A Pair of Ponies – part 3 [Fdom] [Msub+] [petplay]

Strategically she took her troupe around the stage and back amongst the crowd she had just entranced. She lead the way, enjoying the warmth of their attention as her pets focused on being all they could in their reflection of her. It was a meandering path she took back to the stables, stopping for anyone that wanted a closer look at her equine playthings. Both Prancer and Dancer had slipped well into their new identities. At first they had been timid in their movements, restrained in unfamiliarity, but now having had some time in their new gear, and with an overwhelming positive response from everyone around them, they found their inner ponies. Moving with a ponies grace and inquisitiveness, they interacted with their admirers with tenderness and an equal amount of respect. Mistress could not have been happier with them, she had let them find their own way inside the mask and within their own heads, she had just given them the little push they needed. She now found she was enjoying watching them and their interactions, and knew they were ready for the next challenge.

Eventually they finished the journey back to the stables, and Mistress watched as Bitch used the lead ropes to restrain them back in their stalls. Once each of them were settled back, she motioned her pup to her feet and stroked him under his chin. “You are doing very well my dear. Your time to be the center of my attention will come, and you will know it. Until then I need you focus on what I want from you, not what they are doing. Do you understand?” Eyes down trodden he reluctantly nodded, his immediate wants overridden by his desires for her. Slipping her thumb up onto his cheek her loving touch drew the last of his stubbornness from him, a stubbornness that she had always found endearing in her pet.

Having obtained her pups full attention she now gave him his most important job of the day. She was leaving him to tend to the ponies on his own, to feed them, to adjust their attire and give them a moment away from public eyes. Mistress on the other hand was due for a little renewal of her own, she had been invited to a VIP luncheon within the fair, and as much as it pained her to leave her ponies, she still had full control through her pup. She continued to stroke him as she explicitly detailed everything that she wanted him to do, and in what order. Once finished she lent close to him, kissing him on the forehead, before motioning him to the stables and to begin his tasks. As he disappeared under the curtain she turned to seek out Madam Que and her luncheon date.

Bitch worked hard behind the curtain, he took his responsibilities as law, he followed her word to the letter. He tended the ponies, giving them time out of their masks, but only so they could eat a prepared equine themed meal, and only one at a time, denying them the chance to see each outside of their full pony outfit. He then took their hoof boots from them, exchanging them for more conventional black military style boots. Each of them appreciative of the comfortable footwear, but sad at the lose of their unique pony hoofs. Bitch timed his tasks well finishing just as his allotted time ran out, he quickly went over what he could, making sure all was in order for their Mistress's return. He then found himself a comfortable spot in the hay, and settled himself down until her return.

It took longer than expected and the ponies were getting restless in their stalls, but eventually Mistress returned calling to Bitch from outside the curtain. He scrambled to her call, and ducked under the curtain only to be stopped in his tracks with her new outfit. Gone was her glossy black catsuit, now she worn more traditional equestrian attire. Light tan jodhpurs now hugged her legs above her english riding boots, displaying her curves just as the latex had. Above she still wore her riding vest looking corset, but now it sat tightly above a light blue silk shirt cut specificity for her. She smiled and motioned him to her feet, reaching down she picked the pieces of hay from his back from where he had been laying.

Once content that he was at his best once more she asked if he had finished his tasks. With a wag of his tail, and nosing his muzzle at her leg he did he best to acknowledge he was done. “Good boy, we shall see in a moment, now I want to come with me.” She hooked a leash to his collar and let him stand beside her, before leading him off to get the pony cart.

The cart wasn't quite full size, but it had been designed with two human ponies in mind. It was relatively basic having only two wheels and a single bench seat between them. The simple aluminium frame had been coated in black, highlighting the wooden spoked wheels and black leather bench seat for two. From under the seat came the pole which ended with a crossbar for attaching the ponies. As Bitch dragged the cart around in front of the stables people began to gather at the new apparatus as it was put on display. Following Mistress's direction he positioned it at her whim and started laying out the tack for each of the ponies.

