GRO Part 6 – Daddy used it, too. [Str8, Mf, oral]

It was lunch and Kyle, Bobby and Jeni’s father, had come home from work. He’d told them he was sick, and that was partially true. What he hadn’t done was discuss the nature of his malady. He certainly couldn’t tell them he was leaving due to a raging hard-on.

Kyle knew he had been dumb going to work today. Unfortunately that hadn’t been the only dumb decision he’d made over the last few days, just one of the more recent ones.

The first had been using the GRO.

He’d found the tube in Bobby’s pants pocket while doing laundry. Later that night, curious about what his son had gotten himself into, he looked up the product on the Internet.

Now, any sane, grown man knew it was a bad idea to put Russian penile enhancement cream on his genitalia. But Kyle figured the only way to adhere to this sound advice would be to never possess such a cream in the first place.

The way Kyle figured, any man left for a sufficient amount of time with a cream that promises to grow his dick would end up using it. He certainly had.

That morning he’d woken up to a massive erection. The GRO had worked, but had come with enhanced libido as well. Mia, his wife and Jeni and Bobby’s mother, was already up and getting dressed. Like most couples they had tight routines in the morning and Kyle knew he’d have no luck getting her to fool around. Besides, he wasn’t quite sure how to explain his cock doubling in size overnight.

So he’d hopped in the shower and beat off. Once he’d gotten a good look at himself he was even more impressed with the GRO. Holy crap! He had to be 12 or 13 inches!

He had lubed his hand with shampoo and thought nasty thoughts for about ten minutes before painting the shower stall with his jism. Apparently, his enlarged balls produced an equally enlarged load of cum.

That had relieved his sexual needs a little, at least enough to stuff himself into a pair of khakis and make it to the office. He was still horny, but he figured he’d be fine until he could proposition his wife later.

He’d figured wrong.

As soon as he’d caught sight of the hot intern bending over to feed more paper to the printer his erection had come back in full force.

She’d gone away, but then Nancy from accounts came over to talk to him – stupid, sexy Nancy with her three undone buttons and little hint of lacy bra showing! She’d stood there talking for ten minutes. Kyle couldn’t stand up to face her, due to his cock trying to tear through the leg of his pants. So he sat, face level with Nancy’s tits as she chatted away.

By the time she left he was pretty sure he was one panty-line sighting away from ripping the pencil skirt off some poor lady and getting himself fired in spectacular fashion, so he’d sent a quick e-mail to his supervisor and left for home.

Once he was parked in the driveway it was a mad dash to the computer room. In a flash Kyle’s pants were off, his boxers around his hips and he was furiously searching the Internet for something nasty enough to satisfy his urges.

He was just settling into some albums of young amateurs when he heard a noise downstairs. He listened for a moment, trying to convince himself it wasn’t what thought it was until…


Fuck! The front door.

Kyle stripped off his boxers and threw on a pair of basketball shorts. However, his cock stood straight out, even inside, so he lifted it up and used the waistband to hold it against his stomach. A long t-shirt finished the quick camouflage job and he bounded down the stairs to hopefully rid himself of the annoyance quickly.

Reaching the door, Kyle peeked through peephole. He saw nothing at first, but then caught the top of a whitish-blond head of hair. Someone short. A kid.

Kyle took a deep breath and opened the door. But when he did, the sight in front of him knocked the breath out of him again.

It was a kid alright – a girl. Her light hair was in a pixie cut and she face was young and innocent, but very pretty. She was short and very petite.

However, what gave Kyle such a shock was the massive set of tits she was sporting under a skimpy bikini top. On any woman they would have been impressive, but this girl looked maybe Bobby’s age, and the triangles of fabric did nothing to cover the perky globes underneath.

And she looked as shocked to see him as he as to see her.

“Umm, is Bobby home?” she asked.

Kyle shook his head to indicate the negative, not trusting himself to speak. Besides her eeny-weeny bikini top she was wearing tiny little denim cutoff shorts. She had flip-flops on and that was it. Her whole look was fun, carefree, youthful and – Kyle couldn’t deny – sexy as hell!

“Oh,” she said, clearly disappointed. She looked like she was about to leave. That was good right? What Kyle wanted?

Or was it?

“Do you…want to come in and wait for him?” he heard himself say.

No, you idiot! How are you going to jerk off now? part of him screamed inside his own head.

But another voice – a new voice – spoke up. It came from somewhere else. Somewhere…lower.

Trust me. I have a plan.

She shrugged, put on a grin and nodded. He motioned her past him and crowded her just enough that she had to brush her right tit against his arm. Oh, god, Kyle! What are you doing?

She looked up at him, grinning a little more. No doubt she was used to male attention, with a pair like that. Even as young as she must be…

Please, let her be older than I think!

“So, can I get you a drink?”

“Umm, sure! A soda would be great!” The little sexpot sat on the edge of the couch. Kyle returned from the kitchen a second later with a cold can from the fridge. She took it, smiling knowingly at him.

