Lesbian Spanking, Redheart’s Red Bum [FF, sub, dom, spanking]

(One of my longer, less weird stories. You may find my other stuff at: http://lonelyscoots.tumblr.com/ )

Nurse Redheart was in the kitchen, just making some sandwiches and getting a glass of milk. Lyra calls from the other room for Redheart to make her one as well. Redheart would look to the table, noting that she'd already put everything back, but just imagining Lyra's face she spoke up "Eh… Yeah, of course." she called and started getting everything out again and making Lyra one as well. Butter, cheese and cucumber. Redheart really didn't want to forget Lyra's cucumbers. She'd done that once more and… there had been consequences. Recalling that time she got a pink tone to her face as she looked down at the cucumber before putting it back in the fridge and pouring up another glass of milk"What's taking so long?" Lyra asked loudly, right behind Redheart who in her shock dropped the glass, shards and milk spreading across the floor. With a terrified look she looked to Lyra and Lyra… just grinned.

Redheart's face was crimson red and she stared for several moments, Lyra still just grinning firmly, before she looked down at her feet. "I-I'm so sorry, Ms Heartstrings!"

Lyra let out an amused little huff – knowing that that was all the consent she needed – and put her hand on Redheart's chin, lifting her head so that their gazes met. The grin had been washed away from Lyra's face and instead there was just a blank expression. "Oh, you'll be sorry, alright. Naughty girls have to be punished, you know?" Lyra said firmly. Redheart gulped loudly, putting a hand on her elbow and looked down again "Yes, Ms Heartstrings."

Lyra slid a finger over Redheart's shoulder, just gracing it "Good girl." Lyra commended and sat down in one of the kitchen chairs, crossing her legs casually and resting her hands in her lap. "Now take your clothes off." she commanded. Redheart opened her mouth to protest, but Lyra lifted a hand and Redheart instead just said "Eh." nervously. She was blushing profoundly and her hands trembled as she started to unbutton her slim fitting shirt, revealing a black bra cupping her well rounded breasts. The shirt soon fell to the floor, landing in the puddle of milk. "Tsk. Such a slobby girl." Lyra commented.

Redheart whimpered quietly and undid her bra, hesitating for a moment as it hung loosely from her shoulders before letting that too slide off her arms and onto the floor. Lyra shuffled slightly in her chair and nodded "Go on." she said. Redheart couldn't help but notice her own erect nipples, her face burning knowing that Ms Heartstrings had noted it as well. Redheart also noticed her hands shaking and she couldn't help but slide them along her skin from her breasts down to her skirt.

She heard another superior little huff from Ms Heartstrings. She stuck her thumbs down her skirt and slowly lowered it, trying to delay the inevitable reveal. She gulped as she wriggled her hips, feeling that she was already feeling warm down there. The skirt slid down further and reveal a black pair of panties, firmly wrapping her butt cheeks and sex, but she could see her lower lips poking through the cloth and she dared a glance over at Ms Heartstrings.

Ms Heartstrings had a sly little smile on her face and had leaned forward, resting her chin on her palm as she watched. The skirt hit the floor and Redheart kept her gaze at Ms Heartstrings. Redheart was panting and feeling dizzy, her face and crotch felt hot, but she was shivering from the cold air flushing onto her naked skin and nipples.

"Those too." Ms Heartstrings demanded and Redheart jolted at the sound of the commanding voice and hurried to remove her panties, revealing herself completely as the panties fell to the floor. She closed her eyes and drew a whimpering breath, trying to calm her arousal, and breathed out slowly. She heard another huff from Ms Heartstrings and as Redheart opened her eyes Ms Heartstrings uncrossed Her legs and patted Her own lap, urging Redheart to sit down there.

Redheart took a slow step forward, trying to stay composed, and slowly lowered her rounded behind onto Ms Heartstring's lap. As she sat down Redheart felt a jolt of pleasured relief flow throw her body and she shuddered as she felt the warm touch of Ms Heartstrings.

