[fMM] Sometimes I move relationships too fast. This is my random fuck with two guys last week.

This is a PM I sent to a random reddit friend, and it was too long to not share. This happened about two weeks ago now. Hope you enjoy!

I was hanging out with a new-ish friend of mine (girl) who's a little older and has her own apartment, so it's nice to have a getaway. None of my high school friends have their own place obviously. Her building is right by a university and pretty much full of students so in the summers it gets pretty loud and fun on most nights. Anyway,I was there on a really hot and humid day so I jumped in the shower for 5 mins mostly to cool off. When I was out and drying off, I heard some voices talking in the apartment. My friend said something and walked to her room and closed the door. A few seconds later, the bathroom door opened and a guy said, "Hey, [my friend], where are– what the fuck?!", totally not expecting to see me standing there in literally just a bra. We made eye contact, froze for a second or two, until I gave him a look like, "Uhh, hello. I'm obviously not who you're looking for" and he closed the door and found my friend and asked who the naked girl in the bathroom was.

I finished getting myself dressed and dried and came out for some proper introductions. The guy who walked in on me was her older brother, lets call him E, and his friend, S, was there too. They were both pretty good looking guys. E was tall, kind of lanky, but dressed really well. S was shorter, really fit, dressed more casual. I guess he looked like a regular at the gym. Both were really dark haired.

E apologized for barging in, he thought my friend (his sister) was in there, but said he wasn't all that sorry once he saw me. I told him to put it in his spank bank, and we laughed about it. S joked that he was sorry he missed out on it so E said, "Don't worry, I'll tell you everything I saw" and goes on to describe me like I was in the bathroom, with wet hair, bright pink bra, shaved pussy, thigh gap, and no tan lines. I was flattered and impressed with how well he was able to describe my lady parts.

So they stayed for an hour or so and we had a good time. They were going out drinking that night and invited us along. I was all for it [fake ID, whoo!] just had to stop home for a second first. The plan was to hit three different bars in the same area. The first bar had some really good live music going so most of our time was sitting back, drinking, and listening. The music was two girls playing guitar, one of them singing. They were both in all black, dyed black hair, covered in tattoos and metal. Real goth/punk girls but playing some folksy stuff on acoustic, it was a wierd combo. They guys were glued to them because they were dressed for attention: tight corset thing with boobs spilling out everywhere, the others top was so low cut it went below her boobs. Short skirt on one, tight shorts on the other. The guys were stuck on them for a long time. Me too, to be honest. That look has always been a little special to me. Someday I'd love to see if could make a good slutty punk myself but it's just not me.

Anyway, the girls finished their set and some douchey guy started so that was our cue to move to the next bar. This is where my friend (E's sister) got a call from some friends nearby and left us for them. I was fine with that, I liked E and S so far. We walked to the next bar and they were going on about the singers' bodies and how sexy they were. They stopped and asked me if that was bothering me, so I told them no, I'm actually bisexual and I totally agreed with them. Well, fuck, they thought that was hot so I told them all about my girlfriend Kat and they couldn't get enough of it.

I pulled out my phone to show them a picture of her and found a good one. S took my phone to look at it and started swiping through my photos. It took me 5 seconds or so to remember I had some pics on there that were only for me and Kat. I was too slow and he found them. Most were just us goofing off in our underwear so no big deal. And even the worst ones we were nude but covered, like hair or arms over our boobs. So I let the guys flip through them for a bit and enjoy. I texted one of the tamer pics to both of them, just me in a bra. E had already seen that much for himself anyway.

The next bar was more fun, almost a club. Big, lots of people, dancefloor with lots of people, good music. We sat and put down a few fancy drinks and the 3 of us got up to dance. I danced sandwiched tight between the guys, both of them right up against me. They started getting their hands on my hips and sides and soon started moving farther down and higher up from there. E was behind me, and taller, so his hands moved up my stomach until they were pushing on the underside of my boobs. S was in front so his hands went low and moved up and down my ass, so I did the same to him while we all moved together. The closer we all got, the more I could start to feel some hard dicks pressing into me. First I felt E's press into my ass from behind, almost into my back. How flattering! So I grinded back against him, moving my hips in kind of a circle and it didn't take long before I could pretty much feel the whole thing. S had the same thing going on in front of me. He put his hands under my skirt, just below my ass and pulled me in hard to him and I could feel his cock press right against my pussy. We were all fully clothed so it was just a soft pressure, but it was a perfect start. I froze for second, moaned, and pulled him in tighter.

