A Fantasy. [MF]

Sorry for the shit formatting. Doing this on a phone blows.

DISCLAIMER: When the intended recipient finds this, don't you dare touch yourself until I tell you.

It all started with a normal day. A normal shower. A normal drive to work.

A normal "good morning. =)" from you.

All it took was a thought, a hint of desire to well up inside of my head for the cravings to start. I ask how my slut was doing today. I tell you that no matter what, unless I say otherwise, "no matter how this day progresses, you cannot touch yourself. You cannot bring yourself pleasure. Or there will be punishment. I'm not making you do this for punishment, yet. Whether this remains in the realm of pleasure is entirely up to you."

Work keeps me occupied long enough for you to squirm. Your lack of response is all I need to know that you're turned on. Otherwise you'd joke with me. But not today. Today I have you where I want you. Today, like every other day, you are mine to use or love or hold as I please. I wait until my lunch for any kind of reprieve for you. Unfortunately for you, your roommates are home. Fortunately for you, a movie is playing and the lights are low.

I sit beside you, and I can feel your knees quake. You whisper for me to fuck you now, to take you and be forceful and rough. You beg, silently by groping my hand, rubbing my cock through my shorts, breathing in my ear. I know you want it now, to wait would be torture. Today though, torture is what you want.

Your hand is moved to mine, as you feel me wrap my fingers around my cock. You can feel the heat from it, the pulsing and throbbing through my hand, the warmth rises up lightly enticing your grip. I make you feel me masterbate, I make you hear my moans and sighs, feel the pulse as I cum. Despite your requests to taste it but you feel the last pulse end falling into my underwear. I stand up to use the bathroom, and motion for you to join me. I direct you to your bedroom, but you feel me pretty you against your doorframe almost as soon as we lose sight of them. I grab you by the waist and you feel my fingers caress you. The rubbing makes you wet instantly, my pressure brings you close to climax in minutes. You feel my grip tighten and yourself start to pulsate.

But I leave before you can, leaving my cum soaked underwear in your hands. No orgasm, no touching, only the increased drive to fuck me and feel my cock.

Throughout the day I test your patience. I send you little snippets of what I would do to you if I were going easy on you, the ways I would fuck you and taste you and make you scream my name. You know I'll be able to tell if you touch yourself, your only reaction is to let the pressure build and build, slowly finding yourself rubbing your thighs and touching your breasts, telling me of every transgression where your wandering goes to far. I make sure to tease you more as punishment. Pictures of my erections through my clothes, description of our past experiences, of you riding my face, grinding and forcing yourself into me. Making me take every second possible to worship you. I talk about the ways you can see my body as I turn you on your side and fuck you as I sit up. I tell you how I love to rub your clit as I'm inside of you, how I love to do it as I stop, so you work yourself around my cock.

You are putty in my hands.

I make it home after work and set my mind to scheme. I shower and dress. Black leather dress shoes, khakis, my green and yellow button down with a few extra buttons left open, and the cherry on top: my suspenders hugging my chest. I am dressed for you to take my clothes off. I smell like every scent that makes you wet with desire. I pick you up, ready for dinner and ready for the night.

"You can now touch yourself." I say, and I instantly see you start. NOW, you can touch yourself darling.

When we sit down I ask what I can get my little slut for dinner. I see you squirm in your chair, and I demand to see your hands. Glistening fingers reveal themselves. I can tell our meal will be rushed. We no sooner finish ordering than ask for our check. We see the fire in each others eyes, I can feel you reaching for me with every fiber in your being. We make it home never seeing the road, only seeing what we want of each other.

I throw you onto my door. My roommates are gone, the house is mine. I whisper to you "I could fuck you right here. I could lift your dress and take you here and now." I hear you beg and plead, "please" you cry. I unlock the door and take you to my room. I let you rip my clothes off. There's no time for you enjoy the scene. You want my now. I stop you as you take off my boxer briefs, the last clothing between you and me. As you are about to lower yourself to my cock, I grab you and throw you over my bed. I reach under your dress and rip your thong off, lace flying across the room. I rub you and feel you gush, falling prey to my touch. I taste my fingers and moan, lost in the intoxication. "I love when my slut is wet enough for me to taste you. I love your taste." I start to finger you, one at first, slowly and passionately. I can feel you strain to hold yourself up against the waves of pleasure. Two quickly follow, as does the aggression and force I have felt all day. You come close to orgasm quickly. I stop seconds before release.

"Not yet. My slut must beg me." You scream at me now. "Please let me cum. Please make me cum. Please!" I start to rub your clit, and you try and reach for my cock. I stray your hand. Not tonight. Tonight is about you. I feel you squirm under my fingers. Slowly and forcefully, I rub. I know how you like it, I force a little harder, move a little faster. I feel you building. I can feel it coming. You start to plead for me not to stop. You beg me to let you cum. I stop again. You feel the release slip away. "Tonight, you cum when I want you to."

I lay you on your back and start to kiss you. I grab a wrist and throw it to a side. I tie it to a rope hidden away, and I hear you gasp. I grab the other and tie it as well. You beg to be used and to be fucked. I grab your hair and make you suck my cock. You feel it warm and throbbing inside your mouth. You start to touch yourself, but I stop you and replace your hand with my own. You stop the pleasure of me in your mouth to moan and rub my cock. Displeased, I lift a leg and smack your ass. "Stop when I day stop."

I pick up right where I left off. Hard and fast, rubbing your clit, this time with my whole hand. I feel you quake and shiver. Your wetness increases and my hand presses harder and harder and moves faster and faster. As your orgasm draws closer, I stop moments before you release, instants before pleasure crashes over you. You almost cry, begging me, saying you can't take it anymore. The begs stop as you feel my weight on top of you. You know I can't take it. I can't wait to fuck you. I make you beg. "My little slut needs a cock, doesn't she?" You feel the tip pressing against you, on purpose of course. The teasing never stops. You try and force your pelvis upwards but I throw you down. I grab your hair and the pain distracts you long enough for me to position myself.

You finally feel release. Orgasm happens instantly as you feel me enter you. I force every inch of myself I can within you. You tighten and shake, writhe and scream. I feel the wetness increase. You release, completely and I feel you squirt. I start to slowly fuck you, making the orgasm increase. When it subsides I fuck you harder and faster, forcing every inch in again and again. You orgasm again and again, tightening and clenching, moaning and screaming. You feel nothing but pure ecstasy. You feel your body go weightless and every part of you melts into me. We are one as you feel me follow you. I cum inside of you, pulsing and gripping, moaning, losing myself completely as my orgasm drives you to a final moment, rivaling the energy release of atomic bombs. The walls shake and the earth quakes as our orgasms echo each other, forcing us into a cycle that last minutes. I untie you and we collapse and cuddle.

"Good girl."

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2bkkj3/a_fantasy_mf