Ms Heartstrings leaned close, and Redheart could feel Her breath brush against her own skin, sending a shudder through her body. And then there was the voice, whispering so softly in her ear and with another quivering gasp she managed to withhold a moan. "You've been naughty." it reminded her and she could feel a touch of a hand land on both of her thighs, ever so slowly sliding upwards onto her hips and then waist. Redheart bit down on her lip and gulped, trying to withhold another moan but her body disobeyed and she let out a quiet squeak. She felt the breath chuckle onto her neck, sending another pleasured jolt through her body. She could feel her heartbeat in her pussy now and she felt a drop of juice roll over her folds.

"And naughty sluts like you will be punished." Ms Heartstrings continued. Redheart gulped again, trying her best not to move and trying her best to keep her hands in check, having them claw at her own knees as she felt Ms Heartstring's hands slide further up her waist and onto her chest and softly grasping her. She felt the fingers slide over her skin and circle around her nipples and it felt like burning, but she got no relief as they never touched the nipples. Never squeezed her breasts tightly.

"You will get your pleasure, my little slut… as soon as you have been punished." the voice whispered in her ear, every syllable making her shiver as the air brushed against her. "A-anything!" she whimpered desperately and felt her mistress softly press Her lips against her own neck.

"I will spank you five times." the voice said firmly. It took Redheart a second to realise what had been said and for an instant she felt panic, but a wave of pleasured relief took her by surprise as Ms Heartstrings grasped Her fingers around her tits. Redheart moaned loudly and arched her back.

Redheart panted. Trying to get a grasp of what her options were, but as she felt Her fingers move around her nipples again she just nodded frantically. "Yes!" she called out quickly and added "Please, Ms Heartstrings!"

"Then…" the voice started slowly and Redheart felt the hands slowly slide down her breasts and then leave her body. "Bend over the table, you desperate slut." It took her a moment to react, seemingly a delay in her pleasure drugged state, but she jolted off Ms Heartstrings and pressed her chest against the table, not caring about the rough and cold surface against her sensitive nipples. She heard creaking from the chair and then a step, followed by another step closer and then a third.

She held her breath and listened to the calm breathing of Ms Heartstrings right behind her. Her body tensioned, knowing that the first spank would come at any moment now… but instead she felt a hand land on her leg, right below her knee. She gasped at the unexpected touch and obliged as the hand pressed her leg gently to the side, spreading them. The touch left her body only to land on the other leg an instant later, spreading that as well. She couldn't help but whimper as she felt the coldness of the air flush onto her wet sex as she spread her legs, feeling a drop of moisture run over her folds and down her thigh. She had waited so long already!

She felt the hand trail up her leg, almost tickling as it ever so slowly slid over her knee and up the inside of her thigh. She let out a heavy breath onto the table again as the touch moved closer still and then… left her body! So close to what she needed that she felt a brush of air from the movement of the withdrawing hand. She didn't care anymore and she reached down to finally relieve herself, but she felt the hand grip her wrist. "Aww, aren't you a horny little slut, Redheart?" Ms Heartstrings remarked before letting go of the hand "Despicable." it continued as Redheart gave up and spread her arms across the table and whimpered. "And sluts like you need to be punished." Ms Heartstrings reminded and she heard a clap, an instant later a stinging pain running from her ass cheek through her body and she yelped out loudly. "One." Ms Heartstrings said firmly and Redheart knew it was a long way to go until she could get her relief "Aww, the little slut is getting all red already." Ms Heartstrings pointed out and Redheart could feel her face flush even hotter than the slightly tingling burning on her bum and she could feel sweat drip from the tip of her nose as she stared into the wooden table.

Another clap and a wave of pain shot through her body and she moaned loudly, arching her back. She tried to keep calm and not give in, but her entire body was burning and tingling and her bum was so sore. "Two." Ms Heartstrings spoke clearly, but Redheart could barely hear it over the pounding sound of her heartbeat that seemed to shoot through her ears rhythmically. She was trembling and she felt something blow air onto the folds of her pussy and she pressed her face against the table as hard as she could, her hands running over the table as they tried to find something to hold onto.

