The Playroom [FMF], [swing]

I walk into the club. They know me by now, and they know my routine. Drop my things off in a locker, drop my bottle at the bar. Chat with the bartender a bit while she pours my drink, then head to the top floor. I'm so nervous that I feel like everyone must see. After all, tonight's just a bit different. Tonight I'm trying something I've only dreamed about.

I make my way up the stairs, sipping the whiskey with one hand, lifting the edge of my robe with the other, trying to project confidence and surety. Some part of me realizes that I'm probably smiling too much, and I try to calm my nerves. The shadows of the top floor seem to pour onto the landing along with the sounds – music and a distant moaning.

Turning the corner, I notice a couple sitting on one of the couches, tentatively touching each other and shooting glances towards the back. First night, I think. It was hard for me to move past the lounge at first. The playroom is … intense. But maybe I can get them to join me. I'm right on time and it would fit my plan nicely.

I take off my robe and glance at the new couple through the veil of my hair as I walk through to the playroom. His eyes drop instantly to my breasts, taking in the sight of my nipples. Hers go right to my pussy, and I notice her hands tighten on her boyfriend's knee. I think we have a winner, I tell myself, tossing the robe onto an empty bed on the right. From here, I'll be visible to anyone who comes upstairs. I beckon the couple over and they shyly approach. I rest one hand on his belt and reach the other into her thick brown curls, drawing her mouth to mine. I love the way men feel, but I love the way women kiss. Here I can have them both, or something else entirely.

Before long, they're both naked too. "Lay down," I murmur into her ear. "I want to taste you." I have a feeling she'll want to reciprocate later, but that's not in my cards this week. I'm after something a little more complicated. For now though, I bend over the bed and start working my way up her thighs, towards her clit. That's when I notice his hands on my waist. Mmm, rough hands, I think appreciatively. He pauses, noticing the pink handle of my butt plug for the first time. Over my shoulder, I say "Leave it in. I want you in my pussy with that plug in my ass". With that, he slides in, filling whatever space was left completely. I start moaning and gasping, and the brunette under me writhes in time. While I'm gently sucking on her clit, I slip two fingers inside of her and start rubbing her G-spot, making her moan wildly. I can tell her boyfriend doesn't eat her out often, and it's not long before she's close to cumming. He is too; I guess he likes the feeling of the plug. I don't mind – it loosened them up and like I said, I'm after something a little more complicated. I glance up at the clock on the wall and see that it's about 12. Perfect.

It only takes about 5 minutes for everything to change. 5 minutes for the couple to cum and 5 minutes for you to show up in the doorway with your friend, eyes widening in realization. We're catching our collective breaths in a heap as you slowly walk over, devastatingly gorgeous, tattooed and grinning. You had no idea that I heard you making your plans the other day through the thin walls of the conference room, did you?

There's silence as the couple wanders downstairs in search of drinks. My heart is in my throat and all I can think is, Say it! Say it like we planned! Before I can get the words out though, your friend interrupts. "Do you two know each other?" I had barely spared him a glance before but now I take a minute to take a look. As built and tattooed as you are, the sight of him makes me sigh in appreciation all over again. Thankfully attractive people tend to be friends with each other, I think with a small smile. "Yes," I say out loud. "We've run into each other near our jobs from time to time." Your eyebrows arch at the lie and you develop a smile to match mine as you stand there, cock hardening, staring at your naked boss.
