Slow Rush

Monday you first came over

To give me a surprise, that's so neat

Oh. That's right you called is something else

It turned out to be a goose egg treat

There, the two eggs sat on the table

While we two sat on the bed

Staring into each others eyes

Kiss sounds would soon be said

From kissing right to touching

Feeling skin under clothes

My hands slowly cross the border

And retreat from your smiling head slowly shaking no

Our hands exploring each others bodies

It's the best kind of work

Just when I can take it no longer

Off comes your shirt

Revealing your upper body

Turned me on, you must've saw

Then you gave me what I craved

Once you took off your bra

The sight of your breasts

Nipples, shape, color… I have to say

I need them in my hands and mouth

At least once or twice a day

My shirt comes off too

We press our bodies together tight

The soft warmth of the connection

Scarily feels just right

I put your hands on my cock

Feel how hard you're making me

This slow sensual strip tease

Is exactly what this man needs

My pants are getting in the way

I need them off, right fucking now!

You have no idea how turned on I am

I can't wait to show you just how

Just when I think we're about done

With our slow sensual dance

You surprise me yet again

Another treat when off come your pants

I lay on top of you, you lay on top of me

Your warm wetness pressed against my cock

Felt like a soft hot hand

Holding a hard hot rock

We hug and kiss

And touch and play

And smile and giggle

About what the other has to say

I tell you I need to release

You ask me if I'm ready, with those words

I nod my head yes

You lean me back against my pallet headboard

You climb on top of me and straddle my lap

Taking my cock in your grasp

You spit in your hand and rub my tip

I tell you I'm not going to last

It took me no time at all

And there was so much

You got it all out of me

With your slow build and soft touch

It felt so amazing

To release from only your hands

I can't wait to make you feel the same

By showing you the things I can

Everything about that day was amazing

The treat, the affection shown by us

It showed me just how wonderful we can be

When I'm me, you're you, and we don't rush


Categorized as Erotica