Her excitement getting the better of her, she turned back to the curtain, and her ponies concealed behind it. She drew back the concealment, giving them their first look at their afternoon task. She watched over them as they strained themselves to take in every detail through their restrictive leather masks. Their body language one of excitement and eagerness, as the wriggled about against their ropes and bonds, wanting to get started. She walked in to Dancer stroking at his chest and whispered in his ear “Are you ready to work? A pony has to earn his way, we can't have you getting all lazy now, can we?” With her other hand she unhooked one of the lead ropes and let it drop to the floor. Holding a hand out behind her, Bitch took the initiative and passed her a set of reins. Clipping it to Dancer's mouth bit, she replaced the other lead rope and gave the reins a little tug to make sure he was still paying attention. Responding with a head bob, his gaze stayed transfixed on the cart.

Giving an encouraging click with her mouth she tugged on his reins and walked him out into the sunlight. With a little shoving she had him positioned, Bitch lifted the cart pole up to Dancer's waist, and Mistress set about hooking him up. She attached a short chain from the cart pole to his left hip, then a long chain from the end of the crossbar to his right hip and tautly back to the cart itself. Motioning to Bitch, he let go of the cart, allowing the pony feel the cart's weight through his leather harness. It was a well balanced cart and sat well bound to his hips, his leather harness letting out a little squeak of strain but spreading the light load evenly and comfortably upon his body.

Turning her attention to Prancer, Mistress grabbed another set of reins. As she approached he tried to move forward stopped abruptly by his ropes. She tried to settled him with a few strokes, but she could feel his excitement and desire bursting from his body. “Calm, just calm a little, you aren't going to miss out.” She took his leather nose and mouth in her hand and forced him to look her face to face. “Calm, it's going to be a long afternoon.” As his breathing slowed back to normal, she pulled his nose closer and gave him a kiss between his pony eyes. “Good boy,” she whispered to him. Swapping his ropes for the reins, she then gave him the same treatment as Dance and lead him out into the sunshine and next to his pony brother.

A few chains locked in place and he too was bonded to the cart and his brother. They were now truly a team, joined at the hip and at her disposal. The admirers took photo's and commented on their matching tack, the ponies left with nothing to do yet but stand and take the attention.

Mistress took the sulky Bitch to one side and whispered words of encouragement in his ear. For now he had pleased her with his ability to follow her instructions, but the time had come that he would not be needed for a while. She gave him loving words of the times to come and the pleasure she had already received from him. As he found his inner peace and relaxed to her silky voice, he gave up his jealousy and awaited his next task. She took his padded mitts and he offered his paws to her, once more she locked away his fingers and left him dependent on her. Finally taking his chain lead she feed it around the post separating the stalls and clasped it to his collar, leaving him with a shaded cool spot to sit out the afternoon. With one last pat on his head she turned to her ponies. Bitch watched her go, then circled the immediate ground once before dropping down onto his side, a comfortable spot to watch the proceedings before him.

Her ponies becoming restless as she walked in front of each of them, straightening and perfecting their tack for their afternoon work. Focused on her task she never noticed Madam Que as she approached from behind. “Hello again beautiful,” She quipped, making her presence felt. “Madam Que, how wonderful for you to join me,” Mistress replied with a smile. “With the effort you have gone to I wouldn't miss it.” “It would be an honour if you would join me for my ponies maiden journey.” “The honour is all mine.” she replied, her voice one of genuine respect for her friend.

A guiding hand lead Madam Que to her place on the soft leather seat. With the grace that only a true lady possesses she sat back on the cart, her movements gently rocking the ponies as they waited. Once settled into the padded bench seat Madam Que looked up to the ponies strapped to the cart. “Oh my, I do like the view,” she said beaming a smile to her friend. Passing the reins back over each of the ponies heads, she took her seat on the bench next to Madam Que. “Yes it is quite nice, I think I could get used to this.”

She pulled in the reins taking up the slack and gaining some pressure on the ponies noses. They felt the pressure evenly on their masks and the bits still comfortably invading their mouths. That little tug was enough to focus them, their time had come, this is what their Mistress wanted from them. Both were now in the same bind, they felt bonded to each other, the bound arms, the weight of the harnesses, the restrictions forcing them into the ponies that she wanted them to be, all lead to them falling away from the world to the simplest animalistic impulses. Although they had not been in this position before, they had dreamt of it, and now it came naturally, all they did was release themselves and let it happen.