A smack and another wave of pain caused her to jerk her body to the side, twisting her leg for a moment. She gasped and tried to catch her breath as she writhed upon the table. "Three." the voice of Ms Heartstrings counted, the commanding voice now cutting through all of her pleasured intoxication and it seemed to echo in her head. No, she wouldn't give up yet and she put her leg down again and tried to breath steadily. In and out. In and out, she repeated to herself, every breath seemed to lighten her head a bit, her blurred vision clearing up a bit and the hand on her bum squeezed. It squeezed down hard and she moaned uncontrollably and so loudly that her face felt like burning again. Her ass was sore and she could feel her heartbeat there as well and when the hand that squeezed down left her body untouched she whimpered before taking a deep breath, waiting for the number four. She held her breath, waiting. Any moment now, she thought.

She breathed out and pain shot through her body as number for slammed down on her butt cheeks with a loud clap. She gasped, not being able to breath she writhed over the table again, this time finding the edges and held onto them and tensioned her entire body and panted loudly onto the table. She brought her legs together as tightly as she could and rubbed them against each other, the wetness that had leaked from her pussy making the insides of her thighs slick and sticky. "Four." Ms Heartstrings continued and she felt two hands grasp her thighs and spreading them apart again. "N-no! Please!" Redheart cried out, begging in wanting panic. She tried to turn around to face Ms Heartstrings but she only got a glimpse of the stern look on that face before a hand landed on her shoulder and pressed her into the table. "Four is not five! You just need to wait a little longer, you fucking slut!" it insulted and Redheart whimpered and trembling, almost crying, she whimpered to herself. "Pleasepleaseplease." she repeated quietly as she waited for what seemed like an eternity. She felt her rapid heartbeat pounding through her ass, every beat pulsating the burning feeling in her cheeks. Every time she breathed she became painfully aware of her nipples aching for someone to pinch them hard as they pressed against the table and for all the while drops of arousal trickled down her thigh and for every inch they moved they made her all the more aroused as they rolled over the wanting folds of her pussy that seemed to scream to her for attention.

"Five." And then a powerful slap slammed against her ass and the pain that shot through her body was almost orgasmic in its relief. She moaned loudly and she pulled up her legs, cramping her fingers around the edges of the table and she screamed as loud as she could "PLEASE!" and the response she got was infuriating. She heard a condescending chuckle behind her.

She swirled around. She felt angry that Lyra had belittled her lust, and yet she still felt burning between her legs and her butt cheeks were pulsing with a stinging, tickling mixture of pleasure and pain. She took a deep breath to scream at the mare, but no words came as she looked upon the gentle smile of Ms Heartstrings. She saw Her reach a hand forward and felt it gently stroke her cheek and she trembled under the touch as it continued down her neck.

Lyra took a step closer and Redheart felt the hand trace further down her body and circled around her nipples. She could do nothing but gasp and closed her eyes as the fingers finally reached her nipples and she heard herself whine as her nipple got pinched, a shiver running through her body and she wanted nothing more than to throw herself over Ms Heartstrings, but she couldn’t move her body.

She felt another hand land on the inside of thigh and as the first hand cupped her breast she moaned and pressed herself against the hand and its warm pressure. She felt the other hand move slowly up her thigh and she could feel something trickling down her other thigh and she felt an aching throbbing between her legs and she needed it to be touched. She needed Her to touch it. “P-please.” she tried to urge, just hearing a stuttering whisper come out of her mouth.

“Open your eyes.” she heard Ms Heartstrings command and she felt the hands withdraw. Slowly she managed to open her eyes to see Her with yet another soft smile as She was unbuttoning her shirt. It fell to the ground and she stared down the cleavage of Ms Heartstrings’s breasts and the urge to throw herself over her Mistress returned. The bra was unclasped and soon that too fell to the ground.

