Now it’s my turn.

"I was driving to work today, after you fucked me. I was thinking about how I wanted more, still shuttering. Clutching the wheel harder, I decided it might actually be really hot for you to tie me up in bed for once, instead of me always being the one doing the tying. You’d have to cover my eyes tightly with a black blindfold, so I have no choice but to focus my heightened senses on the carnal desire for your touch. You'll tease me with light stokes of your fingers up my thighs and around my nipples, caress every inch of me with your tongue and tantalize my entrance with the tip of your thick cock for over an hour until I'm so ready to be fucked, I'm begging and screaming for you to take me.

Except I'm not allowed to scream unless I'm coming, so you slap me one good strong time across the face to remind me that you're the boss. My face stings but in the best possible way. I know doing this turns you all the way on, drawing even more blood to thicken the core of the engorged head of your juicy dick, which is all I can think about. I submit and stop screaming but continue to beg and plead for you to penetrate me as you grow larger with more frustration and excitement – you're not used to being the one calling the shots, and it takes every ounce of willpower you have not to grab my swollen breasts, bite my neck and bottom lip and thrust every single inch of your red hot convulsing thickness all the way up inside my warm, wet, wanting, needing, dripping pussy, stuffing it in again, and again, and again; harder and harder and harder to satisfy the urge you've ben suppressing for far too long. I'm squirming and burning with fierce pleasure and severe frustration. And you know it. When you finally give it to me you've already been waiting past your pleasure point and have no patience left. You hold the top of my head, wrap your entire body around mine and thrust your throbbing cock so hard and so deep inside, over and over and over again, until I feel close to ripping open in the best possible way.

Hungry to climax, we thoroughly work each other’s bodies over with extreme and intense rigor and relentless passion. Eventually, we find a mental and physical connection so close and deep we begin to form our own frequency. At one point, it feels as though we're so far gone inside each other’s heads it's like we've momentarily traded minds. As your thrusting increases in speed and strength, I feel myself wanting, needing to cum so bad but force my body to wait patiently until you're ready. Though agonizing, it becomes worth it as you take a deep breath and let out several moans and your thrusts become deeper, harder, with rushing momentum to satisfy the buildup that can't wait one more minute inside your head; letting me know you're rushing to the volcano's peak. You tilt your head to the heavens, I feel your pelvis stop all motion as the sweat from your scorching body drips down and sizzles on my face, your breathing hot and heavy against my neck.

Suddenly every nerve in my slippery pussy locks into the savage rhythm of your cock; and I feel it swell, convulse, and gush against my own pulsating insides, adding to the scorching bursts of overwhelming pleasure and satisfaction throbbing each and every nerve in my entire body. As we cum together, everything else falls into a million little pieces around us, and the world fades into a gentle white warm haze buzzing ever so softly. I look up at you and the ecstasy in your eyes as it mirrors the relief and delight in mine, and rest my head against your soft, strong, heaving chest. I let you cool down and unwind for 10 minutes, get up, and bring the ropes back out. You had your way with me.

Now it's my turn."
