A Pair of Ponies – part 1 [Fdom] [Msub+] [petplay]

Three text messages went out instantaneously, each to their own eager recipient. Short and straight to the point they all informed almost the same things, the three recipients were all required by their Mistress to attend an as yet unknown event. Each of the three male submissives were ordered to be available for a specific day to serve their shared Mistress, none of them knowing that the other two had also received her summons. They all knew of each other and at times had even met and had sessions together under their Mistress, but they all had their own special one on one relationships with her.

She loved each of them in turn as only a Domme could. They all had somewhat similar wants and needs that attracted her desires, but by having the three of them, she could specialise play for each of them depending on her needs. She could also then give each of them enough and push their limits, yet still have another one ready for some play, keeping them all in a constant state of wanting to please her. Her planning had been long and thorough, the messages were nothing more than another link in the chain. She was out to not only give all three of them the day of their lives, but to show her peers the love she had gained from her trio of pets.

She arrived at the State BDSM and Fetish Fair early in the sunlit morning, groups of people, both normally dressed and fetishists, went about setting up stalls and displays, including a large grand stage at the center of the main arena. Her own plans still on track as she registered herself and her sub's attendance, she then lodged two entry forms to the fair officials. Looking to her watch she smiled at the thought of her three little pets, rising and preparing to please her on the little information she had given them.

The gothic dressed official handed the registration papers back to the Mistress, “Looks like you're in for a special day,” she said, a wicked smile breaking across her face. “Thank you so much, and it will be special once my pets arrive. Which way is it to my stables?” The registrations clerk pointed further into the fair, “Follow the path around the track, once you go past the food stalls and pet cages, you will see the old wooden stables, that is the area you requested. If you get to the KY pool, then you have gone too far. I believe your area should be set up to your liking, but if there are any issues please don't hesitate to let us know” “Thank you again, you have been wonderful,” She gave the clerk one last friendly smile and headed off deep into the fetish fair to her awaiting attraction.

Each of the submissives felt their nerves building. Although she had not told them what they were doing she had given them a date and place, a quick google search later, each of them had worked out they were off to the fair. They had each read and reread their message over and over as the days had counted down. Now on the morning of the fair, they individually planned what they could and waited until it was time to serve their Mistress as per her instructions.

Fifteen minutes before the allotted arrival time, two of her subs bumped into each other at the nearby train station. They had not expected to see each other, but neither were surprised either. They nodded a mutual respect, one of deep knowing, and each kept a comfortable silence between them. They fell into step together as they walked through the vanilla world towards a unique cultural fair of wonderment and desires.

Arriving outside the main gate, they found the third of her privately owned trio already waiting. Nods exchanged, they now stood together, not a word uttered but a common bond and understanding joining them together. They waited the final minutes, on the stroke of the clock she walked out through the main gate to meet them.

Their collective jaws dropped as their Mistress approached them. She wore a polished latex catsuit that hid no part of her perfect form, her curvaceous body amplified by the shiny black coating. She had the suit custom made for this very event, and it gave her the look of jodhpurs by way of silver inner thighs that continued up to her tight behind. Around her waist was a ribbed leather corset, made to resemble an English riding vest, complete with red leather tie. Her legs covered from the knee down by tight traditional leather riding boots, their own shine a tribute to the latex above. Her long black straight hair, now cut short and sitting just about her shoulders, giving a classy defining purpose to her look.

She strode towards them, her demeanour emanating that of the Domme she truly was. Seeing her trio together and awaiting her had lit the fire within and she found her true self come out. She carried a leash and studded leather collar in one hand, and a crop in the other. Standing before them, she looked over each of them in turn. They had done as instructed and wore normal vanilla clothing. Two of her pets were of the same hight and build, the third, a bit shorter had a much stockier build. It was the short one she took too first.

Motioning him to come forth and kneel, he complied and dropped at her feet, looking up his gaze transfixed to hers. Roughly she reached out and locked the studded collar around his neck. It was a new collar for him, and although he didn't see it, the tag riveted to the front read 'Bitch'. She clipped the leash to the D ring over the name-tag, and wrapped the leash around her hand several times before firmly pulling him against her side. “Heal, Bitch,” she barked at him. Scrambling about he quickly turned to her side and awaited her next command. Breaking her attention from Bitch, she turned back to the other two, both wishing to be in his place.