“Taste them.” Her voice ordered and Redheart’s body reacted instantly and she put her hand on Ms Heartstrings’s tit and squeezed it as she put her mouth to the other, feeling the soft skin press against her lips. Redheart sucked at it hard and opened her mouth wide as she licked and slobbered at the nipple, making her Mistress gasp and she felt Her fingers dig into her hair and scratching at her scalp.

Redheart’s hands wrapped around her Mistress’s body, pressing Her rich bosom into her face, feeling the soft and warm skin against her own made her shiver and she longed for more touch. She kissed the nipple again, gracing her teeth against it and grabbing it with her lips, giving it a little tug before trailing kisses down the side of the breast. Redheart’s hand roamed the back of her Mistress, digging her fingers into it as they trailed downward and down to the perfect bottom of the woman she belonged to and she groped at and pulled at it, losing herself in her lust as she trailed kisses down to Ms Heartrings’s navel.

“Such a wanton slut.” she heard her Mistress comment “Can’t even control yourself, can you?” She added with a hint of a chuckle. It filled her with shame that she was behaving like this in front of her Mistress without being told so. She just wanted to give in to the lust and throw herself at Ms Heartstrings and give Her whatever she could, but she held it back and looked up, hoping that Mistress would grace her with permission. “Desperate, are we?” Mistress wondered with a smirk as She looked down at Her subject from above Her glorious tits. “Very well, my little slave. Pleasure your mistress and you will have earned your reward.”

Redheart felt relief wash over her and she relaxed and gave in to her desperate instincts. Her body was trembling and aching and she didn’t want anything more than to her generous Mistress orgasm all over her face, even though the thought made her face feel warm. She pressed her face against her Mistress and trailed down her belly, her licking and kissing and nibbling ever closer to what she wanted.

The scent of her Mistress filled her nostrils, even through the thick cloth of Mistress’s pants and, she shivered, panties. She couldn’t resist pressing her face to Mistress’s crotch, drawing in as much of the scent as she could and rubbing her nose and lips against the heated cloth. Her hands were shaking in anticipation and she was panting into Mistress’s crotch as she undid the pants and slowly pulled them down, revealing the white panties underneath them and the dark, damp spot and the contours there. The darker cloth hinting at protruding, expecting lips under that and she pressed her tongue against that spot as she pulled the pants down past Mistress’s knees, taking in the heavenly taste of Mistress and she didn’t didn’t care that she felt her tongue dry up completely as it pressed against the cloth as it was so gratifying feeling Mistress’s finger claw at her scalp, Mistress’s fingers still in her hair.

She felt Mistress tense up as the taste of Her juices spread over Redheart’s tongue and it filled her heart with joy. She nuzzled her nose against the cloth, that was now drooling with both saliva and other juices. She smiled as deviously as she could muster, biting her lower lip as her fingers snuck in under the hem of Mistress’s panties and tugged at them a couple of times before slowly pulling them down, revealing the dripping lips hiding under them and she took a deep breath and blew on them, seeing Mistress shudder slightly and soon the panties joined the pants on the floor.

She pressed her lips hard against the top of the pubic mound, putting pressure on the structures inside of it and she felt her Mistress tense up and she felt the Mistress push her hips forward ever so slightly. Redheart couldn’t help it, but she smirked to herself and gave Mistress’s nub a generous lick before moving further down, pressing her tongue firmly against the bottom of the soft and soaking lips, pulling her tongue up and feeling the warm, slick skin part and roll over her tongue and greedily taking in more of the juices that had so generous been granted to her.

She knew Mistress was holding back Her moans now, like She always did when in a commanding position. Mistress was always steady and in control and Redheart could feel the hands enveloping her head gently guide her, urging her forward and she was happy to obey Mistress so she pressed forward, pushing her entire face forward into the bliss that lay before her, her tongue pressing as far into Mistress as she could reach and her lips kissing against the delicious lips of her Mistress’s wet pussy.