Sounding a click to them she also flicked the reins, giving them each a slap to their shoulders. Without a thought they each lent into their harnesses, applying the pressure and pushing forward. Pleasantly surprised the cart moved with less effort than they were expecting. It took the ponies only a few tentative steps before they dropped into a synchronised rhythm together as if they were one.

The crowd parted way giving the ponies right of way, as they moved onto the circular path around the arena. With a tug on the reins they turned and fell true to the center of the path. Mistress watched them intently, being sure they were safe and following her orders. She observed the harnesses and their binding making sure all was as it should be for their maiden voyage.

Madam Que on the other hand was enjoying the show the ponies were performing right in front of them. “Oh my, your two ponies are beautiful, I could honestly watch them from here all day,” she quipped with a cheeky smile plastered across her face. For a moment Mistress was still lost in the moment of tension, she had spent a lot of time and effort to reach this point, and she was now so focused on the task that she found herself engrossed in the details. It was Madam Que's words that broke her free and for a moment she took in the view.

Their black bodies flexing underneath the tight leather harnesses, muscles tightening and relaxing with each step. The sun directly overhead was accentuating their movements, glistening off the lyca bodysuits. She listened to the creaking and moaning of the leather harness intertwined with the clinking of the cart's chains, all the while feeling the pride well within her. She adored their long black tails swishing back and forth with each laboured step, exposing their perk bottoms framed amongst the black leather strapping. She found her eyes drawn to their legs, their efforts purely for her benefit, as the pumped against the ground pulling her and her guest forward.

“Yes. They are beautiful.” She answered, struggling to find the words. Madam Que seeing her friend's happiness, put an arm around her comforting her further.

The crowd was good and parted for the ponies, a few stopping to take photos others giving words of encouragement. As they reached the first bend in the path Mistress gave a little tug on the reins, both ponies feeling her instructions and complied to follow true to the path. Herself falling for the rhythm of the pony's movements, Mistress felt herself relax into her seat and the comforting touch of her close friend. Together they rode in silence, enjoying the sights, enjoying their company, and loving the view before them.

It didn't take long to complete a full circuit of the fare, Mistress doing her best to regulate the speed of the ponies and to take the longest route possible. But inevitably the maiden journey had to come to an end. Pulling in front of the stables from where they started, Mistress pulled back on the reins and halted the ponies. Jumping from the cart she moved around in front so the ponies could see her, then she have each of them a pat for their efforts. She placed a loving hand on each of their chest feeling their breathing and heartbeat. She could tell they had been working but they each still had a lot more to give her.

Returning to her passenger, she helped Madam Que from her seat. With a wealth of grace she disembarked and hugged her close friend. “Thank you, for letting me share in your dream. You are one very lucky lady to have such wonderful pets.” The embrace broke with a kiss to the cheek and Madam Que stood back to take in another look of the ponies. Joined by Mistress they took a moment to enjoy the black ponies who only hours earlier had been little more than two shy guys responding to the call of their Mistress.

Her eyes drifted over their bodies, taking in the formality of their costumes. She noted their limited movements as they responded to the world around them. Instinctively they were already exhibiting equine gestures, as they interacted with people coming close to them to give them a pat or just get a closer look.

As she watched them her eyes inadvertently fell upon bitch still tied to the stables. He now sat at the full length of his leash and at attention, just as he had been trained. Without giving him a smile she walked around the cart and to his side, his gaze never leaving her. She bent down and patted him on the head. “You can relax now, is there anything you need?” He looked to his water bowl that was out of reach. She smiled and fetched his water bowl, tipping out the stale water and filling it with fresh water from a bottle. Putting it in front of him, she released the gag from his muzzle to let him take his fill. Once finished she locked his gag back in place and he dropped back onto his side to enjoy the shade. Reaching down she gave him a belly rub before leaving him to attend to her stall.