“You two have some free time before you are required,” She reached up and pulled two admission tickets from under her corset, all the while yanking on Bitch's leash pinning him to her thigh. “These are for you,” she said handing them over to one of the submissives. “You have 20 minutes until you are required, I hope that you are both wearing what I have instructed as there will be repercussions for all three of you if you have failed.” She then turned away from them both and headed back into the Fair. They stood and watched as their Mistress left pulling Bitch by his leash so that he could neither walk upright or follow on all fours, just trapped into a crouched hobble behind her.

Once she was out of sight, they took a look at each other and headed into the fair together, naturally falling into step side by side. By their body size and mannerisms it would be easy to mistake them for brothers, but this was a trait she had already identified within her two pets and was wanting to exploit.

As they entered they both took delight in the sights and sounds of the fair. There were people of all walks of life, male and female, young and old, all having a day of naughty excitement and wonderment. The fair itself was a mix of stalls and displays all set in and around an equestrian racetrack. Inside the track there was a large stage set up at one end with a band working their magic to the audience sitting on blankets spread across the lush green grass. Behind the band were two large video displays, one cycling through creative advertisements for the fair sponsors, the other with scrolling text of the day's itinerary. At a glance the stage was going to be constantly rolling with different things throughout the day, from music to displays and lectures, to competitions for the attendees.

The two guys made their way further into the fair, they couldn't see where their Mistress had gone, so firstly they had to work out where she was going to want them. They started walking out and around the main arena and followed the path amongst the stalls. Slipping from stall to stall, they didn't see her, just an array of custom BDSM gear and toys, for all parts of the body and types of play. Both wanting to stop and enjoy the wears but the clock counting down kept them moving. Passed the shop stalls they passed by an area filled with varying sizes of cages, some empty others with human puppies or slaves locked away awaiting their owners return. They both took the time to read the warning sign staked at the entrance.





Looking in they both felt envy for the pets already locked away, dressed or not dressed as their owners wished, they had nothing but a freedom from the real world and complete dependence on the one they love. Both of them looked for Bitch, but he was not there, she must still have him by her side.

They continued around the fair and came to some older wooden stables. They had be saved as a reminder of the heritage of the track, and had been unused since the new modern stables were built a few years before. Now they stood out amongst the new facilities and modern layout, but were loved for their reminder back to yesteryear.

Two of the individual stalls were roped off and an 'A' framed sign was covered with a blanket in front of the entrance. As the only display yet to open they were both intrigued and started to look for their Mistress. She was nowhere to be seen, but as they started to walk around to see what was behind the stables Bitch came out on all fours. It was obvious to them that he had been ordered out to scare them away.

He was now dressed very differently then how they had last seen him. Locked in Leather shorts with padlocks on the belt and each thigh, and a large antique iron padlock securing the panel across the front of the shorts. A thick studded leather harness tightly bound around his muscular chest. His hands encased in locked black mitts, and knee pads protecting him from the gravel. His mouth and chin was covered by leather pup muzzle, with straps wrapping firmly around and over his head. It was obvious by his muffled barking that he also had a sizable gag locked away underneath.

He did his best to be threatening, throwing is whole body into his furious barking, only being held back by his leash now attached behind the stables. As they looked at Bitch, they both smiled, knowing him and their joint Mistress, he was doing his job, and loving every second of it. They took the hint and with still 14 minutes until they were required, they took their leave and walked away. At the first sign of them turning Bitch quietened down, his victory sweet. As he turned and crawled back behind the stables, they both watched his rubbery tail wiggle about, sticking out through his leather shorts.

Knowing where to go they both split up to take in the sights. They didn't fully understand what was planned for them, so now was the chance to soak in as much as possible. They knew Mistress has something special planned, but that did not mean that they would get to see the fair. Both of them watched the time intently as they went about, even finding time to eat, drink and relive themselves as they did not know what the future still held. With a minute to spare they both arrived back at the stables and stood awaiting at a respectable distance where their Mistress could find them.

Again she did not disappoint with a grand entrance comming around from behind the stables, still adorned in her incredible outfit and with Bitch held tight by her side. She did not lose her stride as she crossed the ground towards her eager submissives. Careful not to flinch or show any disobedience, they stood perfectly at attention, unfortunately for them, right in the middle of the path leading around the track. She looked them both up and down, inspecting them, looking for a mistake.

“Vanilla clothes off. And you had both better be wearing what I instructed,” she indirectly barked to them both.

