Omegle roleplay: Seth-lily (Hope you see this darling)

This is my most recent and most amazing omegle encounter.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You both like roleplay. You: Hi male Stranger: Hi female, age? You: 20. Your? Stranger: 19 You: Cool. Any ideas, or should I start? Stranger: You can start You: I am a doctor. You are a patient. You: Sound good to you? Stranger: Yeah, what do I have? You: Its an examination to determine how you react to different sexual stimuli. You: You're sitting on the cot in the exam room. I enter and put on a pair of gloves. You: "You will refer to me only as 'Doctor.' What shall I call you?" Stranger: "Hi doctor, I'm Lilly" You: "Excellent. Please remove all clothes or jewelry, and let your hair down." You: (Tell me what you do.) Stranger: I take off all my clothes and take off my bracelets, I lets my Bright red hair fall out into its loose curls You: "Do a slow rotation, arms extended." Stranger: I spread my arms and blush while turning around slowly You: "Good. Face me and relax." I put both hands on your waist and slowly run them down the sides of your legs, down to your knees and back up, my thumbs passing over your nipples. Stranger: I relax and I feel myself getting wet as you run you rough hands over my smooth skin You: I pick you up, and place you on the cot. "Spread your legs." My head plunges between your thighs and my mouth attacks your sex. Stranger: "Doctor!" I moan out and fist you hair guilting as you attack my sex moaning and whimpering You: I emerge. "Onto the next part." I pick you up once more. Stranger: "Doctor" I whimper as you pick me up You: I wrap your legs around my waist and your arms around my neck. I put my cock inside you and begin to bounce you up and down furiously. Stranger: "Doctor! Oh my god. Faster!" I scream as I bounce to meet your cock You: I comply, and soon I hear you begin to come. Finally, with a lovely shriek, you have your first orgasm. I pick you up and set you down on the bed. I've done this enough that I'm still quite hard. You: "Take a moment." I begin gathering instruments and equipment. You: "Was that fun for you?" Stranger: I breath heavily as I try and regain myself I see you move Stranger: "Yes doctor, your very big" I moan out You: "Good." "Youre very fun to be with?" You: * "With." You: "This next segment might be more uncomfortable. I'm sure you can forgive me." Stranger: "As long as you make up for it later" I say and wink You: On a tray in front of you lies a buttplug, a belt, and several clothes pins. You: "Choose one." Stranger: "Agh, the belt" I say not rally sure what for You: I pick it up. "Bend over the cot." Stranger: I do as you says nod bend over the cot You: My hand caresses your sweat soaked ass, occasionally giving a little slap. Stranger: I maon out buckling my hips whimpering You: I give a sligt squeeze. I let the end of the belt drape over your ass and slide across. You: "Are you nervous?" Stranger: "A little Doctor" I say truthly You: "Normal." The next thing you know, the belt whizzes through the air and smacks against your ass. The skin reddens on the left cheek. Stranger: I bounce forwards and scream/moan out You: Another slap lands on the right cheek, and again on the left, and once more to the right. Stranger: I scream out giving my second organs I moan out "doctor" and sit up straight Stranger: *orgasm You: "Was that good for you, Lily?" Stranger: "It was very kinky doctor, I can just feel the pain in my ass" I say You: "Alright." I set the belt down. "On your knees. if you would." Stranger: I get on my knees, my legs shaking form the pleasure of my two orgasms You: My cock is directly in your face. "Have you given oral before?" Stranger: "No sir I have not" I say blushing You: "Well, its simply. Open