The next few minutes I switched back and forth to grinding my ass on E and my pussy on S. E was getting a little braver meanwhile and his hands were all over my tits. S wanted a better view of them I guess, so he took a hand off my ass to undo 2 buttons on my shirt. I had on a pretty thin white buttoned shirt, like almost see through in sunlight, and a bright pink bra that showed through really clearly. I already had a few buttons open so when S was done, the highest button was well below my bra. It was a balconette bra (that means nothing above the nipple is covered by it), so E's hands and S's eyes were all over the tops of my boobs and down into my cleavage a bit. Once S's hands got into my shirt and on my sides just under my arms, I came to my senses and looked around to see we had a good audience watching us and taking pics. Well, that's about the right time to go. We headed immediately back to S's apartment which turned out to be in the same building my friend was in. Inside the door, the shirt came off quick and E kissed me as I jumped into his arms. We kept kissing while he held me with one arm and got his other hand under my skirt and lightly rubbed my pussy through my panties. He carried me to the bed like that and threw me down and yanked off my skirt at the same time. By now, S was basically naked so he came to me kissed me hard and knelt on the bed and shoved my head down to his cock. He had a good dick, about 6" long and looked beautiful. I took most of it in and bobbed up and down on it getting to work. E came behind me and guided my ass up into the air and dove into my pussy from behind, starting slow with his tongue and gradually getting more and more intense.

He was good enough with the tongue that it was hard to concentrate on S's dick. S got louder and more tense so I felt he was about to cum. He seemed like an intense guy so I tried something a little intense with him- Just before I thought he was ready to cum, I pressed my tongue as hard as I could on the underside of his dicks head and rubbed hard and slow. He just about screamed and grabbed my hair and pushed me down on his dick hard. It went right to the back of my throat and I had to work hard not to choke. He pulled away hard just in time to start cumming all on my face. It was literally like more cum than I ever saw come out of one guy at once. He got it all over my face and hair, on my nose, lips, dripping down my chin. I was just starting my own orgasm from E's work when S finished. I put my head down into the bed, yelled into the sheets, and gripped S's dick with my hand.

After that orgasm let up, I rolled onto my back. E slid into my pussy and brought me to a few more orgasms in no time. S knelt across my stomach and laid down his cock between my boobs. He looked just as hard and ready as before I blew him. I squeezed them together as hard as I could and he started sliding in and out. The guys were perfectly synched so it was starting to feel like the titfuck was making me orgasm and the whole thing started to melt together and it was beautiful. I squeezed those boobs as hard as I could around his cock and totally covered it. He got harder and faster until he blew another load of cum all over my chin, still wet and dripping from his last shot. E pulled out and pushed S aside so he could add his contribution, I just put my lips around his tip and his cum seemed to fill my mouth. He pulled out and laid down the rest around my mouth and on my boobs.

I got back onto my hands and knees and S got behind me for his turn on my pussy, wet and dripping by now. I couldn't slow him down any and he still seemed totally hard. E got in front of me and I handjobbed his cock back to life and took it in my mouth. S pulled out to cum on my ass and back, E went for the face again. Once they were both out, I collapsed in a sweaty mess on the bed and felt the cum sliding and dripping off my face. I closed my eyes for a few seconds and heard a camera click. Fuck, what did they do?! E had grabbed my own phone to snap a pic of me and left it up to me to send it to them or show my girlfriend or whatever, so that was cool. We all squeezed into the shower together and they scrubbed me clean. Cleaned, dried, dressed (thanks to some tiny clean panties tucked into my purse for emergencies), we headed out to the third bar for more drinks and fun until closing time – it was after midnight now.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2bld55/fmm_sometimes_i_move_relationships_too_fast_this