Reject [mf, scifi, clone, angst]

Novek was cruel. Not in the real world, not with real people, not out there. But in his room, with his doll, he was as cruel as a man who would kick a dog.

Novek worked fourteen hours some days, usually six days a week. At twenty he had gotten fed up with his life, fed up with his family, fed up with knowing there was nowhere to go but to work on the farm that everyone in his town worked on. Working for some faceless corporation planting some seeds to grow some weird plant that made some drug that the company men wouldn't even tell you what it did.

Novek did well in school, he could have been lots of things. On the ship they made fun of him for sitting in the corner reading books on his ComPad when they played pool or danced or fucked.

The people on the ship didn't like Earth born hicks. They smelled weird and they talked weird and they were always poor. Only poor people left Earth. If you were rich you lived in cities in the clouds and took vacations in exotic places like Heaven Hotels on Io or luxury orbital stations above Venus.

If you were poor you escaped the slums or the farms or the factories and you got a job on a mining ship and faced the dichotomy of everyone looking down on you and imagining you looked down on them.

Novek bought the girl when they passed the asteroid belt. She was a reject; a cast away. The big ships got clones as servants, menial workers, and sex slaves. They encoded them with PreEducation and they sort of seemed like people but they couldn't really make big decisions and they'd do whatever you said. That was the law, and after all the wars and all the corporate takeovers of governments everyone seemed to think that was a pretty damn good law. Fear of the aliens and fear of the singularity were bad enough, they didn't need any other competing factions.

The girl wasn't even a fully grown sex clone. Something got fouled up halfway through and she came out an albino. White skin, white hair, pink eyes. Somebody got her out of the dumpster and fed her and tried to finish her programing.

She could talk a little, clean up his quarters fairly well. She certainly couldn't cook or knit or hold a conversation or play cards. Still, he'd gotten her for cheap and he was one of the only ones outside the managers and officers aboard who had his own sex clone. The only other workers who had them were some guys near the mess hall. They had a male and a female and people would pay to fuck them, but they were contaminated.

Novek didn't share. He didn't even let the girl out of his quarters.

The good part about her, other than the simple fact that she was another person in his quarters, a single person who didn't sneer at him or try and beat him up, was the sex.

It wasn't just the sex, though that was probably the highlight of his life on the mining ship, it was that whatever programming and "PreEducation" they put in her seemed to come out when she was getting fucked.

When she was cleaning or sitting or bathing or anything else and she was a white doll. She was all vacant eyes and a slightly slack jaw. It was sort of creepy. When he grabbed her, pulled down the shirt he gave her to wear and touched her smallish breasts she would actually react. She reacted like a real girl, like his girlfriend back on the farm. She would sigh and shudder and gasp. She'd get wet and hot and ready. She would even talk more, say dirty things, ask him what he wanted.

Her personality was only present when he was fucking her. The minute his fingers slipped inside of her she opened her eyes wide and she was almost a person.

"Tell me you love me," he grunted into her ear, his hands tights on her arms, holding her down even though there was no need to.

"I do love you, with all of my heart. I love you Petre. I love you. Please, will you come inside of me now? Please can you do it? I want to feel it shoot up inside of me. Please, I'll love you forever if you do it."

Sometimes it soured in him; her crudely programmed lies. Sometimes he had to stop, he would hit her, he would make her sleep in the closet so he didn't have to look at her. Sometimes he wanted it enough to believe it and he fucked her and he came in her and he even whispered that he loved her to.

Sometimes he cried himself to sleep and she was a person just long enough to hold him, but when the sex ran out she turned back into a doll and he turned back into a sad and lonely man and they hardly even looked at each other.