Uncovering the A framed sign it advertised carts rides around the fare with no fixed cost, just a friendly donation towards the fare. With the sign now proudly displayed, a female couple stepped forward asking to be first paying customers. Mistress guided the two leather clad patrons around the ponies to the cart bench, helping them up to the padded seat.

Turning to Madam Que, Mistress gave her a friendly hug. “Time to put my pets to work, thank you for your company.” “You're welcome, and I'll hopefully be seeing you later this afternoon.” “For sure, I look forward to it,” Mistress replied, breaking the embrace. “Enjoy your ponies, I wish I could be watching them from that angle for the rest of the day,” She said, winking as she started to move away into the crowd.

Her attention back to the two lovely ladies sitting upon the pony cart, she smiled to them, their attentions half between her and the two black animals in front of them. Reins in hand, she took her place next to them on the leather bench seat. “Are we ready?”
“Ready, but we aren't in much of a hurry, we can take our time if you like.” “I'm sure we can accommodate that.”

With a verbal click and a flick of the reins she got the ponies attentions, and had them moving in a flash. It took a few steps but as before they fell into step together and found a happy rhythm. Mistress made sure her customers were comfortable, as the ponies did their work. She found that they didn't need a lot of encouragement or guidance this time around, they just trotted the same course as they had last time. Mistress didn't mind, she still had the control should she need it, but now she really could just sit an enjoy watching their bodies work and muscles flex.

That was how her perfect afternoon continued, her pets working out of love for her and the community supporting them. After each circuit she checked her ponies and when needed gave the water through a straw. She then lined up the next patrons, all the while collecting donations to be given to the fair. In the shade of the stables, Bitch watched, at times he napped or got some pats from the passer-bys but he still wished he could be one of the ponies pleasing his Mistress.

They worked through the festivities, becoming one of the popular attractions, until the sun drooped low in the sky. With one last circuit Mistress knew her dream afternoon was now at an end. She guided her ponies in front of the stables for the last time, their panting and lax body movements told her all she needed to know. They had given their all, and would push to keep going so long as she wanted them to, but they were exhausted.

Mistress apologised to the remaining people still wanting to go for a ride, but they understood. The ponies had been working on and off for hours now, and it was time for the fun to end. Mistress patted them each down, letting them know through her touch the love and admiration she had for them and their efforts.

She had been keeping an eye on Bitch all afternoon as they came back to the stable for more patrons, now he slept up against the post he was tied to. She walked over to him, giving him loving pat on his shoulder, awakening him from his light slumber. Motioning him to sit up, he rolled over stretching out in the process before sitting up into the stance she had taught him. Bending down close she tenderly kissed him on the forehead, his eyes closing at her touch. She slid her hand under his chin, holding his head in her kiss before pulling her face back to see his loving eyes as they opened for her.

She gave him one of her most sacred of smiles, one of joyous thanks for his efforts. “You have done well pup, I only need your assistance for a little longer.” She took his paw in her hands and removed his mitt. Stretching out his fingers, she entwined hers with his, taking the any soreness away from his underutilised fingers. Kissing his hand she let go and motioned for his other paw. She repeated the process before removing his gag and letting him drink again. Once he was done she unlocked him from his leash and motioned him up onto his feet.

“I want you to take the ponies into their separate stalls and drop the curtain back in place. Then put the cart away and come to me.” He nodded acknowledgement, then moved to his duties. Mistress covered the ride sign, before leaving to seek out Madam Que.

The cart gone and curtain in place Mistress was happy upon her return. She carried with her a stylish shopping bag that she place on the ground as she passed under the curtain. Her two ponies were back in their positions, roped to the centre of their stall, and Bitch sat in the hey at the back of one stall.

As she entered, all eyes followed her every movement. She passed Prancer running a hand around his torso as she ducked under the guide rope and behind him. “Good boy,” she said to Bitch giving him pat on the head, “Stay”. Moving up behind Prancer she put her hands on his hips and moved her body in close. Pressing herself against him, she could feel his bound arms against her front and his tail pressing into her. Wrapping her arms around his black and bound body she radiated her love for his submission to him. “You have made me proud, more so than you can imagine. You have done well and it will not be forgotten,” she whispered through his leather mask. Unable to respond to her with his own touch he gave a whimper of his own, muffled by the bit gag and the leather mask still changing his identity.

