Lights in the Harbor (part 3) [FM] [str8] [strangers] [exh] [tease] [finale]

For the build up to the action, please see Part 1 (the meeting) and Part 2 (the foreplay).

…And now the conclusion.

He pulls me unsteadily to my feet; his lips lustfully search my neck, his mouth hot on my collarbone. As soon as he started, he backs off and pulls me with him towards a breakfast table in the middle of the floor. Like the rest of the balcony, it’s solid and well-constructed. Before I fully realize what he’s doing, I find myself positioned by his hands. He bends me forward over the light varnished wood so my nipples press against the surface. He smooths his palms over my ass. The touch of his skin is electric. My hips shift back instinctively. I want more of him.

His gentle caress turns into a sudden sting when he slaps my ass. Unbidden, a needful grunt escapes my lips, though I wonder exactly what I need. To fuck? To be spanked? Ideally both? Before I can turn to look back at him, I feel what is unmistakably the head of his cock against my pussy. One hand holds my hips in place as that thick head brushes up and down my slit. He's taking his time, dabbling in my juices, letting us both feel how wet I am. He plays me like that, up and down, with a slight rocking motion in his hips. A shallow thrust and half of the head pushes inside me and then quickly disappears. With the addition of an occasional spank, I’m kept on edge — panting, moaning, almost begging him to just fuck me already. Each time I feel his cock center on my pussy I try to thrust myself back on him, but his hands are holding me in place. I think he enjoys building the frustration in me, making me feel at his mercy. My eyes are staring out on the water, the harbor buoys undulating in the waves follow a rhythm more regular than the random pace of his tease but they too add to the quiet tension in this moment.

I have a small warning when the backward swing of his hips takes a longer pause and then my pussy is parting around his cock. I gasp. As much as I craved being filled, the timing is a complete surprise. I clench my teeth as the shock ripples down my pussy and flattens my tits against the e. He feels thick, I think he's a little bigger than I'm used to but the slight pain at being stretched is welcome if it’s a harbinger for pleasure.

The moment his hipbones touch my ass he grunts. His cock is fully buried inside me for just a second. Then the ripple I felt at being stretched retracts, my pussy closing in around air as his cock leaves me. Another thrust in. He loosens his grip so my hips can rock back at the end of each stroke. Soon we're filling the enclosed balcony with vocalized ecstasy. The smells of sex and lust hang in the air along with a salty tang as we break out in sweat. We build enough momentum that those heavy balls I fondled earlier swing against my pussy lips each time his hips hit the curve of my ass. It’s a glorious feeling. I don’t ever want him to stop fucking me.

I turn my head to the side to watch him standing behind me. For a long moment we're grinning at each other, reveling in our shared pleasure. I didn't know it signaled another change in pace. The moment ends when he slams his cock into me, fast. The angle has changed too, now our thighs are slapping together. I push myself off the table to meet him. He’s so deep, I feel so full of his cock, so tight around it. Oh, fuck. I might have said that out loud — I can barely tell around the uncontrollable spasming of my pussy as I cum hard on his cock. I think he’s saying something too but I can't make out the words over my moans. The orgasmic pleasure whites across my vision.

He rides me out on the edge of that climax until my moans quiet down to whimpers. From his panting breath I know he's close. He slides his cock out of me and turns me over on the table to face him. I’m a little dizzy from cumming so hard but still I prop myself up on my elbows to gain a better vantage point as he slides his cock back into my pussy. My juices make it easier this time, he slips all the way in and immediately resumes rocking his hips into mine.

I wrap my legs around his waist as he pounds my ass into the table. Every time his cock impales me it rubs against the secret, sensitive spots within. Every shift out, my pussy grips him hard. My moaning is so loud it echoes off the glass. The pleasure is so immense I don’t want it to ever end. Again my pussy spasms and clenches as I start to cum a second time around his cock. My legs tighten too, holding him close in to my body. This time the orgasm manifests itself as a scream. His jaw drops in aroused surprise.

Then the part I always crave. As I’m still screaming my moan, his cock swells inside me and the next few thrusts of his hips are the roughest yet. He hammers into me as his groans mix in with my own. The low growl cuts through to my ears. Finally he pumps his thick, hot cum inside me. I feel it of course, but the best part is watching the absolute pleasure on his features: his mouth wide open, his pupils dilated and eyes unfocused, the muscles in his neck and arms tensed.

Our climaxes die away until panting replaces our moans, leaving the balcony in relative quiet. My pussy grips him once more before he eases out. After I slowly unwrap my legs from his waist, he leans forward to press his lips on mine. The kiss is warm and passionate.

"Mmm," I breathe out. "I really needed that."

The mischievous look returns to his face. "Care to join me in the shower?"
