A Teenager runs into his Friends Mother…On a nude beach. [Fdom][msub]

My submission for this DirtyWritingPrompt

(I didn't want to continually post a long thread, so here the story is in whole.)

My name is Michael. And this is how I lost my virginity. It started a long time ago, I was just a kid…No, I didn’t lose my virginity as a child. But this is where my mindset began; a mindset that I rarely discuss in public because society would label me a “pervert.”

It was the late 90s. My family wasn’t the wealthiest, but hey, it’s not like I noticed when I was living at the time. We managed to put food on the table, we managed a living, and money was the least of my worries.

We didn’t have the luxury of having everything we wanted though. For instance, our cable television wasn’t being paid for. I was only a child, but from what I remember the box we pointed the remote at was called a “scrambler.” We had over one-hundred channels, and there is one channel that always sticks out in my mind.

Channel seventy-eight.

If I had to venture a guess, I’d say that I was about seven or eight years old (what a coincidence). I was unable to sleep one night, and decided to turn on the television. Channel surfing, I came across a “scrambled” channel, only displaying a mixture of color, red, black, violet, indeed, the entire visual spectrum was blocking out the image. But the bars of color were calm, and as I squinted, I noticed that credits were rolling.

I waited.

A few minutes go by, and I hear music, Jazz? Well, a Saxophone. The visuals begin to blur again. Soon enough, I’m beginning to wonder why the images are blocked out so much, and I began to explore the buttons on the controller.

The button on the top left was the magic button.

I pressed it, and unscrambled the image. My eyes immediately widened as I saw a man spreading sliced strawberries on a woman’s bare breasts, while licking off the red juices with his tongue and sucking her nipples.

Something felt strange…But it felt strange…in a good way.

I don’t remember what happened next. What I do know is that I re-scrambled the image before I went to bed, and revisited that channel many, many times after. Since then, Sex has always been on my mind.

And I don’t forget things easily.

Fast forward a few years, and I come across the term MILF. People at school would throw this term around casually; I had no idea what it meant. So one day I searched the term.

Ever since, I’ve often had a soft…or hard spot for older women. That’s how it started.

One of my friends during senior year was a kid named Joshua. Josh always seemed like an ass to me. I don’t understand it, but for some reason I don’t understand, we allow those closest to use to be the most horrid to us.

Josh lost his virginity to a girl named Amy when he was sixteen. He wouldn’t shut up about it to me, and for two years always felt the need to bring it up, rub it in my face, and urge me to “get on his level.”

By the way, he ended up getting Amy pregnant. She was emotionally unstable during the pregnancy, and forcefully urged him to marry her, meaning he soon moved out, and is now living with her.

Oh, and he was an only child. I’m sure you can see where I’m going with this.

Even though Josh was an ass, his mother, Barbara was unbelievably sexy. I’ve been fantasizing about her every since I looked up the term “MILF.”

She had it all: An hourglass figure, long, flowing blonde hair, eyes as deep as the ocean, skin that would shine against the sunlight, and curves that you could comfortably caress with your hands, not too big, not too small. Many of my daydreams were of me almost dominating her; Nothing forceful, just her doing as I ask. I’d be in control.

I grew up in California, one of the more liberal states of the Union, and during the summer I would go with my family to the "San Marianna" beach. Of course, I started with sand castles as a kid, and eventually moved onto more mature activities…Nothing obscene, mind you.

Being the liberal state that it is, this summer, the last summer of my high school career, the beach adopted the option for anyone to attend nude. The thought of being makes in front of strangers almost brings butterflies to my stomach, but I'd usually go to the beach in the early morning to afternoon during weekdays, it was almost devoid of people during that time, so it didn't matter that it was a nude beach or not.

One particular Wednesday, at ten, I had just gotten out of my car, and took a seat on the warm sand. There were only a few people, none of whom were nude. I just sat down, closed my eyes, and took everything in.

"Michael? Michael Thomas, is that you?" Her voice froze my blood, even if my heart began racing.

"H-Hey, Mrs. Sanders." Out of all the people on the beach, she was the only one who was nude. It felt as if someone had ripped my heart out, and was furiously pumping it with their palm. I looked away as soon as I made eye contact.

"What's wrong?" She unfolded her towel and sat down next to me.

"It's n-nothing!" I answered. "The sun 's just in my eyes."

"Well, come here, let me help you." She removed her sunglasses, and mounted them onto my ears. "Isn't that better?"

"Y-Yes, Mrs. Sanders. Thank you." I managed to stutter while scanning her figure with my hopefully shielded eyes. Her tan lines were almost nonexistent. They greatly contrasted against her light bronze skin, but they were pale lines, barely and inch thick, that formed a "V." An extremely small one piece for such a voluptuous woman. Blood was no longer in my brain, torrents has rushed directly into my stiffening cock.

She looked out into the ocean while cupping one hand and letting out a small dollop of sunscreen before rubbing it onto herself. Watching her caress her own breasts only a mere feet away from me was maddening. My hand began inching towards my cock as she continued, the white lotion smothering her perfect skin.

