Visiting Arkansas, part 1 [MF][bdsm][Mdom][Fsub][Str8]

Disclaimer : Lots of build-up (actually, this first part is only build-up), and this is not -yet- a true story. Let's call it anticipation rather than pure fiction though

It all started in the most mundane way. I was bored at work, browsing through dpp, and saw a prompt that attracted me – the story of a bratty submissive disobeying her online Sir, coming back from work to find him waiting angrily for her on the couch. I couldn’t resist such a prompt and drafted quite a long answer to her.

I guess my answer fit her expectations, and the roleplaying hit the ground running – the frontiers between roleplaying her Sir and having her actually do assignments and punishments quickly blurred. Without either of us really expecting it, separated by an ocean, I became her Sir, she became my Whore. An amazing one. Living on the other side of the world.

Although we’re creative, time zones and lack of physical contact create frustrating limitations. The rare moments, at odd hours, where we can chat are not enough to fulfill her insane sex drive. I couldn’t, in all fairness, forbid her from having real sex, from feeling the warmth of another body, the sting of a hand slapping her ass, the taste of a cock in her mouth ; there’s only so much you can feel using a paddle and a plastic toy on herself, and my whore deserved, needed more. I gradually took control of her sexual encounters, from learning she saw a fuck buddy after her work – during my sleep, to being informed when she was going to see one – and getting a full report afterwards, then allowing her to have sex, or not, to choosing partners for her, and having them film while they were using her.

Yet, whatever the control I had, no matter what feedback I got, I always felt a pang of jealousy each time she was seeing someone… Having touble sleeping, harassing her with text messages wondering how things were going for her. Worried that the partner I found for her would be an ass, worried that the partner I found would be godd enough to fulfill her needs and make me useless… As much as I enjoy the idea of someone using my Whore on my behalf, doing her what I ordered the Whore to do, when all is said and done, the fact that I’m the only one unable to touch her leaves me frustrated, bordering on being unfair to her.

That’s why I finally ended in a plane, leaving dear Old Europe towards midwest US. Reaching rural America from Europe takes a lot of time and flight connections, so I had plenty of time to reflect on all this in between uncomfortable naps. Intense, perverted thoughts about how I would finally be able to degrade her and enjoy the results of my control over her, to feel her wetness with my hands and not through squinting at a skype window or phone pic… On the things I would do to her, force her to do, that were meaningless when I was here, but would leave both of us panting with excitation. Cold, scared thoughts, when I wondered wether the magic of our online relationship would survive a meeting in perso. Wether she would chicken out and leave me feeling very stupid and alone in that remote airport terminal, a control freak that took a risk and ended up losing control…

As the last plane of this long trip entered its final approach, though, I knew coming here and meeting her was the only possible decision. I needed it. She needed it. We needed it. And, as I finally reached the last arrival zone on my strenuous trip, I was impatient to finally enjoy the reward of these weeks of ahead-planning we had to do to make this happen. Impatient, but still a bit anxious. She would become real in a few minutes now, and would expect me to be Sir, as usual, while I was alreading feeling my authority dissolving into a mix of tiredness and naive happiness at the idea of meeting her. I knew I’d have to find a way to reassert authority quickly. She hadn’t made the two hour drive to the airport to meet an old buddy, but to meet the Sir that controlled her life for the last few months.

After a last controlled breathing, I passed the doors towards the terminal, scanning the crowd for her.