She groped at Mistress’s ass and pressed Her crotch against herself, managing to push further into Mistress, taking Her labia in her mouth and slobbering over Her crotch, nuzzling her nose and panting onto the clit. Mistress’s fingers clawed eagerly at her head and thrusted Her hips at Redheart and she felt the insides that surrounded her tongue convulse and a squirt of liquid flowed out onto her tongue. Another ripple rolled the warm flesh over her tongue and Mistress jerked her crotch at her again and the hands grasped and pulled at her hair. A third time Mistress shook and another flow of liquid ran over Redheart’s tongue.

And then Mistress tugged at her hair again, pulling her upwards. Redheart was happy to oblige and stood up, Mistress wearing that gentle, smug and pleased smile she often had. It brought warmth to her heart and she closed her eyes and Mistress stroked her cheek endearingly. “Well done, my little pet.” She spoke softly and Redheart felt a light touch travel up the length of her thigh and she felt Mistress’s breasts press against her own. “You’ve earned your reward.” Ms Heartstrings whispered in her ear, the air tickling her and making a shiver run through her body.

The touch on her thigh mover upwards and Redheart couldn’t help throwing her arms around Mistress as her dripping lips were graced by the touch of her Mistress. Just a single finger running slowly along the edges of the lips, a light pressure just strong enough to make the slippery, warm flesh budge slightly. The fingertip running over every little crease and bump and she felt that burning heat turn into a roaring fire of need. “P-please!” she pleaded into Mistress’s ear and heard an amused little snort in response.

For an instant it made her angry and desperate, but that didn’t last long as she felt a finger slip into her, parting her lips slightly and pressing against the upper parts of her vagina, sending signals deeper into her body and she felt herself hump against the fingers, her arms traveling further around Mistress and her thigh running up Mistress’s body. She gave herself to Mistress entirely, her legs spread wide and her nethers completely exposed and open as she leaned herself onto the steady, commanding body in front of her.

The finger poked at her insides, scratching at her inner walls and she felt a pressure building up inside of her. She’d been tortured with anticipation and wanton need for so long now. The drawn out spanking, the slight touches and teasing during that long, tortuous and wonderful experience and then having to please her Mistress and it had only kept the heat and need inside of her at bay, how she had longed to touch and be touched and then only to be granted the first of the two. To her, it felt like hours had been passed and she’d been kept close to her release.

Another finger slipped into her, without any resistance, and she couldn’t resist moaning loudly as her entire body tingled and shivered. The two fingers tugged at her insides, sending waves of pressure and release through her body. She felt the tension in her body wash away as the insides of her clit were jerked at and her fingers clawed at Mistress’s back. “Do it!” a steady voice urged in her ear and she let out a scream as two fingers touched her nipple, squeezing and twisting it ruthlessly…

And she felt the warmth rush over her body. Warmth and darkness washed away the tingling sensation and she could her echoing scream in the distance as she jerked her pussy at the hand in it and her entire body tensioned around the steady object of her affections. She heard the thrumming of her heart in her ears and another shudder of pleasure rushed through her and in the back of her mind she found herself biting down at something to prevent more screaming. Her entire body shook again and she felt Mistress stumble just a bit. She felt the world spin upwards as she shook another time and felt her convulsing pussy gush and the pleasure washed away, leaving just the sound of herself panting, her racing heartbeat and uncontrolled panting.

Her body jolted as she felt something move in her pussy that was still pulsing with pleasure, the two fingers that were there spread her open just a bit, torturing her overly sensitive pussy and she felt the liquid inside of her pour out, thick drops of it running down her thighs and dropping from Mistress’s knuckle onto the kitchen floor. She heard a pleased little chuckle right by her ear and felt a quick nibble on her earlobe. “Good girl.” It whispered.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2ajorm/lesbian_spanking_redhearts_red_bum_ff_sub_dom