Kyle sat on the arm of the chair opposite her, mindful of how precariously his cock was restrained behind his elastic waistband. Looking at this girl with her banging body wasn’t helping the situation, either. Every glance he stole at her cleavage made his already engorged member even harder!

“So, you know Bobby?” he said. Stupid, he knew, but he had absolutely nothing to talk to this girl about.

“Yeah,” she said, smiling. “We’re…close.”

Close, huh? Bobby, you lucky dog! Has his old man’s magnetic charm. Kyle had always punched above his weight, so to speak, in the girl department. His wife, Mia, was a MILF for sure. She was 36, eight years younger than Kyle himself. They had begun as a fling – Mia had been engaged when they first hooked up – and he’d gotten her pregnant soon after. Jeni had been two years old before they’d finally settled down and gotten married.

Kyle’s looks had a big part to do with that. He was tall, broad-shouldered and naturally fit. Even in middle age his chest was defined and his stomach flat. He went to the gym diligently, so his arms were strong, too. All-in-all, Kyle was still quite a catch.

So it was no surprise that Bobby was pulling hot girls of his own, even if he was a little young to be starting that. Kyle would have to have the birds-and-bees talk with him sooner than he thought.

I doubt I’ll tell him anything this hot little piece hasn’t already showed him, though. The thought of the hot girl before him on her back getting drilled sent a surge to his cock, making Kyle cough up the drink he’d just taken.

“Oh, are you alright?” the girl said, rising to her feet in alarm. When she did, she dropped her can. Acting on instinct, Kyle lunged upright himself, making a grab for it.

He missed, and the can hit the carpet and began spilling its contents on the floor. Neither of them watched, however, because of what else had happened when Kyle had moved.

They both stared at the massive erection that had escaped its precarious concealment and now pointed lewdly at the young girl’s impressive cleavage.

Kyle froze. Holy shit, we’re done for! One voice inside his head screamed.

Wait for it… insisted the other.

“Oh. My. God.”

Kyle held his breath, not knowing what would come next.



When her eyes found his, he saw the unmistakable look of lust in them.

Wow, Kyle thought, you were right. I should let you do all the thinking from now on.

Damn right, said the voice in his head that Kyle now knew was his cock. And here we go.

Amber couldn’t believe her eyes. She had been in awe of Bobby’s cock yesterday. Before seeing it she didn’t even think they got that big. Even looking on the internet afterwards had yielded almost none that compared.

Yet here, right in front of her was one even bigger. And it was attached to a quite-handsome grown man. Bobby’s dad, no less. Her little pussy creamed at the thought.

“Would you like to touch it?”

Would she ever! Amber couldn’t help but smile giddily as she nodded emphatically. She reached out her hand and caressed the head. It was almost the size of a plum, and it jumped when her hand touched it.

“Ooo!” she exclaimed, a little embarrassed by how young and girlish she had sounded.

Ever since she’d woken up to find that the GRO cream had worked and inflated her tits, she’d been dreaming of ways to get more and more male attention.

Alas, it was a weekday, so skipping school had been a mistake. Every male she knew was either in school or, like her dad, at work. She’d walked around the neighborhood, hoping to find some random guy to tease, but had come up ridiculously short. Wasn’t anyone unemployed these days?

Finally she’d come to Bobby’s house on the off chance that he’d stayed home too. She’d never expected to find his dad.

And she’d certainly never expected to find this!

Amber looked up into his eyes again to make sure he wasn’t mocking her. All she could see was a hungry look that made her little pussy moisten even faster.

Taking this as her cue to go further, Amber took hold of the thick, hot shaft and hefted it, stroking her hand up and down it experimentally. Bobby’s dad let out a low, rough groan that Amber found very encouraging.

Remembering what Bobby had showed her yesterday, she opened her lips wide and took the huge head of his cock into her mouth, being careful not to scrape it with her teeth. She closed her eyes, bobbing her head back and forth, letting her soft tongue rub the underside of the man’s mushroom head.

The effect on Bobby’s dad was immediate. One large strong hand buried itself in her short hair-do. She felt a slight dull pain as his grip tightened, pulling her hair and pushing his cock just a little deeper into her mouth.

“Oh, fuck yes!” he growled, sounding unlike any dad Amber had ever encountered. But Amber knew he was a father – the father of the boy that had taken her virginity yesterday, in fact. The thought was so naughty, so taboo, that Amber felt she might cum from the mere thought of it.

She didn’t get the chance, though, because at that moment Bobby’s dad’s other hand scooped under her miniscule bikini top and found her enormous left tit and its ultra-sensitive pink nipple. The second he pinched it her vision turned to a billion twinkling stars and her pussy spasmed powerfully as her orgasm crashed over her.

Purely on instinct, Amber pushed more of Bobby’s dad’s cock into her mouth, all the way to the back of her throat. She immediately gagged and coughed, removing his cock from her mouth.

But the momentary caress of her velvety throat – or maybe just the erotic sight of the preteen slut gagging in front of him – was enough to send him over the edge.