wide, and put your lips around my cock. Go back and forth, and when you feel comfortable, add tongue. And don't bite." I smile reassuringly. Stranger: I do as you say and start moving my head back and forth I could not fit all of you in my mouth so I pump the rest and I do purposely softly grase my teeth on your length then moving my young in circles. I pull you out if my mouth and blow cold air on you You: "Thats very good, Lily." My head rolls back, my hands grip your shoulders. Stranger: I move my head back an forth again, in till you shoot in side my mouth You: (Are you masturbating to this?) Stranger: (Are you :) ) You: (Yeah ;)) You: I take my cock out of your mouth. A wealth of white semen drips forth and onto your chest. Stranger: (That's so hot, and yeah I am) Stranger: "Was I good Doctor?" I ask You: I smile down upon you. "You were great, darling. But we're not quite done." I sit you back up on the cot. "Take a moment, clean yourself off." You: (Can I give you a number to text me at? If not, thats cool, I know its weird to ask, but I haven't had an experience this sexually good before.) Stranger: I use my finger and get the left over sprem off my my chest with my finger and then lick in moaning Stranger: (Sorry I don't) You: (You don't want a number? Thats fine. Lets enjoy the rest then.) Stranger: (No thank you, and yes please I'm so wet) You: I hand you a white cotton robe. "The final segments are in a different room. Please follow me, Lily." I take your hand. Stranger: I stand up but I stumble from my legs being so weak I grab you arm You: Your head rests on my shoulder. My arm is around your waist. You close your eyes and rest. You: The next thing you know, we're in a similar room, except that there is no cot, only a machine on one wall. The room is much bigger. Stranger: "What's that doctor?" I ask You: I take your robe and hang it on the wall. You: "Have you been anally penetrated before?" (And seriously, have you?) Stranger: "No I have not doctor?" I say looking at you (that's the truth) You: "Get on your hands and knees, facing the door." Stranger: I do as you say You: (When I tell you, I want you to try fingering yourself anally for real. If you don't like it, stop, we'll do something different.) Stranger: (Ok ill try /:) You: I maneuver behind you. I spread your cheeks, giving your sex a kiss. Without warning, a single finger enters your anus. (Go.) Stranger: "Oh god!" I mutter feeling your finger in me streching me makes me whimper (it feels so weird but a nice soft if wired) You: "Normal, darling." (Thats so hot. I'm ridiculously hard.) I continue, and soon a second finger enters. Stranger: "Doctor that feels painful but so good" I whimper out (oh god you make me wanna come so much baby) You: I continue, faster and faster, soon a third finger joins. ( You: (Ive never been so hard. I know you said no to phone number, but i would love to have another exchange like this. Can i give you an email address?) Stranger: "Doctor that kind of hurts" I whimper out (I can't my mum toke me phone off me) You: (But can you email me from the computer? If not, I have a reddit you can message me at.) You: "Don't worry." You: A few more seconds of blasting away, and I'm finished. You: "One last, for the moment." Stranger: (What your favour word will type it in intest and we can find each other) "ok doctor" You: "Behind you is a sex machine. A thick dildo is mounted on a piston which will go back and forth inside your anus. During, you will suck me off." Stranger: "Doctor I want you inside me@ I whimper our looking you in the eyes You: "You won't have to wait." You: "Lets forget the dildo. Stranger: (Ok will go… Seth-lily write it like that" You: I bend my knees behind you. The tip of my cock enters your stretched anus. (Okay.)