Together they started to disrobe in the middle of the fairs foot-traffic. First taking off their shirts, revealing black Lycra bodysuits underneath. Almost as a race they stripped amongst the other wandering patrons, making sure to neatly fold and stack their common clothes as they went. She watched them intently as they each squirmed at the order given. Neither of them were experienced with public displays of submission, and now found themselves putting all of their trust in her, in this uncomfortable location.

As they finished and returned to a stance of attention, their clothes neatly in front of them, she looked them over once more. Their bodies and modesty protected by little more than a wafer thin layer of stretch fabric. Covered from foot to wrist their bodies a neat silhouette in the late morning sunshine, two silhouettes that were almost perfectly alike.

“That's much better, good to see you can still follow the simplest of instructions.” She dropped the leash and motioned for Bitch to stay. Walking around she reached out and ran her fingernails across each of them in turn, seductively stroking and petting them as they stood like statues. With a harsh slap to the arse and a grab to a now not so well hidden hardening cock, she did her best to unsettle their stances. Pleasantly rewarded by their tough resolve to serve, they never moved an inch, as the crowds continued to walk around them.

She motioned Bitch to stand up from his kneeling position and walk on two feet with her back into the stables. Without any orders the two silhouettes stood fast, not daring to upset the apple cart, now nothing more than an obstacle for the hordes of fetish minded patrons. She took off Bitch's leash and hung it over the divider between the stalls, she then unlocked and removed his mitts freeing his fingers. He grunted a sigh relief, a sign that the gag was still jammed in his mouth under the leather muzzle. She took two pairs of handcuffs from a hook in the stable and handed one set to Bitch.

They walked back out into the sunlight, Bitch a half step behind the Mistress, and they went straight behind the statues promptly locking their wrists behind their backs. Their first binding of a long and rewarding day. Grabbing a submissive by the arm each, they lead each of the black bodies into the shade of the stalls and turned them around to face the crowd walking by.

Bitch hooked a rope across the front of each of the stalls and walked off behind the stables, as Mistress enjoyed her two submissives following her desires perfectly. She knew they would be a little uncomfortable at first but by the end each would be left begging her for more of her special treats. Returning with two large luggage bags, Bitch put one in each of the stalls, being careful to put them behind and out of sight of the two silhouettes. He then returned to the foot of their Mistress, kneeling before her and revelling at the praise of a pat to his head.

A one finger gesture, and he dropped to the ground laying at her feet. “Good Bitch, Stay.”

She stepped over the laying pup and into the first stall. Walking straight past her pet, she went to the bag now sitting at the back of the stall. Unzipping the top she smiled to herself at the array of pony gear, carefully selected and custom made within. She rummaged about and found the items she was looking for, placing one item on the ground she took the other in hand and approached her apprehensive submissive from behind.

He had been listening to her behind him, and knew she had returned with something, but now she just stood there. She lent in closer and let her breath tickle the back of his neck. As he took in a deep breath, she took the moment and slipped the Lycra hood over his head. It was the same black Lycra as the bodysuit and covered his whole head, leaving only his face exposed. She walked around him, tucking the long neck of the hood under the bodysuit, leaving only his hands and face for the world to see.

Once she had circled him she went back to the bag and picked up the other item. This item she stopped and admired, it was hand made and she had two of them, one for each of her special submissives. She had been waiting for this moment since she first day she had the idea of making her own pony-boys, and now after a lot of time and effort, she was enjoying the control of creating her dream scenario. She took the custom pony mask and walked back in front of her pet.

“Do you know what this is?” she asked as she tenderly held the mask up in front him.

Not sure of the response she was looking for he just politely nodded to her, his eyes transfixed on the beautiful mask. Looking to her right she saw her other pony straining to look across without moving his head. “It's ok, I have another one for you too.” she smiled to him, somehow releasing any anxiety either of them had.

As she lifted the leather mask up to his face, he instinctively opened his mouth for the bit. Taking the metal gag between his teeth, the bit pushed the corners of this mouth back a little. She pushed it back a little more until the mask sealed against the Lycra around his face. With her other hand she slipped one of the straps over his head and tightened it holding the hood in place. She then slowly and methodically did up the other two straps, locking the mask to his head. Sliding it about to find the best purchase on his face, she then stood back to see her first pony-boy. It was as she had dreamed, with his identity taken, the mask had not only changed his look, but also his demeanour. Without so much of a word, the mask alone had sent him into a sub-space and his posture had switched to that of a pony-boy

Inside the mask his world changed, as she tightened the straps behind this head he took his first deep breath within the mask, his nostrils assaulted by the sweet smell of worked leather. The straps also pulled the bit further into his mouth, his tongue now playing with the metal invader. He opened his eyes, unsure of when he had closed them, and saw his new limited pony vision, only able to see out to the sides, and not directly in front of himself. It took a few breaths, but his mind had slipped to a better place, the exhilaration filling his entire body as his identity changed.

