Stuck, Fucked and Sucked [mf][oral]

The subway car emptied out around Kendall Square. It had been a long night, my back was tired and the suitcase I lugged around like a barbell was comfortably resting on the seat next to me. The only other person on the train was a pregnant woman doing a crossword puzzle. Our eyes met as I studied her – blonde hair, puffy breasts, and a distended stomach that looked swollen and plump – but she quickly diverted her gaze, likely put off by the exhausted sixty year old man she saw staring back. I wanted to get up and talk with her. I wanted to tell her about how I used to be a famous lover in the 70's. I wanted to show her my tattoos and bore her with a story about the time I met Elvis in a bar outside of Reno, but it was easier to mind my own business than it was to try and learn hers.

Speeding along, the subway took a jarring turn before Harvard Station and suddenly stalled. The lights flickered for a moment and then died with a frustrated hum, flashing once more before turning off completely. A voice rumbled over the intercom, "We're sorry for the delay. The train is experiencing some mechanical difficulties and we ask that you remain seated until further notice. Thank you."

"It's okay." I shouted in the direction of the pregnant woman.

"I know," she replied. "I know, but I'm still freaking out. I don't want to give birth! Not here. Not like this!"

Standing up, I blindly made my way over to her. "Shh, it's okay. You're going to be fine, I promise."

"You don't understand," she whined, "I'm freaked out by small spaces. I feel like I'm trapped under the earth!"

"You're not, okay? This happens all the time. They haven't replaced these trains since 1985. It's to be expected."

"Feel my stomach," she yelped, grabbing my hand and forcing it down onto her throbbing belly. "Can you feel him kicking? Is he going to burst out of there?"

"I can feel him moving, sure. But it's not violent. I think its normal movement."

"What would you know?"

"I had a wife and kid once."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

"Sure," she said, squeezing my hand. "Your skin is really warm."

"Thanks. The doctor says I have good circulation."

She giggled and my heart melted in my chest, pooling in my crotch. I could feel myself stiffen beneath my khakis. Her hot breath tickled my face, and the more she laughed the harder I grew.

"I'm still nervous," she insisted, lowering my hand further down her belly until my cuticles rested right above her mound. "Could you help release some pressure?"

Gulping, I replied, "Um, okay. What do you want me to do?"

"Nothing, I just need your hand."

She grabbed my fingers with surprising force, jamming them beneath her panty line, pushing aside the wet lace clumped there. Her lips were smooth and wet. It had been a long time since I had stroked the mouth of a cunt, and I was barely containing the nut that marinated in my sack.

"Mmmm," she groaned, bunching my fingers together into a makeshift cock that she swallowed with her pussy. I could feel the length of my hand disappear into her innards that pulsed hungrily around my knuckles.

"I have a penis."

"I hope so," she jeered. "Stick it in."

Without a second thought, I undid my belt buckle and slid my trousers down around my ankles. Moments later I was buried inside her, and the girth of her belly pressed comfortably against my beer gut. She moaned and groaned and dug her nails into my back, tearing at the shirt, digging through the material in an attempt to rend the flesh pulsating beneath the cotton.

I undid her bra and let her heavy tits fall from the blouse, tweaking the nipples until a jet of milk splashed against my chest and I bellowed madly. Faster and faster I went, diving deeper into her cunt, pressing the head of my cock against the walls of her canal, rutting myself in the indomitable expanse of her feminine fissure.

In a fit of passion she switched positions and straddled my lap, riding my dick with a maniacal determination. Every lunge drove me closer to madness as I tried to suppress the inevitable tidal wave of semen that bubbled up from my urethra like the pre-cum of a geyser.

Sensing the inevitability of my fortitude, the pregnant woman enveloped the root of my prick and wrenched the life from my veins. "I'm going to cum," I somehow managed to say. So she slid off of me and took my penile piston into her mouth where she disarmed my sexuality with the tip of her tongue. A bevy of man milk exploded from my dick hole as she gently gnawed on my foreskin. The pressure of her teeth helped work out the dregs of cum still trapped in the shaft.

Breathing heavily, I fell off of her, redressed, and returned to my seat. In the darkness I could hear her finish herself off, laughing. By the time the lights turned back on, and the subway lurched forward, we were in the same positions as before: her with her crossword puzzle, avoiding my gaze and me with my loneliness, drooling over the body of a stranger.
