh out loud at that. Then you notice your wife glancing repeatedly down at Dan's lap and you look over to realize that his cock has pitched a massive tent in his trousers. You are frankly shocked at how obvious it is and by the fact that he is so unaware of himself that he isn't hiding it.

Your wife is a bit taken aback herself. "No, I'm sorry, Dan. I shouldn't be teasing you like that." says, crossing her arms over her chest to modestly hide her nipples. "But uh, you might want to do something about that." she says, nodding toward his crotch.

"Oh god." he exclaims noticing how his erection looks. "Jesus." he grips his cock through his pants and tries to rearrange it. "So sorry, maybe I should go."

"No no, dear" she says soothingly, putting her hand on his leg. "I'm flattered actually. It's been a while since I elicited that response." she chuckles lightly.

Dan gazes at her with a frank expression of gratitude mixed with lust that makes you uncomfortable. There is an awkward silence for a moment and you try to think of something to say. Suddenly an idea hits you.

"Oh, pardon me, Dan. I just realized that tonight is garbage night. I need to roll the trash out to the curb." you say jumping up, eager for an excuse to break the tension. "Be right back."

You wife gives you a clumsy little wave, still covering her chest chastely, and you head out to the garage. Once outside, you breathe in the cool night air and admire the glittering stars for a moment. You also realize that you are quite drunk and you are weaving slightly as you roll the trashcans to the street. If you are this drunk, Dan and your wife must be as well, since you have pretty decent tolerance.

As you return to the house you glance into the living room window and are stopped dead in your tracks by the sight of Dan standing before your wife with his fly undone, pointing his bare cock at her face. Dan's face is beet red and he is panting heavily. She still has her arms crossed across her chest, but of course you can't make out what she is saying. Wow, he is even drunker than you thought, you think and then snap out of your reverie and rush back inside.

Dan is startled as you burst into the room and you see dark patches under his arms revealing that his pits are soaked with sweat. His erect cock is straining forward just a few feet from your wife's face and she is sitting with her arms crossed and a look of dismay on her face.

"Oh fuck!" says Dan and you can hear the drunkenness in his voice. "I've really done it now." He avoids your eyes, but makes no move to put his cock away.

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