This is the way….[M/F] [Oral]

“Is this how everything ends?” Sofie lamented. “Not with a bang, but with a whimper?” Her hazel eyes shimmered as she pleaded with Paul. He was beginning to question his resolve with each passing moment.

“Shouldn’t we end it with a bang?”

Before he knew it, her sweetly scented lips were pressed hard against his own, Sofie’s nimble, strong fingers quickly working on the silver buckle of his belt.

“One more time, for old time’s sake?” She purred into the warm hollow of his neck. He could feel the silk of her hair against his chin as the words sent shivers down his spine. Was this what he wanted? Of course it was, right? A bang and not a whimper?

A whimper was all that was able to escape his lips as Sofie nipped his hardened shoulder, licking his wound as she moved down his shoulder. He reached to stop her but instead of discouragement his press against her waist encouraged her on.

“Wait…Sofie. This isn’t what I want.”

“Oh? What is it that you want handsome? Me? On my knees while I take your hard cock into mouth?”

Paul stuttered, “No, we should really talk about this. Like adults.”

“Or I can fuck you like the adult you are? I know you want it.” Sofie slid her hand down his tattered shirt, past the belt splayed open and then her fingers trickled like water over his hip bones, under his jeans and straight to his already throbbing cock. “Just let me take care of you honey, one last time.”

God, this woman should be a magician with her sleight of hand, Paul thought to himself. I should really…

“Oh my god.” Was the only thought that Paul had after that, as Sofie pulled down his jeans and lowered her tall, curvy frame to her knees. Quickly, she began to kiss his exposed, muscled legs while her fingers danced across his manhood. Paul didn’t know what else to do but give himself over to her. Standing, defeated and delighted, Paul pushed Sofie’s head up and towards his penis, her pink lips already moist and open to receive him.

The first touch made him shudder with pain. The next sent him to another dimension. If there was one thing Sofie excelled at was the art of pleasure. She slowly sucked on his dick, taking the swollen tip into her mouth as she ran her tongue from the bottom of shaft to the very tip that was already dripping. With firm, deft movements she cupped his balls and tasted the beginning of his pleasure. “See, isn’t this better than breaking up?”

With that, Sofie swallowed him whole. He could feel his cock slide into her throat as she fought back a gag. He didn’t care. All he could think about was her mouth and his cock, he wanted more. Faster, harder, deeper…If this is what she wanted he was going to give it to her. She was a whore anyway. She deserves to be fucked in the face for all the shit she put him through. She was a dirty slut, whore. He grabbed her dark curly hair and shoved his dick into her mouth like she deserved. He thought he could hear her moaning.

“Shut up you whore.” He roared at her. “Make me come you whore. Make me come”

Sofie’s head bobbed faster and her mouth grew tighter as Pauls pleasure increased. Paul shoved his hand down her shirt and grabbed her breasts hard.

“I’m going to fuck you till I come. Isn’t that what you want?”

All Paul could hear were excited whispers and the sound of his blood pumping in his ears. He could feel Sofie’s fingers on his ball sack, tugging gently and pressing so he could feel electricity radiating through his entire body and he could feel his cock straining against the confines of Sofie’s mouth and throat. She’s the one who wanted a bang, after, at that was what he was going to give her.

“Yeah, you want it. Don’t you you dirty slut. Isn’t this what you want? You on your knees while I fuck your face. You’re the best at sucking my cock. No one can do it better than you.” He pinched the tips of her nipples and he could hear her muffled cries. “Take it bitch. You’re going take everything I give you. I’m going to fuck you til I come.

Sofie ran her tongue up and down his shaft while he plunged himself deeper and deeper into her warm, wet mouth. He could feel her gag when he thrust himself down her throat, grabbing her hair and shoved her face into his cock. She wanted this, bad, she needed his cock. He knew what he had to do.

Paul let go of Sofie’s hair. He grabbed her by the shoulders, “Turn around. I’m going to fuck you from behind.”

Obediently, she obeyed. Paul quickly pulled down her jeans, exposing her curvy ass and pink pussy. More like a mauve, Paul thought to himself. Sofie was already soaked to her core, he could tell. Little sluts love being used.

Paul lowered himself to the ground “Do you want me to fuck you?”


“I can’t hear you. Do you want me to fuck you from behind or not you little slut? Do you want it?”

“Yes, yes. Please. Yes.”

“You can beg better than that you little whore. I know you're good at begging. So beg for it.”

“Please, Paul. I need it. I need it. I need your cock. Please, please give it to me.”

“Oh, I’ll give it you. You whore. I’ll give it to you till I come and you're going to like it.” He plunged his hard cock into her. “Ah, you’re pretty tight for a whore. You haven’t been getting much lately, have you slut?” Paul grabbed her ass and pulled her body tight against him. He could feel the muscles of her vagina contract against the swell of his manhood. He could feel her dripping on his balls, her juice bringing him to almost orgasm.

“I’m going to fuck you till I come.” She just whimpered in delight, unable to do anything but be fucked by Paul’s cock. She didn’t want any more than that moment of bliss. Neither did Paul. He hunched over her back, grabbing her tits and thrusting into her like she was the only pussy he ever had. He pounded her, deeper and deeper, while she moaned like a horny teenager. He couldn’t see straight, think straight the only thing that mattered was his cock sliding inside of her while she moaned and sighed and bucked against him like a wild pony.

Soon, he could hear her screams against the beat of heart. He screamed and moaned while he called her names and fucked her hard from behind. There was no time or space, only this. Only the slapping of her fat ass against his balls that were dripping from her juices. Paul could feel the atoms of his being rising and falling and crescendoing as he fucked her harder and harder. He could feel her hard nipples as he twisted, she deserved all the pain with her pleasure. He could feel himself, he knew.

“I’m going to come, I’m going to come. Make me come you whore make me come, I’m going to fuck you till I come.”

“Fuck me till you come baby. Fuck me. I need it, I need it.”

“Oh my god, Sofie, Sofie. I’m going to fuck you till I come. Oh god. Oh god. Fuuuuuckkk.” He thrust wildly, digging his nails into her breasts as he screamed and roared with pleasure. “Fuck, fuck. fuck.”

Suddenly, he exploded. His body burst into a billion pieces of flame as he spouted hot cum into her wet pussy. Each shudder and scream of pleasure left him shaking and breathless.

“Oh baby, you’re so good at fucking me. Fuck me more?”

“Not now Sofie. I’m fucking exhausted. Why don’t you go make me a sandwich?” Quietly, Sofie rose from the floor, pulled up her jeans, adjusted her breasts and walked toward their kitchen.