He looked forward as best he could through the mask to see his pleased Mistress before him, her face a picture of delight. Stretching his face as best as the hood would allow, it now felt natural to him, a part of him. He was her pony-boy

She stood and admired him for a few moments, watching as he came to happy terms with his new self, then turned to switch to the other stall. As she turned she was surprised by the small crowd that had gathered and was watching her and her ponies from the rope at the stall entrance. Even she had been so lost in the moment that she had not seen nor heard them. Unable to wipe the smile from her face she continued to move to the other stall, making her way through the gathering.

“Are these new ponies?” asked a bear Dom, his gagged slave in a straight jacket kneeling behind him. “Yes, it's their initiation,” she replied. “They are beautiful, you should be very proud of them,” he smiled to her. “Thank you, I am. They still have a long way to go though, and they have a long day ahead of them. Let's see how they feel at the end of it.”

The crowd parted for her, allowing her to attend her other soon to be pony. As he already knew what was in store for him she took her time, and gave him some teasing petting before giving him his pony mask. He was as hard as an iron bar by the time she had finished strapping up his head, and he too instantly dropped into a pony sub-space. Giving his pony nose a rub, he let out a grumble of content to his Mistress from within the thick leather.

She stroked his body as she passed to get more items from the bag at the back of the stall. This time she returned with some long thick ropes with clips on each end. Attaching one end to one side of the mask-bit she then attached the other end of the lead to an anchor point on the wall of the stall. She then did the same on the other side of the pony. The weight of the ropes now pulling slightly on his mask-bit and in turn that was attached to the bit secured inside his mouth. He could feel the weighty ropes and when he tried to turn his head or move from his spot the ropes went taught and the sensation was relayed directly through his mouth.

Before moving back to her other pony to get his ropes in place, she unlocked the handcuffs holding his hands at bay. At first he brought his arms around to his side, but it did not feel natural, so instinctively put his hands together behind his back, just as they were. She gave him one last pat on the rump before switching stalls and preparing her other pony.

After roping both ponies to the center of their stalls and removing the handcuffs, she stood back with the crowd to admire her work with the identical steeds. She motioned to Bitch still laying on the ground surrounded by the assembled crowd, he leapt to her beckoning. Pushing through the forest of legs surrounding him, he was eager to reach the next step of her plan. Once at her feet he looked up to her and she gave him a lovingly pet on the head before signalling him up from her feet. He stood without hesitation and enjoyed the few looks he had drawn from his Mistress's touch. Toe to toe, she reached out to him and ran her finger seductively under his chin lifting his head and forcing him to look her in the eye.

“Now's your turn to help me. Do me proud and pay attention.”

He mumbled compliance through his gag and leather muzzle, and broke away from her to attend one of the ponies. Mistress also moved in towards her other pony leaving the gathered spectators to watch from the rope blocking the stall entrances. She steeped past her pony ducking under one of his lead ropes, and went straight to the bag.

Returning with more items from the bag under her arm, she took the hand of her pony and gently held it in hers. She caressed his fingers and stoked at his palm before softly pushing his fingers into a fist. The pony savoured her kind touches, trusting in her guidance as she slowly slid a rubber hoof over his balled hand. He felt the rubber contract tightly around his wrist as she pulled closed the zipper, his hand now replaced with a perfectly crafted rubber hoof.

She did not drop her feather-light touch as she moved her hand from his new hoof, up his arm and across the back of his shoulders, and back down to his other wrist. Again she played with his fingers and instinctively as she slowed, he balled his hand awaiting his other hoof. She did not disappoint him, securing it in place with the a pull of a zip.

Running her hands across his back he uncontrollably shivered to the delight of the onlookers. She took his new hoofs, and one at a time, she lifted his arms and rested his wrists over his own lead ropes. In a world of sub-space he complied standing as a cross in the middle of his stall. Across in the other stall, Bitch too now had the rubber hoofs on his pony and was force-ably putting him into the cross stance. Once done she motioned to bitch and they switched stalls. Mistress did not want either of her ponies to feel left out, and as this was there first time she wanted to share in both of their experiences.