Stranger: "Doctor I want the that in me and you pumping do fast" I did get to finish because you entered me I yell out You: Sorry, wrong keys You: I ram the whole of my cock inside of you, going back and forth so, so fast. You scream. Stranger: "DOCTOR FASTER" I scream bouncing on you going faster You: I comply, holding your head down with my foot, going in and out with ridiculous speed. Stranger: (I'm really about to cum!) You: At the last moment,I pull out and enter your vagina, continuing to thrust back and forth like a steam engine. (Cum , You: (Cum, You: cum lily scream my name inside. Scream for Doctor. Stranger: I scram out (I'm just about to) You: I pick you up and continue to bounce you just like when we began. I look into your eyes, hands squeezing your perfect ass. Stranger: (Just about there) You: (Me too) My tongue caressed yours, my cock thrusts in and out of your lovely, amazing sex, I give you a hard slap on the ass. Stranger: I nibble down on you lips bouncing faster my self playing eith you ball bag You: Finally, I lift you off and set you down. I scramble over you and ejaculate hard onto your face. Stranger: ( I won't write back fo a min need two hands ) You: (Cum so hard for me baby. Oh, I want to do all those things to you. That part when you played with your ass, I've never been harder. About to cum Stranger: Just about ugh I'm so close You: I finally finish with your forth orgasm, placing my head between your luscious thighs and whispering sweet nothings into your sex. Stranger: (Omg that so hot) You: (Cum for me darling. I will for you.) Stranger: ( my legs are shaking omg) You: (If I could I You: I'd fuck you forever. Stranger: Baby oh god it's coming You: Me too, tell me something hot you do to me Stranger: Ill nibble on you neck leaving love bites every where I can, I grind my dripping pussy on you You: I fuck you hard, biting you neck, first in the pussy, then the ass, back and forth, hands all over you fine tits and gorgeous ass Stranger: OMG! That was the best thing ever! You: Almost finished, plEASE help me finish Stranger: I nibble on your neck faster, I bounce on your throbbing cock so fast that you hear the hard slapping if our skin together my orgasm all over you warning your length up You: just came ao hard Stranger: Oh baby I'm dripping with my come wish you where here to clean me up ;) You: Yeah, same. Open a new tab with omegle, see if we can find each other, don't exit this though. Stranger: I'm on my iPod, I can't You: Oh. Stranger: Yeah….. You: That was so fucking intense Stranger: Mhmmm ill dripping down my thighs Stranger: *im You: Dripping across my waist and onto my bed Stranger: Oh baby and here I am in a chair, it was so hard at first my mum was in the lounge room with my, she got ba k from work You: I wish I could fuck you in real life. If you can get to a computer email that adress I gave. If not, I'll try and be on sometime tomorrow night. You: Or if not then night after tomorrow Stranger: Oh baby I really can not wait in getting do wet again You: Easier for you then me to cum. But I get so hard thinking of your finger in your ass just for me. Thats so fucking hot lily Stranger: That was so fun for me You: I'm glad. Will you ever be able to email me? I don't want pictures or nudes, but I can't wait for our nextt… session You: We didn't even get to the buttplug… Stranger: What's do you do when you use a butt plug You: I put it in your ass. It enhances orgasm. But really, will you be able to email me? If not, reddit account is sfrasermait Stranger: Ill try so hard to email you You: With buttplug, vagina wall pushes against it, feels great You: Don't get caught darling. Stranger: Oh god I'm horny again You: Sorry about that. If we can't talk one night, put something in your ass and think of me. Stranger: Oh I will, I'm playing with myself again now You: Got that address written? Stranger: Yep You: Great. Now, just for me, can you put something kinda big in your ass? A banana, or three fingers? Stranger: Ill try three fingers /: You: Tell me how it feels… Stranger: It hurts a bit, but the faster I move my fingers the better it gets making me dripping wet again You: I want to fuck you so hard in real life. I'm just gonna give you my phone number. Call it if you want a nice sexy chat. I don't want to meet up or anything, but call or text if you want. Stranger: Ok, it'll be a month before i get my phone back :( You: I can wait, lily. I'll try to be on here tomorrow night and night after. Seth-lily for tag. If not, send me that email. Can't you call on your house phone? You: (I want to hear you gasping and moaning, darling) Stranger: She won't let me use any phone You: That really sucks. I'll give you the number for future reference. You're in the US, right? Stranger: No I'm in Australia You: Oh. How about that. Well, country code for us is one, i think You: I'll wait on the email. You: I hate to do this, but lets try and exit and find each other again Stranger: Ok bye big boy You: Seth-lily only tag Stranger: Seth-lily


1 comment

  1. This wall of text gave me vertigo, then I fell out of an office building window and died. Thanks a lot.

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