Suddenly a hot jet of thick cum sprayed across Amber’s face. It was followed by another and another – a seemingly endless supply of hot thick white jism that covered Amber’s face, hair and massive tits as she kneeled there in the afterglow of her own powerful cum.

Seeing his flow abating, Amber captured his big cockhead in her mouth once more, and got as her reward two more big mouthfuls of cum from Bobby’s dad’s magnificent cock.

The spent man collapsed back into the chair, his still-hard cock jutting lewdly from his lap. Seeing it again in all it’s glory made little Amber feel very naughty and very proud for having made it cum. How many girls her age could say they’d seduced a man their own father’s age?

She looked down at her cleavage: Covered in cum. She felt it covering her face and soaking her hair as well. How did this always seem to happen to her? Was she destined to be the cumshot girl?

Not that there was any way I could have swallowed all of Bobby’s or his dad’s humongous loads, she thought as she scooped fingerfuls of cum from her tits and face and fed them into her greedy mouth. She did love the taste of cum!

Her bikini top was soaked as well, so she removed it. That’s when she saw that Bobby’s dad was watching her, and what’s more he was stroking his hard length of cock with his hand. Even in his big fist it looked huge!

Amber couldn’t wait another second. She stood up and wiggled out of her tight cutoff shorts, exposing her bald pussy to a grown man for the first – but she was certain not the last – time.

Now she had his attention for sure! His hand wanked his thick cock faster as he stared at the over-sexed preteen. Amber was loving this! She put her hands on her hips and modeled her enhanced little body, teasing this grown adult who was about to become her second sexual partner.

Finally figuring she had teased him enough, Amber walked over and straddled his lap. He was so much bigger than her that she had to spread her legs almost to the max, but that was fine – it would be perfect for what she planned to do.

Amber took the huge cock in her hand and raised up above, having to put on foot on the couch to get her pussy high enough to reach the tip. But it finally did reach and she rubbed Bobby’s dad’s engorged prick over her slit several times to get it nice and wet.

When she did, the man under her closed his eyes and laid his head back, moaning, “Oh, fuuuuuck, that feels sooooo good.” This made Amber smile as she began to sit down on it, forcing the too-big cock into her tight preteen body.

Inch by inch it slipped inside. His big hands were holding her tiny body around her waist, which made Amber feel secure and vulnerable at the same time, but also very, very sexy!

The pressure in her pussy was indescribable. Bobby’s cock had taken her virginity and stretched her immensely. It had hurt a lot for a moment at first, but then it had turned to intense pleasure. This was different. It didn’t hurt as sharply as Bobby’s had, but it was continuous and much, much more intense. But so was the pleasure.

Before Bobby’s dad’s cock was halfway inside the diminutive preteen, Amber was experiencing an orgasm that made every one before it seem pale and weak. Her head split, her scalp tingled, her legs went numb and her tits…God, her tits were on fire in an incredibly erotic way!

After about two dozen strokes, Amber’s bare little pussy mound touched Bobby’s dad’s soft tuft of pubic hair and Amber herself collapsed against the man’s strong adult chest. She’d never imagined she’d feel this full!

She also felt exhausted. But the man inside her didn’t let her rest long. He began kissing her neck tenderly, which contrasted nicely with the rough way his big hands were kneading her round little ass. Using her cheeks as two handles, he began lifting her slightly and dropping her back down, simultaneously thrusting his hips a little.

The subtle fucking he was giving her stoked her lust again to a full-on blaze. Every thrust he made inside her sent electricity radiating from her pussy throughout her body. Amber sat up in his lap, leaning back to support herself with her hands on his thighs, exposing her perky, pornstar tits to Bobby’s dad once again.

And her tits proved to be a temptation he couldn’t resist. The man let go of her ass with one hand and clutched one tit, bringing his mouth to the other to suck and gently bite her pretty pink nipple. All the while he continued to fuck his massive cock into her steadily. Amber could feel her pussy stretching with each thrust, the head of his cock buried so deep inside her it had to be inside her undeveloped womb. Every thrust made her tummy bulge out obscenely.

Between the physical attention to her enhanced young body and the obvious lust she evoked in this hot grown man, Amber was in heaven – albeit a very dirty, taboo corner of paradise. She was cumming continuously, her pussy juices lubricating their coupling as if her own body was begging to be fucked more and harder.

Bobby’s dad was happy to oblige. Soon he was bouncing her on his lap vigorously. She was so small and light he seemed to have no trouble at all lifting her, and was practically using her entire body to masturbate himself to a rapidly approaching orgasm. The way he handled her made Amber feel like a little fuck toy, and she creamed and cummed all the harder at the thought.

After what seemed at the same time like and eternity and a brief instant, the man slammed her down on his cock, wrapped his arms around her tiny frame and exploded inside her. She could feel his cock lurching in her tight pussy, releasing a torrent of hot cum into her womb. Feeling it send Amber of over the edge once again, and they came together, holding desperately to one another as they climaxed.

Basking in the afterglow, neither was aware of anything but the other. And so neither of them noticed they were being watched until a voice spoke up from the doorway to the kitchen.

“Wow, Daddy. That looked amazing!”



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