From the bags now came more hooves, although these were different and more of a knee high leather boot. Mistress started her touch behind his hips and slowly slid her hands down his Lycra clad thighs until she reached his ankles. Hooking a hand around his shin she lightly pulled back, forcing him onto one foot, his cross stance now giving him some balance on the lead ropes tethering him in place.

Calmly she slid his raised foot into the boot, pointing his toes, she slipped the leather up his calf until his toes could go no deeper. He tested his new footwear and planted the hoof sole into the stable floor. Immediately he could feel the fixed angle of his foot in the boot and the minimal surface he had to stand on. Wobbling about he still held most of his weight on his bare foot as she moved around in front of him. Working from the toe up, Mistress pulled and tightened the lacing to her liking, making sure that he had no movement within the boot and the maximum amount of support possible. Once at the top she finished off with a neat bow and stroked at his leg, encouraging him to put his weight down on it.

This time he felt more stable in his new hoof, feeling the support of the tight thick leather around his lower leg and ankle. Content with her work, Mistress went about giving this pony his last hoof.

Bitch was working on the other pony but in a much more brutal way. The pup unable to convey the same tenderness for the pony as their Mistress was, instead relying on forcing consent from the pony he now envied.

It didn't take long to get them both shod, and Mistress had decided to let them be free to feel their new hooves within the confines of the stalls. She had unhooked for each of them one of the lead ropes, and now they walked about still tethered to one wall, but able get a feel for the new footwear. Mistress had sent Bitch to start preparing the next items of tack for the ponies and she stood with the passing crowd, chatting with them and answering questions.

It was not long before Bitch had laid out an array of leather strapping and other equestrian looking items on the ground within the stalls. The ponies had been walking about, getting used to the feel of the high stance hoof boots they now wore, and the crowd was still cycling past. Everything was following her plans perfectly, all of her submissives were responding as she expected.

Once Bitch was happy with the equipment he had arranged for Mistress, he ran back to her and knelt by her feet. She was busy talking to some people about past sessions with her pets, and ignored Bitch until she had finished her story.

She looked down to him, “Good boy,” with a comforting hand stroking against his muzzle, she continued, “I have to go for a little bit and see some people at the stage. I'll be back soon. I want you to tend to the ponies and wrap up their ankles.” Finishing, she lent in close and gave him a subtle kiss to his leather muzzle.

He watched her cut through the crowd and vanish into the masses of the fair. Light headed and full of lust, her words took a little to soak in, but he turned and went back to tend the ponies. He re-attached both lead ropes to each of the pony's bits, took some snow white bandages, and knelt at the the foot of a pony and started the job of wrapping their ankles.

Mistress cut a line directly to the stage in the main arena. On the main stage there was a lecture going on, demonstrating some simple rope binding techniques. The lecturer, a large bearded gentleman in leather pants and vest was showing the different ties and their uses on his five willing volunteers. He had been doing his demonstration for some time now as all of his subjects were bound in varying states of immobilisation. While he was working on an intricate rear arm bind, he explained what he was doing through his microphone and a camera man buzzed about shooting close ups that were being fed live onto the two big screens behind them.

Cutting around the stage side Mistress found the event organiser she was looking for. “Good morning Madam Que, how lovely to see you once more,” Mistress said to the opulently dressed woman. Madam Que turned to her addresser, her ruby red burlesque dress swishing around with her graceful movements, it hugged her fine yet curvy body and mimicked her every move.
“Oh my god, you look amazing. You really should wear rubber more often, you do it so well.” “Oh please Madam, like you haven't seen me like this before.” She grinned, the compliment well received.
“And what may I do for you on this fine day? How are your little ponies going?” Madam asked. “Oh the ponies are magnificent, only halfway there, but they are coming along perfectly. I just came to see how you are and that everything is in order. My ponies should be ready within the hour.” “Don't fret, the competition will begin shortly, but I shan’t forget your entry. Even if you are a little behind, I promise they wont miss out,” Madam reassured her with a heartfelt smile. “Thank you Madam, I know they will work hard for your cause this afternoon.” “I hope so, you're taking up valuable real-estate in the stables. I had quite a few people wanting to set up in there.” “You won't be disappointed.” Mistress replied. She took the Madams hand, giving it a tender kiss, one of a long-time friendship.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2b6nem/a_pair_of_ponies_part_1_fdom_msub_petplay