Hearing this she let go and moved under his guide rope to face him directly. Stepping in close she reached around his head to the buckles holding his head secure. She knew he was intently looking at her up close but with the black lens of the pony mask she could only hear his breath underneath. Slowly but methodically she unbuckled his mask, holding it in place with her free hand as she released the last clasp. Stepping back one step she still held the mask to his face but now with both hands, as if she were holding his cheeks.

“You are so beautiful, I wish I could have you like this forever.”

Dropping her arms she took the mask from his face, the internal bit gag freeing itself from his mouth. His eyes transfixed to hers, his face covered in well earned sweat as he stretched his jaw and mouth. It took a moment for him to find his voice, but eventually it came to him. “Thank you Mistress. Thank you for everything,” his own voice sounding foreign to himself. She smiled, and found the words she was looking for, “You're welcome.”

Leaving Prancers mask to hang in front of him by the guide ropes she gently pulled his head forward and kissed him on the forehead. She left him standing his head bowed and took her attentions to Dancer. She gave him an equally loving embrace before removing his mask too. As Prancer had done, he too expressed his love and thanking to the Mistress that had given them the day of their lives.

With both aware the day was at an end for them, the stood in silence, still bound in their pony tack. Mistress turned to Bitch and motioned him to her. She stroked his head as she gave him instructions to release the ponies back to men and let them dress accordingly. He took in her words as her touch soothed and comforted him. Once finished she left Bitch to his duties to seek out her next appointment of the day.

There were no time restraints, nor any urgency. Bitch slowly worked back and forth on the two ponies removing pieces of gear and respectfully packaging each item back into their respective bags. With each removal of gear the ponies felt themselves slipping out of their forced equine minds and back to reality. It was not long before Bitch had each of them still standing in the centre of their stall wearing nothing but the black bodysuits they started with. He then placed their normal clothes on the ground in front of each of them.

Mistress sat on a wooden bench just outside the stables, talking with Madam Que and a few other friends. Bitch was the first to come out, drawing back the curtain as he did. Dancer and Prancer now back in normal clothes sat together on a bail of hay at the back of one of the stalls.
Mistress motioned Bitch over and to sit at her feet, “Good boy.” She then looked up to the pony-boys as they finished tying their shoelaces. When done, they looked to each other before walking together over to their Mistress and her friends.

“Thank you boys for a memorable day. I know I, and everyone around here loved what you did today, you make me proud.” looking each over they looked so very different, but she could still imagine them in their pony outfits. “Before you both go for the night I wanted you to see this.” She took the shopping bag she was carrying earlier and pulled from it a trophy. Atop the trophy was gold statue of a bound gimp, sitting and awaiting his owner. “Congratulations, you both won second prize in the costume contest today. I do expect you to win me first prize next year, but for now this will do.” She gave them a wicked smile before standing to give each of them a hug. She embraced them from the heart, leaving no doubt of her gratitude for their days effort.

Once content that they were comfortable with what had happened she turned to Bitch. Taking his leash from the bench seat, she clipped it to his collar once more. “My beautiful Ponies, you have finished your day. I thank you. You can now go home and relax, you have earned it. But, I will be contacting you soon, and you will be ready. I have some special duties in store for each of you, but for tonight, it will be Bitch's turn. I will be taking him to a special play party tonight, he has done well today and has earned himself a reward.” She patted him on the head again, his eyes lighting up at her words that he was going to have her full attention.

“So go home you two, and enjoy your evening off.” She half ordered and suggested.

Each of them gave a respectful bow before they took their leave. The sun just dipping under the horizon, they made their way in the diminishing light to the fair gate. Each back in normal clothes and looking like anyone else, but inside they still felt as the ponies they wanted to be. They even fell into step together as they walking out side by side.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2b6p27/a_pair_of_ponies_part_3_fdom_msub_petplay