"Michael? Would you do me a favor?" My fantasy paused.

"S-sure." I answered. She took my hand, squeezed some lotion onto it, and laid down. I knew what she was asking me to do. This is like a damn movie I thought to myself. I proceeded to lather my hands with the lotion before running them across her back.

"That's good." She whispered. My jittering hands were struggling to stay still. "Lower, Sweetie." She praised before letting out another moan. I swear by now, I was busting out of my pants. I moved lower, my hands running circle around her hips, as my eyes focused on the tanned highlight that adorned her.

"If you don't mind Mrs. Sanders, I think I'm going to cool off in the water for a while." I excused myself as the lubricant began to wear off from my hands.

"Before you do that, let me put some on you." She offered.

"N-no, that's okay, I'm used to just being in my clothes, that's how my family usually did it."

"Nonsense!" She took my hand and dragged me to the ground. "You don't have to be shy, Michael. Everyone here is already nude."

I hadn't noticed, but she was right, the beach's other inhabitants were all nude. I was the only outlier.

"I don't know." I scratched the back of my neck.

"I'll tell you what; just let me put the sunscreen on your back, just in case." I nodded to her suggestion and began removing my shirt.

Her soft hands ran across my shoulders and back, as if she knew what was going through my mind, chills ran down my spine, with a balled up T-shirt in my lap, I tried my best to hide my erection, begging for this to end.

It's funny how this reality differed so much from my powertrip fantasies with her. I was still timid, and begged for this to be over so I could just go home.

"There you go." She whispered in her sultry voice while lifting her hands. "Go on now." She directed. I followed her directions, and ran towards the shore, where I sat down, letting the incoming waves crash into my nerve stricken body.

Alright, take a deep breath. Just calm down, and then you can leave

I heard footsteps interrupting the flow of the waves behind me. She sat down next to me with a smile strewn across her lips.

"M-Mrs. Sanders…? Is something wrong?" She shook her head and moved closer.

"Did you think I didn't notice?" She whispered into my ear.

"N-notice what?"

Her hand slid through the sand, and into my swimming trunks. Slowly she began to run her hand across my shaft, gently pushing it down, as if I were her pet, being rewarded for doing something that pleased her.

"Do you think I'm beautiful?" She whispered.

"What?” I was confused, before I mustered up my honest reply. “Y-yes, I do…" Her hand wrapped itself around my cock, she began to stroke it, watching me squirm with every move.

"Do you want to fuck me?" She whispered into my ear. "Do you want to stick your thick, hard cock into my tight, warn, soaking pussy?" She began to stroke faster while enticing me with these questions.

"Y-yes, I do…"

"Then cum for me." I brought my face down as I felt my cock pulse in her hand releasing my cum to float to the surface of the water.

"Good boy." She smiled. "Now, follow me."

Her wish was my command. A command I would follow without question.

Within minutes, we were underneath the less than crowded pier. She pinned me up against the crossed wooden bars.

"If only could tie you up. I would fuck you all night long." She pressed her lips against mine. "And you would never mind, would you?" She ran her finger down my lips.

I weakly shook my head. She held my hardened cock in between her legs, wet juices running down across it as she rubbed her pussy against me.

"You’re harder than my husband." She whispered. "I always dreamed of having a young, hard cock in me again." She stuck her tongue in my mouth, and pushed it against mine. Her wet kiss making me even harder. "Would you like to touch me?"

"Y-yes." She freed my hands, and guided them to her perfect curves. Enticing me to caress them.

"Just like you did with the sunscreen." She instructed. I firmly gripped her ass, while groping her breasts. Her moans sent vibrations through my body. I moved my hand further down, and soon found my fingers dripping in her juices.

She looked me in the eyes, took my hand and began sticking the liquid from my fingers.

"I think you're ready," she whispered. "I want to feel your cock inside my dripping pussy." She turned, had me hold up her right leg as she guided me into her.

I thrust myself into her pussy without reluctance. She was tighter than I had ever imagined, holding me with a tighter grip than when she held my cock with her hand.

"That's it, Michael, fuck me." She began to move her hips, taking me in faster, and faster. Her pussy wrapped around me like a vice, tightly embracing before abruptly releasing.

It was just a matter of time.

"Mrs. Sanders… I'm cumming!"

She moved back, pushing me against the sea soaked pillars, and fully enveloping my cock within the warm, moist walls of her dripping pussy.

I felt myself pulsing again as my cum coated the inside of her pussy.

"You were fast." She smiled. "Was it your first time?"


"Yes,what?" I was caught by surprise by her suddenly demanding demeanor.

"Yes…Mrs. Sanders." I obediently answered.

"Good boy.” She patted my cheek,“Let's do this again sometime." She said before turning and walking away. I watched as she opened her legs with every stride, letting my cum drip down into the ocean.

I felt as if I had been used…As if I was just get pet.

…and I don't have a problem with that.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/29z98o/a_teenager_runs_into_his_friends_motheron_a_nude